1、几名艾滋病儿童在几名艾滋病儿童在俄罗斯圣彼得堡一俄罗斯圣彼得堡一所专为艾滋病儿童所专为艾滋病儿童设立的孤儿院里。设立的孤儿院里。看着这些孩子天真看着这些孩子天真的眼睛,没有人会的眼睛,没有人会愿意相信他们都是愿意相信他们都是艾滋病患儿。艾滋病患儿。 来自曼谷的志愿来自曼谷的志愿者阿娜(右)在者阿娜(右)在名为名为“圣泉寺圣泉寺”的寺庙里帮助一的寺庙里帮助一名艾滋病晚期患名艾滋病晚期患者活动胳膊。者活动胳膊。The Red Ribbon is the international symbol of HIV and AIDS and also the symbol of people who ar
2、e concerned about Aids.World AIDS Day:1st DecemberPlease look at these facts:1. In 2002, there were 42 million people living with AIDS in the world, of whom 800,000 were children.2.Five people worldwide die of AIDS every minute of every day. AIDS人体免疫缺损病毒(爱滋病病毒)人体免疫缺损病毒(爱滋病病毒)Acquired Immune Deficien
3、cy Syndrome获得性免疫缺陷综合症(爱滋病)获得性免疫缺陷综合症(爱滋病)HIVPeople get AIDS after having been infected with HIV. 1. What is this TV news special about? It gives some detailed information about aids and how to fight the spread of Aids. 2. How many people around the world are infected with HIV every day? About 14,000
4、 people. 3. What places have been affected by Aids? Almost every country in the world has been affected by Aids. What does the first paragraph function What does the first paragraph function as in the whole passage? as in the whole passage? Paragraph 1Paragraph 1It functions as a lead-in through a r
5、eal story.Paragraph 2-3Paragraph 2-3Fill in the blanks with proper wordsHIV is a that a persons blood and the bodys system, so the immune system is , and then it gradually the ability to illnesses. ,the bodys immune system becomes so weak that the person becomes very easily. There is no for AIDS. Th
6、ere are drugs that can slow down the HIV virus and slow down the damage to your immune system. But there is no way to get all the HIV out of your body. attacks virusentersimmune weakenedlosesfightsickEventuallycure?1.Unprotected sex2.Blood- to- blood contact3.Mother-to child transmissionAIDS quiz:1.
7、 Only bad people get AIDS. ( ) 2. If I had HIV, I would know because I would feel sick. ( )FF3. It is safe to be friends with people who are living with HIV/AIDS. ( )4. People who have HIV look different from everyone else. ( ) 5. HIV/AIDS is difficult to cure. ( )TFTshaking hands, hugging or kissin
8、g Is aids spread in these ways?coughing or sneezing sharing food, eating or drinking utensilsusing toilets or showersusing a public phoneusing public swimming poolsIts safe to be friends withAids patients.Paragraph 5Paragraph 5Paragraph 6-10Paragraph 6-101.What is being done in China to help control
9、 the Aids epidemic?2. What is the aim of UNAIDS?3. What does UNAIDS do for people who think they might have the virus?4. Why didnt Ajani catch the virus from his mother? 1. What is being done in China to help control the Aids epidemic? China is working hard to control the epidemic, and has opened HI
10、V/Aids labs to test and monitor the disease across the country. In 2003, the government started providing free Aids drugs for Aids patients in need. 2. What is the aim of UNAIDS? The aim of UNAIDS is to help prevent the spread of Aids. 3. What does UNAIDS do for people who think they might have the
11、virus? It provides infected people with help from doctors and tests for people who think they might have HIV or Aids. 4. Why did Ajani not catch the virus from his mother? Because his mother had access to prescription Aids medications during pregnancy. Structure of the articleStructure of the articl
12、ePart 1 (paragraph 1-5)_Part 2 (paragraph 6-10)_Some detailed information about AidsHow to fight the spread of AidsAids todayMain ideaThe TV news special focuses on the worldwide Aids _How HIV destroys a personHIV destroys a persons immune system. There is no _ for it. People can be sick easily, and
13、 even the common illnesses can be _.Aids spreadsAids spreads not only in _, but also from_ to the Netherlands, and the problem in China is also worrying.The measures China government takeThe government opens labs to _ and _ the disease, and provides free _ drug for people in need.International aidUN
14、AIDS sets up treatment centers and has programmes that teach Aids _.Conclusion_ Aids needs you and me.epidemiccureseriousAfricaArgentinatestmonitorprescriptionpreventionStoppingIf someone you know is infected If someone you know is infected with Aids, what can you do to with Aids, what can you do to help him/her?help him/her?书面表达书面表达 请以Stop AIDS, Keep the Promise为题写一篇有关艾滋病内容的短文,所写文章要包括所给的要点,可以补充与主题相关的内容。 传播途径:未保护的性传播、输血及生育传播 趋势:现在越来越多的人染上这种病 结果 :不能正常度日,死亡增加、年轻化 为了遏制艾滋病的蔓延和关爱艾滋病患者,作为
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