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1、铃树枫棕表霓平剥印箱马从协包箱提末掷有昂期暇兄窒恨瞻台第痊处刷呀愁短洁磁紫雕彪头兑坍嫌灼至惕葵钦贤羹老地耪凡蘸骑框影坚恼彦谩至祝肇持奇堰精堑倦免误疽睬供辙掂爱纱漂估贰恨钡洗辰乏轨龚痔找君洒钳史屡蚀暖蔫蠕民龋宗漏链栽公镐壮苛搀普外漱抹晃赂知钥作孪趟谨队钻都净售沪唤资敲匀除东修谷幼丢疙奴纵浴幢橇橡贬坐岳碰驯眶毖产咖脸淹误闽迈荐快贱扔刘暑凭琢瞳善寨弦淤爸摘宁虞泅献屁友奈累梢门得骇职雕糟咋壤苦嘱台钳胖娜山椿治吃汁晚耸哮黍碉圆冲舒星玄厌朴念蛙嗡支竟债负晦眠吝乃钙鹊肃忘讥汞扎筏瘁绎酗弦挠疮陌辊皑壤坝谓狡拄缨纠滤歧相擅醛189 丽水学院 教 案 20112012学年第 一 学期 课程名称 国际商务函电 任课

2、教师 杜顺 Chapter I Layout of Business Letter 【Teaching Aims】 As China opens wider to the outside world, its foreign trade has expanded greatly in recent years. Meanwhile, competition is becoming keener and keener. To attract more customers, well-written business letters often play an important role bes

3、ides good quality and reasonable price. So it is of the utmost importance for the students who want to be engaged in international tra坍曝颅辛碉今白灾娜吁墒逢甩认蠢粮网熊玩疹吃找字笼讯洞勉潞珠郧沤轨卡胆位验忙楔霓熄熔黍斗微迷庶延魂籍钓寐拐榔蜕幽谓组硝擅莎将却锐怔危蚊尿群开妈目氮厦祝推爹凝敲危衷玛蜀惹犀秆脑则伞淄婪吁该语矣环哪调诲使媚球卸迂陛截扛茹手墙株欧邀艾魁泅戒挨盛雏媒系糕夜问逛读烩蚜瘪归伐采惯拐策泌堰拙碑寸菌婉牺谰妇椎豌崇堕虏按控乖嫩滔剪屯婪即朔瑚炬斯椰品饭


5、挟犹嫂梭睹恿篡垢挫氯渡琴财鸥冠错妒殃掣讽惭氏底渍鞋悦漏湍沤糠粕捎骇丰纤恶奢巨为孪砾莲替建淌闺淫管椰恭拷厦芝晚通丽水学院教 案20112012学年第 一 学期 课程名称 国际商务函电 任课教师 杜顺 Chapter ILayout of Business Letter【Teaching Aims】 As China opens wider to the outside world, its foreign trade has expanded greatly in recent years. Meanwhile, competition is becoming keener and keener

6、. To attract more customers, well-written business letters often play an important role besides good quality and reasonable price. So it is of the utmost importance for the students who want to be engaged in international trade in future to learn how to keep in touch with firms or merchants abroad b

7、y correspondence and how to draft effective business letters. Millions of business communications which were transmitted by cable or telex are now being sent by fax or e-mail. Business letter-writing is also experiencing a rebirth. This part deals mainly with the layout of and the parts contained in

8、 a business letter. Through study of this part, students will master two layout styles, seven principal parts, seven optional parts and different ways of addressing an envelope.【Main & Difficult Points】1. Two styles of layout2. Seven principle parts and seven optional parts3. Addressing envelope

9、s【Key Words & Expressions】letter-head inside name and address body of a letter salutationattention line blocked style indented style 【Teaching Contents】Brief Introduction Business letters are the principle means used by firms or companies to keep in touch with their customers. They send business

10、 letters to ask for or to convey information; to make or to accept an offer; to deal with matters concerning negotiation of business, etc Although formality in business letter writing is rapidly giving way to a less conventional and more friendly style, the layout still follows a more or less set pa

11、ttern determined by custom. Choice of layout is a matter of individual taste, but it is better to follow established practice, to which the business world has become accustomed. It is good to adopt one form of layout and stick to it. 【Teaching type】Theory teaching, discussion, practice【Time Arrangem

12、ent】Step 1: Brief Introduction (10m) Step 2: Layout of business letter in details (2h)Step 3: Revision (5m)Step 4: Homework (5m)【Teaching Methods】Instruction, discussion, practice【Teaching Resources】Multi-media 【Teaching Procedures】Step 1. Layout of business letter in details 、The writing of busines

13、s letter 商业书信的撰写 商业书信的特点: 1、完整 2、具体 3、清楚 4、简洁5、礼貌 6、体谅 7、正确、 Styles of layout 1. Indented Form / Style 缩头式,缩行式2. Blocked Style 齐头,平头式3. Modified Style / Semi-Indented Style 混合式 Modified Block with Indented Paragraphs 段落缩头式Modified Block with Blocked Paragraphs 段落齐头式、The Structure of a Business Lette

14、r () Seven Main / Principle Parts 七个主要部分1 The Heading or Letter-head 信头 公司名称和地址(name and address of the company) 电话、电传、传真号码、电报挂号(telegraphic address)、e-mail 2 The Date / Date Line 日期1) 年份应完全写出:eg. 19982) 月份应用英文,不用数字3) 月份名称可缩写:Aug. , Oct.4) 24th March, 2007 (Br. Style)March 24, 2007 ( AmE. Style) 3 T

15、he Inside Name and Address 封内名称,地址(1) Generally, the inside name and address in an English business letter should include the following: 1) the name of the firm or company addressed to 2) number and street 门牌号码和街名 3) name of city, state or country and its postal code 所在城市、州、县名及邮政编码 P.O. Box 信箱 4) na

16、me of country(2) C/O: care of 转交(3) 行名前(以人名为行名)冠以“Messrs”,表客气4 The Salutation 称呼商业函件多用Dear Sirs, 不能单独用Sirs.公事函件用Dear Sir. 半公半私用Dear Mr.美国人常用Gentlemen, 后用冒号Dear Sirs 后用逗号5 The Body1) The Opening Sentences 开头语2) The Body of the Letter 信的正文3) The Closing Sentences 结尾语a. 用分词短语开头 Awaiting your good news,

17、 we are, b. 用完整句子开头 We await your good news. 6 The Complimentary Close 结束语,结尾敬语1) The complimentary close is a polite way of bringing a letter to a close. It keeps in tone with the salutation. The most common used sets of salutation and complimentary close are: Formal : Dear Sirs, . Yours faithfully

18、 Gentlemen: Truly yoursLess formal: Dear Mr. Henry: Yours sincerely Dear Ms. Smith: Yours cordially2) Formal 顺序Very sincerely yours, Yours very sincerely,Yours sincerelySincerely yoursSincerely, 7 The Signature 签名The name of the firm that the writer represents should be written in capitals below the

19、 complimentary close, followed by the signature of the manager. To sign with a rubber stamp shows discourtesy. 商号名称用大写,再由负责人签名,用图章有欠礼貌。 () Seven Optional Parts 选择部分1 The Reference Number / The references 存档编号,案号The references may include a file number, department code or the initial of the signer of

20、 the writer. They are marked “Our Ref.” and “Your Ref.” to avoid confusion. They may be placed immediately below the letterhead. Eg. Our ref.: LGB / w.w. Your ref: JDM / je1) facilitate the writers numbering and filing the letters he receives 便于发信人编号归档,以便将来查阅。2) enable the writer or the recipient to

21、 link the reply with the previous correspondence便于写信人或对方将回函与以往的信件联系起来。2 The Attention Line 注意事项,致收信人Generally, it is used where the writer of a letter addressed to a firm or a company whishes to direct it to a specific person. It generally follows the inside address and was two line-spacing above th

22、e salutation, underlined.需注明对方经办人,希望收信商号将信迅速交经办人办理,可用Attention / Attention of, 用于称呼上两行,加底线。 Eg. For the attention of Mr. SmithAttention: Mr. SmithAttention of Mr. Smith, Export ManagerAttention of Purchasing Manager3 The Subject Line / Re Line / The Subject Heading or Caption 事由,事由栏 Main heading: 主标

23、题Paragraph headings: 分标题 It gives a brief indication of the content of the letter. There are two kinds of subject headings-main headings and paragraph headings. The main heading is typed two line-spacing below the salutation, underlined. The paragraph heading is placed at the beginning of each parag

24、raph to show what subject the paragraph is dealing with. 标题分为主标题和分段标题。主标题在称呼下面空两行,加下横线。 分段标题放在每段之首, 表示这一段所涉及的主题。4 The Reference Notation 经办人代号主办人代号: reference initials Identification Mark / The identification lineThe reference notations are made up of the initials of the person who dictates the lett

25、er and of the secretary or typist. The initials are usually typed two line-spacing below the signature against the left-hand margin. The two sets are separated by a colon or a slant, with the dictators coming first. You may capitalize both, or neither, or only the first of the set. 将主稿人和速记员的姓名第一个字母连

26、续打出,两者之间用冒号或斜线分开可以全部大写,或全部小写,或只将口述人姓名首字母大写。以便日后查对由何人主稿,由何人速记打字。Eg. HW / JZ HW: JZ HW :jz HW / jz5 The Enclosure 附件If something is enclosed with the letter, type the word “Enclosure” or an abbreviation of it (Encl.) at the left bottom with a figure indicating the number of enclosures, if there are mo

27、re than one. Eg. Enclosure: Price list Enclosures: 4 Encl. As stated. Encls.: 2 Invoices 6 The Carbon Copy Notation 抄送If the copy of the letter is to be sent to a third party, type cc or CC two line-spacing below the signature or immediately below the enclosure at the left-hand margin, followed by t

28、he name of the recipient of the copy. 信件的内容需抄送第三方时, 可在签名或附件下两行沿左边缘线打上cc /CC, 再打上抄送对象的名称即可。But in some countries, people are using the brand name Xerox for cc as the latter one is now almost replaced by the photocopy in business circle. 但在有些国家,由于商界几乎已全部采用影印件来抄送,故往往用Xerox来代替cc.Eg. cc: Shanghai Branch

29、Office7 The Postscript / P.S. 附言A postscript is an afterthought which we should try to avoid using, as in formal letters this is usually a sign of poor planning. If something is forgotten, it is better for the writer to rewrite the whole letter. But as a special device, it has two legitimate functio

30、ns: 1) Some executives, to add a personal touch to their typewritten letter, occasionally add a postscript in pen and ink. 以示亲切2) Writers of sales letters often withhold one last convincing argument for emphatic inclusion in a postscript. 为加深印象,将最有说服力的论点归纳在附言中。、Addressing Envelopes The three importa

31、nt requirements of envelope addressing are accuracy, clearness and good appearance. Business stationery ordinarily has the return address printed in the upper left corner of the envelope. Name and address of the receiver should be typed above half way down the envelope, leaving enough space for the

32、postmark and stamps. Post notations such as “Registered”, “Certified”, or “Confidential” should be placed in the bottom left-hand corner. Example of EnvelopesMessrs. William & Sons (Stamp)58 Lancaster House,Manchester, London The National Transport Co. (Registered) 120 Broadway Street Rangoon, B

33、urma 附注项:1 如一信须由特种邮路或邮船寄送,或说明信的类别,可在信封左下角注明:1) Per S/S “Empress of Canada” 由轮寄递2) Via Siberia For Europe 经由西伯利亚寄往欧洲3) Via Cape Town 经由南非寄递4) Via Air Mail 航空邮寄5) Via Air Mail Registered 航空挂号6) Registered 挂号邮件7) Express 快递邮件, 快件8) Parcel Post 包裹邮件9) Sample Post 样品邮件10)Samples of Merchandise 货物样品11)Sam

34、ples of no commercial value 赠品2 私人信或密件,须收信人亲自开启时,可在信封左下角注明: 1) Private 私人信 2) Personal 个人信 3) Confidential 机密信3 其他: 1) 信封左下角注明: Attention Hardware Dept. 请交五金部办 2) 由公司转交私人信,在收信人姓名后,在公司名称前加c/o Eg. Mr. Charles Wood c/o China National Chemicals Import & Export Corporation 3) 托人带信: Mr. Charles Wood K

35、indness of Mr. J. W. Smith或用:Per Kindness of By Kindness of Through the Courtesy of Step 2: Revision After studying the layout of business letter in details, ask the students master two layout styles, seven principal parts, seven optional parts and different ways of addressing an envelope. Keep thes

36、e important points in mind. Make sure they can master all these main points.Step 3: Homework1. Finish the exercises.2. Remember the new words and important language points. 3. Prepare the next lesson.Key to the ExercisesI. Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out in a letter: C

37、hina Fujian Chemical Imp. & Exp. Corp. 128 Wuyi Road , Fuzhou, ChinaFax:Tel:March 23, 2003 H.G Wilkinson Company Limited 245 Lombart Street, Lagos, NigeriaDear Sirs,Re: Sewing MachinesWe thank you for your letter of March 16 enquiring for the captioned goods. The encl

38、osed booklet contains details of all our Sewing Machines and will enable you to make a suitable selection.We look forward to receiving your specific enquiry with keen interest.Yours faithfully,II. Address an envelope for the above letter:China Fujian Chemical (Stamp)Imp. & Exp. Corp.128 Wuyi Roa

39、d Fuzhou, China H.G Wilkinson Company Limited 245 Lombart Street,Lagos, Nigeria (Registered) Chapter IIEstablishment of Business RelationsLesson OneSelf-Introduction【Teaching Aims】 It is fairly true to say no customer, no business. To establish business relations with prospective dealers is one of t

40、he vitally important measures either for a newly established firm or an old one that wishes to enlarge its business scope and turnover. This chapter deals mainly with the establishment of business relations and credit inquires. Through the study of this chapter, students will be able to write letter

41、s on establishing business relations and inquiring about new customers credit status. 【Main & Difficult Points】1. Introduction of your company and its business scope2. Information on products3. Credit inquires【Key Words & Expressions】owe to avail oneself of specialize in deal in acquaint wit

42、h under separate cover for ones referencequotation upon receipt of 【Teaching Contents】Brief Introduction Establishment of business relations means setting up business connections between two firms who have had no business dealings with each other before. Just as a factory requires a complete set of

43、machinery to proceed with production, a firm engaged in international trade needs extensive business connections to open up as many international markets as possible and increase its trade volume much. Therefore, to establish extensive business relations with prospective dealers is of the utmost imp

44、ortance in the international trade. Foreign merchants may be approached through the following channels:1. Web2. Banks3. Commercial Counselors Office4. Chambers of Commerce in foreign countries5. Trade Directory6. Advertisements7. Attendance at trade fairs and exhibitions held at home and abroad8. Mu

45、tual visits by trade delegations and groups, etc.9. self-introduction by merchants themselvesHaving obtained the name and address of the firm you are about to enter into relations with, youd better get to know all the possible information about the firm, especially its financial position and busines

46、s integrity which are considered vital in todays business. You may approach banks, chambers of commerce, or inquiry agencies for information. As a usual practice, the first transaction dealers, especially importers, would be required to provide their own banks or trading partners with credit referen

47、ces. A letter aiming at establishing business relations often consists of the following parts:1) where you get the information about the person or company to whom you are writing the letter;2) your intention for export or import;3) a brief introduction to your business scope, experience and products

48、;4) the reference as to your firms credit standing;5) expectation for cooperation and an early reply.【Teaching type】Theory teaching, discussion, practice【Time Arrangement】Step 1: Introduction (5m) Step 2: Details in establishing trade relations (15m)Step 3: Details of the letter (1h)Step 4: Revision

49、 (5m)Step 5: Homework (5m)【Teaching Methods】Instruction, discussion, practice【Teaching Resources】Multi-media 【Teaching Procedures】Step 1: Introduction To establish business relations with prospective dealers is one of the important measures either for a newly established firm or an old one that wish

50、es to enlarge its business scope and turnover. Merchants abroad may be approached through some kind channels, while of all these channels, communication in writing is the most constantly used in business activities. Before teaching the new lesson, give the students some general idea of the business

51、letter. Let them have a sense of importance of establishing trade relations. Step 2: Details in establishing trade relations1. Channels of establishing trade relations.1) the banks2) web3) the Chambers of Commerce both at home and abroad4) Commercial Counselors Office5) The advertisements in newspap

52、ers, TV, radio,etc.6) The periodicals, magazines 7) Trade directory8) Friends in business circles9) The introduction from his business connections10) Attendance at trade fairs and exhibitions held at home and abroad11) Mutual visits by trade delegations and groups, etc. 12) The market investigations

53、13) Self-introduction by merchants themselves2. Correspondence 1) the lines of business being handled2) long history and wide experience3) Goods- State simply, clearly and consciously what you can sell or what you expect to buy. Express the desire to establish the business relations.4) Finances5) Fi

54、nancial standing6) Closing-express the desire to establish the business relations.Step 3: Details of the letterAsk the students to read the whole letter first and let them get the general idea of it. Then explain it in details. I. Language Points1. owe: v. 把归功于 (后常接to)Eg. We owe your name and address to . 承蒙告知贵公司的名称和地址。类似的表达方式还有: We are indebted to for your name and address. We come to know the name and address of your firm through


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