1、Northern Ireland1.IntroductionvNorthern Ireland is the fourth region of the Britain.Ireland, located in the northeast of the island, .And the capital of Belfast. Intermediate flat terrain, surrounded by mountainous. The main rivers is Lough Neagh. The area of 396 square kilometers and its the larges
2、t lake in Britain.v1801年爱尔兰岛划归英国。1921年南部26郡组成自由邦,1937年成立共和国,北部6郡仍归英国 ,称北爱尔兰, 成为大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的组成部分。 2.Flagv自1972年北爱尔兰议会被取消后,北爱尔兰便没有代表自己的政府旗帜。自1973年后,北爱尔兰在官方活动都是使用英国国旗。但红手旗仍在一些体育组织等场合使用。而在1953到1972年期间,北爱尔兰的官方旗帜是红手旗。 米字旗是北爱尔兰政府米字旗是北爱尔兰政府建筑物上飘扬的旗帜建筑物上飘扬的旗帜 红手旗是红手旗是19531953到到19721972年期年期间北爱尔兰的官方旗帜间北爱尔兰的官
3、方旗帜3.ClimatevEngland:It has a maritime climate-winters are not too cold and summers are not too hot. It has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. The temperature varies within a small range.v属于温带海洋性气候vNorthern Ireland:The weather are often misty. Here, although the four seasons is di
4、stinct but the climate change is very speedy.v属于温带季风气候4.DietvNorthern Ireland family diet with potato, vegetables, beef. Bread is one of the staple food. Britains most famous food, fish and chips, also is the Northern Ireland the most representative food. vA whisky, people will naturally think of Sc
5、otland, however they havent thought, the first registered trademark of whisky brewed factory in Northern Ireland within the boundaries, called old bushmil. v另外,“吉尼斯”是一种色黑味苦的啤酒,由吉尼斯家族所创制,是爱尔兰人引以为自豪的名酒。这种啤酒是由烧焦的小麦酿制而成的,据说很有营养价值,在医院里身体虚弱的病人可以此为补品。v近年由于异国居住者的增多,爱尔兰在饮食上发生了很大的变化。在传统饮食的基础上引进了法国、意大利等其他国家的饮食
6、方式。Meat and seafoodpotato5.The difference in charactervThe Northern Ireland are people of charm and vivacity.vThe Welsh are emotional and cheerful people. They are music lovers and are proud of their past.vThe Scots are said to be a serious, cautious and thrifty people, and they are also hospitable,
7、 generous and friendly.6.Dance Introduction vNorthern Ireland is probably best known for its troubles in past decades. But it is also a country with a rich cultural heritage. Irish dancing is just one of the many things the country has exported to the rest of the world.7.SceneryvNorthern Ireland素有“G
8、reen Kingdom”之称,首都Belfast自然风光优美,空气清新,广袤的绿色草原和数不清的清山绿水勾勒出北爱兰独有的以“Green”为主线的自然景观。沿着北爱尔兰的海岸线往北,繁忙的海港与有着数百年历史的古堡相交辉映,现代的生机与历史的底蕴在这里和谐并存。北爱尔兰的人民热情友好,刑事犯罪率为全英最低。富地方特色的北爱尔兰音乐、舞蹈以及美丽的自然风光和丰富久远的文化,烘托出北爱独特的异域风情,使这个点缀在绿色草原上的城市成为了一个旅游观光的好去处。Wow !8.Traffic Airplane Northern Ireland have three airfield,Belfast In
9、ternational airport、Belfast city airport and City of Derry airport. Its convenient of traffic. Ferry 在北爱尔兰有多处的渡轮站,非常便利于与本岛之间的往来。TrainTrain铁路常常有价格上的促销,不过一些特定期间火车时刻会更动。BusBus 一些景点公车才能到达。例如北海岸的一些有名的地区,Giants causeway,Carrick-a-Rede,Bushmills,公车也行驶在北爱尔兰及爱尔兰之间。TaxiTaxi一般在北爱尔兰如果想搭乘出租车,是要在特定的出租车招呼站等候或是以电话约定的。vNorthern Ireland is a beautiful country. There are
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