1、period 2The Middle AgesThe RenaissanceImpressionism Modern art I and the Village by Marc Chagall, 1911Please match the paintings with the right styles.A.The Middle Ages B. RenaissanceC. Impressionism D. Modern ArtBCDA1. Western art has changed very little over the last seventeen centuries. 2. Painti
2、ngs in the Middle Ages did not use perspective. FT True or false ?3. Impressionists painted landscapes. 4. You cannot recognize any object in abstract modern art. 5. In the Renaissance most artists painted indoors. 6. Abstract art is still an art style today. TTTT Language points选修六Language pointsha
3、ve faith in I have great faith in his ability to do the job.相信相信, 信任信任 faithful adj. 忠诚的,可靠的忠诚的,可靠的 She is my faithful friend. 1.faith n.2. As there are so many different styles of Western art , it would be impossible to describe all of them in such a short text苹果这么大,我一个人不可能吃完。苹果这么大,我一个人不可能吃完。As the
4、 apple is so big,it would be impossible for me to eat it up. 作业这么多,今晚不可能做完。作业这么多,今晚不可能做完。 As there is so much homework,it would be impossible to finish it this evening.u她睡过头,所以迟到了。她睡过头,所以迟到了。uShe overslept ,and consequently was late.u她不够努力学习,因而考试不及格。她不够努力学习,因而考试不及格。uShe didnt work hard enough. Conse
5、quently she failed in the exam. consequent adj. 作为结果的作为结果的; 随之发生的随之发生的 the earthquake and the consequent confusion 地震及由此而引起的混乱地震及由此而引起的混乱(n.)consequence结果结果,后果后果,重要重要4. During the Middle Age, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes.n. 目标目标,目的目的 (purpose)What is your aim in life? 你
6、生活的目的是什么你生活的目的是什么?实现某人的目实现某人的目标标achieve ones aim总有一天他会实现他的目标。总有一天他会实现他的目标。Ill achieve his aim one day.我打算毕业后当一名医生我打算毕业后当一名医生.I aim to be a doctor when I leave school.aim (v.) to do sth.立志立志/旨在做某事旨在做某事瞄准瞄准,对准对准aim (v.) atTom aimed at a rabbit and shot it.汤姆瞄准了一只兔子并射死了它汤姆瞄准了一只兔子并射死了它.我的目标是这个学期赶上同班同学。
7、My aim is to catch up with my classmates in this term.aimless adj.无目的的无目的的He walked aimlessly in the street. 5. But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century.evident adj. 明白的明白的, 明显的明显的 evidence n. 证据证据; 证明证明The applause made it evident the play was a hit. 掌掌声显然表明该剧是成功的。声显然表明该剧是成功的
8、。Its evident that you are tired. 显然你累了。显然你累了。6. People began to concentrate less on religious themesconcentrate on / upon 集中于集中于; 专心于专心于concentrate ones attention on /upon把注意力集中于把注意力集中于7. and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life.采用,采纳采用,采纳收养一个孩子收养一个孩子adopt a child养子养子an _ sonadopted8. Rich peopl
9、e wanted to possess their own paintings. their houses and possessions as well aspossess ( vt. ) = have 拥有拥有,具有具有,占有占有possession (n.) C 财产财产(常用复数常用复数),所有物所有物 U 所有所有,拥有拥有,占有占有take possession of 占领占领,拥有拥有9. When people first saw his paintingsthey were convinced that they werelooking through a hole in t
10、he wall at a real scene. 当人们第一次看到他的画时当人们第一次看到他的画时, 还以为是透还以为是透过墙上的小洞来观察真实的场景过墙上的小洞来观察真实的场景, 并对此并对此深信不疑。深信不疑。convince vt. 使确信使确信; 使信服使信服I was convinced _ he knew the truth.I couldnt convince him _ his mistake.The doctor convinced me _ stop smoking.The more he said, the less _ he was.be convinced that
11、/ ofadj. convincing 有说服力的有说服力的相信相信thatoftoconvincingconvince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事说服某人做某事convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事使某人相信某事 10. By coincidence, oil paints were also developed at this timeby coincidence 碰巧碰巧, 由于巧合由于巧合 what a coincidence!多么凑巧的事情啊!多么凑巧的事情啊!What a coincidence to meet you here. 真巧在这儿碰到
12、你。真巧在这儿碰到你。碰巧碰巧, 10年后我遇到一位老校友。年后我遇到一位老校友。Just by coincidence, I met my old school-mate again ten years later.11. In the late 19th, Europe changed a great deal, a great deal, a good deal 用作用作n./adv. 大量的大量的; .得多得多 (跟在比较级后跟在比较级后) -He ate a great deal for breakfast this morning. (n.)-She is a great deal
13、 better today. (adv.)-She has a great deal of experience.昨天晚上他吃了很多。昨天晚上他吃了很多。_他跑得比我快得多。他跑得比我快得多。_a great/good deal of为形容词为形容词, 只接不可只接不可数名词数名词那个项目花费了大量金钱。那个项目花费了大量金钱。_ the project.He ate a great deal for supper yesterday.He ran a great deal faster than me.A great deal of money was spent on 修饰可数名词修饰可数
14、名词: 修饰不可数名词修饰不可数名词:many few/a fewa good/great manya large/ great/ big/ small number ofmany a +单数名词单数名词more than one +单单数名词数名词muchlittle/a littlea good/great deal ofa large amount of (谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数)large amounts of (谓语动词用复数谓语动词用复数)修饰可数和不可数名词修饰可数和不可数名词:a lot of/lots of plenty ofa large quantity of (谓
15、语动词用单数谓语动词用单数)large quantities of (谓语动词用复数谓语动词用复数)As the sun set, the becamelonger.Under the floodlight, each player inthe football match has four .Lets find some and take a rest.shadowshadowsshade12. shadow n. 影子影子 shade n. 任何遮住阳光的地方任何遮住阳光的地方13. Among the painters who broke away from the traditiona
16、l style of paintingbreak away from 逃走逃走, 逃脱逃脱; 革除革除(习惯等习惯等)You must break away from such bad habits. 你必须革除这样的坏习惯。你必须革除这样的坏习惯。Break away from the enemy jail. 从敌人的监狱逃路。从敌人的监狱逃路。14. On the one hand, some modern art is abstract; that is, the painter does not attempt to paint objects as we see them with
17、our eyes, but instead concentrates on certain qualities of the object, using colour, line and shape to represent them. 翻译翻译 有些现代艺术是抽象的有些现代艺术是抽象的, 也就是说也就是说, 画画家并不打算把我们眼睛看到的东西如实地画家并不打算把我们眼睛看到的东西如实地画出来出来, 而是集中展现物体的某些品质特性而是集中展现物体的某些品质特性, 用用色彩、线条和形状把它们呈现出来。色彩、线条和形状把它们呈现出来。1) on the other hand “另一方面另一方面”,
18、 引出引出不同的不同的(尤指对立的尤指对立的)观点观点I would like a job which pays more, but on the other hand I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment. 2). abstract adj. 抽象的抽象的; 深奥的深奥的 n. 摘要摘要 an abstract concept 抽象概念抽象概念 abstract philosophical problems 深奥的哲学问题深奥的哲学问题 Her ideas seem a little abstract. 她的思想有点儿让人费解。她的思想有点儿让人费解
19、。 Astronomy is an abstract subject. 天文学是一门深奥的学科。天文学是一门深奥的学科。3) 本句中的本句中的that is可以作可以作that is to say, 意为意为“换句话说换句话说”, 相当于相当于in other words, 用于更清楚地解释刚刚说过的用于更清楚地解释刚刚说过的话。话。 4) attempt n/v 尝试、企图尝试、企图 The second question was so difficult that I didnt even attempt it. I attempted to speak but was told to k
20、eep quiet. She made an attempt to lock the door. attempt to do/doing = try to do/doing尝试尝试/努力去做某事努力去做某事根据提示将下列句子翻译成英语。根据提示将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 我努力使我努力使他相信那个人不是个好人他相信那个人不是个好人, 可他可他不在乎。不在乎。(convince)2. 在过去几个月里在过去几个月里, 我们的医疗队取得了很我们的医疗队取得了很大成功。大成功。(a great deal)3. 他在这家公司工作已有几十年了他在这家公司工作已有几十年了(scores of)I tried
21、 to convince him that the man wasnt a good person, but he did not care.Our medical team has achieved a great deal in the last few months. He has been working in the company for scores of years.4. 那个男孩想熬夜看世界杯但被他的那个男孩想熬夜看世界杯但被他的 父母阻止了。父母阻止了。(attempt)5. 要是她会唱歌要是她会唱歌, 我就邀请她参加晚会了。我就邀请她参加晚会了。 (if)The boy
22、attempted to stay up for the World Cup but was stopped by his parents.If she could sing, I would invite her to the party.6. 如果我是你如果我是你, 我会在房子周围种些树。我会在房子周围种些树。 (if)7. 但愿我有更多的时间。但愿我有更多的时间。(wish)8. 我父亲很希望自己上过大学。我父亲很希望自己上过大学。(wish)My father wishes that he had gone to university.If I were you, I would pl
23、ant some trees round the house.I wish I had more time.被被影响影响去做去做是不可能的是不可能的的主要目的是的主要目的是很明显的是很明显的是集中注意力于集中注意力于确信确信对对采取了一种采取了一种的态度的态度在在19世纪末世纪末改变了很多改变了很多农业农业/工业为主的社会工业为主的社会社会变革社会变革去去的第一人的第一人导致导致从从脱离脱离很渴望去很渴望去被认为是被认为是/被接受成被接受成鼓励鼓励去去以一种新的方式看待以一种新的方式看待也就是说也就是说一方面一方面另一方面另一方面尝试尝试/试图去试图去被被影响影响去做去做是不可能的是不可能的的
24、主要目的是的主要目的是很明显的是很明显的是集中注意力于集中注意力于确信确信对对采取了一种采取了一种的态度的态度在在19世纪末世纪末改变了很多改变了很多农业农业/工业为主的社会工业为主的社会社会变革社会变革be influenced byIt would be impossible to doThe main aim ofis to doIt is evident thatconcentrateonbe convinced thatadopt aattitude to/towardsin the late 19th centurychange a great deal/a lota mostly
25、 agricultural/industrial societysocial changes去去的第一人的第一人导致导致从从脱离脱离很渴望去很渴望去被认为是被认为是/被接受成被接受成鼓励鼓励去去以一种新的方式看待以一种新的方式看待也就是说也就是说一方面一方面另一方面另一方面尝试尝试/试图去试图去the first to dolead tobreak away frombe eager to do.be accepted asencourage sb to do .look at in new ways/ a new waythat is/that is to sayon (the) one h
26、and, onattempt to do .1. _ (如果你是艺如果你是艺术家术家), what kind of pictures would you paint? 2. _ (如果没有发现透如果没有发现透视法视法), no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures.3. _ (没有新的没有新的颜料和新的绘画手法颜料和新的绘画手法),We_ (就不能看到就不能看到) the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.4. Without the Im
27、pressionists, many of the painting styles _ (就不可能存在就不可能存在).TranslationQuiz III1. _ (如果你是艺如果你是艺术家术家), what kind of pictures would you paint?2. ._ (如果没有发现透视法如果没有发现透视法), no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures.3. _ (没有新的颜料和新的绘画手法没有新的颜料和新的绘画手法),we_ (就不能看到就不能看到) the many great master
28、pieces for which this period is famous.4. Without the Impressionists, many of the painting styles _ (就不可能存在就不可能存在).Answers:If the rules of perspective had not been discoveredWithout the new paints and the new techniquewouldnt be able to seemight not existIf you were an artistfaithaim conventional ty
29、pical evidentadoptpossesspossessionn. 信任信任; 信心信心; 信念信念n. 目标目标; 目的目的vt. & vi. 瞄准瞄准; 努力努力adj. 常规的常规的; 传统的传统的adj. 典型的典型的; 有代表性的有代表性的adj. 明显的明显的; 明白的明白的vt. 采用采用; 采纳采纳; 收养收养vt. 拥有拥有; 具有具有; 支配支配n. 所有所有; 财产财产Words previewsuperbtechnique coincidenceshadowridiculous controversial attemptpredictadj. 卓越的卓越的; 杰出的杰出的n. 技术技术; 方法方法; 技能技能n. 巧合巧合; 相合相合n. 阴影阴影; 影子影子adj. 荒谬的荒谬的; 可笑的可笑的adj. 争论的争论的; 争议的争议的n. 努力努力; 尝试尝试; 企图企图vt.尝试尝试; 企图企图vt. 预言预言; 预告预告; 预测预测Words previewby coincidence a great deal on the other hand 巧合地巧合地大量大量另一方面另一方面Expressions previe
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