



1、初一上学期英语写作指导作者:日期:初一上学期英语写作指导(仅作参考,供有自学能力的学生学习,时间匆忙,未仔细校版)一、如何进行人物介绍和能力描述人物介绍包括自我介绍和对他人进行介绍。在进行介绍时,可从姓名、年龄、年级、班级、工作、籍贯、爱好、朋友等多方面进行表述,常用的句型有:1. I ' m . / My name i s / His name is . 我是。/ 我叫/他叫。2. I ' m / Hs / She' s from .我/他/她来自于 。3. I'm / He' s / She ' s a ye old.我/他/她岁。4. I&

2、#39;m /H e' s /She' sC hine s e.我 /他/她是中国人。5. I' m / He 7 She's in .我/他/她在班。6. I / He / She ca n a nd he / she can . 我/他 / 她会. 和。7. I / H e /She can ,but he / she can't.我/ 他/她会. 但不会。例一:假设你有一位来自美国的朋友Sm 1 th,请你根据下面的提示写一篇短文介绍他。提示:1 .他是第十一中学的学生;2 .他在一年级六班;3 .他会弹钢琴但不会踢足球.4 .他还有一位好朋友叫贝

3、蒂; .我们在同一所学校上学。范文:I have a good friend.H i s naim e is Smi th. He c o mes from Amer i ca. He' s a stu d nt in No. 11 MiddleSchool. He' s in Class 6, Grade 1. He can play the pia n o but he c an' t play football. H e has ano t her good f r iend. Her n ame i sBetty. W e are in the same mid

4、dle sc hool. We all like our school.二、如何描述物体所在的位置一般描述物体位置可以按空间顺序描写,运用适当的介词说清物体的具体位置,常用的句型有:1. Th is i s .这是。2. . The re is / are . 有。3. The is i n front of th e classro om. 在教室前面。4. The is bchi n d / next to / und e r the . 在的后面/隔壁/下面。5. Ne x t to the s- i .挨着是。6. There are some in my school.我的学校有一些

5、。例二:以My bedr o om为题写一篇短文,要求语句通顺,词数不少于60个。范文:I have a s m a ll bedro o m,. It s' clean a nd t idy . Th e r e i s a bi g d e sk on the le f t of the room . The r e are some book s, a com p ute r on it. And there is a pencil-box and a lamp o n it , too. Near the d e sk, there i s a bed. There is a

6、window in th e wall. There ar e two pictures on the wall. Ioften cl e an m y bed room .三、如何描述和介绍家庭情况、职业可先介绍家庭的总体情况,然后再分别介绍家庭中各个成员之间的关系,最后可以发表 一下对家庭的感受或做适当的评价。可用以下句型:1. There a repe o p le in f a mi 1 y.家有口人。我/他/她有我/他 /她没这是一个大/小家庭。我/他/她爸爸/妈妈2. T hey are 他们是。3. I /He / She h a v e / has got4. I / He /

7、 She haven ' / hasn ' tg o t a ny 有。5. Th i s i s a big / small fami 1 y .6. My / His / Her dad / mum is a例三:假设你有一个美国朋友,她叫Betty,她有爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶奶、两个兄弟和一个姐 姐,他们现在都在中国,爸爸是医生,妈妈是酒店经理,兄弟和姐姐是大学生。范文:I have got a f r i end. Her name i s B e t ty. S he i s an Amer i can girl. There are e i g ht people i

8、n her family. They are her dad, mum and her g randparents. She has got two brothers and a sister.She hasn't got any uncle s or sister s. Now they're in China. Her dad is a doctor and her mum is a ho t el manag e r. H er brother s and sister are s t udents i n a un i versity. It ' s reall

9、y bi g fa mily . They all like China.四、如何谈论食物、饮料和一日三餐谈论食物和饮料可分为两部分:一部分可以谈论哪些是健康的食物和饮料,哪些是不健康的食物和饮料;一部分可以谈论喜欢哪些食物和饮料,不喜欢哪些食物和饮料,可用以下句型:1. . W c ' got som e我们有一些 。2. We haven ' tgot any 我们没有。3. Wha t ' s y o ur fav o u r i te food and dri n k?你最喜爱的食物和饮料是什么?4. . My favourite food i s 我最喜爱的食

10、物是 。5. Are they hea lt h y food and drink?他们是健康的食物和饮料吗?6.is h ealth y food but n i'st healthy fo o d.是健康的食物而不是健康的食物。7. i s unhealthy drink.是不健康的饮料。8. I have for my break fast / lunch / suppe r .我早餐/午餐/晚餐吃。例四:以Health y Food and D rink为题加上自己的一日三餐,写一篇不少于 60词的短文,要求语句通顺,思路连贯。范文:Heal thy F ood a nd Dr

11、ink Meat andfishare health yf ood. R i ce and bre a d are hea 1 thy food . Fruit andvegetables are heal thy f o od buth a m b ur g ers a nd rice cream n ot he a l t h y foo d.Milk a nd watera re he a Ithyd r inks but Co k e isn ' t a healthy d rink . To beh ealt hy, we shouldeat m ore healthy fo

12、od and le s s unheal t hy f o od. So I ha v e a g 1 ass of milk , bread and egg s fo r bre ak fast. I have lun c h at scho o l and I li k e car ro t s and tomato e s . I ha v e fish, ch i ck e n and veget a b 1 e s for sup pe r .五、如何写邀请函在写的内容中把你要邀请的时间、地点、事件以及邀请人写清楚,当然还要注意邀请函的格式,常用到的句型有:1. . Wo u l d

13、 you l i ke to c o me t o ?你愿意来参加 吗?2. It' s t .它在(地方)举行。3. It ' s on .它在天。4. Best w i she s !致以最好的祝愿!例五:假设你叫琳达,你要邀请你的朋友麦琪来参加彳的生日派对,时间在周五晚上7:30,地点在家里,即人民大街55号,请你根据上述内容给麦琪写一封邀请函。范文: From: LindaTo : Ma g g i eHi! Wo u ld you like t o com e to my b i r t hday part y ? It '密 t 7 :30 on th e

14、evening of Fr iday. It;s at my h om e ., No. 55 R enmin St r eet. I hope you can hav e a g ood t i me her e . Best wis h es!L i nda六.如何谈论学习日、描写学校生活谈论学习日时要包括学习的时间安排和课程安排,在各种安排和课程的基础上可以表达 一下自己的看法。在描写学校生活的过程中建议要按照一定的时间顺序写,把每段时间做什么交代清楚,也可以适当发表一下自己的感受,常用句型有:a) I get up a t我在(点钟)起床。b) My school i s near .

15、我的学校在附近。c) I g o to school at 我在(点钟)上学。d) Sc ho ol starts a t .在(点钟)开始上课。e ) We h ave 1 ess o n s in t he mornin g / afte r noon.我们早上 /下午上节课。f) I have breakfast / lunc h / suppc r at .我在吃早餐 /午餐/晚饭。例六、以My School Day为题,写一篇不少于6 0词的作文。范文:Hi! I' m Tina. I 'hm ittcen years 01d. I' m a mi d dle

16、 school student. My school is nex t to my h o me. I goto schoolat h alf past seven and le s sons st art ateighto' c lo c k. I have fo u rle s sons inthe morning. My fav our i t elesson isma ths.I have lunch i n the din i ng h a 1 l at tw e 1 ve o' d ock. I like school 1 u n ch. Le s s o n s

17、start at h a lf past one int he afternoon. W e h a ve th r eeles sonsin thea f t ern o on. Sch o olis o v er at fiv e p. m. I d o m y homewor kath ome in t heeven ing . I of t en go to bed at about ten. I am s o b usy but I am h appy. 七、如何描写他人在写作白同时,要注意既然是他人,就会有行为动词三单形式的变化,还可以从他人的 日常行为习惯和爱好入手,这样就可以避

18、免初学英语时只会介绍年龄、性别那几句简单的话,可以做到有话可说了。常用的句型有:1 . 1ive s i n 住在。2. 1i k es to read books but does' tl ike :喜欢看书但不喜欢 。3.usu a 1 ly g o es to onS n d ay .周日通常去 。4. o f t en goes to and buys 经常去并且买。 5. neverwe ars or 从来不穿和。NameF ro mAge1 ik edislikeSandyAmerica1 2Spo r tFoodt ehambu r例七:例七:以My f rien d为题

19、 根据表格内容,写一篇 60词左右的短文。nni sgersf oo tba1 lf r uit范文:I have a good f r ien d . His name is Sandy . H e i s twelve years old. H e comes fro m Am eri c a. H e li v e s in B e i j ing. He c an speak Chin e se. He 1 i k e s playin g football but he d o esn' t like te n nis. H e often w atch es t he fo

20、otba 1 l matches on TV. He likes f ruit but h e do c sn ' t ike e gg s and ham b ur g ers. We us u al 1 y go to the shop and b uy so m e fru i t . 八、如何描绘动物对动物的描绘可以从动物的来源地、居住场所、喜欢吃什么食物及喜欢做什么事情等角 度入手。在描绘动物的同时,可以表达自己对动物的想法。常可用到的句型有:是我最喜欢的动物。1 .is my favo urite ani m a l.2 . It com e s from .它来自与3.

21、It eats.它吃,4. I t l i ves i n t he .它生活在但不喜欢5. It l i k e s bu t d o esn ' t like .它喜欢例八、根据英文提示,使用所给的英文词语,完成下面的一封英文信,要求语言流畅、语法 正确。熊猫是我们国家的国宝 ,请根据你所知道的有关熊猫的一些知识介绍给你的美国笔友Jim. ( live in Chi n a , h ometome, wi 1 d pan das, wat c h, in t he z oo, Li ng 1 i n g , f i ve years o ld, bamb o o ) 范文:D ea

22、r Jim,Tha n k s for your l a st lette r . Let me tel 1 you a b o ut the pa n d a . 11 is t he tre asure of our countr y . It lives in China . China is its hometow n . Th er e ar e few pand a s i n the wi 1 d. Now w e can o nly watc h the p anda in t h e zoo. Lingli n g, a p anda, is f iv e year s ol d . She i s be au tiful. Sh e like s eati n g bamboo. She is 10 V ely. I h o p e you c an


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