



1、.Linux内核测试工具Autotest简介【Introduction】Autotest is a framework for fully automated testing. It is designed primarily to test the Linux kernel, though it is useful for many other purposes such as qualifying new hardware, virtualization testing and other general user space program testing under linux pla

2、tforms. It's an open-source project under the GPL and is used and developed by a number of organizations, including Google, IBM, Red Hat, and many others.Testing is not about running tests . testing is about finding and fixing bugs. We have to:· Run the tests· Find a bug· Classify

3、 the bug· Hand the bugs off to a developer· Developer investigates bug (cyclical)· Developer tests some proposed fix (cyclical)· Fix checked in· New release issued to test team.So many test systems I see are oriented only around the first two (or even one!) steps. This is ma

4、ssively inefficient 【Autotest vs Other harnesses】· ONE harness to do performance, stress, multi-machine testing, etc. 性能,压力,分布式测试· Consistent results & logging structure· Web and CLI front end 网页前端控制测试用例· Web and CLI analysis backend 网页前端分析· Shared machine pool &

5、; scheduler· EASY to write new tests: low entry barrier 易写新测试· Open source share tests with vendors 开源· Control files are powerful!· Proven scaling 6000 machines+ 可控制机器数 【setup】· 直接从github上的stonekim/autotest 克隆下来,其中添加了新的功能测试用例可以不放在tests文件夹下,可在任意位置。git clone git:stonekim

6、/autotest.git· 注意 不安装也可使用,但若安装,需将项目中的commux文件夹copy到安装目录下。另外如有需要也须将可执行文件复制过去cd autotest/sudo python installsudo cp commux /setup/path/autotest 【Usage Tutorial】· Run Client host(the result is in results folder)cd client/sudo ./autotest -verbose tests/sleeptest/control·

7、; Run Server host(The Server host should ssh connect Client host without password ,instead of authorized keys)cd server/sudo ./autoserv -remote -m roothostaddress1,roothostaddress2 -c ./client/tests/sleeptest/control 【Test Example】每个测试用例包含以下文件:· An example control file (eg tests/mytest/con

8、trol)· A test wrapper (eg (tests/mytest/· Some source code for the test (if it's not all done in just the python script)1. control文件 :tests/sleeptest/controlA control file should define at the very top a set of variables. These are:· AUTHOR· TIME· NAME· TE

9、ST_CATEGORY· TEST_CLASS· TEST_TYPE· SYNC_COUNT· DOCexcept SYNC_COUNT are set to a string. SYNC_COUNT is a number which has relevance for the scheduling of multi-machine server side jobs. In addition you can define the variable EXPERIMENTAL (either True or False). By default it is

10、 False, but when set to True, will control whether the job shows up in the web frontend by default.2. python脚本文件: tests/sleeptest/,类中一般包括以下几个方法,方法间的关系如图所示:· initialize() - This is run before everything, every time the test is run.· setup() - This is run when you first use the t

11、est, and normally is used to compile the source code.· run_once() - This is called by job.run_test N times, where N is controlled by the iterations parameter to run_test (defaulting to one). It also gets called an additional time with profilers turned on, if you have any profilers enabled.·

12、; postprocess_iteration() - This processes any results generated by the test iteration, and writes them out into a keyval. It's generally not called for the profiling iteration, as that may have different performance.· postprocess() - DEPRECATED This is called once to do postprocessing of test iterations, after all iterations are complete.


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