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1、五年级上册Unit1old年老的 young 年轻的funny滑稽可笑的. kind和蔼的strict严格的. polite有礼貌的;有教养的hard-working努力工作的,勤奋的helpful有帮助的; 愿意帮忙的clever聪明的,聪颖的 shy害羞的;腼腆的know知道. 了解 our我们的Ms女士(代替Miss或Mrs的字,不指明称呼人的婚姻状况);will(谈及将来)将要sometimes有时候,间或; 时而robot机器人 him (he的宾格)他speak 会说,会讲(某种语言)finish完成;做完1. Is he young? 他年轻吗?No, he isn't.

2、 不,他不年轻。2. What's she like?她怎么样? She's kind.她很和蔼。 Unit2Monday(Mon.)星期一Tuesday(Tue.)星期二Wednesday(Wed.)星期三Thursday(Thu.)星期四Friday(Fri.)星期五Saturday(Sat.)星期六Sunday(Sun.)星期天.weekend周末wash my clothes 洗我的衣服watchTV看电视do homework做作业read books 看书play football 踢足球cooking烹饪;烹调 often 常常; 时常park公园 tired疲倦

3、的play sports 做体育运动should(常用于纠正别人)应该every day每天 schedule 工作计划,日程安排1、What do you have on Thursdays?星期四你有什么课?I have maths, English and music.我有数学、英语和音乐课。2、Do you often read books in this park?你经常在这个公园里看书吗?No, I don't.不,我不经常在这里看书。Unit3sandwich三明治 salad蔬菜沙拉hamburger汉堡包 ice cream冰淇淋tea 茶水; 茶 fresh新鲜的h

4、ealthy健康的;有益健康的delicious美味的,可口的hot 辣的;辛辣的 sweet甜的drink喝; 饮 thirsty渴的口渴的favourite特别喜爱的;最喜爱的food食物 Dear 亲爱的onion 洋葱;葱头1、What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么?Id like a sandwich, please. 2、What would you like to drink?I'd like some water.我想喝点水。3、What's your favourite food?Noodles. They're delic

5、ious.am,is-was are-were eat-ate fall-fellfeel-felt get-got go-went have-had make-made run-ran see-saw sit-satUnit4sing English songs 唱英文歌曲play the pipa弹琵琶do kung fu 练武术 dance 跳舞draw cartoon 画漫画 cook 烹调swim 游泳play basketball 打篮球play ping-pong 打乒乓球speak English 说英语well=we willparty聚会;派对next下一个的;紧接着的;接

6、下来的wonderful 极好的;了不起的learn学;学习;学会any任何的;任一的;随便哪一个no problem 没问题 want想要send 发送;邮寄 email电子邮件at (后面接邮件地址)1、What can you do for the party, children?孩子们,你们能为联欢会做什么?I can sing English songs.我会唱英文歌。2、 Can you do any kung fu, John?约翰,你会武术吗?Yes, I can.是的,我会武术。Unit5clock 钟,时钟 plant 植物water bottle 水瓶 bike 自行车p

7、hoto照片;相片in front of 在前面between 在之间;above 在上面beside 在旁边(附近)behind 在的后面there(表示存在或发生)grandfather (外)祖父their 他(她,它)们的house 房屋;房子;住宅lots of大量,许多 flower 花;花朵move 搬家 dirty 肮脏的everywhere到处,处处mouse 老鼠 live 居住nature 自然界;大自然1、There is a big bed.(这里)有张大床。2、There are so many pictures here.这里有这么多幅画。Unit6forest森

8、林 river河流lake湖泊 mountain高山;山脉hill小山 tree树;树木bridge桥 building建筑物village乡村;村庄 house房子;住宅go boating 去划船 arent=are notrabbit 兔子,野兔 high 高的1、Is there a river in the forest, Miss White?怀特小姐,森林里有河吗?No, there isn't.不,森林里没有河。2、Are there any tall buildings in the nature park?自然公园里有高楼吗?No, there aren't

9、.不,自然公园里没有高楼。一般现在时What do you do?见到usually,often,sometimes,always时看是否需要用单三(s/es)Eg:I watch TV. I dont watch TV.Do you watch TV? Yes, I do. No,I dont.He watches TV. He doesnt watch TV.Does he watch TV?Yes,he does.No,he doesnt.五年级下册Unit1eat breakfast 吃早饭have class上课play sports 进行体育运动do morning exercis

10、es 早锻炼eat dinner 吃晚饭clean my room 打扫我的房间go for a walk 散步go shopping 去买东西;购物take a dancing class 上舞蹈课when 什么时候;何时 after 在(时间)后start 开始 usually 通常地;惯常地Spain西班牙 late晚;迟a.m. 午前;上午 p.m. 午后;下午why 为什么 shop 去买东西;购物work 工作 last 上一个的;刚过去的sound 听起来好像 also 还;也busy忙的 need 需要play 戏剧;剧本 letter 信live 居住 island 岛alw

11、ays 总是,一直 cave 山洞;洞穴go swimming 去游泳 win 获胜1. When do you finish class in the morning?We finish class at 1 o'clock. 一点结束。2. What do you do on the weekend? I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father. Unit2spring 春天 summer 夏天autumn 秋天 winter 冬天season 季节 go on a picnic 去野餐pick apples 摘苹果make

12、 a snowman 堆雪人which 哪一个 best 最好地snow 雪 good job做得好because 因为 vacation 假期all 全,完全 pink 粉色;粉色的lovely 可爱的;美丽的leaf 叶子(复数leaves)fall 落下;【美】秋天 paint 用颜料绘画1. Which season do you like best? Winter. 冬2. Why? Because I like summer vacation! Unit3January 一月(Jan.) February 二月(Feb.)March 三月(Mar.) April 四月(Apr.)M

13、ay 五月 June 六月(Jun.)July 七月(Jul.) August 八月(Aug.)September 九月(Sept.)October 十月(Oct.)November 十一月(Nov.)December 十二月(Dec.)few 不多,很少 a few 一些thing 事情 sports meet运动会Easter 复活节 trip 旅行year 年 plant 种植contest 比赛;竞赛 the Great Wall 长城National Day 国庆日 American 美国的Thanksgiving 感恩节 Christmas 圣诞节holiday 假日;节日 gam

14、e 游戏 roll 滚动 look for 寻找 chocolate 巧克力 bunny (用作儿语)兔子RSVP(尤用于请柬)请赐复by 在之前1. When is the party? Its in April. 2. When is the trip this year? Its in October. We'll go to the Great Wall. Unit4first (1st)第一的 second (2nd)第二的third (3rd)第三的 fourth (4th)第四的fifth (5th)第五的twelfth (12th)第十二的twentieth (20th

15、)第二十的twenty-first (21st)第二十一的twenty-third (23rd)第二十三的thirtieth (30th)第三十的special 特别的;特殊的fool 蠢人;傻瓜 kitten 小猫diary 日记 still 仍然;依旧;还是noise 声音;响声(尤指)噪音fur (某些动物的)浓密的软毛open 开着的 walk 行走1. When is April Fools Day? Its on April 1st. 2. When is your birthday? My birthday is on April 4th. Unit5mine 我的 yours

16、你(们)的his 他的 hers 她的theirs 他们的 ours 我们的climbing (climb的-ing形式)(正在)攀登;攀爬eating(eat的-ing形式)(正在)吃playing(play的-ing形式)(正在)玩耍jumping(jump的-ing形式)(正在)跳drinking(drink的-ing形式)(正在)喝(水)sleeping(sleep的-ing形式)(正在)睡觉each other 相互 excited 兴奋的;激动的like 像那样1. The yellow picture is mine. 2. Are these all ours. 这些都是我们的

17、画吗?3. Whose is it? Its Zhang Pengs. 4. Is he drinking water? No, he isn't. He's eating. Unit6doing morning exercises(正在)早锻炼having class(正在)上课eating lunch(正在)吃午饭reading a book(正在)看书listening to music(正在)听音乐keep to the right靠右keep your desk clean 保持你的课桌整洁talk quietly 小声讲话take turns 按顺序来bamboo

18、竹子its它的;他的(指事物、动物或幼儿)show 引导;指引 anything 任何事物else 另外;其他 exhibition 展览say 说;讲 have a look 看一看sushi 寿司 teach 教 sure当然 Canadian 加拿大的 Spanish 西班牙的1. What are they doing? They're eating lunch! 2. What's the little monkey doing? Its playing with its mother! 3. Shh. Talk quietly. 嘘,小声讲话。4. Keep you

19、r desk clean. 保持桌面整洁。现在进行时 What are you doing?见到look,listen,now时,用be+动词ingEg: I am (not)watching TV. He is(not) watching TV.Are you watching TV? Yes, I am, No, Im not.Is he watching TV? Yes, he is. No, he isnt.三年级上册1. Hello,I'm Wu Yifan. Hi,I'm Sarah. 2. What's your name? My name's J

20、ohn. 3. Goodbye! Bye,Miss White. 4. Who's there? 那边是谁?5. Let's play. 让我们玩吧。6. Mr Jones,this is Miss Green. Good morning, Miss Green. 7. I see red. 我看见红色。8. Good afternoon,Wu Yifan 9. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.10. Colour it brown! 把它涂成棕色吧!11.How are you? I'm fine, thank you.

21、/Very well,thanks.12. Let's go to school!让我们一起上学去。13. Look at me. 看着我。14. Let's make a puppet! 让我们做个木偶吧!Great! 棒极啦!15. This is the leg./arm 这是它的腿/胳膊。16.What's this? It's a duck.17.What's that? It's a panda. Cool, I like it.18. Look at the cat. It is fat.19. I'd like some

22、juice, please.果汁Here you are. 给你。20. I'm hungry.饿Have some bread. 吃面包21.Can I have some water, please?Sure22. Thank you. You're welcome. 不客气。23.This one,please. 请给我这个。Sure. 好的。24. How many plates?(你要)几个盘子?25.How old are you? I'm six years old.一般过去时: What did you do?Eg:I watched TV. I did

23、nt watch TV. Did you watch TV? Yes,I did.No,I didnt.三年级下册1. Welcome欢迎!2. Where are you from?Im from the UK.3. Whos that man? Hes my father. 4. Whos that woman? Shes my mother. 5. Is she your mother? Yes,she is. 6. Is he your father? No,he isnt.7. Its so tall.它好高啊!8. Come here,children. 到这里来,孩子们!9. I

24、t has a long nose.它有长鼻子。It has small eyes and big ears.10. Lets go home! 我们回家吧!11.Where is my pencil box? Its in your desk. Silly me! 我真傻!12. Is it in your bag? Yes,it is. /No, it isnt.13.Have a good time! 玩开心点儿!14.Lets buy some fruit.我们买点水果吧。15.Do you like oranges? Yes,I do. No,I dont.16.Sorry ,I d

25、ont like grapes. Me,neither.17.How many kites do you see?18.The black one is a bird!黑色那个是只鸟!19.How many crayons do you have?20. Open it and see!打开看看!一般将来时 What are you going to do?见到tomorrow,next week时,用be going toEg: I am(not) going to watch TV.He is(not) going to watch TV. Are you going to watch T

26、V?Yes,I am.No,Im not. Is he going to watch TV?Yes,he is.No, he isnt.见到yesterday,last时,用过去式(+ed)He watched TV. He didnt watch TV.Did he watch TV?Yes,he did.No,he didnt.四年级上册1. We have a new classroom.2.Lets go and see.3. Where is it? Its near the window.4.Lets clean the classroom!Let me clean the win

27、dow.5.Whats in your bag?An English book,a math book,three storybooks and.6.What colour is it?It is blue and white.7.Whats his name?His name is Zhang Peng.He is tall and strong.8. Whos he?9.He has glasses and his shoes are blue.10.Is she in the living room?No,she isnt.11.Where are the keys?Are they o

28、n the table?No,they arent. They are in the door.12.Whats for dinner?晚餐吃什么?13.What would you like?你想吃什么?Id like some soup and bread.,please.Id like=I would like我想要汤和面包。14.Help yourself。随便吃吧。15.Would you like a knife and fork?刀叉No,thanks.I can use the chopsticks。16.How many people are there in your fa

29、mily,Chan Jie?Three.17.My family has six people。18.Is this your uncle?Yes,it is.He is a football player.Whats your aunts job?Shes a nurse.护士四年级下册1. Where is the teachers office? 办公室Its on the second floor.2. Is this a teachers office? No, it isnt. The teachers office is next to the library.3. Is that the computer room?4. Do


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