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1、高雄市立小港高中九十五學年第二學期第一次期中考三年級試題 英 文 科 代碼: 02第一部分: 選擇題I. Vocabulary & Phrases: 10% 說明第1 至10 題,每題選出最適當的一個選項,標示在答案卡上。每題答對得1 分,答錯不倒扣。 1. The old man used to _ about winning the lottery and did not do anything practical at all. (A)fantasy (B) fantastic (C) fantasize (D) frantic 2. All his four children _ hi

2、m, and that makes him the happiest father in the world. (A) adhere (B) adore (C) adopt (D) adept 3. She has a _ writing style; that is why she is well-known around the world. (A) district (B) distorted (C) distinctive (D) distant 4. I took the wrong bus and was late for my first day at work; it was

3、an embarrassing _ that I would rather forget. (A) experienced (B) memorize (C) legend (D) episode 5. The _ smile on a childs face can melt the coldness in an adult. (A) innocent (B) accent (C) resent (D) absent 6. After studying abroad for years, he finally returned to his _ hometown. (A) hatred (B)

4、 preferring (C) forgetful (D) beloved 7. The photograph is out of focus; thats why it looks _. (A) freezing (B) fuzzy (C) buzz (D) dizzied 8. A _ feature of a giraffe is its unusual long neck. (A) distinguishing (B) extinguishing (C) anguish (D) tangling 9. Tracy is a newcomer, but she quickly _ her

5、self to everybody in the office. (A) endangered (B) enriched (C) enlightened (D) endeared 10. Linda is a woman of great _, and she is good at using it to make things go her way. (A) chime (B) charm (C) charity (D) cheerII. Cloze: 15% 說明第10 至 25題,請依文意選出最適當的選項,標示在答案卡上。每題答對得1 分,答錯不倒扣。A. Most people sno

6、re from time to time, but some people just cant stop. Do you know someone 11 nighttime noises are really too much? Maybe he or she could use some helpful information. Snoring usually happens 12 the nose and throat are blocked. They can become blocked simply because of a cold or damage to the nose. B

7、eing overweight can also make a person 13 more. Lying on ones side will often stop snoring. Not drinking alcohol before bed can also help because alcohol relaxes throat muscles. Some people try surgery to stop really 14 snoring. Because they are not breathing right, heavy snorers can 15 several time

8、s a night without knowing it. So, preventing snoring not only helps the people nearby sleep better, it also helps the person who snores. 11. (A) that (B) whom (C) with (D) whose 12. (A) where (B) when (C) whether (D) how 13. (A) to snore (B) snoring (C) snored (D) snore 14. (A) light (B) thick (C) h

9、eavy (D) false 15. (A) wake up (B) wait up (C) take up (D) brush upB. Although first published almost 200 years ago, the novels of Jane Austen have retained their 16 around the world. It is not difficult to find the reasons for their 17 appeal. Austen wrote about universal themes, such as the joy an

10、d pain of love, the pursuit of happiness, and the need to be accepted by society. Jane Austen was born in 1775 in a rural part of southern England. She and her family were all avid readers. They even read novels, which were often 18 during that time. Jane began writing before her teens, and had comp

11、leted a history book by the time she was sixteen. The six romantic novels that Austen wrote before her death in 1817 are still widely read. Her first novel 19 was “Sense and Sensibility” 1811, but her best-known work, “Pride and Prejudice,” was written around fifteen years earlier. Although 20 rejec

12、ted for publication, the novel, and its intelligent heroine, have come to hold a place among the great classics of English literature. 16. (A) population (B) proportion (C) popularity (D) property 17. (A) lasted (B) fading (C) enduring (D) perished 18. (A) looked down on (B) caught on to (C) given i

13、n to (D) holding a place 19. (A) purchased (B) polished (C) pursued (D) published 20. (A) eventually (B) originally (C) permanently (D) graduallyC. After reading this strip and laughing at the stupidity of this awkward, round-headed boy, we might agree that Charlie Brown looks more like a fool 21 a

14、traditional hero. This is true even when he is interacting with the other Peanuts characters. This particular strip gives a vivid description of Charlies charming personality. Every year when football season arrives, the 22 girl Lucy plays the same tricks and makes a fool of him, and every year he l

15、ets her do it. Actually, someone is always 23 him. Not only Lucy but also his little sister 24 . Whats worse, he can not even compete with his dog Snoopy in many cases. “Wont he ever stop being such a fool?” we readers often wonder. Yet at the same time, we can not help but admire him for never losi

16、ng sight of the possibility of success. No matter how many times he has failed, for whatever reason, he is always prepared to try again. 25 his endless frustrations, Charlie Brown almost never loses his cool, and he continues to struggle with life with all its ups and (more often) downs and never lo

17、ses his essentially good-hearted nature.21. (A) as (B) that (C) and (D) than22. (A) blackly-haired (B) black-haired (C) black-hairing (D) black-hair23. (A) consulting (B) resulting (C) insulting (D) resolving24. (A) cheers him up (B) pushes him around (C) makes use of him (D) keeps him informed25. (

18、A) Although (B) In spite (C) Now that (D) DespiteIII. Structure: 30% 說明第26 至40 題皆為未完成的句子。請從選項中選出最適當者,合併成正確的句子。每題答對得2分,答錯不倒扣。A. Lets start with Snoopy. Unlike ordinary dogs, 26 . As you can see from this strip, Snoopy imagines himself to be a great writer, while 27 . He is, however, oblivious to this

19、 fact and simply continues fantasizing. As a matter of fact, Snoopy has an extremely rich fantasy life. 28 , a “World-Famous Baseball Superstar,” a snake sliding through the grass, or a shark hiding in a swimming pool. 29 . With Snoopy, you never know what to expect! However, there is more to this d

20、og than his odd habits and foolish fantasies. In fact, his foolishness actually sends us an important message: 30 , no matter how unrealistic they might be. In his efforts at pretending to be human, Snoopy teaches us not to take the concerns of human life too seriously. (A) it is all right at times

21、to forget about the cares of real life and to pursue our dreams (B) Snoopy turns the boring life of a dog into one exciting episode after another (C) he might choose to be a World War I fighter pilot (D) Snoopy is distinguished by his eccentric habits and his constant attempts to be human (E) we can

22、 see that his writing is in fact terribleB. One of the major festivals of Taiwans aboriginal peoples is the Saisiat tribes harvest festival. Held every two years, 31 . According to legend, 32 . These very short people taught the Saisiat all about agriculture and hunting. However, the pygmies became

23、arrogant and the Saisiat jealous. Finally, the Saisiat fought the pygmies. Legend says 33 , sending them to their deaths. Soon after, the whole pygmy tribe was gone. The Saisiat had gotten rid of the pygmies, but bad things began to happen. Crops failed, 34 , and many accidents occurred. The festiva

24、l was begun to ask the spirits for forgiveness. The festival includes three days and nights of non-stop singing and dancing. 35 that is not broken the whole time, except for short rituals. (A) animals became hard to find (B) it is certainly the festival with the most curious background (C) the parti

25、cipants dance hand in hand in a large circle (D) there was once a pygmylike people living near the Saisiat (E) a few Saisiat cut the ropes on a bridge that many of the pygmies were crossingC. The honeybee is a fascinating little creature and one that humans have aunique relationship with. Honeybees

26、can bring us joy by sweetening our liveswith their honey, and 36 . Perhaps most interesting of all is that, likeants and wasps, 37 . Honeybees live in beehives. A hive is home to a single group of bees. 38 . There is only one queen, and she alone is responsible for laying all the eggsup to two thous

27、and a day! While 39 , the other bees are also important, each havingits own special duty. Female “worker” bees do the majority of the work. 40 . Meanwhile, male drones have only one job: mating with the queen. Does this sound like a good life? Consider this: the queen kills the drone as soon as he h

28、as finished!(A) the queen may rule(B) honeybees are social insects and live in highly organized groups(C) their duties include raising the young and collecting nectar for honey(D) they can also bring us pain by delivering an unpleasant sting(E) the most important member of this group is the queen be

29、eIV. Matching: 5% 說明第41至45題皆為未完成的句子。請從選項中選出最適當者。每題答對得1 分,答錯不倒扣。41. I know of something42. How in the world43. There is a legend44. What I really liked about the party was45. Located in the center of the city isA. can I send a piece of paper through cyberspace?B. that says St. Patrick drove all the s

30、nakes out of Ireland.C. when the clown jumped out of the box.D. a big park.E. that might help you.V. Reading Comprehension: 20% 說明第46至55題請根據文意選出最適當的一個選項,標示在答案卡上。每題答對得2 分,答錯不倒扣。A. “Anne of Green Gables” is a series of books written by Lucy Maud Montgomery in 1908. The main character, Anne Shirley, ha

31、s become one of the best-loved characters in storybooks. Many movies and cartoons have been made from the books over the years. However, the most popular one is the film made by Kevin Sullivan in 1985. Sullivans film is known for being most true to the books. The story takes place on Canadas Prince

32、Edward Island. It begins when Marilla and Matthew, a sister and brother, want to get a young boy to work on their farm. To their surprise, a girl is sent to them instead. That girl is none other than Anne Shirley. Anne is an interesting character because she is always getting into trouble. She has a

33、 strong opinion about everything, including her name. She tells everyone her name is “Anne-with-an-E.” This is because she believes that the name “Ann,” though it sounds the same, is not as pretty. Anne also has a strong opinion about her red hair: She hates it, and wishes it were brown. In one part

34、 of the story, a boy named Gilbert notices Annes red hair. He calls her “Carrots,” making Anne so mad that she hits him on the head! However, she eventually falls in love with Gilbert. Even Marilla, who was unhappy at first that Anne wasnt a boy, grows to love Annejust as readers all over the world

35、have. 46. What trait is Anne characterized by? (A) She seems so obedient that she never gets into trouble. (B) She is willing to accept everything she meets. (C) She is very solemn and is interested in nothing. (D) She has her own viewpoint and preference different from anyone elses. 47. Which of th

36、e following sentences is TRUE about the relationship between Anne and the other characters in this novel? (A) Anne calls Gilbert “Carrots” because he has red hair. (B) In the end, Marilla loves Anne although she is not a boy. (C) Anne never falls in love with Gilbert because they have different pers

37、onalities. (D) She wants others to call herself “Ann,” which is prettier than “Anne.” 48. Who made the most popular film of “Anne of Green Gables”? (A) Lucy Maud Montgomery. (B) Marilla and Matthew. (C) Anne Shirley. (D) Kevin Sullivan.B. Born in Germany in 1879, Einstein received his early educatio

38、n in Munich. In 1900, he graduated as a teacher of mathematics and physics but had trouble finding a teaching position at a university. After teaching for a few years in private schools, he took a job in a patent office in Bern, Switzerland. 1905 was a very big year for Einstein. It is known as Eins

39、teins “miracle year.” It was during this year that he developed the special theory of relativity and the quantum theory of light and gave us what is probably the most famous equation in physics: E=mc2. This alone would be incredible, but what makes it more unbelievable isthat Einstein did all of thi

40、s while working eight hours a day at the patent office!And he wasnt finished yet. Einstein continued to make other big scientific discoveries for over twenty years. In 1932, he took a temporary position at Princeton University. The Nazis came to power in Germany soon after that and Einstein made his

41、 stay in the United States permanent. In 1940, he became an American citizen. He continued to work for world peace and scientific awareness until his death in 1955. How did Einstein do all of this? What made him such a genius? Well, no one knows for sure, but a group of Canadian researchers who exam

42、ined Einsteins brain after his death discovered that it was a little different from that of most people. The part of the brain that deals with mathematical thought was larger than normal in Einstein, and the connections between his frontal and temporal lobes were shorter than normal. However, this s

43、heds light on only one aspect of Einstein. Many other things about the man remain a mystery. One thing that is certain, however, is that the importance of Albert Einstein and his thought remains unmatched in modern science. 49. What does the author mainly want to tell us? (A) Now there is enough evi

44、dence to prove that Einstein was a genius. (B) A group of Canadian researchers strongly argue against the new scientific discoveries Einstein had made. (C) The achievements of Einstein in modern science are still unequalled till today. (D) America is a melting pot where a lot of scientists want to s

45、tay. 50. Which was a contribution that Einstein made to the world? (A) He promoted the devastating war. (B) He set up the atom theory of light. (C) He developed the special theory of relativity. (D) He helped the Nazis come to power. 51. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Einstein?

46、(A) He had taught mathematics and physics in private schools. (B) While working in a patent office, he did a lot of discoveries. (C) Because of the World War II, he never taught in Princeton University. (D) When he was about sixty-two, he became a citizen of America.C. People around the country took

47、 a few moments from their busy days yesterday to celebrate the success of one of Taiwans favorite sons. Cheers erupted around offices as Tom Hanks called out Ang Lees name, making him the first in Asia to win an Oscar for best direction for his most recent film Brokeback Mountain. To everyone in Tai

48、wan, China and Hong Kong, thank you all for your support, Lee said, concluding his acceptance speech. Despite the time difference, which meant that the Academy Award ceremony was broadcast locally in the morning, people found themselves glued to television sets at offices and restaurants around the

49、island. He has put Taiwan on the filmmaking map said Marilyn Hsu, a teacher who said she was lucky to watch the moment in between classes where fellow teachers yelled and clapped as Hanks read out his name. Its inspirational. Now I want to make movies, too. As part of the island-wide, Lees family, i

50、ncluding his movie director brother Kang Lee and 82-year-old mother Yang Si-chuang opened their doors to journalists to share the moment. We grew up watching the Oscars and now our dream has come true, Kang Lee told reporters after opening a bottle of champagne. I am very happy for him, said Yang. B

51、ut I happy he pays more attention to his health. He works too hard. While all were genuinely pleased that Lee took home the best-director award, but showed some disappointed that Brokeback Mountain didnt garner the best-film award as may had expected. Crash, the racially-charged film set in Los Ange

52、les scored a surprise upset. Kang Lee suggested that the Academy might have wanted to keep that award at home. Call it nationalism or whatever, the locals who are voting will take it, he said. But winning Best Director was the height of achievement, anyway. Local film critics and other analysts have

53、 credited Lee with opening the door for future Oscars from Asian filmmakers. Winning the Oscar will inspire Asian directors who try to get a seat in Hollywood, Liang Liang, a renown film critic in Taiwan told Agence-France Press. His success tells them that they dont have to give up their cultures t

54、o join the American mainstream. Kang Lee agreed noting that his brothers cultural sensitivity is what has made him so successful. He is more than a director, he said. He successfully synthesizes East and West cultures for his films. Kristin Carroll, a U.S. citizen who says she was amazed by Brokebac

55、k Mountain and the feelings it captured, was surprised to learn that Lee hadnt grown up in the U.S. How can he understand so much about cowboys and American culture, then? she asked. 52. What award did Ang Lee take home from the Oscar Award Ceremony? (A) The best film. (B) The best leading actor.(C) The best direction. (D) The best supporting actress. 53. What did Mari


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