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1、Section C教学目标教学目标Teaching aims and demands1. Learn some new words and phrases: modern, ring, symbol, stand for, least, at least2. Review and summarize the tenses.3. Go on learning something about the Olympics.Olympics lmpks n.(=Olympic games) 奥林匹克运动会奥林匹克运动会 例句例句You were fourth in the Olympics? 你在奥运会

2、上拿过第四名?你在奥运会上拿过第四名?ring rn. 戒指,指环戒指,指环; 铃声,钟声铃声,钟声; 环形物环形物; 拳击场拳击场; vt. 形成环状形成环状; 环绕环绕; 使(例如铃)响使(例如铃)响; 打电话给打电话给; vi. 按铃,敲钟按铃,敲钟; 回响回响; 成环形成环形; 例句例句 There was a ring at the door.门铃响了门铃响了New Words and Expressions New Words and Expressions modern mdnadj. 现代的现代的; 近代的近代的; 新式的新式的; 当代风格的当代风格的motto mtn. 座右

3、铭座右铭; 格言格言; 箴言箴言; 主题句主题句; 例句例句Whats our motto?我们的座右铭是什么?我们的座右铭是什么?New Words and ExpressionsSymbol smbln. 象征;符号;标志象征;符号;标志e.g. The dove is the symbol of peace.鸽子是和平的象征鸽子是和平的象征stand for代表;支持;象征;担任代表;支持;象征;担任的候选人的候选人 e.g. What does “PRC stand for ?“PRC代表什么代表什么? a symbol of : 的象征New Words and Expression

4、snowadays nadez adv.现今;现在现今;现在 e.g Nowadays, children often prefer watching TV to reading. 如今,儿童常爱看电视而不爱看书。如今,儿童常爱看电视而不爱看书。 at least 至少至少,最低限度最低限度,至少来源至少来源e.g She may be slow but at least shes reliable. 她迟钝是迟钝,但无论如何她很可靠。她迟钝是迟钝,但无论如何她很可靠。New Words and Expressionscompete kmpit vi. 竞争;比赛;对抗竞争;比赛;对抗e.g.

5、 We can compete with the best teams. 我们能与最好的队竞争。我们能与最好的队竞争。 chance tns n. 机会,际遇;运气,侥幸;可能性机会,际遇;运气,侥幸;可能性 e.g. I have a chance to be a doctor. 我有机会成为医生。我有机会成为医生。New Words and Expressionshost hst n.主人;主持人;主办方;主机主人;主持人;主办方;主机e.g. He was the host for a TV talk show. 他是一名电视脱口秀的主持人他是一名电视脱口秀的主持人 gold medal

6、n.金质奖章;金牌金质奖章;金牌 e.g. She won an Olympic gold medal in swimming. 她获得奥林匹克游泳金牌。她获得奥林匹克游泳金牌。 世界各地世界各地: 轮流:轮流: 越来越受欢迎:越来越受欢迎: 有机会去做某事有机会去做某事: all over the world in turn more and more popular have the chance to do sth.希腊雅典Athens ,Greece第一届现代奥运会于第一届现代奥运会于1896年年4月月6日至日至15日在希腊首都雅日在希腊首都雅典隆重举行。典隆重举行。2004年希腊再次

7、举办奥运会。年希腊再次举办奥运会。希腊雅典选择用象征和平与友谊的希腊雅典选择用象征和平与友谊的橄榄枝橄榄枝来表达他们对来表达他们对奥林匹克运动至高无上的理解和尊重。奥林匹克运动至高无上的理解和尊重。奥林匹克口号奥林匹克口号(Olympic Motto) -“更快、更高、更强更快、更高、更强”奥运会会旗是五环旗,朴素的白色背景寓意着和平。奥运会会旗是五环旗,朴素的白色背景寓意着和平。 五种颜色从左到右分别是:上方三个蓝、黑、红,下方黄和绿。五种颜色从左到右分别是:上方三个蓝、黑、红,下方黄和绿。 奥运五环代表五大洲。黄色是亚洲,黑色是非洲,蓝色是欧洲,奥运五环代表五大洲。黄色是亚洲,黑色是非洲,

8、蓝色是欧洲,红色是美洲,绿色是大洋洲。五环环环相扣,象征着五大洲人民红色是美洲,绿色是大洋洲。五环环环相扣,象征着五大洲人民的团结,共振奥运精神!的团结,共振奥运精神! Faster, Higher, Stronger冬奥会,夏奥会冬奥会,夏奥会冬季奥林匹克运动会,简称冬奥会。冬季奥林匹克运动会,简称冬奥会。冬奥会每隔冬奥会每隔4年举行一届,该赛事年举行一届,该赛事的主要特征是在冰上和雪地举行的的主要特征是在冰上和雪地举行的冬季运动,如滑冰、滑雪等适合在冬季运动,如滑冰、滑雪等适合在冬季举行的项目冬季举行的项目 。夏奥会其实就是我们平常所说的奥运夏奥会其实就是我们平常所说的奥运会。因为奥运会一

9、般是在夏季举行,会。因为奥运会一般是在夏季举行,而每次奥运会举办后两年还会有一次而每次奥运会举办后两年还会有一次“冬奥会冬奥会”(也是四年一次),为了(也是四年一次),为了区别,所以通常所说的奥运会也被称区别,所以通常所说的奥运会也被称作夏奥会。作夏奥会。Winter Olympics ,Summer Olympics, 1aWatch the flash and enjoy the modern Olympics.视频视频1a-P211aRead Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks.The modern Olympics started inIts mott

10、o isThe five rings stand forTheir color isAthens, Greece in 1896Athens, Greece in 1896Faster, Higher, StrongerFaster, Higher, Strongerthe five parts of the the five parts of the worldworld blue, yellow, black, blue, yellow, black, green and redgreen and red代表代表1aRead Paragraph 2 and fill in the blan

11、ks. There are _ and _ and they are both held every _ years. The _ are usually held two years _ the _.Summer OlympicsSummer OlympicsWinter OlympicsWinter OlympicsfourfourWinter OlympicsWinter OlympicsSummer OlympicsSummer Olympicsbeforebeforehold: 举办举办1aRead Paragraph 3 and mark True or False. The Ol

12、ympics are held by different cities in turn. ( ) The developing countries have no chance to hold the Olympics. ( ) The Olympics will be more and more popular. ( )T TF FT T1bRead 1a again and complete the following notes.in 1896in 1896Athens, GreeceAthens, GreeceFaster, Higher, StrongerFaster, Higher

13、, Strongerthe Olympic ringsthe Olympic ringsfourfourWe know:1896Athens, GreeceFaster, Higher, StrongerThe five rings flagThe Peoples Republic of China (take) part in the Olympics for the first time in 1952.中华人民共和国中华人民共和国 简称简称PRC参加参加第一次第一次tookXu Haifeng (win) the first gold medal for China in the _(2

14、3)Los Angeles Olympics in 1984.23rd金牌洛杉矶wanChina won 28 gold (medal)in the 2000 Sydney Olympics. medalsChina won 32 gold medals in the 2004 Athens Olympics. Beijing (host) the 29th Olympics Games in 2008 and China won 51gold medals. hosted We hope that China (win) more gold medals in the future.will

15、 winRead the passage and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words. The Peoples Republic of China _ (take) part in the Olympics for the first time in 1952. Xu Haifeng _ (win) the first gold medal for China in the _ (23) Los Angeles Olympics in 1984. China won 28 gold _ (medal) in

16、the 2000 Sydney Olympics, and 32 in the 2004 Athens Olympics. Beijing _ (host) the 29th Olympic Games in 2008 and China won 51 gold medals. We hope that China _ (win) more gold medals in the future.tookwon23rdmedalshostedwill win3一般现在时一般现在时用法用法 :1) 经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频度的经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频度的时间状语连用。时间状语连用。

17、I leave fore school at 7 every morning. 2) 客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。 The earth moves around the sun. Shanghai lies in the east of China.3) 表示格言或警句中。表示格言或警句中。 Pride goes before a fall.骄者必败骄者必败。 一般现在时一般现在时 用法用法:经常性的和习惯性的动作经常性的和习惯性的动作 常用时间状语常用时间状语 : usually, sometimes, in spring, every day, in the

18、 morning 动词构成动词构成 : 动词原型动词原型 work 动词动词+S.(主语是三单)(主语是三单)works 否定构成否定构成 : dont+动原动原 doesnt+动原动原 一般疑问构成及简答一般疑问构成及简答: Do+主语主语+动原动原+其它?其它?Yes, I do. Does+主语主语+动原动原+其它?其它?No, he doesnt.一般现在时一般现在时 ( ) 1 -_ they often _ these old men? -Yes, they_. A. Do; help; are B. Are; helping; are C. Do; help; do D. Are

19、; helped; are ( ) 2 They usually _TV in the evening.A. watch B. will watch C. are watching D. watches ( ) 3The sun _ in the east and_ in the west. A. raises; set B. rise; sets C. rises; sets D. rises; set CAC练习练习现在进行时现在进行时 用法用法:说话时正在进行的动作或当前一段时间正在进行的:说话时正在进行的动作或当前一段时间正在进行的 动作动作 常用时间状语常用时间状语 : now, t

20、hese days 动词构成动词构成 : am/is/are+现在分词现在分词(- ing) am/is/are working 否定构成否定构成 : am/is/are+ not+现在分词现在分词 一般疑问构成及简答一般疑问构成及简答: Am/Is/Are+主语主语+现在分词现在分词+ 其它?其它? Yes, I am (he is.) No, they arent现在进行时现在进行时 ( ) 1 _ you _ your homework now? A. Do; doing B. Are; doing C. Were; doing D. Does; do ( ) 2 _ your moth

21、er _ shopping at the moment? A. Are; doing B. Is; doing C. Is; taking D. Are; taking ( ) 3 _ the children _ the radio? A. Is; listening B. Is; listening to C. Are; listening to D. Are; listening练习练习BBC一般将来时一般将来时 用法用法: 将来会出现或发生的动作将来会出现或发生的动作 常用时间状语常用时间状语:this evening, tomorrow, next month 动词构成动词构成: w

22、ill/shall+动原动原 am/is/are going to+动词原型动词原型 否定构成否定构成: will/shall not am/is/are not一般将来时一般将来时( ) 1. Look at the clouds. _. A. Its going to rain B. Itll be raining C. It will be rained D. If it rains ( ) 2. There_ two English films next week. A. is going to be B. are going to have C. will have D. are g

23、oing to be( ) 3. There is going to_ a volleyball match on our school playground. The match is going to_ at six this evening. A. have; be B. be; have C. be; be D. have; haveABA练习练习一般过去时一般过去时 用法用法: 过去时间发生的或过去经常性的动作过去时间发生的或过去经常性的动作常用时间状语常用时间状语:yesterday, last night, two days ago, 动词构成动词构成: 动词过去时(动词过去时(- ed) 否定构成否定构成: didnt+动原动原 一般疑问构成及简答举例一般疑问构成及简答举例: Did


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