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1、级:四年级辅导科目:英语课时数:3教学目的四年级下Module2 Unit2同步知识巩固根据教材内容,梳理本单元词汇、句型和语法知识,通过综合训练,提高能力。教学内容Unit 2Cute animals学科教师辅导讲义Stepl: Greetings & Free talk小朋友,你喜欢小动物吗?今天的课上我们就要学习几种关于小动物的英语表达。我们先来说说看你喜欢什么 小动物吧!What animals do you like?I like .It eats .It likes.Step2: Lead in 趣味知识猫猫的万种风情1. fat cat肥猫,指 为竞选出钱的富翁;享有特权或谋取特

2、权的人;有钱有势的人,大亨。2. cool cat酷猫,指 时髦人(尤指嗜好冷爵士乐的人);嗜好摇滚乐的人;做出孤傲冷漠的样子的人3. hep cat迷恋爵士乐的猫,指 爵士(或摇摆舞)音乐迷;爵士(或摇摆舞)乐队乐师4. copy cat好模仿的猫,指 盲目的模仿者(通常为儿童之间的用语)5. hell cat好发脾气的猫,指 泼妇,巫婆Step3: Words and expressions.I. Words 单词1. bone n. 骨头例句There is a bone in the bowl.碗里有一根骨头。The bone over there is so big.那块骨头真大。复

3、数bones例句Dogs like bones .狗喜欢吃骨头。2. fish n.鱼例句Cats like eating fish.猫喜欢吃鱼。复数fish ; fishes注意当Rsh意为鱼时,fish是通常的复数形式,较古老的形式 fishes,可用于表示不同种类的鱼。例句There are ten fishes in the fishtank.鱼缸里有十种鱼。3. parrot n.鹦鹉例句My pet is a parrot.我的宠物是一只鹦鹉。复数parrots4. tortoise n.乌龟例句I want to have a tortoise .我想要一只乌龟。复数tortoi

4、ses5. cute adj.可爱的例句Your pet is so cute.你的宠物真可爱。同义词lovely6. cat food猫粮例句Min likes cat food.明喜欢吃猫粮。7. dog food狗粮例句There is some dog food in that packet.那个包裹里有一些狗粮。n . Daily Expressions 日常用语1. -What does Sam like?萨姆喜欢吃什么?-He likes bones.他喜欢吃骨头。本句是由疑问代词 what引导的特殊疑问句。在本句中用来对宾语即like的对象进行提问。因主语是第三人称单数Sam,

5、所以要借助助动词 does。其答语根据实际情况而定。例句-What does Alice like? 爱丽斯喜欢什么?-She likes apples.她喜欢苹果。2. What animals do you like? 你喜欢什么动物呢?这是一个特殊疑问句。Whatdo you like?”,这个句型用来询问听话人喜欢什么。例句What sport do you like?你喜欢什么运动?What fruit do you like? 你喜欢什么水果?III . Grammar 语法1 .特殊疑问句: What does(do)?本课中我们学到的由疑问代词what引导的特殊疑问句是对do的

6、对象(宾语)进行提问句中助动词是does,因而其后的主语应为第三人称单数形式。例:What does Alice like?爱丽斯喜欢什么?(对 like的对象提问)What does Tom do?汤姆在做什么?(对 do的对象提问)2 . 一般现在时:She eats fish.我们已经学过一般现在时的定义,从这个句子不难看出这个句子是说明主语一种通常性、习惯性的行为。注意:句中主语为第三人称单数she,因此谓语动词 eat也要用第三人称单数形式即eatso例:She eats meat 她吃肉。She likes carrots.她喜欢吃胡萝卜。【随堂练习】I.看图,写单词或词组。II

7、.将下列单词归类。cat cute dog mouse happy corn meat goat sad bone动物:食物:形容词:III .用所给词的适当形式填空。1. What(do) Ginger eat?2. (do) Sam eat dog food?3. Tom .(do not) eat fish at all.4. An elephant(come). She(shake) the tree.5. (do) you want that apple, Lily?IV .按要求写句子。1. My pet likes fish.(改为一般疑问句) your pet fish?2.

8、Sam likes dog food .(改为否定句)Sam dog food.3. Polly likes corn .(对画线部分提问) Polly like?4. What animals do you like?(根据实际情况回答) I like.5. What food does your pet like?(根据实际情况回答)V .看图,补全对话。VI .看图,根据所给问句提示,写一写。Name: TomPet: ParrotPets name: PollyAge:2Colour: Yellow and greenFood: corn1. What is his name?2. W

9、hich animal does he like?3. Whats his pets name?4. How old is his pet?5. What colour is his pet?6. What does his pet eat?Hello, everyone. My name isLet the cat out of the bag!Daddy: Tomorrow is your mums birthday!the cats meow, 就是Wendy: Lets have a big birthday party for her.Daddy: Good girl! The pa

10、rty is ready. But dont let the cat out of the bag.Wendy: Sure!泄露秘密同学们都知道“cat在英文中是指猫。但 “ca还有很多引申的意义。你瞧, “Let the cat out of the bag 字面意思就是 让猫从口袋里跑出来”,引中为 无意间泄露秘密。而The cats out of the bag 就是 大家都知道这个秘密了 。 rain cats and dog僦是下倾盆大雨的意思; 最好”的意思。希望大家的英语进步越来越快,成为the cats meowl!”Step4: HomeworkI. Read and cho

11、ose (找出句子中画线部分与其他单词不同音素的单词,将单词填入括号内)()1.Two monkeys and one donkey are in front oftheumbrella.()2.Tom is eating toast with the goat in the boat.()3.Kitty is short, but she can draw a big hole onthewall.()4.Her sisters father is a doctor.II. Look and write ( 按要求词)1. Animals you like:2. Your favourite

12、 fruit:3. Things you do in the classroom:4. Drinks you know:5. Feelings you know:III. Read and fill in the blanks (用所给单词的适式填空 )1. Allen wants(have) a pet.2. We can(see) an elephant on the grass.3. -What foodyour brothers(like)?-They4. Here(like)(eat) vegetables.5. Lets6.-What-She(be) a large bowl of

13、 rice, please. (buy) a new coat for your pet. (have) your friend got?(have) got some dog food.IV. Read and choose (选择填空)1.-What IA. do, eating)2. The apple tree is A. shortPeppy eat? -SheB. does, eatsfish.C. do. eats.Milly cant touch the apple.B. tallC. long)3. Ella is eating leaves. HeA. likeB. lik

14、esleaves.C. doesnt like)4.-Whose pens are these? -EddieA. They areB. Itss.C. There are)5.-What your mother got? -Shes got a pet.A. hasB. have)6.Touch the lime. How it feel?A. doesB.doC. isC. is)7 .I A. not)8.ThereA.18like grapes. Theyre sour.B. dontsome glasses of milk on the table.B. areC. doesntC.

15、 has)9. - Is this classroom? -No, itsA. your, yourB. my, your)10. The grapes are in the box. The fox cant seeclassroom.C. your, myA. theyB. themC. theirV. Read the sentences (按要求改写句子)1. The horse likes to eat hay.(改为否定句)2. Ella shakes the tree beside the mouse.(对画线部分提问)3. The apple falls down on the

16、 ground.(改为现在进行时)4. The old picture is on the wall.(用 there be 句型改写)5. These boys read books in the library.(改为一般疑问句)VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)There is a new park near my house. Its a fine day today. My family and I are in the park now. On my left, there is a cafe.(On my right, there is a big

17、lake. There are many flowers and trees near the lake. Theres a small hill behind the lake. Near the lake, there is a sign. It says , Dont swim in the lake ”. There is a playground in the middle of the park. There are some small shops beside the gate. The park is so beautiful. We like it very much.C.

18、 clean and newt. C. Yes, there is.C. boatC.goodC. No, they dont.)1. The park near my house is.A. new and beautiful B. old and beautiful)2. Is there a cafe in the park?A. Yes, there isn t. B. No, there isn)3. People cant in the lake.A. swimB.fish)4. The shops in the park are notA. smallB.big)5. Do they like the park?A. Yes, theydo.B.No, they doesnt.VII . Draw and write (画一画,并介绍你喜欢的小动物,三种句型,至少五句话)My favourite animal keys1. 1. bone 2. fish 3. cat food 4. parrot 5. tortoise 6. dog food1.1. . cat dog mouse goat2. meat corn bone3. happy sad cuteIII. l. does 2. Does 3. doesnt 4. comes; shakes 5. Do


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