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1、最新Word2020年高中英语时文新闻拓展阅读理解Passage 1美国正积极研发新冠疫苗The United States is "neck-and-neck" with China in the race to develop an effective coronavirus(新冠病 毒)vaccine, Johns Hopkins University health policy and management professor Dr. Marty Makary told "Special Report" Wednesday. "Ther

2、e are 70 vaccines in different stages of development," said Makary, a Fox News contributor. "There are seven that are being given in patients right now. We re sort of neck-and-neck with China - we've got three, they've got three."Makary added that the Chinese vaccines "ar

3、e actually in further stages of development. Their drugs are in phase two or three, and it's a real race .The country that gets there first will have a significant advantage becausethey will control the supply for the rest of the world and the risk is if we aren't there first, we could get l

4、ocked out." The professor concluded that the search for a vaccine was "moving along," but added that "it will probably take a year" before such a treatment becomes widely available.Earlier Wednesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government's top infectious-disease expert and a

5、 member of President Trump's coronavirus task force, touted the drug remdesiviP翁德西韦)for its "clear-cut significant positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery, as reflected in new data. Makary said that while the National Institutes of Health study shows only a 31 percent reduction

6、rate in recovery time, it could prove to be significant. "One thing to remember," Makary cautioned about remdesivir, "it's not a silver bullet. "It reduces the severity and probably increases recovery but also, this is an IV(静脉注射)medication, it's not something you can go

7、to the pharmacy tonight and pick up." In the U.S., remdesivir is still awaiting regulatory approval as a coronavirus treatment, but Makary said it is likely to receive emergency authorization from the Food and Drug Administration "as early as this evening ” .1 What does the underlined word

8、 neck-and-neck' mean ?A work together B be friends C at the equal level D be enemies2 What is American s challenge according to Makarys statement ?A Use vaccines to save more people.B Give patients more vaccines for treatment.C Develop effective vaccines before China does.D Work with China to de

9、velop vaccines.3 What can we know about remdesivir ?A It can reduce the time to recovery.B People cad t purchase it easily in drug stores.最新WordC It has been used as a coronavirus treatment. D It has a significant effect in treating coronavirus.4 Which would be the best title for this passage ?A The

10、 US is level with China in race for coronavirus vaccines.B Remdesivir can be the treatment for coronavirus vaccines.C Remdesivir need the regulatory approval.D Coronavirus vaccines should be developed soon.Passage 2 上海迪士尼恢复营业Shanghai Disneyland to reopen after shutting downMay 11 could be a very mag

11、ical day for theme park lovers. As parts of the world start to reopen amid the coronavirus (新冠病毒)pandemic伙:流行病),many people are looking to see how businesseswill return after closing down. It ' s likely that theme park lovers will be interested to see how)tseey parkscurb the spreOfoos toalter th

12、eir practices in response to the outbreak. Shanghai Disneyland announced that it will be reopening to the public on Monday. The park closed its doors on Jan. 25 as part of China the coronavirus. Since then, the outbreak has become a pandemic and Disney parks across the world have also been limited a

13、nd shut their doors.In a statement, Disney CEO Bob Chapek said: "Wewow how much our guests have been looking forward to returning to Shanghai Disneyland, and our cast is excited to begin welcoming them back. As the park reopens with significantly enhanced health and safety measures, our guests

14、will find Shanghai Disneyland as magical and memorable as ever. ”When the park reopens, guests will be required to purchase admission tickets valid for certain dates only. Also, annual pass holders will have to make reservations prior to arrival. The park will also control guest density(密度)in lines,

15、 restaurants, ride vehicles and other facilities. The park will also utilize temperature screening and require guests to wear masks in the park, except when eating.1 What does the underlined word curb" mean in paragraph 1 ?A stopB encourage C controlD treat2 What can we learn form paragraph 1?A

16、 Shanghai Disneyland closed before the pandemic of the coronavirus.B Only Shanghai Disneyland shut its door during the pandemic.C Shanghai Disneyland will be reopen because the pandemic is ended.D China has curbed the spread of the coronavirus.3 What will happen when Shanghai Disneyland reopens ? A

17、It won't be as entertaining as before.B Those who bought ticket can visit it at any time.C Annual pass holders can visit the park freely. D Many measures will be used to enhance safety.Passage 3纽约顶级厨师的工作困境Chefs from some of New York City ' top restaurants areleaving the business to work for

18、billionaires after losing their jobs to the coronavirus 新冠病毒),the New York Post has learned.Out-of-work chefs from restaurantsincluding Jean-Georges,Daniel, Eleven Madison Park, Per Se and Gramercy Tavern are being poached挖走)by talent agents and even real estate brokers(地产经纪人)to work for wealthy fam

19、ilies since the coronavirus shutdowns have weakened the restaurant industry, sources said. The supply of quality chefs is so abundant that some wealthy people say they ' re gettinedbld about the latest candidate. “I received a calo ut of the blue asking if we wanted to hire a top chef who had wo

20、rked for JeanGeorges, " one billionaire real estate developer told the NYPost's Side Dish.For unemployed chefs it ' s often the only way for them to make money doing what they love at a time when sit-down dining is prohibited by the state lockdown. "was laid off six weeks ago. It j

21、ust wasn' t possible to stay, no matter howmuch the chef wanted to keep us. I can' t stand not working. I miss beirthe kitchen, " said Ian Tenzer-ye2i9old former sous chef副厨)at three-star Michelin restaurant Eleven Madison Park, named the world ' s best restaurant in 20drking as a r

22、vate chef has always been a part of the industry I had thought about working in and, at this point in my career, it ' as good choice economically and professionally, " he added.Indeed, chefs who choose to work in private homes stand to get a 20 percent to 30 percent pay raise, as well as ot

23、her perks (补贴)including better hours, sources said. Sous chefs at top restaurants can earn between $120,000 and $200,000 a year working full-time for a family, compared to closer to $100,000 working at a restaurant. One drawback is that you never know what kind of family you' ll get, chef最新 Word

24、Some families arelovely, adventurous and curious,” but oththeersocpapcpapnosbieteq. uTihteey can be rudesaid one chef whoand “ even physically and verbally abusive. I have heard horror stories, unnamed. “ Money can be a very corrupting influence.1 Which is true about Chefs in New York city ?A Some o

25、f famous chefs are leaving the business to work in private homes.B Wealthy families invited chefs to work for them.C Chefs are being poached because billionaires need them.D Top chefs are rare in New York city.2 Which of the following can describe the underlined phrase“out of the blue” ?A from the s

26、ky B all of a sudden C in the morning D from a friend3 What can we know form paragraph 3 ?A Ian Tenzer was out of work because the chef did nt need him.B There still many jobs for Ian Tenzer to do.C Ian Tenzer hadn t considered working for private families.D Being a private chef can be economically

27、helpful to Ian Tenzer.4 What would be the best title for this passage ?A Being a private chef can earn more.B Unemployed chefs are being personal cooks.C Chefs from New York City resstoapurantsD Out-of-work chefs from top restaurantsPassage 4 为隔离患者捐赠 iPadNo man is an island. But for the coronavirus

28、(新冠病毒)patients in hospitals, they die alone physically separated from the friends and family who love them. This cruel reality weighs heavily on a group of New York City volunteers whose mission is to actually connect patients with family members unable to be present due to hospital restrictions on

29、visitors. Their solution: to collect used iPads from across the country and donate them to hospitals in underserve嗽医少药的)communities where the need is most serious."It s a heartbreaksincgene," Nicolas Heller, a 31-year-old documentarian, said of the thousands of people who have died from th

30、e disease in isolation, without the comforting words or touch from a loved one. "A lotof these people are dying prematurely, whether they had medical issues or not. Itsaid Hesllecr,ushing.who is part of iPads to Hospitals, an organization -founded by two medical students, Amy Johnson and Jeff A

31、race -that is collecting used iPads for patients who do not own smartphones capable of video chatting.The group explained how the donated iPads could also benefit hospital staff with limited personal protective equipment, such as masks and gloves. The tablet computers can allow medical staff to comm

32、unicate with patients from outside of the room, decreasing their risk of exposure to the virus.As of Friday morning, the group said it has received 375 used iPads from donors nationwide and raised more than $22,000 through its GoFundMe page to purchase more devices. So far, 50 of the iPads have been

33、 donated to Brooklyn s C-OoVnlIyDsite, University Hospital of Brooklyn at SUNY Downstate, whose staff expressed the critical impact the devices can have on patients and also healthcare workers."The lifeblood of what we re doing is making use of people s iPads that are in their drawers desks tha

34、t they don t use anymsaoirdeI,"an Kaplan, a film director from Brooklyn. "I ve dhaevery make and model of iPad ever made in my hands in the last week," said 29-year-old Kaplan. "With the exception of the first model, which doesn t have a camera, we can make use .oHfaonwyeivPeard,

35、 we are nowhere near meeting the demand of every hospital that we speak with”.1 Why do volunteers collect used iPads ?A To make better use of iPads.B To collect and sell them to patients.C To enable patients to contact with their family.D To equip underserved communities.2 What can we know according

36、 to paragraph 2 ?A Heller is one of iPads to Hospitals s founders.B Hospital staff can use iPads to contact with their family.C These iPads can be beneficial to medical workers.D These iPads can protect hospital staff from the virus.3 What can we infer from the statement of Ian Kaplan ?A People dona

37、ted iPads because they wanted to buy new ones.B Every make and model of iPad can be used in hospitals.C Those iPads in his hands are all with cameras.D There is still a lot of iPads needed to meet the demand.4 What is the main idea of this passage ?A Patients in hospitals are physically separated.最新

38、 WordB Group collects used iPads to connect patients with family.C How was iPads to Hospitals founded by two medical students. D How to collect iPads for hospitals.Passage 5澳大利亚森林大火The wildfires damaging parts of Australia can be seen from space in new satellite images released by NASA. Australia

39、9;s capital, Canberra, was enveloped in a smoky haze Sunday and air quality at midday was measured at 10 times the usual dangerous limit. The damaging fires have killed at least 24 people in Australia and destroyed almost 2,000 homes. The early and damaging start to Australia summer wildfires, fed b

40、y drought and the country's hottest and driest year on record, has also been catastrophic / 性的)for the country's wildlife, likely killing nearly 500 million birds, reptiles and mammals in New South Wales alone, Sydney University ecologist Chris Dickman told the Sydney Morning Herald.Under su

41、ch extreme conditions, the fires have been generating enough heat to create their own weather systems, including fire-generated thunderstorms and fire tornadoes. Thousands of firefighters continued to fight the flames that have burned millions of acres in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australi

42、a, an area twice the size of Maryland. In New South Wales, the rural fire service (RFS) said as of Sunday there were 150 fires active in the state, 64 of them uncontrolled.On Saturday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that, for the first time in Australian history, 3,000 army, navy and air fo

43、rce reservists后备军人)will battle against the fires. He also committed $14 million to hiring fire-fighting aircraft from overseas. On Sunday, cooler temperatures and lighter winds brought some relief to threatened communities, a day after thousands were forced to escape as flames reached the suburban a

44、reas of Sydney. Thousands of firefighters fought to contain the fires, but many fires continued to burn out of control, threatening to wipe out rural townships and causing almost incalculable damage to property and wildlife.1 What does the underlined phrase fed by” meanA get food from someoneC be de

45、stroyed by somethingB be strengthened by somethingD under control of something2 Why were there thunderstorms and tornadoesA Because the fires generated thunderstorms and tornadoes.B Because there was rainy weather.C Because the fires generated enough heat to create extreme weather.D Because the weat

46、her systems is easy to change.3 What can we learn form the last paragraph ?A Many soldiers will fight against the fires as they have done before.B Fires were controlled due to cooler temperatures and lighter winds.C A lot of people moved out of the suburban areas.D Damage to property and wildlife is

47、 limited.4 What would be the best title for this passage ?A Australia's destructive wildfiresB Soldiers fought against the firesC Wildlife died form the firesD Australia ws ildfires was under control最新Wordpassage 1 答案:1. C.根据第一段中,The United States is "neck-and-neck" with China in the r

48、ace to develop an effective coronavirusvaccine 中的 race词,及最后旬 We resort of neck-and-neck with China - we've got three, they've got three.可知,美国和中国目前处于同样的疫苗研发阶段, 正在比赛哪国先研制出有效的新冠病毒疫苗。句意:在研制有效冠状病毒疫苗的竞赛中,美国 与中国并驾齐驱”,故选C.2. C.根据第二段 The country that gets there first will have a significant advantage

49、 because they will control the supply for the rest of the world and the risk is if we aren't there first, we could get locked out.最先实现这一目标的国家将拥有巨大的优势,因为他们将控制世界其他地区的供应, 风险是,如果我们不先到那里,我们可能会被锁在门外。可知,目前美国面临的挑战是领先于 中国研制出疫苗。3. B.细节理解题。根据第三段 only a 31 percent reduction rate in recovery time,在恢复时间上只有 31

50、%的降低率,A, D 错误。根据,this is an IV medication, it's not something you can go to the pharmacy tonight and pick up.这是静脉注射的药物,不是你今晚可以去药店拿的东西,B正确。根据 In the U.S., remdesivir is still awaiting regulatory approval as a coronavirus treatmen血美国, remdesivir仍在等待监管部门批准作为冠状病毒治疗手段,C错误。4. A.根据文章内容,Markary表示目前美国与中国

51、齐头并进,对美国研制疫苗速度表示担忧,并 说目前疫苗研制正处于推进中,故 A正确,在冠状病毒疫苗的研发上,美国与中国不相上下。passage 2 答案:1. C.根据第一段 as part of China ' s effortsbohe spread of the coronavirus,这是中国型 冠状病毒传播努力的一部分。及后文中“世界各地的迪士尼乐园也受到限制”可知,是要控制 病毒的传播。2. A. 根据第段最后旬 Since then, the outbreak has become a pandemic and Disney parks across the world h

52、ave also been limited and shut their doors.从那时起,疫情开始蔓延,世界各地的迪士尼乐园也受到限制,关门大吉。此前上海迪士尼于1月25日已经关闭了3. D.细节理解题。根据第三段 our guests will find Shanghai Disneyland as magical and memorable as ever我们的客人会发现上海迪斯尼乐园和以往一样神奇和难忘,A错误。根据guests will berequired to purchase admission tickets valid for certain dates only. A

53、lso, annual pass holders will have to make reservations prior to arrival.客人必须购买只在特定日期有效的入场券。止匕外,持年卡的 游客必须在抵达之前预订,B, C错误。根据第三段内容可知,公园将采取多种措施保障游客健 康安全,D正确。passage 3 答案:1. A.细节理解题,根据第一段可知,据纽约邮报报道,纽约一些顶级餐厅的厨师在被冠状 病毒夺去工作后,纷纷离职为亿万富翁工作,A正确。第二段,根据 Out-of-work chefs fromrestaurants including are being pobche

54、lent agents and even real estate brokers to work for wealthy families since the coronavirus shutdowns have weakened the restaurant industry, sources said. 消息人士称,自冠状病毒疫情导致餐饮业元气大伤以来,多家餐厅的失业厨师被人才中介甚至 房地产经纪人挖走,为富裕家庭工作,可知 B, C错误。根据The supply of quality chefs is so abundant that . 优质厨师的供应是如此之多以至于.,可知D错误。2. B. 根据戈 U线短语前句,


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