



1、外研版五年级英语下册教学案Module2 Unit2 Mr Li was a teacher.一、学习目标:1知识目标:A Words: study hard retiredB Sentences: Many years ago, heshe . Now heshe .C 识别并区分元音D poem:2能力目标A 正确使用一般过去时B 掌握单词的发音规律。二、教学重点本课的词汇 class, study, hard, retired,teacher.句型 Ten years ago, Mr. Li was a teacher. He taught Chinese. Chen Hai is an

2、 English He s teaching Mr. Li.三、教学难点 1能够在实际生活中灵活的运用本课的词汇和句型谈论人物过去和现在的情况和活动。 2了解并掌握字母组合单词中的发音规律。四、预习学案:1 Greetings and say a chant.2 Read the words quickly we have learnt in last lesson.3. Chain game: What did heshe do yesterday? HeShe五、导学案:1呈现( Presentation )Chinese.(1)T: Ten years ago, Mr Song was

3、a teacher in Middle school of Tang Shan. He taught ( 教学 taught 这个单词 teach-taught)(2)T: I was a good student in his class. I studied very hard.( 教学 study 这个单词 study studied, 同时帮助学生理解 hard 的意思并教读发音。 )T: Who studied very hard in Grade1 or Grade 2?S: .studied very hard inGrade1/2.( 通过询问让学生复习巩固重点句型。 )( 3

4、) T: Now, I m a English teacher, wee work in the same school. And we all teach you.It s very interesting. Yes?Let 2T: This class Chen Hai will tell us a story about himself. It s more interestings have a look.OK?(1) Listen and answer the question: What does the word“ retired ” mean?(2) 通过听录音,理解课文,讲解

5、 retired 这个单词。(3) make sentences with theword ”retired ”, eg:My grandpa was a worker. Now he is retired.Let students make sentences. (通过学生说句子巩固单词。 )(4) Listen and repeat(5) Read it in groups.3发音部分(1) draw saw aw字母组合的发音chair hair air字母组合的发音class pass ass字母组合的发音让学生自己通过读单词总结发音规律(2) Game单词小博士 把一些学过的具有此类

6、发音规律的单词写到黑板上,学生通过读单词,判断发音,写到相应方框下 面。如: bear, pear, glass, grass (3) Listen and repeat.4Poem(1) read the sentences, and learn the words: leaves, move, through(2) Read and understand the meaning.(3) Listen and repeat(4) Say and do the actions.六、课堂检测 :Activity 2 Look and say.Activity5 Game: look, ask and answer. 三人一组开展游戏,一人问,一人做动作,一人回答,来复习巩固一般过去时。七、课后作业: 谈一谈自己或父母,朋友在过去和现在在学习、工作、生活等各方面的变化。八、板书设计:Module1 Unit2 Mr Li was a teacherclass stud


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