Pretty Little Liars《美少女的谎言(2010)》第三季第十二集完整中英文对照剧本_第1页
Pretty Little Liars《美少女的谎言(2010)》第三季第十二集完整中英文对照剧本_第2页
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1、美少女的谎言前情回顾Previously on Pretty Little Liars这耳环是A寄给你的么Did "A" send this to you?不是 我从佩奇包里找到的No, I took it out of Paige's bag.佩奇怎么会有这东西Why would Paige have it?她可能就是A 艾瑞亚She may be "A," Aria.-你是艾米丽·菲尔兹吗 -是我- Are you Emily Fields? - Yes.我是玛雅的表哥 内特I'm Maya's cousin Nat

2、e.你一定就是艾米吧You must be Amy.-你是麦琪吗 -是我- Are you maggie? - I am.我喜欢这个年龄的学生 好可爱I like this age. It's so sweet.马尔科姆碰巧还是我儿子Malcolm also happens to be my son.我不会要求你给我任何解释I'm not gonna ask you to explain anything,因为你根本不会解释 我自己去查because you won't.I'll find it out myself我觉得我们还是做朋友比较好I think we

3、 need to keep things on a friendship level.-那天晚上的事怎么解释 -那不代表什么- What about the other night? -It doesn't change things.我是来帮你阻止A的I am going to help you stop "A".我不是来征求你同意的And I'm not asking for your permission.你和佩奇You and Paige have been断断续续在一起快一年了seeing each other on and off for alm

4、ost a year,她却从未向你提起过任何关于艾莉的事and she's never mentioned anything about Ali to you?你说完了没 反正我听够了Are you finished? Because I am.没事的 会没事的Shh. It's okay. It's okay.那么 死者是你朋友吗So, the deceased was a friend of yours?菲尔兹小姐 请合作一下 我需要了解案件情况Miss Fields, please. I'm trying to understand what happen

5、ed here.-你认识受害人吗 -是的- Did you know the victim? - Yes.死者是你朋友吗The deceased was a friend of yours?第三季 第十二集美少女的谎言陪审团成员的挑选预计今天结束Jury selection is expected to conclude today,辩护律师维罗妮卡·海斯汀and defense attorney Veronica Hastings今晨发表了声明made a statement to reporters this morning.我的委托人在精神上已经不堪重负My client is

6、 emotionally exhausted.但他很宽慰But he's relieved to know终于有机会that he's finally going to have the opportunity能洗清他的罪名To clear his name.两天前TWO DAYS EARLIER这件事怎么闹得这么大How did this get so big?就好像全世界都在关注玫瑰镇I mean, it's like all eyes are on rosewood.忍♥不住怀疑 托比就是为了避开这一切Can't help but t

7、hink that Toby才去巴克士郡工作took that job in bucks county just to avoid all this.她要晚一点到She's taking the long way记者们缠着要采访她because reporters are hounding her for interviews.我们等下要怎么说Okay, how are we gonna do this?艾米丽以为她过来是听我们道歉的Well,Emily think she's coming over here so we can apologize.但如果她知道我们的真实用意

8、But when she realizes what this is,她可能会比之前更生我们的气she'll probably be more mad at us than she was before.我可不想事情变成那样I am not looking forward to seeing that.如果处理得好In a successful intervention,她会觉得我们是出于爱她想要保护她 而不是批评the loved one feels safe, not judged.很好 好的Great. Right,我们先说些模棱两可的安慰话so we'll start

9、out all warm and fuzzy,然后再告诉她真♥相♥and then we just have to hit her with the truth.这事就交给你了Yeah. And that's your cue.好的 佩奇嫉妒艾莉Okay, so.Paige was jealous of Ali,我们都知道佩奇也嫉妒玛雅we know that Paige was jealous of Maya,那天晚上她和艾米丽在一起and she was with Emily that night,她能轻易陷害我们it was easy

10、for her to set us up.对 她还有第二只耳环Right. And she has the other earring.所以肯定是她藏了艾莉的尸体 对吗So she must have Ali's body, right?-没错 -等下 我没明白- Yeah. - Wait. I don't get it.如果佩奇这么爱艾米丽If Paige was so into Emily,为什么会对她下药呢why would she drug her?又为什么给自己下药呢And then why would she drug herself?等下 汉娜 Wait! Han

11、na,我们不是在说A的事吗I thought we were all on the same "A" page here.是啊 这是合理推测啊We are. This is a practice run.好吧Right, okay.迷昏自己是最好的不在场证明Uh, drugging yourself is the best alibi ever.莎朗·斯通的经典行为Classic Sharon Stone move.记得本能那部电影吗 Remember that movie, Basic Instinct?-不 -不- No. - No.她写了一部谋杀悬疑小说Sh

12、e wrote a murder mystery novel就为了掩盖她即将实施的罪行to cover up a crime that she was about to commit.其实挺天才的It was actually kind of genius.当我是艾米丽Look, remember, I'm Emily here.我们还认为这位A和梦娜是同伙We still think that "A" is working with Mona.这之间有什么关联So what is your connection?有两个人恨艾莉Two people who hate

13、d Ali.也许其中一个杀了她Maybe one of them killed her另一个为他们打掩护and the other one covered their tracks.或者还通过窃取尸体Or are still covering their tracks嫁祸于我们来掩盖他们的罪行by stealing the body and then pinning it on us.是的 最终的战利品就是Yeah. And the ultimate prize is佩奇独自占有艾米丽Paige gets Emily all to herself.你好 艾米Hey, Em.来点咖啡吗Hey.

14、You want some coffee?艾米 你知道我们有多爱你Em, you know how much we love you, right?即使真♥相♥会令你受伤害We love you enough to tell you the truth,我们还是要告诉你even when it hurts.这听着可不像是道歉This doesn't sound like an apology.我必须让你过来 艾米丽I had to get you here, Emily.很抱歉欺骗了你I'm sorry for lying.什么事情W

15、hat is this?三个世上最爱你的人It's the three people who love you the most in the world想让你看清佩奇的真面目trying to get you to see who Paige really is.真不敢相信I can't believe it.审判才刚开始The trial's started,你们就是这样为我出头的吗and this how you guys show up for me.我们都真心地支持你 艾米丽We support you, Emily. We do.但我们很确定加勒特不是杀玛雅

16、的凶手But we're pretty sure that Garrett did not kill Maya.你们认为佩奇是凶手吗And you think Paige did?你们都疯了吧Are you out of your friggin' minds?从什么时候开始When did it become so easy for you你们能这么轻易地欺骗朋友了lie to your friends?艾米丽 等等Emily, wait.我们在新装发布会上发现的We found that at the trunk show.在佩奇的包里In Paige's pack

17、.这是艾瑞亚放在艾莉棺材里的另一只耳环It's the other earring Aria put in Ali's casket.我们还找到过很多A放入的其他东西We found a lot of other things exactly where "A" has put them.起内讧了 A得逞了Three against one. "A" wins.这下佩奇的目的达到了That was exactly what Paige wanted.很好 接下来怎么办Great. So now what?艾米第一节课没来Em wasn&#

18、39;t in first period.我想今天她逃学了I think she ditched school today.三条留言和六条短♥信♥是否说明我是个追踪者Does three messages and six texts make me a stalker?你应该安慰我This is the part where you're supposed to reassure me说我这只是在关心朋友that I'm just being a caring friend艾米丽也会没事的and Emily's going t

19、o be fine.她今早指责我撒谎完全没错She was totally right in calling me out for lying this morning.就算有人需要心理干预也是我So if anybody needs an intervention, it's me.怎么了What's going on?我还没告诉你们 因为以斯拉还不知道I haven't told you guys yet because Ezra doesn't even know.不管怎样 我们都在你身边 你会挺过去的Well, whatever it is, we

20、9;re here for you. You'll be okay.维斯说漏了嘴 说以斯拉Wes let it slip that Ezra大学之前把一个女孩儿肚子搞大了got a girl pregnant before he left for college.他们的妈妈给了女孩钱 让她做了Their mom paid her to take care of it,但她没听 把孩子生了下来but she didn't take care of it, she had the baby.-是个男孩 -以斯拉有孩子了- It's a little boy. - Ezra

21、has a kid?-对 我还没说完 -啥 还没完 - Yeah, and I'm not done. - Wait, there's more?我找到了孩子的母亲 不过还没告诉以斯拉I found the baby's mom. But I didn't tell Ezra.所以他现在还不知道So Ezra has no idea?他以为孩子没生下来He thinks she had an abortion.艾瑞亚 你得告诉他这事Aria, you have to tell him the truth.不论因为什么 但孩子的母亲不想让他知道Well, for

22、whatever reason, she doesn't want him to know.我逼以斯拉给她打过电♥话♥And I pushed him to call her.但通话时 她一点没提到这事When they talked, she didn't say anything about it.如果他最后发现你知道真♥相♥却没告诉他If he finds out that you knew and you didn't tell him.我总感觉我即将I just reall

23、y feel like I'm唤醒一只沉睡的猛兽about to rattle the cage of a sleeping giant.记不记得艾莉说过 秘密让我们更亲近Do you remember what Ali said about secrets keeping us close?她错了She was wrong.秘密使我们渐行渐远They tear us apart.想说什么就说吧If you've got something to say, just say it.艾米丽今早哭着给我打电♥话♥Emily called

24、me this morning in tears.你们这帮人怎么回事What the hell is wrong with you guys?你想怎样 佩奇What do you want, Paige?我希望你们离艾米丽远点I want you to leave Emily alone.她最近经历了很多She's got a lot going on right now,不需要你们再给她添堵she doesn't need you guys making it worse for her.如果你以为我会任你伤害她If you think I'm gonna let y

25、ou hurt her,那你可低估我了you are underestimating me.如果你执意插手If you don't back down,那受伤的会是你 斯宾塞you're the one who's gonna get hurt, Spencer.我不会让你介入我们的I won't let you come between us.我知道你是谁I know who you are.她们以为了解你 但她们错了They think they know you, but they're wrong.她们就不想让你高兴点吗Do they just

26、not want you to be happy?她们不相信任何人 全都因为AThey don't trust anybody. It's because of "A."你指的是梦娜You mean Mona.如果我告诉你If I tell you something,你要保证此事只有你知我知promise me it doesn't leave this room.艾米丽 放一万个心好了Emily, you can trust me with your life.如果你告诉别人 我们就危险了If you tell anyone, it won

27、9;t be safe.我愿意做任何事来保护你There's nothing I wouldn't do to protect you.我担心的不是自己 是你It's not me I'm worried about. It's you.艾米 怎么回事Em, what is it?我们认为还有人在帮助梦娜We think there's somebody else helping Mona.告诉警♥察♥了吗Have you told the police?我来的那晚That night I came o

28、ver,艾莉的遗体被搬走的那晚 是A陷害了我们the night Ali's body was taken, "A" Set us up.他们有一张我们在艾莉墓前的照片They had a photo of us at her grave,看上去就像我们是凶手and we look guilty as hell.所以你的朋友们以为是我So your friends think it's me?我是新的AThat I'm this new "A"?这就是今早你跟她们吵的原因That's what you were argui

29、ng about this morning.她们会弄清楚的 她们会发现自己错了They'll figure it out. They'll realize they're wrong.但同时 她们尽一切可能And in the meantime they'll让我远离你do everything they can to keep me away from you.我不会任它发生的I won't let that happen.未知号♥码: 周六晚10点 玫瑰镇公墓 否则XX会受到伤害 -A我家里有点事I have some fami

30、ly stuff to take care of.周一见But I'll see you Monday.我每天都会努力And I'll go to the trial every day.我发誓我会一直支持你I promise I won't leave your side.斯宾塞来电还是语♥音♥信箱It's voice mail again.她肯定在家She has to be home.要不我们直接过去Maybe we should just go over there.事情越来越更糟So things just

31、went from worse to worser.这词不能这么用 继续That's not a word. But continue.佩奇今天没来上西班牙语课 病秧子Paige wasn't in Spanish today. Yo hablo sicko.-什么 -她请病假回家了- What? - She went home sick.或者她回艾米丽家了Or is she at Emily's?我不知道你俩怎么想I don't know about you two,但我很乐意把这个交给警♥察♥but I'm

32、 really willing to take this to the cops.别 我已经在他们攻击名单上了No! I'm already on their radar.据我所知 是佩奇把我的血涂在脚链上的For all I know, Paige smeared my blood all over that anklet.艾米丽现在可能跟佩奇在一起Well, Emily might be with Paige right now,我们知道佩奇能干出什么事来and we all know what she's capable of.我觉得我们应该打给她父母I think we

33、 should call her parents.我们一起告诉他们所有事We'll tell them everything, together.斯宾塞说得对 人多力量大Spencer's right. There's strength in numbers.好吧All right."退后 贱♥人♥们Stand down, bitches.按我的规矩来才能保艾米丽安全 -A"Play it my way and Emily stays safe. "A".退后 贱♥

34、人♥们 按我的规矩来才能保艾米丽安全 -A要是再过一个小时还没她们的消息If we don't hear from them the next hour,我们还是应该告诉她父母I think we should revisit the idea of telling her parents.同意I agree.或者佩奇只是在耗时间This is probably Paige just killing time以便自己好想办法脱身so she can just find a way to weasel herself out of this.汉娜Hanna.我只是在

35、想艾米丽I'm just thinking about Emily.她好不容易从玛雅的阴影里走出来She finally gets over Maya,现在却又和精神扭曲的贱♥人♥缠在一起and now she's stuck with some twisted psycho bitch.艾莉森创造的又一个怪物It's just another monster that Alison created.她走了两年了 却还将我们玩弄于股掌She's been gone two years, and we're st

36、ill caught in her web.是AIt's from "A.""我们解决一下吧"Let's settle this.艾莉森的坟墓 晚10点 带上玛雅的包"Alison's grave. Ten p.M. Bring Maya's bag."有个附件There's an attachment.那晚的另一张照片It's another picture from that night.佩奇可以把我们拉下水 让艾米丽脱身Paige can brings us down and le

37、ave Emily completely in the clear.这一定全都是她的计划This must have been her plan all along.摆脱掉我们 艾米丽就是她一个人的了Get rid of us, and then she can have Emily all to herself.但由于某种原因她没把这个交给警♥察♥But she hasn't sent these to the cops for a reason,可能是因为and it's probably because玛雅包里的某样东西ther

38、e's something in Maya's bag that she needs.能证明她是凶手Something that proves that she killed her.可那个包我们角角落落都搜遍了No, we searched every inch of that bag.你们看You guys.又来了张照片Another picture.告诉艾米丽 这个包就栽赃给你们"Tell Emily and I'll leave you holding the bag."里面是艾莉吗Is that Ali?天啊Oh, my God.什么声音W

39、hat was that?-什么声音 -会是你妈提前回来吗- What was that? - Do you think your mom's home early?妈妈Mom?楼下有人There's somebody downstairs.是佩奇吗Was it Paige?怎么是你 我差点杀了你What are you doing here?! I almost killed you!就凭这粉色绒毛台灯吗 汉娜With a pink, furry lamp, Hanna?说真的凯勒 你怎么在这里No. Caleb, seriously, what are you doing

40、here?你不是应该在监视艾米丽的家吗You're supposed to be watching Emily's house.她家草坪上驻扎了一堆记者But there are, like, a dozen reporters camped out on her lawn,她妈妈也在家 不会有危险的her mom is home- she's safe.佩奇和梦娜来消息了We heard from Paige and Mona.我不会让你们独自去的You guys aren't showing up there alone.安吉来电-你好 -艾米 是我- He

41、llo. - Hi, Em, it's me.不要挂断 拜托Please don't hang up.我想确认你好不好I want to make sure you're okay.斯宾塞和我在镇上Spencer and I are in town,这里到处是记者and there are reporters everywhere.你还好吗So are you okay?内特这周末要去镇外Nate's going out of town this weekend.我也一起去I'm going with him.那很好啊 你们去哪里That's g

42、reat. Where are you going?灯塔岩客栈 他在网上找到的The Lighthouse Rock Inn. He found it online.我知道你不相信Look, I know it doesn't seem like it,-但我们一直在你身边 -你说得对- but we are here for you, Em. - You're right.我不信It doesn't seem like it.他们都在草坪上安营扎寨了They're three-deep on the lawn out there.汉娜刚打电&heart

43、s;话♥给我Yeah, I just got off the phone with Hanna.说镇上全是记者She said that reporters are all over town.我知道你想避开 但我真的觉得I know you want to leave, but I really feel like这个周末应该和家人一起过you need to be with family this weekend.是要和家人一起过的 和玛雅的家人I will be with family. Maya's family.我说过了 内特的父母也会去的I told

44、you, Nate's parents are going to be there too.在加勒特成为主角之前It's our way of celebrating Maya我们要以自己的方式纪念玛雅before this whole thing becomes all about Garrett.内特还只是朋友吗And Nate's still just a friend?刚开始不是 现在是了He wasn't at first, but he is now.我这周末真的想要个朋友陪着I really need a friend this weekend.真

45、的不要我去吗Are you sure you don't want me to come?别担心 他会照顾好我的Don't worry. He'll take good care of me.到了打电♥话♥给我Call me when you get there?好的I will.谢谢 安吉Oh. Thanks, Angie.其实知道艾米丽今晚会远离这里It actually makes me feel a lot better我感觉好多了knowing Emily's going to be far away fro

46、m here tonight.我也是Yeah, me too.九点去接你So I'll pick you up at nine.到时见Yeah, see you then.万圣节幽灵列车派对 10月31日托比Toby?抱着我 别放开No, please, don't let me go.我对这一切真的很抱歉I'm so sorry for everything-还有那些秘密For all the secrets.斯宾塞 我了解你Spencer, I know who you are.永远不必说抱歉You never have to say you're sorr

47、y.给你Here.谢谢Thank you.汉娜: 你告诉他了吗以斯拉Ezra?爱你 宝贝Love you, babe.有客人吗Expecting company?可能是隔壁的罗森塔尔太太It's probably Mrs. Rosenthal from next door.每星期她至少有一次忘带钥匙She locks herself out at least once a week,我这儿有备用钥匙so I keep a key.好贴心That's sweet.就挂在门边It's right by the door.麦琪Maggie?我住在附近 虽然这话听上去很老套It

48、 sounds like a cliche, but I was in the neighborhood.请进吧Well, please come-come in.麦琪 这是.Maggie, this is.我女友 艾瑞亚My girlfriend, Aria.以斯拉 我有事要和你说Ezra, there's something that I need to tell you.艾瑞亚 很高兴认识你It's really nice to meet you.Aria.我工作飘忽不定的I'm picking up asignments here and there.一切都开始

49、越来越顺利了Seems like things are really starting to come together.你能开始写作也挺不错的I think it's terrific that you're writing.但是为什么不教书了But why did you give up teaching?这事儿挺复杂的Uh, it's complicated.这次一定是罗森塔尔太太了That is got to be Mrs. Rosenthal.你明明知道真♥相♥ 为什么不告诉他You know the truth.

50、Why haven't you told him?不是随随便便就能告诉他的That's not something you spring on someone.你来干什么What are you doing here?我来看看他 他毕竟是我儿子的父亲I was curious. He's the father of my son.对 他应该有知情权Yeah, he deserves to know that.-你是过来说明真♥相♥的吗 -可能吧- Did you come here to tell him? - Maybe.我

51、也不知道I- I'm not sure.我经历了很多事Look, I've been through a lot.还需要更多时间解决所有问题I need some time to sort this all out.-这事交给我 好吗 -不好- I've earned it, okay? - No.不行 这样不好No, it's not okay.如果他发现我在骗他.If he figures out that I'm lying to him-他不会发现的 我保证 求你了He won't figure it out. I promise. Pl

52、ease.尝尝吧There we go.慢着 所以你要我做的是.Wait. So what you're asking me to do-还有很多事情是你不知道的There's more to this story than you know.为了马尔科姆 For Malcolm's sake,我要确定怎样做才是对他最好的I need to figure out what's best for him.又不是只有我一个人瞒着他 艾米I'm not the only one here with a secret.Amy.她总是记不得带钥匙Can't

53、 remember her keys,但还不忘送甜点过来yet she never forgets dessert.没事儿吧Is everything okay?没事Yeah.我去拿盘子I'll get plates for this.谢谢Thank you.我还以为你在洗澡Hey. I thought you were taking a shower.那是枪吗Is that a gun?你从哪得到的Where did you get that?我不想知道 处理掉它You know what, I don't want to know. Just get rid of it.汉

54、娜 A差点杀死我妈Hanna, this "A" almost killed my mom.我不会让你Okay? I'm not letting you go毫无防备地去墓地to that cemetery without some kind of protection.你要是想带枪去Well, if you plan to bring that gun,你就当我今晚没叫过你then you can forget about coming tonight.汉娜 这不仅是你的电♥话♥It's not just you

55、r call, Hanna.装子弹了吗Is it loaded?听我说 好吗Listen to me, okay?凯勒 我发誓 立马处理掉枪Caleb, I swear to god, get rid of that thing now不然出门当心点or don't let the door hit you in the ass in the way out.好吧All right.我听到了I hear you.这枪放到周一 我会来拿走It'll stay there until Monday and then I'll get rid of it.这你没意见吧Are

56、you good with that?会没事的Hey. It's gonna be okay.我保证I promise.佩奇跟梦娜就这样放弃了It just feels too easy.感觉太轻率了Paige and Mona giving up like this.今晚一切都会有个了断We're gonna put an end to this tonight.记着Now, remember,她们才两个人 我们有四个there's two of them and four of us.我在了I'm here.我明白I understand.你确定吗Are y

57、ou sure?是的Yes.你在巴克士郡工作是为了避开我吗Did you get that job in Bucks County just to get away from me?看着的确如此 但不是I know it looks that way. but no.你要回去You're going back.斯宾塞Spencer.我正是在我该呆的地方I am exactly where I need to be.我爱你I love you.我也是I love you too.喂 汉 我是斯宾塞Hey, Han, it's Spence.告诉我你已经拿到玛雅的包了Please

58、tell me that you have Maya's bag,因为我准备好结束这一切了because I am so ready for this to be over.计划有变Change of plans.这个应用软件是声控的Right, the app is voice activated,它会记录所有的声音so it'll record any sound that it hears.我能获取录音传送And I can pick up the feed,所以我得跟你们一路相随so I'll be with you every step of the way.凯勒 你该带上


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