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1、工程变更流程 -B作者: 日期:1. 目的:此文件规定了设计和工艺更改的管理程序。确保所有的设计和过程更改按受控方式进 行,更改的风险及时得到有效的评估。geThis document provides the guidelines for design change procedure and engineering proce change procedure. It serves to ensure that all design change and engineering process chan is being carried out systematically, and an

2、y risk from change are immediately evaluate effectively.2. 适用范围:适用于试生产和批量生产期间的设计和过程更改。Applicable for design and process change during trial run and mass production3. 职责3.1 各相关部门负责提出设计或工艺更改的申请。Any relevant department shall submit requests for design or process change.3.2 工程部负责组织相关部门进行讨论、修改相关文件并下达更改通知

3、。Engineering department will organize discussion with all relevant departments. Related documents have to be updated and issued to all relevant departments.3.3 生产部负责组织设计或工艺更改的执行。Production department will organize and implement the design or engineering process change.3.4 质量部负责对试制的样品进行测试和检验,并负责完成相关的

4、测试报告reQuality department shall be responsible for testing and inspecting of the samples and prepa the relevant reports.3.5 项目经理负责与客户联系 , 并负责向顾客提供有关申请批准的报告BPM is responsible to contact with customer. BPM shall be responsible for submitting the relevant reports to the customer for approval3.6 相关部门负责修改

5、相关的文件。The respective department is responsible to update the related document.4. 程序4.1 时机和前提 : (Opportunity and Preparation)4.1.1 顾客提出要求。 Request from the customer4.1.1.1 从项目经理或相关人员处来的客户要求的工程更改 E-mail.Customer ECN requirement E-mail to Business Program Management or Project Management or anyone who

6、have contact with the Customer. 从项目经理或相关人员处来的要求工程更改的客户电话记录或会议记录。Phone call or Meeting Minutes from Customer to Business Program Managemen or Project Management or anyone who have contact with the Customer. 产品工程师或模具工程师与客户交谈或讨论,并得到双方同意的结果记录The agreement of Engineering discussion with Cus

7、tomer by Tooling or Project Engineer.4.1.2 内部提出且得到客户批准的更改要求。Customer approved Internal Engineering change. 在 NPI 和量产时所发现的客户图纸, 规范的设计缺陷, 并以 DFM 和 DFA 形 式发送给客户,且得到客户批准的更改要求。Customer approved DFM & DFA that are indicated the defects or interference on the Customer drawing or Specification du

8、ring NPI or mass production. 客户批准的由于内部工艺改进,工艺调整、设备、工具,原料、环境,过程 变化而引起的过程工艺更改 .Customer approved Internal Process Change Request due to Technical improvement, Equipment, Tools, Material, Environments change. 经客户批准的生产过程的原材料更改要执行该工程更改程序Customer approved change in Raw material shall follow

9、with proper ECN procedure4.2 工程更改申请流程 : (Engineering Change Request Procedure)4.2.1 当收到客户的工程更改要求后,工程部根据情况组织相关部门进行可行性讨论。 在决定执行工程更改后,由工程部填写设计工程变更申请单 ,并由工程部 经理进行审批,重大的更改报总经理审批。按客户要求,决定是否需要进行试 制样品。Engineering will organize a meeting with the respective department to discuss Customer ECN. Project / Proce

10、ss Engineer shall submit <<ECR>> if the ECN is available, and Engineering Manager confirmation is required, for major changes, approval from general manager is required. CFT will decide whether to make FA samples for evaluation based on Customer request.4.2.2 当工程部与相关部门对客户的工程更改进行可行性讨论后,认为

11、不能执行,应 给出相应的建议,如: DFM, DFA,并经客服服务小组同意后,由市场部将相应 的建议,如: DFM,DFA,提交给客户审核。Engineering and the respective department have to provide the proposal, such as DFM, DFA if the customer ECN is not available. BPM need to submit the proposal, such as DFM, DFA to customer for evaluation.4.2.3 当收到客户批准的 DFM,DFA,及客户

12、批准的工艺更改,由工程部填写工程变 更通知单,并由工程部经理进行审批,按客户要求,决定是否需要进行试制样 品。After receiving customer approved DFM or DFA, and approved PCN from BPM, Project / Process Engineer shall submit <<ECR>> and Engineering Manager confirmation is required, for major changes, approval from general manager is required.

13、CFT will decide whether to make FA samples for evaluation based on Customer request.4.3 变更等级划分工程变更根据变更的对象及对产品功能性、 工艺性、成品良率、外观等划分为三个等级:1. Very Critical (非常重大变更) : 对产品的功能可靠性有关键的影响,重大工艺变更, 对制程良率有重要的影响等。需做可靠性验证( RA验证),无问题后 , 视工程变更原因 试制( Pilot run ),测试无问题后 ,始可进行工程变更 ,如紧急状况可同步进行 ,但RA报 告未合格前 , 不准出货。该等级的变更需

14、经运营总监以上级别进行审核批准,并通报各 个部门。变更记录最少保存 5年以上。2. Critical (重大变更) : 与产品功能可靠度无关键性的影响,但对产品加工工艺、制程 的良率等有一定的影响。视工程变更原因做 RA验证及Pilot Run 。该等级的变更需经技 术部部长以上级别进行审核批准,并通报各个部门。变更记录最少保存4年以上。3. Non-Critical (非重大变更) : 与产品的良率及可靠性无重大影响,主要为工程图纸的 升级、规格变更等非关键因素的一般性影响。不需做 RA验证及Pilot Run 。该等级的变 更需经技术工程师以上级别进行审核批准,并通报各个部门。变更记录最少

15、保存3年以上。4.4 客户 ECN 信息保存,和图纸发放项目工程师要将客户的 ECN 信息 ,( 如 Email) ,图纸资 料打印出来。并将签字确认后的图纸 , 和批准后的工程变更通知单 , 一起交给交给 文控部门保存。To maintain all ECN detail from customer, all drawings have to be released. PE has to submit print of customer 'EsC N, approved <<ECR>> and signed drawing to theDocument Con

16、trol Centre.4.5 需试制样品的工程更改 Trial run sample requirement for Engineering Change4.4.1 如供应商制造的模具试制出样品,不符合图纸及其规定要求,则应要求供方纠 正,不作为工程更改。If the samples from the suppliers are not able to meet the drawing specifications, sourcing shall request suppliers for modification. It cannot be regarded as Engineering

17、Change.4.4.2 当供应商制造的模具试制的样品符合图纸及工厂规定要求时 , 该产品在装配中 发现工厂原设计图纸有问题 , 才进入工程更改。If the samples are made in accordance with the drawings, however, if problems are encountered during assembly, Engineering Change is required.4.4.3 当客户的工程更改明确要求样件提交时,按第一件样品检验程序,项目经 理要组织客户服务小组协同模具部,生产部进行样件制作,及样品检测报告, 由项目经理将样品和 F

18、A 报告提交给客户, 样品和检测报告得到客户批准后方可 进行各项工程更改任务执行。If samples and FA report are required from customer, BPM need to organize CFT team, Tooling department, and production department to build the samples and prepare FA report accordin to procedure of First Article Inspection, INT-031-QA , and submit it to custo

19、mer for approval. Once the samples and FA report are approved from customer, the ECN action can be implemented.4.6 不需要试制样品的工程更改当运行工程更改时,客户不需要样品和检测报告批准,项目 经理可组织客户服务小组协同模具部,生产部直接进行各项工程更改任务执行。BPM can organize CFT team, Tooling department, and production department to implement the ECN action if custome

20、r did not require samples and FA report evaluation.4.7 在制品和仓库内成品和半成品处理方法4.7.1 生产部向技术部反馈在制品的所处的工序,技术部评估是否可以再次使用,如 可以入库留有,不可以则报废。4.7.2 对仓库已有的成品和半成品进行统计,由市场部汇报给顾客,顾客决定是否接 收,对无法接收的产品报废处理4.8 客户的工程更改:对客户的工程更改必须在 10 个工作日内进行评审。评审认为其有效、 可满足后再实施。评审中发现的问题由项目经理负责与顾客进行沟通。Customer ECN: Customer Engineering change

21、 review shall be done within 10 workingdays. ECN Procedure will be implemented after evaluation. Any issues shall be informed to BPM who will discuss with the customer.4.9 项目工程师要将客户批准的 DFM,DFA或, 客户批准的 PCN,及相关资料保存,以作为执行 内部工程更改的依据。并执行内部工程更改。PE has to filed the customer approved DFM, DFA, and approved

22、PCN. And implemen Internal Engineering change.4.10 ECN准备和反馈 ECN actions prepare and feedback4.10.1 BPM 要在有需要的情况下召集客户服务成员开会,研究准备各项工作,讨论各 区域受影响物料的处理方案和 ECN的完成时间。If required, BPM need organize a meeting with CFT team member to discuss custome ECN about disposition of WIP and FG, as well as the ECN acti

23、on completion date.4.11 工艺更改文件实施 Engineering Documents Implementation 工程部负责修改相关的物料表 , 图纸、作业指导书等文件,质量部负责修改相关的检验指导 书 , 控制文件等文件。生产部负责对更改过程进行监控,采购部负责对外购件的更改过 程进行监控。Engineering department shall be responsible to modify and update the related BOM, drawings, WI, etc. Quality department is responsible for d

24、ocuments updating, such as QII, control plan, etc. Soft tool department is responsible for soft tool process documents updating. Paint department is responsible for painting work instruction updating. Production department is responsible to follow up and monitor the change procedure. Sourcing is res

25、ponsible for the changes on the purchased part4.12 文件更改方法 Documents Change Method4.12.1 文件重新更新时,则应按文件控制程序执行。It is required to follow process of << Document Process>> if the related documents need to be updated.4.12.2 如果工程更改影响到采购件或委托加工件,由工程部将更改后文件发至供应商 开发部,由供应商开发部通知供应商收回旧文件和分发新文件并进行签收。If

26、the ECN affect the purchase parts or sub-contract parts, engineering department need to provi the documents to Sourcing department. Sourcing will retrieve obsolete documents from suppliers and issue the latest documents to suppliers.4.13 生产过程的原材料更改要执行该程序Change in Raw material shall follow with prope

27、r ECN procedure.4.14 当发生内部工程更改或客户提出工程更改时,相关物料的处理和文件修改规定。Deal with the affected materials and update documents when internal or external ECN occur.4.14.1 在发生内部工程更改或客户提出工程更改时,质量工程师要及时对受影响的物 料清单发出 物料清除单。各相关部门必须在 24 小时内填好的物料清除单 并回复质量工程师 , 质量工程师将负责收集各相关部门填好的物料清除单When internal or external ECN occur, Quali

28、ty Engineer need to issue the <<Purge Notice>> for the affected parts list, and send it to relevant department. <<Purge Notice>> will be filled in the affected material quantities and send back to Quality Engineer within 24 hours.4.14.2 项目经理将监督 ECN 的实施, 并在有需要的情况下召开会议, 物料清除单 应

29、 由 CFT 成员及相关部门共同讨论,在物料清除单中要写明各区域受影响物 料的处理方案 .BPM will lead the ECN implementation. Meeting will be arranged if necessary. <<Purge Notice>> need to be completed by CFT member and relevant department. It is necessary to indicate the disposition of those affected inventory.4.14.3 各相关部门按物料清除

30、单中写明的处理方案对各区域内受影响的物料进行 处理。All respective departments shall take action for the affected materials according to disposition indicated in <<Purge Notice>>.4.15 生产部门在生产新版本产品时 , 生产部主管 , 工程部工程师 , 质量工程师必须到 现场确认工程更改执行状况,并对生产部操作工给予必要的指导,使其明白新的操作 方法和要求。Production supervisor, PE, QE need to verify

31、 the ECN implementation, and provide guidance to operator before the first lot of new revision parts running to assure they understand the new requirement.4.16 客户 ECN 第一次执行时 , 生产部要在成品的纸箱上贴标签 , 以便于区分新旧版本 和型号。标签要连续贴 3 个批次产品。标签内容要包含 : 客户 ECN号码,成品物料号 , 成品物料版本号和简要的更改内容 , 如: 增加或减少物料 , 包括物料号和物料版本 号。 当此次生产完成后,生产部要记录实际生产数量和完成日期。When customer ECN implemented at the first time, production department has to stick the label on the


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