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1、. Unit 8 - Unit 9 A 卷 一 词汇:A. 用英语写出以下图中所示的日期:10分 6月 8月 2月 14日 25日 9日 1._ 2. _ 3._ 10月 12月 28日 30日 4. _ 5. _B. 把字母按正确顺序排l列成单词并填空:5分1. Do you want to go to a _ ? imove 2. What _ of movies does he like ? He likes Comedies . idksn 3. Does Anne like thrillers _ ? _ , I dont know . ryosr 4. I like thrille

2、rs but I dont like _ . cmoaersn 5. I want to see an _ movie . oatnci C将拼写错误的的单词的标号填入题前刮好内 9分 1. A. April B. August C. fifth D. nineth 2. A. school B. speach C. party D. birth .3 A. price B. yellow C. rwite D.free 4. A. June B. Octobor C. May D. January 5. A. famous B. speed C. acter D. movie 6. A. h

3、ome B. history C. same D. word 7. A. weekend B. young C. usually D. peoples 8. A . someone B. opero C. plural D. action 9. A. kind B. event comdy D. contest 二单项选择20 分 1. _ is Sams birthday ? A. What B. When C. How much D. Why 2. -How old are you ? - Im _ . A. twelfth B. twentieth C. twelve D. twenti

4、es 3. My brothers birthday is May _ . A. 16 B. 16th C. sixteen D. six 4. How old _ your January 1st ? A. is B. are C. am D. do 5. - _ Toms birthday June 3rd ? - Yes , it is . A. Are B. Do C. Does D. Is 6. _ are good at football ? A. I and Tom B. Tom, you and I C. I and you D. You , Tom and I 7. A si

5、ster of _ is a very good nurse . A. I B. me C. my D. mine 8. The girl _ works very hard . A. in green B. is green C. on green D. at green 9. _ is your National Day国庆节 ? A. 1st October B. October 1st C. December 25th D. January 1st 10. A foreigner can _a lot about Chinese when seeing Chinese movies .

6、 A. learns B. learn C. knows D. studies 三用be动词的正确形式填空:5分 They _ my classmates . Their names _ Tom and Mary . They _ brother and sister . Toms birthday _ January fifteenth . Marys birthday _ June thirteenth . 四把以下句子按顺序排成对话:6分 Itll start at six oclock . Oh , great . Ill come . Thanks . Hi , Betty ! Do

7、 you have time on September 12th? What time will it start ? Can you come to my birthday party ? Ill watch a game that day , but Ill be free in the evening . 五仿照例句造句 10分 Model: I like thrillers . Brad - Brad likes thrillers .1. Do you want to go to a movie ? he _2. What kind of movies do you like ? y

8、our brother _3. He doesnt like romances . His sister _4. Do your parents like action movies ? your mother _5. Maria likes romances but doesnt like comedies . I _ 六翻译句子:10 1 你多大了?2 你们学校有什么活动?3 我们每年有艺术节。4 你想成为一名电影明星吗?5 动作片令人兴奋。七补全对话: 5 分 A: Do you _ to go to a movie ? B: Yes , I _ . I want to see a _

9、. Its very funny . A: I dont like comedies . I like _ movies . B: You must like Jack Chan . A: Yes . _ I like thrillers , too . B: How terrible . 八阅读理解:20 分 A Jim Green is my new teacher . He teaches me English . He isnt English . He is American . He has two children , A boy and a girl . The boy is

10、in China and the girl is in Japan . They are students . Mr Green is very fine . He has a Japanese car and a Chinese computer . He is our good friend . We all like him . 1. Jim Green is my _ . A. student B. new English teacher C. English D. Japanese 2. We like _. A. Mr Jim B. Miss Green C. Mrs Jim D.

11、 Mr Green 3. Mr Green has two _ . A. boys B. girls C. children D. cars 4. The boy is in _ and the girl is in _ . A. China ; China B. Japan ; Japan C. America ; China D. China ; Japan 5. Mr Green has a Japanese _ and a Chinese _ . A. car ; computer B. girl ; boy C. computer ; car D. boy ; girl B Mrs

12、Brown is very fat 胖 . Her husband and she go to see the doctor . Her doctor says to her , “ Dont eat meat and cakes . Her husband says , “ I stop her eating them , doctor . The next morning Mrs Brown makes a nice cake and her husband eats half 一半 of it . Then he goes to work . Mrs Brown cuts切 a very

13、 small piece of it and eats it . It is very good . She cuts a big piece of and eats it . A few minutes later she eats it all . “My husband will be将会 angry . What shall I do ? she thinks . She makes another cake very quickly . She eats half of that and leaves留 half on the table . Her husband comes ba

14、ck later and he sees the half cake on the table . He is very happy. 1. The doctor tells Mrs Brown not to eat meat and cakes because _ . A. Mrs Brown likes them B. meat and cakes arent good C. Mr Brown tells him to say so D. meat and cakes makes her fatter 2. The next morning Mrs Brown makes a cake f

15、or _ . A. herself B. her husband C. her children D. the doctor 3. Mrs Brown makes another cakes for _ . A. she is good at making cakes B. her husband likes cakes C. she wants to eat D. her husband will be angry 4. Why is Mr Brown happy when he sees the half cake on the table ? A. Because he is hungr

16、y . B. Because he likes the cake .C. Because Mrs Brown begins to stop eating cakes .D. Because the cake is nice . 5. Which is true?A. Mrs Brown eats one cake that morning .B. Mrs Brown eats half .C. Mrs Brown doesnt eat cakes .D. Mrs Brown eats half and leaves half . Unit 8 - Unit 9 B 卷 一 词汇: 4分 A.

17、把以下的字母按正确顺序排列:4分 rilap _ hewn _ uyrajan _ trohfu _ berocto _ eadt _ tomhn _ daytirbh _ B. 写出所缺的月份: 4分 _ _ March _ May _ _ _ _ October _ _C.根据句意填词: 10 分 1. Tom will have a baseball game _ July 4th .2. Bill was born on May 14th . So that day is his _ .3. When _ your birthday 4. How old _ your brother

18、?5. Childrens day is his birthday . That day is _ 1st . 二单项选择:30分 1. When is your birthday ? A. November three B. November thirteen C. November thirteenth D. November thirty 2. My _ birthday is October 1st . A. mother B. A. Its B. Is C. Whats D. Are 4. How _ is your sister ? A. much B. many C. old D

19、. big 5. When is your English _ ? A. book B. trip C. name D. Party 6. Could you take _ rice , please ? A. some B. any C. many D. a 7. People usually watch TV in the _ . A. dining - room B. bed - room C. living - room D. classroom 8. A student goes to school _ . A. five days a month B. five days a we

20、ek C. a week five days D. one day 9. I want to _ an action movie . A. look B. hear C. watch D. see 10. _ what reason do you like China ? A. In B. At C. On D. For 11. -Whats the English for “ 8:05 ? - Its _ . A. five to eight B. five past eight C. five eight D. eight past five 12. The box is heavy .

21、_ me help you ? A. Let B. Can C. Could D. Its 13. - Whats your _ ? - Its No.20 Renming Road . A. phone number B. room number C. address D. car number 14. Its time to go to bed . _ . A. Put on your coat B. Take off your coat C. Put your coat on D. Take off your coat 15. This isnt _ football . Its _ .

22、 A. they our B. their our C. their ours D. theirs ours 三. 用所给词的适当形式填空: 5分1. _ you _ to go to a movie ? want 2. I want _ a thriller. see 3. _ he _ romances ? like 4. My mother _ to see an action movie . not want 5. I _ comedies . not like 四. 翻译句子 7分1. 乘飞机花多长时间 ?_ _ does it _ by plane ?2. 今天我有许多工作要做.I

23、 have _ _ _ work to do today .3. 我家附近有个大超级市场 ._ _ a big supermarket near my house .4. 这个商店的人全天都努力工作.The people in the shop work hark _ _ .5. 我们从星期一到星期五上学.We go to school _ _ _ _. 五.补充对话 10 分 A: When _ your birthday ? B: My _ is October 8th . A: _ is your brother s birthday ? B: _ November 19th . A:

24、How _ is he ? B: He _ fifteen . A: _ he like _ baseball ? B: Yes , he does . A: Does he _ a baseball bat ? B: No, he _ . But he has a tennis racket . 六.阅读理解: 20分 Kate is an English girl . She is thirteen . Shes in Beijing with her parents . She doesnt know much多 Chinese . She cant speak Chinese well

25、 . Sometimes有时 her friends dont know her . Its Sunday morning . Kate wants to go to the zoo动物园 and see animals动物 . But she doesn't know the way to the zoo . She asks two women , but they dont know her . Then Kate draws画 pictures of animals and shows to a boy . The boy smiles微笑 and tells her the

26、way .根据短文,选择正确的一项 1. Kate is in Beijing with her _ . A. brother B. friends C. sister D. father and mother 2. Kate doesnt know _ well . A. Chinese B. English C. Beijing D. her friends 3. Kate goes to the zoo _ . A. by bike B. by bus C. on foot D. by train 4. Kate shows _ to a boy . A. animals B. a ma

27、p C. a piece of paper D. pictures of animals 5. The boy _ . A. doesnt know the way to the zoo B. goes to the zoo with Kate C. tells Kate the way D. doesnt know the picture.补全句子:1. Kate is _ . She isnt Chinese .2. She doesnt go to _ on Sunday .3. There are animals in the _ .4. Two _ dont know Kate .5

28、. Kate can draw _ well . 七完刑填空:10分Lin: Hey , Rosa ! Lets _ a movie .Rosa: Hmm , I dont know -Lin: Well -. Lets go to a “ The Great Bicycle . Its _ action movie.Rosa: Um , well , I _ like action movies . I dont really want to go , but _.Lin: OK . Wheres James ? _ he want to go to a movie ?Rosa: I don

29、t _.Lin: Hey , James . _ you want to go to the movies ? Do you want to go to “ The Green Bicycle ?Rosa: Sure. Is _ comedy? I like comedies _ romances.Lin: _ , its an action movie.Rosa: No, thank you . Lets go to a comedy. 1. A. go to B. go on C. to go to D. to go 2. A. a B. an C. D. the 3. A. dont r

30、eal B. not really C. real dont D. really dont 4. A. thanks you B. thank you C. Thanks D. Thank 5. A. Is B. Are C. Does D. Do 6. A. no B. not C. now D. know 7. A. Is B. Are C. Does D. Do 8. A. it B. its C. Its D. its 9. A. but B. or C. and D. for 10. A. Not B. Doesnt C. No D. Dont Unit 5 - Unit 6 B 一

31、词汇25分 A . 看图写单词5分1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ B . 把括号中的字母排列成单词填到横线上10分1. Does Chi Young have a _ ? Yes , he does . sblabela 2. Lets play volleyball . That _ good. onsdus 3. How do you _ soccer ball ? lepsl 4. Gao Peng is my _ . rnfeid 5. _ are his keys ? Theyre on the chair . ehrwe C . 连词成句10分1. baseball

32、 , have , glove , you , do , a ?_2. a , he , volleyball , have , does ?_3. sounds , boring , that ._4. watch , lets , TV ._5. Tony , soccer , has , ball , a ._ 二单项选择:20分 1. - Lets play ping pong . - Sorry , I _ have tennis rackets . A. do B. dont C. not D. no 2. - Well . Lets do our homework . - Tha

33、t _ good . A. are B. hear C. sounds D. looks 3. Do you have _ eraser ? A. a B. an C. the D. 4. _ my book .Its too old . A. Look B. Look at C. Have D. Have a look 5. - _ sit here ? - Yes, please . A. Can you B. Can I C. You can D. I can 6. Tom , Jim and I _ in No.8 Middle School . A. are all B. all a

34、re C. am all D. all 7. _ a bird . I know _ name . A. Its , its B. Its , its C. Its , its D. Its , its 8. Bill and Sue are brother and sieter . Mr Brown is _ father . A. his B. her C. their D. our 9. - Lets have a look at his new picture . - _ . A. Right B. Thats all right C. All right D. Youre right

35、 10. - Can you see the box ? - _. A. Yes , I do . B. No , Im not . C. No, I cant . D. Behind the door. 三用所给词的正确形式填空12分1. _you _ oranges ? like Yes, I do .2. Tom _ _ not like broccoli .3. _ she _ hamburgers ? have 4. _ your grandma _ you ? like 5. My parents _ apples . like 四翻译句子:8分1 你喜欢电脑游戏吗?-2 我不喜欢

36、汉堡包。-3 他仅在电视上看体育运动。-4 让我们踢足球吧。- 五补全对话10分 A: Do you _ oranges ? B: No , I like _ . A: Bananas ? I _ like them . I like oranges. B: I eat _ every day . A: Are they _? B: Yes, they are good for you . 六阅读理解25分 I have an e mail from my penfriend David . He isnt English . Hes American . He is thirteen and Im thirteen , too. We are in the


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