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1、v付款是商务交易的重要部分。所有商务活动的结果都应该是对所提供的货物或服务获得价值。如果付款不能保证,那么所有的一切都没有意义。在商业上有许多付款方式,而国际贸易中的付款方式更复 杂,国外账户的支付也有许多形式。 国际贸易中最常用的支付方法是信用证(简称 L/C),这是一种可靠而安全的支付方法,便于卖方与 陌生的买方交易,并对买卖双方都有保障。开证的程序始于买方。他通知他的往来银行开立以卖方为受 益人的信用证,并以购货的金额为该信用证金额。买方的往来银行(开证行)把信用证寄给他在卖方国 家的往来行,告知信用证金额、受益人为谁、所使用的货币、必备单证以及其他特定要求。v信用证到达后,该往来行通知

2、卖方,该信用证已收到。有时卖方要求保兑信用证。在这种情况下,该往来行通常由自己保兑,成为保兑行,并把由他保兑的情况,通知卖方,卖方是按信用证所列要求发货。v支付有时通过银行托收,其术语为“付款交货”(D/P)或“承兑交单”(D/A)。在这种情况下,银行只能作托收和汇付的工作,对进口商不付货不予负责;而用信用证的情况下,开证行以自己的信用为交易垫付货款。付款交单要求在移交装运单证即付款。它分为见票(即期)付款交单和见票后(远期)付款交单两种。前者要求进口商见票即付款来获得装运单证;v1. normally (=as a rule)通常,一般说来,正常情况下, 正常地, 一般地。例:It is n

3、ot normally this cold in this season.(在这个季节通常不这么冷。)2. confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit 例:A confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit is required. (要求用保兑的、不可撤销的信用证付款。) 3. cost 成本,费用,花费。动词或名词。 例:This costs me ¥1,000.(这花了我 1000 元。)4. credit 意思同 Letter of Credit 信用证。 5. tie up(资金)积压。 例:Payment by L

4、/C will tie up my money.(信用证付款会积压我的资金。)v6. fund 资金,基金。名词。例:Their company is short of funds now.(他们公司目前资金短缺。)7. currently 目前,意思同 at present。 例:We are currently making an experiment.(我们目前正在做一项试验。)8. particularly=in particular。特别是。尤其是。 例:We are particularly interested in your model 234 bicycles.(我们尤其对你

5、们的 234 型自行车感兴 趣。)v9. in view of 等于 considering 有鉴于。 例:1)It is in view of our long-standing business relationship that we make you such a counter-offer. (鉴于我们长期的友好业务关系我们才给你方这样一个还盘。) (2)In view of our long friendship we are going to reduce our price by 3%.(鉴于我们长期的友好关系 我们将降价 3%。)10. economic climate 经济

6、形势,经济气候。11. interest rates 利率。12. payment terms,同 terms of payment 支付方式。也可以说 modes of payment 或 methods of payment。pay 支付,给予。 例:(1)We trust you will pay our draft on presentation. (我们相信你方在见到我们的汇票时即照付。) (2)Please pay special attention to this point.(请对此点予以特别注意。)v13. lead to 导致,引导某人。 例:(1)He leads us

7、to a wrong road.(他引我们入歧途。)v(2)His fault leads to a wrong conclusion.(他的错误使他得出了错误的结论。)v14. Cash against Documents/付款交单。 例:We shall be glad if you will agree to ship the goods to us as before on Cash Against Documents basis. (如果你能和过去一样同意按付款交单的方式给我方发货,我将不胜感激。)15. draw on向开汇票。 例:We have drawn on you a 3

8、0 day draft.(我们已向你方开立了 30 天期的汇票。)16. at three months sight 三个月期的,即三个月后付款。v17. meet with 偶遇;碰到。 例:I met with a friend in the train yesterday.(昨天我在火车上遇到一位朋友。)18.In favor of:赞成/支持(某人或某事物);有利于,以取代; (支票)以某人某部门为受款人v19. All in favor of this proposition will please say “Aye”. v请所有赞成这项提议的人讲一声“赞成”。v20. Price

9、control would gradually disappear in favor of a free market. 价格控制逐渐被自由市场所代替。 v21. This check is made out in favor of a food corporation. v这张支票的受款人为一家食品公司。这张支票的受款人为一家食品公司。v22. Comply with:服从,遵从;应;顺应;:服从,遵从;应;顺应; 照办照办 vThe factory was closed for failing to comply with government safety regulations. 工厂

10、由于未能遵守政府的安全条例而被关闭了。工厂由于未能遵守政府的安全条例而被关闭了。vYou must comply with her request. 她的要求你应照办。她的要求你应照办。 v23.In accordance with:adv. 与与一致,依照秉承;因一致,依照秉承;因 vOnes opinion tends to differ in accordance with ones standpoint. 不同的立场势必形成不同的见解。 vHe acted in accordance with his beliefs. 他按照自己的信念行事。vWe should make decisi

11、ons in accordance with specific conditions. 我们应当根据具体情况做出决定。 v24. Respectively: adv. 各自地;各自地; 各个地;各个地; 分别地分别地 vThey finished first and second respectively. v他们分获一二名。vTheir sons, Ben and Jonathan, were three and six respectively. v他们的儿子,本和乔纳森,分别是3岁和6岁。vRespectable:adj. 可敬的;可敬的; 品行端正的;品行端正的; 可观的,相当大可观的

12、,相当大的的v He came from a perfectly respectable middle-class family. v他出身于一个非常正派的中产阶级家庭。vShes respectably dressed in jeans and sweatshirt. v她穿着牛仔裤和运动衫,非常得体。vIt was an eminently respectable boarding school. 这是所非常好的寄宿学校。 Payments Letters 付款信v 一、The Steps of Writing Payment Letters 付款信的写作步骤v就卖方的利益来说,信用证比付

13、款交单好,见票即付款交单比见票后才付款交单好,而付款交单又比承兑交单好。在国际贸易中,只在进口商财务状况良好,或过去一系列业务中进口商付款可靠,从而 取得出口商信任,才可以接受托收贷款的办法。付款方式的信函应该写得仔细并解释清楚。v买方提出付款方式的信函写法如下:1提示合同、货物等;(Mentioning the contract,goods,etc.) 情景搭配用语:Useful expressionsWe refer you to Contract No.(关于第号合同)Referring to(关于)With regard to(with reference to)our Contrac

14、t(关于我们合同)v2提出具体付款方式及理由;(Suggesting the term of payment and the reason)As.we shall be glad if you(因为如果你我将不胜感激)As you know,we suggest(你知道我们建议)Owing towe would appreciate it if you(由于如果我们将不胜感激)v3希望对方同意。(Wishing the reader to accept)We wish you can accommodate us in this respect.(希望你方再次给予照顾)Useful Langu

15、age 付款信的常用句式v1. We may have some difficulties making payment in Japanese yen. 用日圆付款可能会有困难。2. It would help me greatly if you would accept D/P or D/A instead. 如果你们能接受付款交单或承兑交单,这会对我帮助很大。3. I would very much appreciate it if you could take our suggestion into consideration. 如果你们能考虑一下我们的意见,则非常感激。v4. How

16、 about 50% by L/C and the rest by D/P? 货价的百分之五十用信用证,其余用 D/P(付款交单),您看怎么样?v5. We will open an L/C if you promise to effect shipment one month earlier. 如果你们答应提前一个月交货,我们就同意开信用证。6. We have the pleasure in advising you that L/C No.MI029 for the amount of $35,000 has beenestablished in your favor through t

17、he Commercial Bank. 我们很高兴地告知,以你方为受益人的金额为 35,000 美元的 MI092 号信用证已由商业银行开出。7. We are glad to inform you that a letter of credit(an L/C)in your favor was opened yesterday. 很高兴通知你方,以你方为受益人的信用证已于昨天开立。 Replying to Payment Letters 回复付款信一、The Steps of Replying to Payment Letters 回复付款信的写作步骤 买方提出一种付款要求,卖方可以同意也可

18、以拒绝。拒绝付款方式的信函应该客气,并尽量和读者 建立起良好关系。 卖方回复买方付款要求信函写法:1说明收到信函;(Stating that you have received their letter) 情景搭配用语:Useful expressionsWe have received your letter of (收到你方的来信)Thank you for your letter (感谢方来信)2说明自己的意见(同意或不同意)及其理由;(Giving your reply of agreeing or refusing and yourreasons)v情景搭配用语:Useful exp

19、ressionsWe agree to(我们同意)We want to make it clear that(我方想澄清一点)With regard to.we regret being unable to accept(关于很遗憾不能接受)v3说明自己为此做出的努力以及做生意的意愿。(Stating your good will and your wish to do businesswith the reader) 情景搭配用语:Useful expressionsIt is in view of our friendly relationship that we extend you t

20、his accommodation.(鉴于我们的友好关系 我们才给予你方此照顾)We sincerely hope that we can(诚挚地希望我们能)Useful Language 回复付款信的常用句式v1. The only term of payment we can accept is 100% irrevocable documentary letter of credit. 我们能接受的付款条件只有 100%不可撤销跟单信用证。 2. L/C at sight is what we request for all our customers. 开即期信用证是我方对我们所有客户

21、的要求。 3. We cant accept payment on deferred terms. 我们不能接受延期付款。 4. Weve drawn on you for payment of the invoice amounting to $30,000. 我们已经按照发票金额 30,000 美元向你方开出了汇票。v5. This is the normal terms of payment in international business. 这是国际贸易中惯用的付款方式。6. Owing to the delay in opening L/C,shipment cannot be m

22、ade as contracted and should be postponed toOctober. 由于开证延误,装运不能按合同进行,要推迟到十月份。7. If these terms are agreeable to you,please amend the relative L/C to allow partial shipment. 如果你方同意这些条款,请修改相关的信用证为允许分批装运。8. We should be obliged for your immediate amendment of the L/C to enable us to make shipment in t

23、ime. 如你方能立即修改信用证使我方能及时装运,我们将不胜感激。v9. We are glad to inform you that a letter of credit(an L/C)in your favor was opened yesterday. 很高兴通知你方,以你方为受益人的信用证已于昨天开立。10. Please extend the shipping date to November 30 and validity to December 10 and let us have yourreply as soon as possible. 请将船期延展到 11 月 30 日,

24、有效期延展到 12 月 10 日,并尽快给我方答复。11. Owing to some delay on the part of our suppliers, we are not in a position to ship the goods before July12. as stipulated in the L/C. Kindly extend the shipping date and credit validity for one month respectively. 由于供货厂家的延误,我们不能按信用证规定在 7 月 20 日之前发货。故请将信用证的船期和有效 期分别延展一个月

25、。v12. Owing to unforeseen difficulties encountered by our manufacturers, we find it impossible to effectshipment before the end of this month. 由于制造商遇到不可预见的困难,我方不能在本月底前装运。 .样信v承蒙多年惠顾,本公司感激万分。然近来合作出现承蒙多年惠顾,本公司感激万分。然近来合作出现问题,令服务水准未能符合对方要求,本公司为此问题,令服务水准未能符合对方要求,本公司为此提忧不已。提忧不已。 贵公司采部发出定单后,再三更改内容;贵公司采部发出定

26、单后,再三更改内容;更有甚者,屡次退回订购之货品,导致了双方公司更有甚者,屡次退回订购之货品,导致了双方公司工作中的混乱和困惑。为避免问题日趋严重,特此工作中的混乱和困惑。为避免问题日趋严重,特此在接到定单后,由本公司销售人员与贵公司复核。在接到定单后,由本公司销售人员与贵公司复核。若需作出改支,本公司把定单修改后电传副本,供若需作出改支,本公司把定单修改后电传副本,供贵公司查核。贵公司查核。 盼望上述办法经受减少延误,促进双盼望上述办法经受减少延误,促进双方业务发展。方业务发展。vWe have been doing business together for a long time and

27、 we value our relationship of late, we have not been able to provide the kind of service we both want. The problem is that your purchasing department is changing orders after they have been placed. This has led to confusion and frustration for both of our companies. In several instances. you have re

28、turned goods that were originally ordered. To solve the problem , I propose that on receipt of an order, our sales staff contact you to verify it. If you decide on any changes, we will amend the order and fax you a copy so that you can check it. I trust this system will cut down on delays and errors

29、, and allow our operations to run smoothly. v本公司生产的一系列印刷机,获二十多个国家的公司采用。本公司生产的一系列印刷机,获二十多个国家的公司采用。随函附上产品规格说明书,谨供参考。随函附上产品规格说明书,谨供参考。 现为该产品开拓新现为该产品开拓新市场,希望得知贵地区从事印刷工业的代理商资料。如蒙贵市场,希望得知贵地区从事印刷工业的代理商资料。如蒙贵公司协助,将不胜感激。如能拨冗寄来数个符合上述要求代公司协助,将不胜感激。如能拨冗寄来数个符合上述要求代理商商号,则感激不尽。本公司将与其联系,研究能否建立理商商号,则感激不尽。本公司将与其联系,研究

30、能否建立互惠互利折业务关系。互惠互利折业务关系。 右蒙惠告,不胜感荷右蒙惠告,不胜感荷!vOur company manufactures a range of printing presses that are used successfully by companies in over 20 countries. A product specification brochure is enclosed. We are considering expanding our products to new markets and we would appreciate you assistanc

31、e. vIn particular , we would like to identify the best agents who are currently serving the printing industry in your region. We are looking for organizations which conduct their business in a truly professional manner. They must be fully conversant with the technical side of the printing industry a

32、nd have a comprehensive understanding of all the features of the lines they represent. vWe would be very grateful if you could take a few moments to send us the names of three or four organizations that match our requirements. We shall then contact them to explore the possibility of establishing a m

33、utually acceptable business relationship. Thank you very much for your time and consideration in this matter. v 感谢感谢9月月15日的来信。欣闻阁下将于日的来信。欣闻阁下将于11月逗月逗留伦敦一个月,望到时能拨冗相会。本公司留伦敦一个月,望到时能拨冗相会。本公司对贵公司商品目录中的针织时装深感兴趣。对贵公司商品目录中的针织时装深感兴趣。现正研究设计款式,在中国制造后寄本公司现正研究设计款式,在中国制造后寄本公司时装连锁店发售。时装连锁店发售。 如能于如能于11月月6日或其后数日或其后

34、数天抽空来访,当感激不尽。天抽空来访,当感激不尽。 期待与您会面,期待与您会面,商讨有关事宜。商讨有关事宜。 vThank you for your letter of 15 September. I note that you will being the UK during the whole of November. We are quite interested by the fashion knitwear illustrated in your catalogue. As a fashion Chain. We might consider having some of our own designs manufactured in China. Please let me know when you would like to ca


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