已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 九年级unit1-unit2复习01考点扫描 知识清单化1. 考点梳理重点词汇1. _(n.) 交谈;谈话2. _(adv.) 大声地;出声地3._ (n.) 发音;读音4. _(n.) 句子5. _(adj.& n.) 有耐心的;病人6. _(n.) 表情;表示;表达方式7._ (v.) 发现;发觉8._ (n.& adj.) 秘密;秘密的9._(v.) 重复;重做10._(n.& v.) 笔记;记录;注意;指出11._ (v.) 发音12._(v.& n.) 增加;增长13._(n.) 速度14._(v.& adj.) 出生;天生的15._(n.)

2、 能力;才能16._(v.) 创造;创建17._(adj.) 活跃的;积极的18._(v.& n.) 回顾;复习19._(n.) 知识;学问20._(adv.) 明智地;聪明地21._(n.) 陌生人22._(n.) 亲属23._(v.) 偷;窃取24._(v.) 安置;安放;产(卵) ;下(蛋)25._(v.) 欣赏;仰慕26._(n.& v.) 领带;捆;束27._(n.& v.) 款待;招待;请(客) 28._(v.) 平躺;处于29._(n.) (长篇) 小说30._(adj.) 死的;失去生命的31._(v.) 处罚;处罚32._(v.) 警告;告诫33._(

3、n.& adj.) 现在;礼物;现在的34._(n.) 温暖;暖和35._(v.& n.) 传播;展开;蔓延词汇拓展1.aloud(同义词) nunciation (动词形式) pronounce3.express(名词形式:表情) expression4.discover (名词形式) discovery5.repetition (动词形式) repeat6.patient (名词形式:耐心) patience7.physical (物理) physics8.chemical (化学) chemistry9.memorize (名词形式:记忆) memo

4、ry10.bear(形容词形式:天生的) born11.able (名词形式:能力;才能) ability12.creative(动词形式:创造;创建) create13.active(反义词) quiet(名词形式:活动) activity14.review(同义短语) go over15.know (名词形式:知识) knowledge(形容词形式:知识渊博的) knowledgeable16.wise (副词形式) wisely17.strange (指人的名词) stranger18.lay(过去式) laid(过去分词) laid19.tradition (形容词形式:传统的) tr

5、aditional20.haunt (形容词形式:闹鬼的) haunted21.dead (动词形式) die(名词形式) death22.present (近义词) gift23.warmth (形容词形式) warm重点短语1.向老师寻求帮助:ask the teacher for help2.做笔记:take notes 3.对有耐心:be patient with4.(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑) 查阅;抬头看:look up5.大声阅读:read aloud6.逐字地:word by word 7.的秘密:the secret to8.记忆句式:memorize sentence p

6、atterns9.提高阅读速度:increase reading speed10.出错:make mistakes11.天生具有做某事的能力:be born with the ability to do sth.12.注意;关注:pay attention to13.把和连接起来:connect with14.在方面创建兴趣:create an interest in15.增加(体重) ;发胖:put on 16.摆开;布置:lay out17.不招待就捣蛋:trick or treat18.最终成为;最后处于: end up重点句型1._ do you learn English 你怎样学习

7、英语?I learn _ studying_ _ _.我通过小组合作来学习英语。2. _ _ listening to tapes?听录音磁带怎么样?3.Its_ _ _ _spoken English.听懂英语口语太难了。4.I _ that listening to something interesting is _ _ _language learning.我发现听有趣的东西是语言学习的秘诀。5.I often _ _ _grammar.我经常在语法方面出错。6.I wonder_June is_ _ _ _ _Hong Kong.我想知道六月份是否是参观香港的好时间。7._ _the

8、 Water Festival is!泼水节多么有趣呀!8.I believe _ April is _ _ _ in Thailand.我相信四月是泰国最热的月份。2.词汇过关.根据句意和所给的汉语或首字母提示拼写单词并完成句子。1.I had a long telephone _(交谈) with Jane last night.We both enjoyed the talk.2.The teacher asked the students to read the text_ (大声地) in the morning.3.Will you please make a _(句子) with

9、 this new word?4.Chinese people usually visit their _(亲戚) and friends on Spring Festival.5.They have to wear T-shirts and_ (领带) on weekdays.6.Its boring to _ (重复) the same work over and over again.7.Miss Zhang speaks English with excellent_ (发音).8.The e _on my teachers face showed that she was angry

10、 with me.9.Taking n_ can help you memorize what the teacher said in class.10.Mo Yan has written lots of famous n_.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。11.You should take _ (physics) examination twice a year.12.My cousin learns English by_ (work) with a group.13.Annie is a kind nurse and she has great_ (patient) with her

11、 work.14.What about _ (have) a picnic tomorrow?Thats a good idea.15.The chemistry problem is too hard for me _(work) out.16.The 3rd Chinas Got Talent gives the child a chance to show his special_(able).17.The girls grandmother has been_ (die) for two years.18.As long as you learn _(wise) in grammar,

12、 you will learn it well.19.Jane often organizes all kinds of _(active) in our school.20.Do you know the old man_ (lie) on the ground?.从方框中选择恰当的短语并用其正确形式完成下列各句。make mistakes, take notes, end up, lay out, over and over again, practice conversations with, pay attention to, connect with, spread around,

13、put on21.We hope we_ like Lei Feng in our school.22.The hostess _ some fruits to treat us.23.Jane _two pounds last month.24.Please _ in your English class.Its good for your study.25.I dont like to speak English because Im afraid of_ .26.I often _ my friends in English class.27.You shouldnt _ it _.It

14、s a secret between you and me.28.The old woman repeated the same sentence _.29.You often make mistakes in grammar,so you must_ it.30.In order to learn well,we should _ the new knowledge_ what weve learned.重点词汇1.nunciation4.sentence5.patient6.expression7.discover8.secret9.repe

15、nounce12.increase13.speed14.born15.ability16.create17.active18.review19.knowledge20.wisely21.stranger22.relative23.steal24.lay25.admire26.tie27.treat28.lie29.novel30.dead31.punish32.warn33.present34.warmth35.spread重点句型1.How;by;with a group2.What about3.too hard to understand4.discover

16、ed;the secret to5.make mistakes in6.whether;a good time to visit7.What fun8.that;the hottest month词汇过关.1.conversation2.aloud3.sentence4.relatives5.ties6.repeat 7.pronunciation8.expression9.notes10.novels.11.physical12.working13.patience14.having15.to work16.ability17.dead 18.wisely19.activities20.ly

17、ing.21.end up22.laid out23.put on24.take notes25.making mistakes26.practice conversations with27.spread;around28.over and over again29.pay attention to30.connect;with02 考点透视 问题情景化I study by working with a group.(From:Unit 1/Section A)我通过小组合作来学习。by + doing【题组训练】.单项选择。( )1.(2014·莱芜) We can save m

18、oney _ cooking our own meals instead of eating outside.A.by B.to C.for D.with( )2.(2013·重庆)You can improve your English _ reading more.A.by B.with C.of D.in( )3.(2014·鞍山) You can improve your English _ reading more.A.in B.with C.by D.of.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。4.(2012·自贡) She learns English by

19、 listening to tapes.(对画线部分提问) _ _ she learn English?5.Working with friends improves my English.(改为同义句) I improve my English _ _with friends.6.Jack often relaxes himself by listening to beautiful music.(对画线部分提问) _ _Jack often _ himself?【要点速记】(1) “by + doing”结构在句中作方式状语,表示做某事的方法、方式或达到某种结果而采取的手段。(2) 常用来

20、回答how引导的方式状语从句。(3) by是介词,意为“以,凭借,通过”。I dont know how to increase my reading speed.(From:Unit 1/Section B)我不知道怎样提高我的阅读速度。“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”结构【题组训练】.单项选择。( )1.(2013·威海) Excuse me. Could you tell me _ get to the nearest post office?Sorry,I am new here.A.how can I B.how I couldC.how to D.what I can( )2.

21、(2013·义乌) Sam,can you tell me_ ?Try Music World on Huangyuan Street.A.why to buy a CD B.where to get a CDC.how to choose a CD D.when to record a CD( )3.(2013·四川雅安) Students should learn how_ problems.A.solve B.solvingC.can solve D.to solve.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。4.(2014·广州) 我们计划去北京,但还没决定何时去。(

22、完成句子) We are planning to go to Beijing,but we havent decided _ _ _ .5.(2014·兰州) I really dont know what I can do to help her out.(改为简单句) I really dont know what _ _ to help her out.6.(2013·茂名) Often we dont know where we can go on Sundays.(同义句转换) Often we dont know _ _ go on Sundays.【要点速记】

23、(1) 动词不定式前面加上疑问词what, which, when, where, how等,用在know, tell, wonder, ask, learn, find out等动词或短语之后作宾语。(2) “特殊疑问词+动词不定式”构成的短语在句中当“名词”用,可以改写成相应的宾语从句,在这种宾语从句中,疑问代词后面必须接及物动词或相当于及物动词的短语(who, why除外)。Studies show that if you are interested in something,your brain is more active and it is also easier for you

24、 to pay attention to it for a long time.(From:Unit 1/Section B)研究表明如果你对某个东西感兴趣,那么你的大脑就会更加活跃,对你来说也更容易长时间集中注意力了。pay attention to【题组训练】.单项选择。( )1.(2013·呼和浩特) When you visit a museum you should _ the instructions and dont be against them.A.compare with B.look forward toC.pay attention to D.try out(

25、 )2.(2013·贵港) The math teacher got angry with me when I did not _ him in class yesterday.A.look for B.take careC.pay attention to D.fall asleep( )3.We should _our living environment.A.pay more attention to B.look afterC.look at D.pay for( )4.Youve made a few mistakes in your spelling. _ it next

26、 time.A.Give up B.Look atC.Connect with D.Pay attention to.按要求完成句子,每空一词。5.越来越多的人开始注意心理健康。More and more people begin to_ _ _ mental health.6.司机一路上必须注意交通标志。Drivers should_ _ _traffic signs along the street.【要点速记】(1) pay attention to意为“注意,关注”,to是介词,后面跟名词、代词、动名词或名词从句。(2) 有些动词短语中的to与pay attention to一样,也是

27、介词。如:look forward to盼望,期待be used to习惯于pay attention to注意get down to开始,认真处理stick to坚持devote oneself to献身于What a great day!(From:Unit 2/Section A)多好的天气呀!感叹句【要点速记】.单项选择。( )1.(2014·临沂) _ delicious these beef noodles are!A.What B.How C.What a D.How a( )2.(2014·盐城) _ good time we have had in the

28、 junior middle school!A.What B.What a C.How D.How a( )3.(2014·无锡) _ sunshine! Shall we take a walk in the garden?A.What a beautiful B.What beautifulC.How a beautiful D.How beautiful( )4.(2014· 福州) _foggy day!Something must be done to solve the haze problem.A.How B.What C.What a( )5.(2014&#

29、183;南京) _ brave Zhang Hua is!Yes.He helped his neighbour,Mrs Sun,out of the fire.A.What a B.How C.How a D.What.按要求完成句子。6.(2014·内江) 瞧,雨下的多大啊!(汉译英) _7.(2014·广州) 你们自己算出了这道数学题。多么聪明的孩子啊!(汉译英) Youve worked out the maths problem yourselves. _ children you are!8.(2014·黔西南)Our school is beauti

30、ful.(改为感叹句) _our school is!【要点速记】what引导的感叹句,主要有以下几种情形:(1) What+(a/an) +形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!(2) What+形容词+可数名词复数+主语+谓语!(3) What+形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语!how引导的感叹句,主要有两种情形:(1) How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!(2) How+主语+谓语!03 考点辨析 探究拓展化discover/invent 【题组训练】.单项选择。( )1.(2013·陕西) The mobile phone has influenced peoples life a

31、lot since it_ .A.invents B.inventedC.is invented D.was invented( )2.(2013·成都) Do you know who invented the telephone?No.I only know it _ in 1876.A.invented B.was invented C.invents( )3.(2013·湘西) When was the car invented?It _ in 1885.A.invented B.is invented C.was invented.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

32、4.(2014·泰州) Paper making is a great _ (invent) of ancient China.5.The _ (discover) of Columbus was quite an event in the world.【要点速记】考点词义用法discover发现;发觉多指发现已经存在而不为人知的事物。invent发明指发现以前没有的事物。 lay/lie【题组训练】.单项选择。( )1.(2013·梅州) I found a letter _ on the floor when I came into the classroom.A.ly

33、ing B.lay C.lie D.lies( )2.(2012·衡阳) When I went into the room, I found _ in bed.A.him lying B.he lyingC.he lies D.him was lying( )3.Dont _ the glass on the corner of the table.A.lie B.lay C.laid D.lain( )4.When she came back a few days later, she found that all things still _ where she had _th

34、em.A.lay;laid B.laid;laidC.lay;lain D.lying;lain.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。5.(2013·常州) Isnt it strange that the cat is used to _ (lie) beside the dog peacefully?6.The whole city _ (lie) in ruins after the earthquake.7.The hen _ (lay) seven eggs last week.8.He wasnt telling the truth. He _ (lie) again.【要点

35、速记】考点词义词性变化lay放置;安放;产(卵) ;下(蛋)过去式:laid过去分词:laid现在分词:layinglie平躺;处于撒谎意为“平躺;处于”时:过去式:lay过去分词:lain现在分词:lying意为“撒谎”时:过去式:lied过去分词:lied现在分词:lying巧记lie和lay躺lie,lay,lain,lie in bed again;撒谎 lie,lied,lied,dont be a liar;产蛋 lay,laid,laid,a hen laid an egg;放置 A boy picked it up,and laid it in the bag考点透视.13AA

36、C.4.How does5.by working6.How does;relax.13CBD .4.when to go5.to do6.where to.14CCAD.5.pay attention to6.pay attention to.15BBBCB.6.Look,what heavy rain!7.What clever8.How beautiful考点辨析.13DBC.4.invention5.discovery.14AABA.5.lying6.lay7.laid8.lied04 整合集训 反馈层级化.单项选择。( )1.How do you study for a test?_.

37、A.For listening to tapes B.At schoolC.By working with a group D.To making word cards( )2.Jim asked me_ I could help him carry the box or not.A.when B.if C.that D.whether( )3.Can you tell me your_ of success?Theres no easy way to learn English well. Just work hard.A.secret B.trouble C.rule D.story( )

38、4.I think learning _ can help me understand the sentence pattern.A.pronunciation B.textbookC.sentence D.grammar( )5.My brother often helps me with my study,although he is quite busy with his _ every day.A.business B.treat C.pound D.present( )6.Could you tell me something about the boy who helped you

39、 just now?Sorry,I know nothing about him.We are _.A.friends B.neighborsC.classmates D.strangers( )7.Sir,do you think I can do the job?Its hard for us to measure your _before we see your work.A.ability B.relationC.invention D.expression( )8.I watched the NBA game last night._amazing game it was!A.Wha

40、t an B.How anC.What D.How( )9.Miss Wang is very_ ,and she can take goodcare of her_.A.patient;patient B.patience;patientC.patient;patients D.patience;patients( )10.As the old saying says, _.So practice more, and youll make more progress.A.Its a piece of cake B.It serves you rightC.Use it or lose it

41、D.Practice makes perfect.完形填空。“How can I learn English well?” This is a 11 many students may ask.In my opinion,the most effective 12 is to learn lessons by heart.If you can recite the text and write it out,you will learn it pretty well.And if you can tell 13 your own words about 14 the lesson says,y

42、ou are a very successful learner indeed.Your English will be quite perfect.This is a difficult task.However,if you try to learn by heart only part of each lesson,youll find it not so hard 15 you might have thought.Learn this way,and you will 16 fast progress.Of course,writing is also necessary.It he

43、lps you a lot on your way to 17 in English studies.Its equally(同样地) important to feel the language.You should laugh at English jokes and be 18 at bad news.When using English,try to 19 your mother tongue. 20 helping you,your own language gets in your way.So,never try to learn English through putting

44、every word into Chinese.( )11.A.problem B.puzzleC.question D.challenge( )12.A.time B.way C.road D.place( )13.A.with B.by C.of D.in( )14.A.which B.what C.how D.when( )15.A.than B.like C.so D.as( )16.A.do B.make C.learn D.develop( )17.A.success B.challengeC.difference D.importance( )18.A.happy B.happi

45、ly C.sad D.sadly( )19.A.leave B.forgetC.remember D.realize( )20.A.Instead of B.InsteadC.Besides D.Except for.阅读理解。One of the traditional festivals in China is the Mid-Autumn Festival.It is also known as Moon Festival,Zhongqiu Festival or Mooncake Festival.It is held on the 15th day of the eighth mon

46、th in the Chinese calendar.There are many stories about the festival,and many of them are about Hou Yi and Change.One of the stories goes like this:In ancient times,there was a hero named Hou Yi who was excellent at shooting (射击).One year,there were ten suns in the sky,and the strong heat from them

47、caused a lot of problems for people.Hou Yi shot down nine of the suns and left only one to provide light.After that,many people came to learn shooting from him.Hou Yi later got married to the kind and beautiful Change.An immortal (神仙) gave Hou Yi a kind of medicine that could make him live forever,b

48、ut he didnt want to leave Change,so he let her keep the medicine.On the fifteenth of August,Feng Meng,one of Hou Yis students,wanted to take the medicine away when Hou Yi went out.Change didnt want to give it to him,so she had to take the medicine herself and flew up into the sky.Since she loved her

49、 husband very much and hoped to live nearby,she chose to stay on the moon.When Hou Yi came back and learned about what had happened,he was very sad.He put the fruit and cakes that Change liked in the yard to show her his love.People soon learned about this,and began to copy Hou Yis activities.From t

50、hen on,the custom of enjoying the full moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival was kept.( )21.What is NOT one of the names of the Mid-Autumn Festival?A.Zhongqiu Festival. B.The Double Ninth Festival.C.Moon Festival. D.Mooncake Festival.( )22.When did Feng Meng come to take the medicine?A.On the thirteen

51、th of August in the lunar calendar.B.On the fourteenth of August in the lunar calendar.C.On the fifteenth of August in the lunar calendar.D.On the sixteenth of August in the lunar calendar.( )23.Change took the medicine because_.A.she didnt love Hou Yi any moreB.she didnt want to give it to Feng MengC.she wanted to live on the moonD.she wanted to live longer than her husband( )24.What was the reason why Change chose to stay on the moon?A


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