1、f A; CanA: TVlut eXib do y ?;.-LIE;B:1jain The哦ub珂:Can ei -.viTnirrnLB: Yes. I can.guitv butL crnftp邮i: very wefl人- 圳uii.dcnvirits 1pEay ctessWe need for our Beirlaihe SchoolTaip. Can youvfch士pmt臣iu&tc.sad -oampiuters?匚onw? and join usJCaa you-.0,Theo you can: be in car musicfiesmaL已曲利去诽 机pay th
2、e auiTar djuii-ipiano liujupet violmA: Can you pliy die gui甜巴B:Yes, I cau. Z Can you phy ii weH*B:No. 1 cauLci you de? Cane MdS!HW3了A;戟如t cLb de ycu xvajit to ion? B: 1dont know.A; WhatCEUIyou dtf-B: I can -ypeak English-Un it 1 Can you play the guitar所需时间7 课时,课内 6 课时,课外 1 课时。每周总共 6 课时主题单元学习概述本单元围绕“
3、AbilityAbility 这一主题及“ JoiningJoining a a clubclub 这一话题展开听,说,读,写等多种教学活动。培养学生能力是当今素质教育的重要内容,也是一个非常贴近生活,非常具有时代性和可挖掘性的教学主题。它符合学生的认知水平,在学 生中有较强的认同感。在 SectionSection A A 中,学生可以通过谈论或询问彼此在某方面的能力以及喜好与意愿,学习新单词及 情态动词cancan 的用法。在 SectionSection B B 中,又增加了谈论音乐才能方面的单词,设计了相关的听力练习,提供了招聘广告 给学生学习阅读和写作。因此,在整个教学中,教师应突出
4、以话题为纲,交际功能为主线,精心设计各种任务,以任务 为载体,搭建意义交流的舞台。通过教学,使学生对自己的能力充满自信。对于他人的才能则要持客观和欣赏的态度。 从而可以实现自我的快乐成长。也可以和周围的人建立和谐融洽的关系。主题单元规划思维导图Uit W Can you play tbc guitar?基础知识思錐导图适用年级七年级B: ICJJQskc-n 2 Exh clubart chibBlf! NnwA: C ar you,ln?.s?i?. .7 BYfs I he she;.ncas.血轄flubwiiiurdtic ebbLIAu:hull chib/ niu5.ic club
5、do Chiiies-e Kutififueijprrsioiid m IngIIP专题一Unit 1 Can you play the guitar ? section A (period 1&period 2)主题单元学习目标知识与技能: 能听、说、读、写以下单词或词组(四会词汇):guitar, join, dance, swim,sing, chess, draw , speak, join, club, write, story, tell, show, or, talk,drum, violin, also, people, center, home,today, make
6、, weeke nd, teach, musicia n,play chess, speak En glish, talk to,etc.能听、说、理解以下单词或词组(三会词汇):cant, piano, play the piano,play the violin, help sb. with sth, be good at, make friends, on the weekends,play the drum, etc.能听、读下列单词或词组(二会词汇):Kung fu能听清楚下列单词或词组(一会词汇):Lisa, Jill, Peter过程与方法:任务型教学法,利用师生互动和生生互动进
7、行词汇和句型教学。情感态度与价值观:通过学习和运用情态动词 can 的各种句型,学生能够自由地表达自己的特 长与爱好。能根据自己的能力 选择想参加的俱乐部,鼓励学生发展自己的特长。通过谈论自己的特色和参加的 俱乐部活动表演,培养学生的群体意识和合作能力。专题一Unit 1 Can you play the guitar ? section A (period 1&period 2)对应课标1、通过目标语言的听、写、说及话题句型归纳的练习活动,让学生理解目标语 言。3、通过短文阅读理解、短文内容交流,短文图片描述让学生实践目标语言。2、通过小组合作活动,让学生初步运用目标语言。让学生进一
8、步理解目标语言3、通过短文的读写练习活动,让学生运用目标语言,提高学生运用目标语言的 能力,综合运用本单元所学语言的能力。主题单元问题设计专题一: section A (3 课时) 练习:1 课时专题划专题二: sectionB (2 课时)分专题三: SelfCheck(1 课时)所需课时专题学习目标1.1.学会使用 cancan 的基本用法。2.2. 能够使用 cancan 进行提问及回答。3.3. 能够使用 cancan 谈论某人的能力。4.4. 能够根据自己的能力选择适合自己的俱乐部。Can you swim? Can you play the quitar?专题问题设Can you
9、da nee ?-计1What club do you want to join?.所需教学环境和教学资源多媒体、录音机、挂图、粉笔等。学习活动设计1.Warm-up and revision让学生相互采访,完成下列表格。NameWan ts to joinCanLiu Yume ngmusic clubplay the pia no所需要的语言:-What club do you want to join?-I want to join the music club.-Ca n you play the pia no?-Yes, I can.-Ca n you play it well?-N
10、o, I can t. That s why I want to join the music club.3课时教学设计说明 】设计此采访任务既可以复习上一节课的重点句型,又可以引出本节课的主要内容。2.Workon 2d( 1) Read the conversation and answerthe following questions.Q1. What club does Bobwant to join?He wants to join a sports club.Q2. Can Bob play soccer?Yes, he can.Q3 What clubs can Janejoin
11、?She can join the story telling club and theart club.(2)Role-play theconversation in 2d.(3)Have Ss make conversations based on 2d.【教学设计说明 】学生通过回答问题能理解对话的内容,通过角色扮演能在情境中学会运用,通过自编对话能更好的让学生学以致用3.PresentationMake sentences using want to do andbe good at. Summarize the usage of tell,e.g. tell stories, tel
12、l sb to do ,tell lies, tell sb about sth【教学设计说明 】通过使用两个重点短语造句使学生更深一步掌握 tell 重点短语的用法。4.GrammarFocus.(1)Read through the sentences.(2)Ask Ss to focus on the usage of can .5.Work on 3a(1)Write questions and answers with the wordsand phrases.(2)Check the answers.(3)Summarize the usage of can. Can ? Yes,
13、 can ./No,- ca n t.【教学设计说明 】本环节旨在向学生强调 can 无人称和数的变化这一特性,以及 can 的一般疑问句的使用及回答。6.Work on 3b(1)Complete the poster with the words in the box.(2)Have Ss get into groups and check their answers. Then have two tothree groups report their answers to the class.【教学设计说明 】本环节旨在强调情态动词 can 后加动词原形。并指导学生学会 poster.7
14、.Work on 3cGroup work: What can your group do in theschool show? Make a list.(1) Have Ss discuss in groups.(2) Have Ss present their reports to the class.【教学设计说明 】小组活动对 SectionA 内容的总结及复习8.Homework1) Make a poster of your ideal club.(2)写一个招募广告。本部分为本单元的内容核心, 不仅概括了本单元的重点, 还将基本句型一一呈现。评价要点 的罗列,使学生关注人称的变化
15、。因此不应小视,但由于是总结性内容,故要求学生朗读 可在课后将本部分列入听写内容。专题二Unit 1 Can you play the guitar ? section B所需课时2课时专题学习目标1.学乐器的名词2.学会表达演奏乐器的短语。3.能使用 can 和 can 谈论某个人的能力4.理解听力材料。What can you do?What else can you do?What club do you want to join?所需教学环境和教学资源多媒体、录音机、挂图、粉笔等。学习活动设计1.Warm-up and revisionChant and make achant.通过句
16、子专题问题设计Dance, dance, Ican dance very well.Sing, sing, hecan sing very well.Swim, swim, shecan swim very well.Chess, chess, wecan play chess well.Soccer ball,soccer ball,Can you playsoccer ball?【教学设计说明 】通过 chant 的形式进行热身,即可以很好的复习 Section A 所学 can 的用法,也可以增进学生的学习兴趣,活跃气氛。2.Presentation( 1) Show four pict
17、ures and talk about them.T: What s this?S1: It s a piano/guitar/violin.T: What arethese?S2: They aredrums.T: Can you play the drums/piano/violin/guitar?S3: Ye s, I can/No, I can t.(2). Work on 1a.Draw lines to match the words with the picture.【教学设计说明 】通过对每幅图片的描述,引导学生由使用旧知识过渡到自主使用新知识,达到了自然呈现的目的。3.Wor
18、k on1b(1) Listen andnumber the words (1F) in the order of the sounds you hear in 1a.( 2) Play a passing game. Have Ss makesentences about the instruments.4.Work on 1c.Have Ss make conversationsabout the four pictures.A: Can you B: Yes, I can./No, I cant.C: Canshe ?D: Yes, she can./No, she cant.【教学设计
19、说明 】通过对话练习使学生进一步掌握新单词新短语,并且复习了 can 的单三人称下的使用。5.Listening practice1 )Work on 1d. Listen and circle thewords and phrases you hear.(2) Check the answers.(3)Work on 1e. Listen again. Fill in thechart with the words and phrases in 1d.(4)Work on 1f. Talk about what Bill,Cindy and Frank can and can t do.【教
20、学设计说明 】本部分听力练习旨在锻炼学生提取细节信息的能力。 1d 要求学生听出单词。而6.Group work(1) Ask what your group members can andcan t do, then write a report.(2) Ask some groups to present theirreports to the class.【教学设计说明 】谈论自己身边的同学既能增加学生兴趣,又能够增加对彼此的了解。7.HomeworkWrite a short passage about what yourfamily memberscan and can t do.评
21、价要点培养学生的观察力,通过简单的造句提高课堂参与率。专题三Unit 1 Can you play the guitar ? SelfCheck所需课时1课时专题学习目标1.能用所学知识区别不同人所具备的不同能力。2.能理解小短文的内容并为其选择正确标题。3.能用所学知识写招聘广告。专题问题设What can you do? Can you。?计所需教学环境和教学资源多媒体、录音机、粉笔学习活动设计1.Warm-up and revisi on(1)Check the words learned in this unit.(2)Check thehomework. Have some Ss p
22、resent their passages of what theirfamily members can and can t do to the class.S1: There are three people in my family. They are my father,my mother and me. My mother is a teacher, and she can speak En glishvery well.My father likes cooking, so he can cook ver y well. I like music very much. Ican p
23、lay the piano, but I can t play the drums.【教学设计说明】通过对家人的描述,一方面巩固了之前学习的知识,同时为本科时理解文章做了很好的铺垫。2.Work on 2a(1)Read the three descriptions aboutPeter, Alan and Ma Huan. Underline what they can do.1f 要求学生能够写出这些单词或短语。(2)Fill in the chart and talk about what they can do.Peterplay basketball, speak En glish,
24、 play soccerAla nplay the guitar, play the piano, sing and danceMa Hua nplay pin g-p ong and chess, talk and play games with people【教学设计说明】通过划出表示能力的单词或短语,巩固所学知识,帮助学生抓住短文重要信息,为2c 打好基础。2.Prese ntati onWork on 2b. Read the ads. Match thetitles with the ads.T: These three ads are look ing for differe nt kinds of people. Pleaseread the ads and match the titles with the ads.(2) Then read the article carefully and answerthe followin
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