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1、l形容词常用于修饰名词,说明该词的性质、特征等。它在句中主要用作定语、表语、宾语补足语和状语,如: lThe primitive language of signs is not always very clear.(定语)原始语言手势的意思并非总是很清楚的。 lGroups of new, modern buildings have sprung up along the river.(定语)一群群新的现代建筑沿江拔地而起。lThe football game was marvelous.(表语)足球赛精彩极了。 lIm sorry that Im late.(表语) 对不起,我迟到了。 l

2、Dont leave the door open, please.(宾补) 请不要将门敞着。 lHe spent three days in the snow, cold and hungry. (状语) l他又冷又饿地在风雪中过了两天。 l形容词的分类l形容词就起构成来说,分为单字形容词和复合形容词。单字形容词有的不带词缀,如big, good, hard, round, square; 有的带词缀,如contemptible, economic, Spanish, impossible, unkind, disloyal, monolingual, multimedia, voiceles

3、s, instructive, unthinkable等。复合形容词的构成是多种多样的,它们可以是:l形容词+形容词,如bitter-sweet, deaf-mute, phonetic-syntacticl名词+形容词,如grassgreen, duty-free, war-wearyl形容词/副词+-ing,如 good-looking, easy-going, hard-workingl形容词/副词+-ed, 如newly-born, well-knownl名词+-ed, 如hand-made, town-bred, sunstannedl名词+-ing,如ocean-going, la

4、w-abiding, mouth-wateringl形容词+名词+-ed, 如 kind-hearted, absent-mindedl形容词, 就其句法功能来说,可分为中心形容词和外围形容词。大多数形容词既能充当名词修饰语,有能充当主语补语可宾语补语,这种形容词构成这类词的主体,故称中心形容词。如:Green apples are sore.lPillar-boxes are green.lThey have painted the windows green.l此外还有少数形容词只能充当修饰语, 或是只能充当补语,这少数形容词叫做外围形容词。有的语法学家把只能用作修饰语的形容词称做“定语形

5、容词”,把只能用作补语的形容词称做“表语形容词”,有的语法学家把它们统称为外围形容词。例如可以说:This is utter nonsense.l但是不可以说:*The nonsense is utter.l可以说:This child is asleep.l但是不可以说:*This is an asleep child.l形容词, 就其词汇意义来说,有可分为静态形容词和动态形容词。静态形容词描绘人和物的静态特征,如tall, short, big, small, shallow, deep, ugly, beautiful, solid, liquid等。大多数形容词都是静态的,但也有少数带

6、有动作含义,这部分形容词叫做动态形容词,如abusive, adorable, calm, cheerful, complacent, dull, faithful, generous, gentle, hasty, impudent, irritable, irritating, jealous, lenient, loyal, mischievous, nice, noisy, obstinate, playful, reasonable, rude, sensible, shy, slow, suspicious, tidy, timid, troublesome, untidy, un

7、scrupulous, vicious, vain, vicious等。l我们之所以要区分静态形容词和动态形容词,是因为它们在用法上有区别。l(1)动态形容词可与系动词的进行体搭配,而静态形容词不可以。l例如可以说:lShe is being witty.l不可以说: *She is being beautiful.l(2)动态形容词可用于以动be词开头的祈使句,而静态形容词不可以。例如可以说:Be patient! Be careful!l不可以说:Be tall!l(3) 动态形容词可用语使役结构,而静态形容词不可以。例如可以说:lI persuaded her to be generou

8、s.l不可以说: * I persuaded her to be pretty. 有些形相似、义相别的词有些形相似、义相别的词 lalone(独自地) lonely(孤独的)lalive(活的) living(活生生的) lively(活跃的)lblooming(花正开的) booming(繁荣的)lcredible(可靠的) creditable(高贵的) lconsiderable(应考虑的;相当多的) considerate(体贴人的)ldesirous(想望的) desirable(合意的) lefficient(有效力的) sufficient(足够的) lexhaustive(彻底

9、的) exhausting(使人筋疲力尽的) lhealthy(健壮的) healthful(有益健康的) healthily(旺盛地;相当大地) lhonorable(荣誉的) honorary(名誉的) lhistoric(历史性的) historical(历史上的)limaginative(富于想象力的)imaginable可想象到的) imaginary(想象的) lindustrial(工业的) industrious(勤勉的) llegible(易读的) eligible(合格的) llater(较迟的) latter(后者的) llikely(可能的) likable(可爱的)

10、lrespectful(有礼貌的) respective(各自的) lrespectable(可尊敬的)respecting(说到、关于)-ly 结尾的形容词结尾的形容词l在英文里,有些形容词是以-ly 结尾的,不要误认为是副词。这类词常见的有:lbrotherly(友爱的) deadly(致命的) earthly(世俗的) friendly(友好的) likely(可能的) leisurely(空闲的) lovely(可爱的)manly(男子气概的) weekly(每周一次的) yearly(每年一次的)l有些以有些以-ly 结尾既为形容词,也为副词,如结尾既为形容词,也为副词,如daily

11、,weekly,monthly,yearly,early等。等。例如:例如:The Times is a weekly paper. 时代周刊时代周刊为周刊。为周刊。The Times is published weekly. 时代周刊时代周刊每周发行一期。每周发行一期。用形容词表示类别和整体用形容词表示类别和整体l1) 某些形容词加上定冠词可以泛指一类人,与谓语某些形容词加上定冠词可以泛指一类人,与谓语动词的复数连接,如动词的复数连接,如the dead,the living,the rich,the poor,the blind,the hungry等。例如:等。例如: The poor

12、are losing hope. 穷人行将失去希望。穷人行将失去希望。l2) 有关国家和民族的形容词加上定冠词指这个民族有关国家和民族的形容词加上定冠词指这个民族的整体,与动词的复数连用,如的整体,与动词的复数连用,如 lthe British,the English,lthe French,the Chinese 等。例如:等。例如: The English have wonderful sense of humor. 英国人颇有幽默感。英国人颇有幽默感。 只能作修饰语的形容词只能作修饰语的形容词l下列两类形容词只能作修饰语用,不能作补语用:l1)起强调作用或特指作用的形容词。例如:la m

13、ere child a firm friend the only reason total nonsense sheer arrogance the very end a certain winner a particular worker a definite loss the sole argument a true scholar the specific point a complete fool the chief excuse the exact answer the principal objection作修饰语的形容词的顺序作修饰语的形容词的顺序l当名词中心词带有两个以上的形容

14、词作前置修饰语时,这些形容词词序通常遵循一定的规则:如表示大小、形状、年龄、颜色等形容词与一般描绘性形容词并列时,通常是一般描绘性形容词在前,其他形容词在后。例如:la brave young manla very courageous old ladylthese beautiful tiny round crystals l当表示大小、长短、高低、形状的形容词与表示颜色的形容词并列时,通常是大小、形状在前,颜色在后。如:la little brown jugla tall grey buildingl当表示年龄、新旧的形容词与表示颜色的形容词并列时,也是年龄、新旧在前,颜色在后。如: a

15、new pink blouse, a dirty old brown skirtl如果两个以上表示颜色的形容词并列,那就得用并列连词或用逗号隔开。例如: a blue and white flag, a red, blue, and white flagl如果表示大小、形状、年龄、颜色的形容词与表示国籍、地区、出处的形容词并列,通常是国籍、地区、出处在后,其他形容词在前,例如: an old Norwegian novelist those tall young British policemen a beautiful large green Chinese carpet a typical

16、 high Italian buildingl如果在被修饰名词之前还有表示材料的形容词(或名词),那么这种形容词(或名词)就应更加贴近名词中心词。例如:、 the small whitewashed thatched cottage a round brown wooden table a useful oblong(长方形的, 椭园形的)tin box these steep grey Norwegian rocky hills a very attractive round Chinese cloisonn(景泰蓝)vase many beautiful old European cath

17、edral cities l当名词中心词带有多个形容词时,起顺序大体如下:限定词一般描绘性形容词表示大小、长短、高低的形容词表示形状的形容词表示年龄、新旧的形容词表示颜色的形容词表示国籍、地区、出处的形容词表示物质、材料的形容词表示类别、用途的形容词名词中心词。如: a charming small round old brown French oak writing desk.l限定描述大长高,形状年龄与新老;l颜色国籍出材料,用途类别往后靠。lall these last few days a light blue silk skirt the first two paragraphs a

18、nother three English books some beautiful little red flowersl上述形容词都不能用做补语。例如不能说:l a child is mere, the nonsense was total, the friend is firm, 等等。l这种现象有时和搭配有关,同一个形容词在某种搭配里既可以作修饰语也可以作补语,如:la complete victory the victory is completela complete foolt*he fool is completel某些源自名词的形容词。例如:lan atomic scienti

19、st (=a scientist specializing in atomic science) criminal law (=law concerning crime) a medical school (=a school for students of medicine) a woolen dress (a dress made of wool)只能作补语的形容词只能作补语的形容词l下列形容词只能做补语,不能做修饰语:l1)某些表示健康状况的形容词,如:well, faint, ill, unwell, lIm very well.lHes been ill for a long tim

20、e.lShe felt faint.l2)某些以a-开头的形容词,如ablaze,着火的, afire, aflame, afloat, afoot, afraid, agape, aglow, akin, alike, alive, alone, aslant, asleep, astray, awake, aware, away, awashlThe wooden house was quickly ablaze.lThe sky was aglow with the setting sun.lThe two brothers are very much alike.lI was alon

21、e in the house.lHe held himself aloof from the others.副词及其基本用法副词及其基本用法l副词主要用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或其他副词主要用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或其他结构以表示程度、方式、时间、地点以及对话结构以表示程度、方式、时间、地点以及对话语的态度等。语的态度等。lThe door acted very quickly.lThe sun appeared rather briefly.lThat machine can cut bread fairly rapidly.lThis is by far the most interes

22、ting book I have ever read. 副词的构成和分类副词的构成和分类l大多数副词由形容词后加后缀-ly构成。例如:lpolitepolitely sadsadly immediateimmediately gladgladly heavyheavily busybusily simplesimply dulldully有些副词是介词或地点名词加后缀-ward(s)构成,意义是 “向”Backward(s), downward(s), forward(s), northward(s), onward(s), upwars(s), 等。有些副词由名词加后缀-wise构成,表示方

23、向、位置、状态、样子等。如clockwise (in the direction of a clock), crabwise (in the manner of a crab), money-wise (in connection with money), cricket wise, education-wise, sale wise, sidewise。还有少数副词不带后缀,如fast, hard, well, long, slow, straight, quick 等,还有的采取词组的形式,如all but, not half, kind of, sort of 等。 副词的分类副词的分类

24、l1。 副词,按词汇意义可分为:l1)程度副词(Adverbs of degree) 修饰形容词、副词、动词,表示程度。如almost, a bit, awfully, completely, considerably, deeply, definitely, fairly, greatly, hardly, immensely, (a) little, much, nearly, partly, pretty, slightly, scarcely, terribly等。l2) 方式副词方式副词(Adverbs of manner) 修饰动词,表示动作进行的方式如 angrily, anxi

25、ously, badly, bravely, calmly, carefully, conscientiously, half-heartedly, gratefully, intentionally, loudly, merrily, mildly, nervously, quickly, politely, rudely, slowly, softly, willingly, warmly等。l3)时间副词时间副词(Adverbs of time) 表示动作发生的时间范畴。如ago, already, before, early, finally, immediately, just now, late, lately, later on, now, presently, recently, right away, shortly, so


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