1、w圣ww才.10电0xu子ex书十万种考研考证电子书、 题库视频学习平台第 8 章 英国的外交关系i. decide whether the following statements are true (t) or false (f):1. when the second world war ended, britain no longer was the largest militarypowerin western europe. 【答案】 f【解析】 二战以后,德国意大利作为战败国,力量迅速衰退。英国成为西欧最强大的军事力量之一。2. the uk was awarded a seat
2、on the un security council in recognitionof its contributionin setting up the united nations. 【答案】 f【解析】英国并不是因为对于建立联合国有重大贡献才被授予联合国安理会常任理事国的地位,而是因为英国在国际上对政治有持续的影响力。3. according to the text, the most importantsingle factor which influences british policy makers is its history. 【答案】 t【解析】 英国现行外交政策受其帝国史
3、影响很深。4. the prime ministerand cabinet decide on the general directionof britainforesign policy.【答案】 t【解析】 英国首相和内阁共同决定英国外交政策的总方向。5. the main governmentdepartmentinvolved is the foreign and commonwealthoffice (fco).【答案】 t【解析】 外交政策涉及的主要部门是外交部,这个部门在对外政策上扮演重要角色。6. britain is a parliamentary monarch. 6 /
4、17【答案】 f【解析】 英国是议会制民主政府,而不是议会制的君主国家。7. there are about 60 members of the commonwealth. 【答案】 f【解析】 英联邦一共有大约六十个成员。8. the british host a large american military presence and there are 63 american military bases in the uk.【答案】 t【解析】 作为北大西洋公约组织的一员,英国承诺允许大量美军驻扎在其国土上,目前有63 个美国军事基地在英国驻扎。9. britain is not a
5、member of the nato due to its disagreement with some european countries on defence policy.【答案】 f【解析】 英国是北大西洋公约组织的一员,尽管它对某些成员国的防御政策不完全赞同。ii. choose the answer that best completes the statement or answers the question:1. the author holds that britain had a big influence on the postwar internationalord
6、er because _a. it used to be a great imperial power.b. it had astrong military power and prestige.c. it defeated hitlerarmsy.d. it got support from its former colonies.【答案】 b【解析】 二战以后,英国成为西欧大路上最强大的军事力量之一,它具有很高的声望。因此作者认为它使得战后的国际秩序得以规范。2. which countries are the permanent members of the un security co
7、uncil?a. france, china, germany, russiaand britain.b. the united states, france, britain, germany and russia.c. china, russia,france, britain and the united states.d. china, britain, france, the united states and japan.【答案】 c【解析】 安理会由 5 个常任理事国和 10 个非常任理事国组成。5 个常任理事国是中国、法国、俄罗斯、英国、美国。其中英国1945 年成为常任理事国
8、。3. how much of the globe did britain rule in its imperial prime?a. a fourth of the globe.b. a fifth of the globe.c. a third of the globe.d. two-thirds of the earth.【答案】 c【解析】 在英国帝国主义盛行时期,它将世界三分之一的地区纳入自己的殖民体系之中4. the present british foreign policy is mainly influenced by some of the followingfactors
9、. which one is an exception?a. its imperial history.b. its geopolitical traits.c. its special relationship with the united states.d. its schizophrenic attitude to europe.【答案】 d【解析】 英国现行外交政策受其帝国史影响很深。影响英国处理外交事务的另一个决定性因素就是地缘政治。英国同美国的关系也是影响英国外交政策的一个主要因素。5. which of the following is not involved in maki
10、ng the british foreign policy?a. the queen of britain.b. the foreign and commonwealth office.c. the prime minister and the cabinet.d. the ministry of defence and the treasury.【答案】 a【解析】 在英国, 英国首相和内阁共同决定英国外交政策的总方向。外交政策涉及的主要部门是外交部, 这个部门在对外政策上扮演重要角色。国防部确保英国的国防并负责履行英国在军事同盟中应尽的义务。贸易产业部负责制定对外贸易政策,和处理英国与其他
11、各国的商业关系。6. nowadays the british foreign policy is largely shaped by its participation in_a. the commonwealth.b. the european economic community.c. the united nations, the eu, nato,etc.d. a european federal government.【答案】 c【解析】 如今英国已经没有足够的力量单独达到外交政策目标,它的外交政策在很大程度上依赖于加入重要的国际性组织如联合国、欧盟、北大西洋公约等等。7. whi
12、ch of the following statements is not true?a. britain hosts a large american military force.b. 63 american military basesare under the command of britain.c. there are 63 american military bases in britain.d. britain is an outpost of an american-dominatedmilitary bloc.【答案】 b【解析】 作为北大西洋公约组织的一员,英国承诺允许大
13、量美军驻扎在其国土上。目前共有63 个美国军事基地在英国国土上驻扎。英国是美国主导的军事联盟的前哨。但是在英国国土上的美国军事基地并不受到英国控制,仍然由美国控制。8. which of the following countries does not have nuclear weapons capabilities?a. britain.b. the united states.c. italy.d. russia.【答案】 c【解析】 意大利没有核武器。目前的有核国家为美国、中国、俄罗斯、法国、英国。9. three of the following factors have contr
14、ibutedto britain states to a certain degree. which is the exception?specsial relationship with the uniteda. britain and the united states share the general ideas in many respects.b. they have common interests in every respect.c. they agree generally on how the world economy should be managed.d. they
15、 have special links in culture.【答案】 b【解析】 二战期间,英美两国是亲密的联盟。战后,两个国家由于对历史和世界现状有许多相同之处而继续密切的合作。现在, 英美两国的政策制定者在许多领域也能达成一致,但这种一致不可能是在所有方面的一致。10. why does britain have its nuclear naval force?a. because itonse of the developed countries in the world.b. because ita straditional sea power.c. because it has a
16、n advanced industry.d. because itabsle to produce submarines.【答案】 b【解析】 由于英国从传统上说一直是海上大国,它的核军队是一支海军。iii. fill in the blanks:1. when the second world war was over, britain was active in setting up the united nations and became one of thepermanent members of 【答案】 five, the un security council【解析】 二战结束
17、以后, 英国在设立联合国方面表现积极,成为了联合国安理会常任理事国的一员。2. the present foreign policy of britain is greatly influencedby itshistory and also by its【答案】 imperial, geopolitical traits【解析】 英国现行外交政策受其帝国史影响很深。由于大英帝国才刚刚瓦解不久,英国的政策制定者经常会忘记英国在国际事务中已不再像过去那么具有影响力了。影响英国处理外交事务的另一个决定性因素就是地缘政治。英国的岛国特征使英国人心理上产生与世隔绝的感觉,这导致英国对欧洲的态度反复无常
18、。3. britainspescial relationship with is another major factor which influences the britishforeign policy.【答案】 the united states【解析】 英国同美国的关系也是影响英国外交政策的一个主要因素。4. britainphyssical isolation has long been reduced by the developmentof and morerecently by the opening of, which links britain to continental europe.【答案】 airlines, the channel tunnel【解析】英国独有的与世隔绝的状况随着空运的发展及连接英国与欧洲大陆的海底隧道的开通而逐渐缓和。5. the general direction of britainforeis
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