1、Unit 4 Global warmingart 1输人必备知识词句通关.语基程管.No.lNo.l狂背单词I单词语境记忆1.the latesttrend in fashion 时装界最新趋势2.a big flood last century 上个世纪的大洪水3.all different kinds of fuels 各种不同的燃料4.the graph of road accidents 交通事故曲线图5.face ecological catastrophe 面临生态灾难6.with in the no rmal range 在正常范围内7.unique circumstance 独
2、特的状况8.advocatebanning cars in the city centre 提倡市中心禁止车辆9.the average rainfall平均降水量10. the random test 随机检测n.词性转换与派生记忆1.glanee n. 瞥vi.看一下; 扫视2.in dividual n.个人;个体adj.单独的;个别的3.consume vt.消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完 consumer n.顾客4.subscribe vi.同意;捐赠;订阅 vt.签署(文件);捐助subscription n.同意;捐赠;订阅;签署5.te nd vi.趋向;易于;照顾 vt.照顾;护理
3、ten de ncy n.倾向;趋势6.consequenee n.结果;后果;影响 consequent adj.随之发生的;作为结 果的consequently adv.因此; 所以7.state vt.陈述;说明statement n.说明;说法;表白8.steady adj.平稳的;稳固的steadily adv.平稳地;持续地9.economical adj.节约的;经济的economic adj.经济的economy n.经 济;节约10. existenee n.生存;存在 exist vi.存在existing adj.目前的; 现在的11. electrical adj.电的
4、;与电有关的 electricity n.电;电力electric adj. 电的;电动的electronic n.电子的12. educator n.教育工作者;教育家educate v.教育;培养education n.教 育;培养13.con tributionn.贡献;捐助con tribute v .贡献;撰稿;捐助;捐赠14. environmental adj.环境的environment n. 环境15. pollution n.污染;弄脏pollute vt.污染polluted adj.被污染的川.单词趣味串记1 . Quantities of digital produc
5、ts are made in that village and all are of highquality.那个村子里生产了大量的数码产品,它们质量都很高。2. It is quite difficult to deal with the numerous data, s o our date has to be put off.处理这些庞大的数据太难了,我们不得不推迟日期。3. We aresupposedto opposesmoking in the public places. 我们应该反对在公共场合抽烟。联想记忆1 .特别“不规则 ”的名词复数小结1datum data 数据2med
6、ium media 媒体3bacterium bacteria 纟田菌4criterio ncriteria标准5phenomenor phenomena 现象6crisis crises 危机2.与“灾难”有关的名词集锦1flood 洪灾2drought 旱灾3disaster 灾难4catastrophe 大灾难5earthquake 地震6tsunami 海啸3.“环境,情况”名词家族1circumstanee 环境; 情况2environment 环境,自然环境3surroundings (周围的)环境/事物4con ditio n 状况,情况5situatio n 形势,情况4. 后
7、缀ation 必备名词集锦1presentation 显示,演出2reformatio n 改革,革新3in vitati on 邀请4moder ni zati on 现代化5organization 组织6preparation 准备5. 与“电”有关的单词荟萃1electrical adj.电的;与电有关的2electricity n.电;电流3electric adj.电的;电动的4electro nic adj. 电子的5electrics n. 电路6electricia n n. 电工; 电学家NO.2NO.2狂背短语 /短语背诵1. come about 发生;造成2. sub
8、scribe to 同意;赞成;订购3. quantities of 大量的4. go up 上升;增长;升起5. result in 导致6.be opposed to 反对. ; 与.对立7.even if 即使8.keep on 继续9.on the whole 大体上;基本上10. on behalf of 代表.一方;作为.的代言人11. put up with 忍受;容忍12. so long as 只要13. and so on 等等词块积累1.global warming 全球变暖2.natural phenomenon 自然现象3.greenhouse gases 温室气体4
9、.greenhouse effect 温室效应5.trap heat from the sun 吸收太阳的热量6.be economical with energy 节约能源7. make accurate measurements of 对 做精确的测量8.as low as 低至 U.9.as high as 高达.10. have a commitment 承担义务11. improve the environment 改善环境12. recycled materials 可回收材料NO.3狂背句式1.So how has this come abouand does it matte?
10、那么,这种温度的增长是怎么产生的呢?会产生什么影响呢?2.There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer (see Graph 1) and that it is huma nactivity that has caused this global warm ing rather tha n a ran dom but n atural phe nomenon.毫无疑问,地球是在变暖(见表一),而地球变暖正是人类活动导致而成的,并非 是一种无规律的自然现象。3. All scie ntists subscribe to the view
11、tha the in crease in the earth s temperature isdue to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energ 所有的科学家赞同这种观点:人们为了生产能量而燃烧化石燃料(如煤、天然气和石油等),从而引起了地球温度的升高。4. Dr Janice Foster says that over the next 100 years the amount of warmingpuld beas low as 1 to 1.5 degreeCelsius,
12、but it could be as high as 5 degrees福斯特博士说,在今后的 100 年里,全球变暖的量可能低到 11.5 摄氏度,但是也有可能高达 5 摄氏度。5. Even if we start reduci ng the amount of carb on dioxide and other gree nhousegases the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.即使我们开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的含量,在(未来)几十年或几个世纪内,气候仍会持续转暖。6. It is OK
13、 to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using if not,turnit off!在用电器设备时你可以让它开着,如果不用就把它关掉!.輕莆落实.I.单词拼写1. As the charts shows the quantity (数量)of the groundwater in our country is not satisfy ing.2.1 n addition to these traditional activities, we have a wider range 范围)of choices,such a
14、s travelling and visiting our relatives or friends.3. The two pictures look so similar at one glance (一瞥),but they are totally differe nt.4. There is a (n)widespread 普遍的)concern over the issue whether students should make friends on line.5. The average 平均的)temperature ranges between 2Xand 39C and 51
15、% of theisla nd is covered with forests.6. The people who cannot quit smoking may easily be affected by his circumstance (情况)andsurroundin gs.7. I stro ngly advocate (主张)that we should make joi nt efforts to con tribute to the youth footballprogress.8. A cool drink refreshed 使恢复)me after my long wal
16、k.n.词性变化练习1. With the subscription from the kind hearted people the teacher subscribed to some newspapers for the poor childre n in the mountain area.(subscribe)2. One of the worst consequences of smoking for a long time is that you may suffer lungcancer.Consequently you and your family will suffer
17、a lot.(consequent)3. Thanks to the river chief system, the local rivers pollution has been stopped and you cannotsee any polluted water in this city.(pollute)4. It was stated that the preside nt made a statement announcing new policies to deal with thenew situatio n.(state)5. They have contributed a
18、 lot of food and clothing to the refugees so far and their con tributi onswill certa in ly help the refugees live through the win ter.(co ntribute)6. Many people do not believe the existence of the ghost, but many young children believethere exists all kinds of ghosts in the world.How to solve this
19、existing problem? (exist)7. The storm tends to hit our city, and we will observe the tendency of it closely.(te nd)8. The air conditioners of this type consume too much electricity.Many consumers compla inabout this.(c on sume)川选词填空come abou, subscribe to, quantities of, go up, result in, be opposed
20、 tc, keep on, on the whole,on behalf of, put up with1. On behalf _of every one here I wish you a pleasa nt journey back to your country.2. We want to know how it came aboutthat humans speak so many different Ian guages.3. I can pui up with my no isy roommates any Ion ger.4. The other day, he subscri
21、bed _to many magazines for the poor children.a large/small qua ntity of大/少量的5.Quantities_of drinking water have been transported to the flooded area.6.You have made a few mistakes in your composition but on the whole, it was writte n well.7.The oil price has gone_up aga in and many car owners beg in
22、 to compla in aga in.8.Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration.9.His friend advised him to give up the work, but he had to keep _on doing it.10. Her parents are opposed_to her marrying that guy.IV .补全句子1.How does it come about that there is more than one English in the world? 世界
23、上有不止一种英语,这件事情是怎么样发生的呢?2.There_is_ doubt thatit is what he said that draws our attention to theeve nt.毫无疑问是他所说的话引起了我们对这件事的注意。3 . As is shown in the survey , more than 70% of the interviewees subscribe _to _the _view _thatair pollution results from the emission of gases from factories and automobiles.
24、正如调查中所显示的那样,百分之七十多的被采访者同意这种观点,空气污染来源自工厂和机动车排放的废气。4.The floods have struck_as many _as_6 provinces in the south China.在中国南方,受洪水袭击的省份多达 6 个。5.Dean still refused to join in the game even if/though we _aU _did_our best to persuadehim尽管我们都尽最大的努力去说服 Dea n,但是他依然拒绝参加这场比赛。6.H_is_OK to accept the job as long
25、as you like itJf at don t do it.只要喜欢这份工作,你可以接受它。如果不喜欢,不要做这份工作。P_art 2|掌握核心惣里分层突破“1核心要点突破1. quantity n.量;数量(large) quantities of 大量的in quantity/in large quantities 大量的单句语法填空1We can offer you a better price if you can buy it in quantity.2As a result of destroying the forests, a large quantity of deser
26、t has covered (cover) the land.佳句背诵I know you once participated in a robotics competition and won the award , so youmust have accumulated a large quantity of/quantities of experience.(2018 天津高考满分作文)我知道你曾经参加过机器人大赛,并且获得了大奖,因此你肯定积累了大量的经 验。名师指津“a quantity of +名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数;而“quantities of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词
27、用复数。2. oppose vt 反对;反抗;与(某人)较量(1)oppose sth/doing sth 反对(做)某事oppose sb/sdoing sth 反对某人/某人做某事opposed adj.反对的;对立的be opposed to 反对.;与.对立(to 为介词)单句语法填空1The mayor is strongly opposed to building (build) a new hall,which may cost a lot of mon ey.2Her pare nts are opposed to her (she) going abroad.3However
28、, many students and parents oppose separating (separate) students into scie neeand art.佳句背诵 A lot of people as well as the preside nt of the an imal protecti on associationoppose doingxperime nts on ani mals.不仅动物保护协会的会长,而且许多人都反对拿动物做实验。3. consequence n. 结果; 后果; 影响(1)as a consequenee 因此; 结果as a conseq
29、uenee o in consequenee of 由于. 的缘故in consequence= consequently 因此;结果consequent adj.随之发生的;作为结果的单句语法填空/补全句子1Consequently (consequenee) she understood it and became interested in Chinese traditi onalculture.2As_a consequenee_ f human activitieslike cutting down bamboos, thepan das are lack ing in food s
30、ource.由于像砍伐竹子这样的人类活动,熊猫缺少了食物来源。佳句背诵As a consequence children become so reliant on their parents that theyhave no independent thought or creative ideas 福建高考书面表达)结果,孩子们变得太依赖于父母,以至于他们没有独立的思想和创造性的想法。4.range n.种类;范围;幅度;界限 v.(在一定范围内)变动;变化;排列(1) a wide range of 一系列.within/in the range of 在.范围内beyond onWs r
31、ange 某人能力达不至 U 的(2) range from.to.在.范围内变动单句语法填空1The price of the house is so high that it is well beyond our range.2He has a number of interests ranging (range) from playing chess to swimming.佳句背诵The team will hold a range of activities,including some training andmatches.(2017 全国卷川满分作文)球队将举行各种各样的活动,
32、包含各种训练和比赛。5. average adj.平均的;普通的;正(平)常的 n.平均数;平均水平;一般水准v v.平均为;计算出的平均数(1) a n average of平均有(2) on (the) average 平均起来above (the) average 在平均水平以上below (the) average 在平均水平以下补全句子There were 90 students getting full marks in the exam,an average_ f 18 students in eachclass.Tom s ate/e averagewhile John s w
33、Oelow average 在这次考试中有 90 个同学得到了满分,每个班级平均有 18 人。汤姆的成绩在平 均水平之上,而约翰的成绩在平均水平之下。佳句背诵All students have two PE classes a week and run for an average of 20minutes every day.(2018 全国卷川满分作文)所有学生每周有两节体育课,每天平均跑20 分钟。6. circumstance n.环境;情况under/in the circumstances 在此情况下under/in no circumstances 决不;无论如何都不(位于句首时
34、,句子要用部分倒装)补全句子It might not be a perfect solution, but it the best I can do under/in the circumsta nces这也许不是一个完美的解决办法,但这是在此情况下我能做得最好的。佳句背诵Furthermore, under/in no circumstanceSs punishment a wise choice tohelp them grow up men tally and physically.侠西高考)另外,惩罚绝不是一种明智的选择来帮助他们在精神和身体方面健康成长。7. come about 发
35、生; 造成come on 快点;加油;得了吧come to 合计;达到;恢复come up 走近;上来;发生;被提及come across 邂逅;偶遇come up with 提出; 想出; 赶上come into being 形成; 产生单句语法填空1I lhever understand how it came about that you were an hour late on such a short jour ney.2When important questions come up, the members often lose their dignified ways and
36、shoutat each other.3How the custom came into being remains a mystery.佳句背诵When we read newspapers we often come acrosssuch English words as“AIDS” and “PK 江苏高考书面表达)读报时,我们常会遇到像 “AIDS 和“PK 这样的英语单词。名师指津come about 是不及物动词短语,不可用于被动语态和进行时态。8. result in 导致result from 由.造成;因. 而产生as a result 结果as a result of 由于
37、.的结果选用上述短语填空1There is more and more noise pollutions _a _resultmany species are dying out.2As_a result of more and more noise pollution many species are dying out.3More and more noise pollution has resulted_jn many species dying out.4The fact that many species are dying out results from more and mor
38、e noise polluti on.佳句背诵As a result I don t have enoughei to take exercise.(2017 天津高考书面表达)结果是我没有时间锻炼身体名师指津result in 的主语是“起因”,宾语是“结果” ;result from 的主语是“结果”,宾语是“起因”。9. put up with 容忍;忍受put off 延期;推迟put out 熄灭;扑灭put up 建造;张贴;供给.住宿;举起put aside 节省;储蓄;把.放在一边put away 收起来;放好put forward 提出建议;把 .向前拨补全句子1Inthat
39、 case , we will have tolear ntoput up with some qf _bjs shortcomings and try to discover his advantages.那样,我们就不得不学会忍受他的一些缺点并努力试图发现他的优点。2A suggestion has been_put forward that we should recycle the textbooks. 有人提出建议,我们应该循环利用教科书。佳句背诵A week before Earth Day, posters wereput up in our school,calling upo
40、n us to join in theacti ons for a greener earth.(2016l 匕京高考书面表达)地球日前一周,校园里就张贴了海报,号召我们为更加绿色的地球一起行动起来。10. so/as long asIt is OK to leave an electrical applia nce on so long asyou are using it if not,turn it off!(教材原句)只要你在使用电器设备,你可以让它开着,如果不用就把它关掉!so/as long as “只要”,引导条件状语从句。(1)引导条件状语从句的连词短语:on con diti
41、 on that 只要1You can write anything relevantas/so long aSt s interesting and informati(全国卷I书面表达)只要内容有趣且信息量大,你可以写任何相关的内容。2As long as you keep studying hard you can improve your maths.f On condition that you keep studying hard you can improve your maths.(2)as long as 还可表示“与.一样长”;类似结构:短语原意引申义as long as与
42、一样长只要as well as与一样好也;和as far as远到就.而言;至于as good as与一样好几乎选用上述短语填空3We as well_as Tom went to Hainan to spend our holiday.4As far as I am concerned I am strongly against the plan.5A distant relative is not as good_ s a near neighbour.6You can borrow my car as long_as you promise not to drive too fast.心
43、考纲词汇专练I.多义词专练一一选择语境中词汇的含义1. averageA. n.平均数 B. adj.平均的 C. adj.普通的 D. vt.平均为1The average age of the boys in this class is fiftee n._B2It s said that the newspaper office receivesaverage of nearly 100 articles a day.in case如果;万一A3There was nothing special about the film- it was on ly average C4The hot
44、el averages50 to 100 foreig n guests daily._D2. subscribe toA.赞成 B .同意 C .订购1We all subscribed towhat he had said._B2He subscribes tdhe view that childre n can ben efit from being in depe nden3I have subscribed toseveral magaz ines recen tlyCn.微阅读一一写出黑体词汇在语境中的词性和词义The tendency of global warming has
45、been observed worldwide.One of the2consequenceof the average temperature steadily going up is that catastrophes like floodsoccur more ofte n. Collected data make a clear presentationabout how this phenomenoncomes about.Large qua ntities of carb on dioxide released into the atmospherepreve ntheat fro
46、m escap ing into space besides caus ing a wide range of pollution.Scientists subscribe tothe view that human sexistenee and their casual behaviours are to blame.Though some one statesthat global warmi ng is moderate not severe, we must find a solution to the threat.The commitmentrequires shared effo
47、rts.It is now a global trend to consume fewer fossil fuels.Governme nts tend to advocaterefresh ing our livi ng circumsta nces by sav ing en ergy and recycli ng waste.n.倾向;趋势n.结果;后果3n.大灾难;浩劫 n.显示5n.现象 vi.同意7adj.随便的;漫不经心的 n.承诺vt.消费;消耗vt.拥护;提倡;主张川.微完形- 根据语境选出正确选项Accord ing to the statistics, _1_, a pe
48、rs on produces about 2 kilograms of garbage per day,which is considered as one of the pollution sources _2_ in the en vir onment polluti on. The garbagepollutio n, which we cannot _3, brings great difficulties to our life .In additi on, a large _4_ ofpolluti on is damagi ng our environment.As a _5_,
49、 our health is under threat.So, let swork_6ogether toany form of destructi on of the en vir onment.1. A.on the wholeC. in consequeneeB. on averageD . in the circumsta nces2. A.resultingB . inv olvi ngC. believingD . ranging3. A.keep onB . subscribe toC. come up withD . put up with4. A.commitmentB .
50、subscripti onC. quantityD . stateme nt5. A.consequeneeB . disagreeme ntC. contributionD . tendency6. A.refreshB. opposeC. advocateD . con sume答案 1.B 2.A3.D4.C 5.A 6.BPart 3练实基础考点多维检测I.在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或所给单词的正确形式 热考常考1. I have a tendencyjp Jalktalk) too much when I m nervous.2. The woman living next do
51、or is a well known educator(educate)3. I couldn t putwipi the stress of the work, so I quit it.4. Though the doctor told Mr.King to give up smoking, he kept on doing(do) it.5. There were 40 students competing in the speech conteswhose ages_ranged(range) from 15 to 20.6. Under no circumstances should
52、 you be addicted to drinking.7. There are some disagreements(disagree) among,uso we need to decide on a date to discuss thematter.8. You can subscribe_to the magazine for as little as $32 a year.9. They were_tending(tend) the patient when the door opened automatically.10.It seems that food prices ar
53、e rising _steadily(steady) but the money Jenny earns keeps the same.n.用所给词的正确形式填空不规则变化1. The supply of food almost ran(run) out and we felt helpless.2. The temperature in this area has gone(go) up 2 degrees than that at the same time last year.3. He didn t lose hope andbt(keep) on trying.川改正下列句子中的唯一
54、错误 易错易混1 .The chemist raised his han dgla need his watch and left his office in a hurry.glanced后力卩 at2. There is no doubt he is desperate for knowledge.dou 后力卩 that3. It was due to the floods when our houses were damaged.whenthat4. No one knows when this strange tradition came into the existenc 去掉 t
55、he5. There are several spelling mistakes in your composition but on a whole, it is quite good.a the6. Tom is unwilling to go to school even a wide range of activities is provided for children there.even后力口 if/though7. Joh n accepted the champi on ship in behalf of the teamjnon8. We ve see n a great
56、grow in the nu mber of bus in ess using the wpbw growth9. As long as you feel happy and don t care about what others think of y 去掉 and10. With the house prices gone up, many people cannot afford to buy one of their own .gonegoingIV .根据语境选出加黑词的正确含义一一熟词生义A. indifferent B. not often C. put in order1. I
57、 mshamedto admit that I mjfflU al user of the library service._B2. All the books are ranged on the shelf._CP_art 4提高应试技能切块集训I阅读提速练III.阅读理解Tomas Rodriguez65 Econo Lane,Lexington,VA 24450Phone:(801)2258649October 21Arcadian Clock Co.Warra nty(保修)Departme nt6531 West Board Stree,tRichmond,VA 23230To wh
58、om it may concern,As my watch (model:5M430B19,S/N:6D8256) was clearly in need of repair,I recently took it to the Lexington Repair Center where all the faulty components in Arcadian watchesare repaired.To my surpris,e my request for the repairs to be billed to your company was declined inspite of th
59、e fact that there are still three years remaining in the coverage period.As there are no otherauthorized service centers in my area, I had to pay $70 for the repairs myself.I have included a copy of the receipt I got for the repairs and a copy of my warranty certificate.Pleaselet me know if you need
60、 any additional information.Regards,Tomas RodriguezWarranty CertificateThank you for purchasing the 5M43 0B19 automatic watch.We are proud of our reputation forquality and customer service and our long history of providing fine timepieces to enthusiasticcollectors around the world.To maximize the pe
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