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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上九年级英语(仁爱版)上册语言点归纳Unit 1 The Changing WorldTopic 1 China has developed rapidly in recent years.重点词汇词形转换1. training (动词) train“训练”      2. whole (同音词) hole      3. tidy (近义词) clean   4. develop (名词) development(形容词)developed

2、“发达的”; developing“发展中的”5. rapid (副词) rapidly     6. old (比较级) older; elder       7. recent (副词) recently   8. narrow (反义词) wide        9. title (近义词) subject      重点短语have a g

3、ood summer holiday                 过一个愉快的暑假come back from                         从回来work for  

4、                             为工作feel sorry for                   

5、        对深表同情a disabled childrens home                  一家残疾儿童养育院the whole holiday                &#

6、160;        整个假期tell stories to kids                         给小孩讲故事learnfrom            &#

7、160;                从当中学习feed a child                              喂小孩do fa

8、rm work                            干农活go to summer classes                  

9、;    上暑期班write an article about                    写一篇有关的文章have a hard/ happy life                   

10、;  过着艰苦的/ 幸福的生活in the past/ future                         在过去/ 在将来in detail               

11、0;                 详细地at sunrise                                在

12、日出时have no chance to do sth.                   没有机会做某事afford ( to do) sth                       

13、0; 担负得起(做)某事give support to sb.                        给某人帮助/支持get a good education                &

14、#160;     获得良好的教育searchfor                            为了搜索have little food to eat          

15、0;           吃不饱dress warmly                            穿得暖with the development of     

16、60;           随着的发展have a balanced diet                      饮食均衡play musical instruments         &#

17、160;        演奏乐器sleep in the open air                      在户外睡觉study/ go abroad             &#

18、160;           在国外学习/ 出国enter/ win/ lose a competition               参加/ 赢得/ 输掉比赛enjoy Beijing Opera             &#

19、160;        欣赏京剧used to do sth.                           过去常做某事at sunrise          &

20、#160;                    在日出时go hungry                            

21、;  变饿了fall ill                                 得病/ 患病divide into            

22、;              把分成feel satisfied with                      对感到满足see . oneself         

23、;                  亲眼看见make progress                           取得进步thanks to 

24、60;                             多亏; 幸亏;由于stand for                  &#

25、160;            代表with the help of                        在的帮助下draw up an outline        &

26、#160;              拟定提纲三、重点句型You have just come back from your hometown.  你刚刚从你的家乡返回。There goes the bell.= The bell is ringing. 铃响了。Have you spent the whole holiday working here? 你整个暑期都在那里工作吗?Is that so? 真是那样吗?Can you describe it

27、in detail? 你能详细地说说吗?Our job was to grow cotton.(作表语)我的工作是种植棉花。I had to divide my money into two parts. 我不得不把钱分成两份。He has seen the changes in Beijing himself. 他亲眼目睹了北京的变化。9.  I think it is important to remember the past, live in the present and dream about the future.  我认为记住过去、立足现在、展望未来非常重要

28、。10Thanks to / Because of the governments efforts.由于政府的努力。四、重点知识点Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy this holiday!尽管我没时间去旅游,但这个假期我仍然感到很愉快。though 从属连词,用来引导让步状语从句,表“虽然;尽管”,不能与but连用。如:Though he is poor, he is happy. = He is poor, but he is happy.尽管他很贫穷,但是他很快乐。Could you please tell m

29、e something about Chinese teenagers? 请告诉我一些有关中国青少年的一些事情好吗?Could /Would you please (not) do sth? 请(不)做某事好吗? 如:Could you please turn down your radio? 请把收音机声音调低好吗?Would you please not play football here? 请不要在这儿踢球好吗?Parents couldnt afford education for their children. 父母供不起孩子上学。afford 常与can, could 或 be

30、able to 连用,尤其用于否定句或疑问句,表“负担得起(做)某事;抽得出(时间)”  “(cant/ couldnt) afford (to do) sth.” 如:We cant afford (to buy ) this house because we dont have enough money.我们买不这房了,因为我们没有足够的钱。He felt he couldnt afford any time to play football. 他觉得自己没有时间踢球了。Our government gives support to poor families. 我们的政府能为贫

31、困家庭提供帮助。give support to sb.= give sb. support  为某人提供帮助/ 支持support作动词时表“供养;支持;支撑”,如:She had to support her family at the age of ten.  她十岁时就得养家。His parents supported him in his decision.他的父母支持他的决定。The two sticks support the tree. 两根木棍支撑着这棵树。Why not go and search the Internet for some informa

32、tion?为什么不上网查找相关信息呢?   search sp. for sth.  搜查某地寻找某物   search sb. for sth.  搜身查找某物   search for sth./ sb.= look for sth./ sb.  搜寻某物/ 某人; 如:   The villagers searched the woods for the lost children.村民们在树林里寻找失踪的孩子们。 The police searched the man

33、 for the stolen money. 警察搜那个男人的身,查找被偷的钱。  He is searching/ looking for his missing keys. 他在寻找他丢的钥匙。I used to be a chilld laborer. 我以前是一个童工。used to be/ do       过去曾是/常做be used to do sth. = be used for doing sth. 被用来做某事be/ get used to (doing ) sth. 习惯于(做)某事;  如:

34、I used to be a Chinese teacher. 我过去曾是一名语文老师。I used to swim in this river. 我过去常在这条河中游泳。Knives are used to cut things.= knives are used for cutting things. 刀子被用砍东西。We are used to getting up earlier now. 现在我们习惯于早起。We often went hungry because the boss didnt give us enough food to eat.我们经常挨饿,因为老板不给我们足够的

35、食物。在这里是系动词,表“变得”,后跟形容词,构成系表结构. 如:The food on the table went bad. 桌面上的食物变坏了. 8.  One part was used to help support my family,  to help send my elder brother to school. 一部分钱用来供养全家人,另一部分用来供哥哥上学.one partthe other (part) 一部分另一部分elder brother 哥哥elder  作形容词时, 是old的比较级, 一般表示家庭成员出生的顺序,在句中

36、只能作定语,可与than连用; 而older表年龄的比较,可与 than连用. 如:His elder sister is two older than he. 他的姐姐比他大两岁.作名词时, 表 “ 长者; 前辈; 祖先”, 如:Their customs were handed down by the elders.他们的风俗习惯是由他们的祖先传下来的.9.  But China has developed rapidly in recent years. 但是近年来,中国发展迅速.in recent years 表 “近年来”,常与完成时连用. 如:She has learnt

37、 a lot of knowledge in recent years. 近年来,她学到了许多知识.10. China has made such rapid progress. 中国已经取得如此迅速的进步。progress 为不可数名词   make progress 取得进步make some/ much/ great progress 取得一些/ 许多/ 巨大的进步 11. What has happened to Beijings roads now? 现在北京的公路发生了什么变化?     sth. happen

38、to sb. 某人发生了某事 ,  如:    If anything happens to him, let me know. 万一他有什么不测,就请通知我。    A little accident happened to her yesterday. 昨天她发生了点小意外。 12. They express the rich culture of China as well. 他们也表达了丰富的中国文化。     as well, too, also均表“也;又”;as

39、 well 多用于口语,只用于句末,不用逗号隔开;     too 多用于口语,用于句末,要用逗号隔开;     also 较正式,不用于句末;     either 用于否定句,表“也不”,与too 对应。 如:   He likes sports as well. = He likes sports, too. = He also likes sports. 他也喜欢运动。     He didnt come,

40、either. 他也没来。五、重点语法(一)现在完成时:表示过去已经发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。即“过去的动作 + 现在的结果”, 强调结果。如:I have bought a new bike. (= I bought a new bike, and I have a new bike now.)我已经买了一辆新的自行车。(强调我现在有了一辆新车。) 构成形式: 助动词have / has + 动词的过去分词1肯定句:  I have seen the film.         我

41、已经看过这部电影。否定句:     I havent seen the film.       我没看过这部电影。一般疑问句: Have you seen the film?      你看过这部电影了吗?回答:       Yes, I have. 是的,我看过了。    No, I havent. 不,我没看过。特殊疑问句: What have you

42、done?        你已经做了什么?2肯定句:  He has finished the task.      他已经完成了任务。否定句:     He hasnt finished the task.    他还没有完成任务。一般疑问句: Has he finished the task?      他已经完成任务了吗?回答: &

43、#160;     Yes, he has. 是的,他完成了。    No, he hasnt. 不,他没有完成。特殊疑问句: What has he finished?         他完成了什么?(二)have/ has been to与 have/ has gone tohave/ has been to + 某地, 到过某地,说话时人已经回来了。have /has gone to + 某地, 说明去了某地, 说话时人还没回来。 如:I

44、have been toBeijing twice. 他去过北京两次。- Where is Jim? 吉姆在哪儿?   - He has gone to the library? 他去图书馆了。Topic 2 What has happened to the population?一、重点词汇(一)词形转换1. possible (反义词) impossible                  

45、   2. rise (过去分词) risen   3. conclude (名词) conclusion                      4. medicine (形容词) medical    5. difficult (名词) difficulty   

46、                     6. less (反义词) more7. excellent (近义词) great/ good                   8. different (名词) diff

47、erence 9. come (过去式) came (过去分词) come          10. see (过去式) saw (过去分词) seen       11. peace (形容词) peaceful(二)重点短语1.  get lost               

48、;                           走失;迷路hate to go shopping                   

49、0;            讨厌去购物hear from sb.=receive/ get a letter from sb.              收到某人的来信be abroad              

50、60;  在国外at least                                          至少take place = happen 

51、                               发生Chinas one-child policy               

52、0;            中国的独生子女政策be strict with sb.                                  对某人要求

53、严格the population of China                            中国的人口live longer                

54、                       活得更长medical care                         &

55、#160;            医疗保健control the population                              控制人口be known / famous as

56、60;                             以而闻名work well in doing sth.                 

57、;            在做某事方面很有功效have a long way to go                              有很长的路要走be short of &#

58、160;                                     缺乏one of the greatest problems        &

59、#160;                最大的问题之一be in trouble                              

60、0;      陷入麻烦中/ 在困境中prefer boys to girls                                重男轻女offer sb. a good education   &

61、#160;                      提供某人良好的教育a couple of                        

62、0;             一些 ;几个even though = even if                             即使have a lot of pressure 

63、;                            有许多压力the differences between A and B                

64、0;    A与B之间的区别重点句型 We got lost and couldnt find each other. 我们走失了,互相找不到对方。 It seems that their living conditions were not very good. 似乎他们的生活条件不是很好。 It is possible that Kangkangs father was the only child in his family.   康康的父亲有可能是他家中的独生子。 One answer is kn

65、own as the one-child policy. 其中一项众所周知的措施是独生子女政策. And even though we have made a lot of progress, we have big pollution problems in thecity.  虽然我们已经取得了很大的进步,但是仍存在严重的城市污染问题。三、重点语言点1 - I really hate to go shopping. 我真讨厌去购物。   - So do I . 我也是。   So do I .为倒装句,表示前面提到的肯定情况也同样

66、适合另外一个主体,表“某某也一样”,结构为“so + be /情态动词/ 助动词 + 主语”。 如:    Jim is a student, so is Tom. 吉姆是一名学生,汤姆也是。    Jim can swim, so can Tom.  吉姆会游泳,汤姆也会。    Jim likes sports, so does Tom. 吉姆喜欢运动,汤姆也喜欢。   如表前面不怎样,后面“也不”怎样时,其结构为“ neither/ nor + be /情态动词/ 助动

67、词 + 主语”。 如:  Jim wasnt Chinese, neither/ nor were they.吉姆不中国人,他们也不是。  Jim cant speak Japanese, neither can I .吉姆不会说日语,我也不会。  Jim didnt go there, neither did I .吉姆没去那儿,我也没去。如前后两句表达的是同一个主体,则不能倒装,表“的确如此”。如:  Jim is a good student. So he is. 吉姆是一名好学生,的确如此。  Jim swims well. So he

68、 does. 吉姆游泳很好,的确如此。2At that time, China was the country with the largest population in the world. 那时,中国是世界上人口最多的国家。population为不可数名词,表示人口的多少只能用 “large”或 “small”修饰,提问人口用“what”, 如:The population of Shanghaiis larger than that ofBeijing. 上海的人口比北京多。Whats the population ofChina?= How many people are

69、there inChina? 中国的人口有多少?3.  Great changes have taken place in China. 中国发生了巨大变化。   take place 指必然性的“发生”或有计划、安排之内的“举行”。如:   The meeting will take place next Friday. 会议将在下周五举行。   happen 指偶然的、没有预料的“发生“,其结果往往给人带来不幸或麻烦。如:   The accident happened yesterday.

70、 事故发生在昨天。   两者都不用于被动语态。 The population has increased a lot. 人口增长发很多。increase 可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。其含义是“增长,增加,加强”等。increase by 指“增加了”;  increase to指 “增加到” , and about one fifth of the people in the world live inChina.而且世界上大约五分之一的人口生活在中国。     one fifth 是分数表达法。英文分

71、数表达法:分子为基数词,分母为序数词,先读分子后读分母。当分子大于1时,分母的序数词则变为复数,直接在词尾加“s”如:one fourth     四分之一;            three fourths        四分之三;one second    二分之一;      

72、60;     two thirds          三分之二 6It has worked well in controlling Chinas population.它在控制人口数量方面取得了显著的功效。work well in doing sth. 表“在方面很有功效”, 如:Doing eye exercises works well in protecting our eyesight.做眼保健操在保护视力方面很有功效。7.  Bec

73、ause of our large population, we are short of energy and water.be short of  表 “缺乏”, 如:She is always short of money at the end of every month.  每个月底她总是缺钱。be short for 表“是的缩写”, 如:TV is short for television.    TV是television的缩写形式.8.  Can all Chinese families offer their ch

74、ildren a good education?所有的中国家庭都能给他们的的孩子提供良好的教育吗?   offer 表“(主动)给予, 提供”   offer sb. sth.  “提供某人某物”  如:I offered him a glass of wine.   我敬了他一杯酒。   offer to do sth.  “(主动)提出做某事” 如:   She offered to cook for her mother.  她提出帮她妈妈煮饭。I

75、cant go shopping in big stores unless I travel for a couple of hours.我得花几个小时,才能到大的商场购物。   a)  unless = if not  表“除非; 如果不”,引导条件状语从句。如:I wont go unless I hear from you. = I wont go if I dont hear  from you.  如果你不通知我,我就不去。Unless Bill studies hard, hell fail in the exam. 如果

76、比尔不努力, 他不会通过考试的.   b) a couple of 表 “几个人或几件事”, 如:a couple of years ago    几年前;   a couple of students    几个学生couple  指任何两件同类的东西; 如:a couple of watches 两只手表;  five couples of cats  五对猫pair 指两件不可分开使用的东西,它们可指两件互不相连的东西(鞋子、袜子等),也可指两部分构成的一件东

77、西(裤子、剪刀等)。如:a pair of shoes  一双鞋子          a pair of pants  一条裤子四、重点语法现在完成时常与下列表不明确的状语连用:1already 和 yetalready “已经”(多用于肯定陈述句),如:He has already gone home. 他已经回家了。yet “已经; 还”(用于否定句或疑问句),如:Have you found him yet? 你已经找到他了吗?I havent finished my homew

78、ork yet.  我还没完成作业。 already 也可用于疑问句,表“出乎意料或惊奇”Have you finished your homework already?   难道你已经完成作业了?2ever 和 neverever “曾经”(多用于疑问句,问初次经历),如:I have ever been abroad.   我曾出过国。never“从未;从来不”(多用于否定陈述句),常回答ever的句型。如:I have never seen him before.-Has he ever been abroad?  他曾出过国吗

79、?-No, never.  不,从来不。3just just “刚刚”(多用于肯定句,位于谓语动词之前),如: I have just tried to call you.  我刚刚打电话给你。4beforebefore  “之前”(一般位于句末;常与never呼应), 如:He says he has never seen such beautiful scenery before.他说他以前从来没看过这么美的风景。Topic 3 The world has changed for the better.一、重点词汇(一) 词形转换1. homeles

80、s(名词) homelessness      2fair (反义词) unfair   2. excited (动词) excite         3. disobey (反义词) obey           4. succeed (名词) success (形容词) successful    5.

81、French (国家) France (公民) Frenchman(二) 重点短语help homeless people                        帮助无家可归的人in need               

82、                    需要(食物和钱)decide on (doing ) sth.                       决定(做)某事provide s

83、b. with sth.                         给某人提供某物come for a visit                    

84、         来参观;来看一看be successful in (doing) sth.                  成功地做了某事get/find jobs               &

85、#160;               获得/ 找到工作feel good about oneself                      自我感觉良好take drugs      

86、                           吸毒give sb. a good chance to do sth.               给某人做某事的一次好机会end the war

87、                                结束战争live a happy life               &#

88、160;            过着幸福的生活smile on ones face                          脸上露出笑容Project Hopes     

89、0;                        希望工程at home and abroad                       

90、;   在国内外in poor areas                               在贫困地区receive a good education          

91、;            受到良好的教育二、重点句型It trains them so that they can find jobs again.  培训他们以便他们能再次找到工作。I think it is important for these people to feel good about themselves.我认为对于这些人来说自我感觉良好是很重要的。, you will get used to it. 你会习惯它的。You must come for a v

92、isit. 你一定来参观一下。Then you can see New York for yourself. 然后你可以自己看一看纽约。If anyone takes drugs or disobey the other rules, he cant stay in the program.如果有人吸毒或者违反其它规定,他就不可以呆在培训中心。The money is used for childrens education in poor area.这些资金被用来资助贫困地区儿童接受教育的。With the money, it has built thousands of schools a

93、nd libraries and trained 2300 teachers.利用这些钱,希望工程建立了数以千计的学校和图书馆并且培养了2300名老师。三、重点语言点 1. Well, once they find people in need, they decide on suitable ways to help them.   他们一旦发现有人需要帮助,就选定适当的方式来帮助他们。   a)  once 是从属连词,表“一旦就”,它的从句为现在时态(包括一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时),主句则为一般将来时。或者主从句均为过

94、去的某种时态。如:   Once you become interested in playing computer games, youll have trouble giving them up.一旦你迷上了电脑游戏,你就很难放弃它。Once he arrives here, he will know the whole thing. 一旦他到这儿,他就会知道整件事的。   She told him once she arrived, she would call him. 她告诉他一旦她到了,她会打电话给他。   b) 

95、0;decide on (doing ) sth. 决定(做)某事, 相当于 decide to do sth.  如:They decided on spending the holiday inHainan.  他们决定在海南度假。= They decided to spend the holiday inHainan. 2. The government provides homeless people with nice homes.政府向无家可归的人们提供舒适的住处。   provide sb. with sth. = provide

96、 sth. for sb. 提供给某人某物   The school provided the students with food.  这所学校为学生们提供食物。   = The school provided food for the students.3. I think its a wonderful place to live in. 我认为那是一个居住的好地方。  to live in 是动词不定式,用来修饰前面的名词place. 在不定式中,如动词为不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、工

97、具等,不定式后必须跟上相应的介词。 如:  There is nothing to worry about.  没有什么可担心的事。  I need a pen to write with. 我需要一只笔写字。4. It is famous because it has been so successful in helping homeless people return to normal lives.  它很出名是因为它已经成功地帮助无家可归的人重新过上正常的生活。  be successful in doing sth. 成功

98、地做成某事, 相当于 succeed in doing sth. 如:  He was successful in passing the exam. 他成功地通过了考试。  They were successful in climbingMountHuang. 他们成功地登上了黄山。5In the past sixteen years, Project Hope has raised about 3 billion yuan.   在近十六年来,希望工程已筹集了大约30亿元。   in the past + 若干时间,表“近若干时间来”,用于现在完成时。如:   They have learnt about 500 English words in the past two months.近两个月来,他们已经学习了大约500个英语单词。   You have grown up a lot in the past three years. 近三年来,你们长大了许多。四、重点语法 (一) 直接引语和


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