1、-i -温馨提示:此套题为 WordWord 版,请按住 Ctrl,Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看 比例,答案解析附后。关闭WordWord 文档返回原板块。必修 1 Unit 1 Friendship(限时 35 分钟)I 阅读理解The HandshakeI don t remember the exact date I met Marty for the first time. Like a lot ofpeople who want to get through a checkout line, I found my thoughts on speed,nothing more
2、. The line I was sta nding in was n rtnovi ng as quickly as I wan ted, andI gla need toward the cashier, who was recei ving money from customers.He was an old man in his sixties. I thought, well, it probably took him a little Ionger to get the jobs done. For the n ext few minu tes I watched him. He
3、greeted everycustomer before he bega n sca nning the goods they were purchas ing. Sure, hiswords were the usual, “ How is going? ” But he did something differe nt heactually liste ned to people. The n he would resp ond to what they had said and talkwith them briefly.I thought it was strange, but I g
4、uessed I had grown accustomed to people askingme how I was doing simply out of a conversation without thinking. Usually, after awhile, you don give any thought to the question and just say something back quietly.This old cashier seemed sincere about wanting to know how people were feeling.Meanwhile,
5、 the high-tech cash register rang up their purchases and he announced whatthey owed. When customers handed money to him, he pushed the appropriate keys, thecash drawer popped open, and he counted out their change.Then magic happened.He placed the change in his left hand, walked around the counter to
6、 the customers,and extended his right hand in an act of friendship. As their hands met, the old cashierlooked the customers in the eyes. “ I want to thank you for shopping here today,” he told the“m.You have a great day. Bye-bye. ” The looks on thefaces of the customers were priceless.Now it was my
7、turn. I glanced down at the name tag on his red waistcoat, the kindexperienced Wal-Mart cashier wore. It read, “ Marty. ”Marty told me how much I owed and I handed him some money. The next thing Iknew he was standing beside me, offering his right hand and holding my change in hisleft hand. His kind
8、eyes locked onto mine. Smiling, and with a firm handshake. . .【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文 , 讲述了收银员 Marty 在超市的工作情况 , 他真 诚礼貌地对待每一位顾客 , 在意自己做的每件事。1. While the author stood in the checkout line, she felt _.A. comfortableB. enthusiasticC. impatientD. embarrassed【解析】选 C。推理判断题。根据第一段 Like a lot of people who want to ge
9、t through acheckout line, I found my thoughts on speed, nothing more. The line I was- 2 - 3 -standing in wasn t moving as quickly as I wa 可 teed 等待结账的人很多 ,速度比较慢。作者感到比较焦躁 , 故选 C。2. In the opinion of the author, people tended to _ .A. remain calm while having a talkB. talk about unimportant topicsC. d
10、evelop a mindless conversationD. face communication problems【解析】选 C。推理判断题。根据第三段 I thought it was strange, but I guessed I had grownaccustomed to people asking me how I was doing simply out of a conversation withoutthinking.可知作者认为人们经常随口提问的问题是不需要 思考的, 这种是不需要动脑筋的谈话。故选 C。3. The author thought Marty spec
11、ial because _ .A. he spent as much time as possible serving customersB. he was patient with all the questions from customersC. he showed particular interest in customers personal lifeD. he expressed his sincerity while giving back the change【解析】 选 D。推理判断题。根据第五、六段 Then magic happened. . . . and exten
12、ded hisright hand in an act of friendship. As their hands met, the old cashier looked the customers inthe eyes. “I want to thank you for shopping here today, told them. “You havea great day.Bye-bye. ”对 Marty 工作时的描述可知他找 给顾客零钱时的真诚和礼貌让作者认为他很特别 , 故选 D。- 4 -4. What can we infer from the passage?A. Marty
13、was a talkative man.B. Marty cared a lot about what he did.C. The author failed to get along well with others.D. The author was dissatisfied with such a waste of time.【解析】选 B。推理判断题。根据第四段 This old cashier seemed sin cere about wanting toknow how people were feeling. 和第六段 The looks on the faces of the
14、 customers werepriceless. Marty 真诚地想知道人们的感受 , 顾客脸上的表情对他 来说是无价的。可见他很在意他所做的事 , 故选 B。【知识拓展】 长难句分析I thought it was strange, but I guessed I had grown accustomed to people asking me how Iwas doing simply out of a conversation without thinking.分析:句中 but 连接两个并列句,表示转折;guess 后面是宾语从句,省略了 that; growaccustomed
15、to sb. doing sth. 意为: 习惯了某人做某事 ; how I was doing simply out of aconversation without thinking 作 ask 的宾语。翻译:我感觉这很奇怪 , 但是, 我猜想 , 我早就已经习惯地认为 , 人们经常随口 提问的问题是不需要思考的。词汇积累1. get through a checkout line 通过结账队伍get through 穿过;完成;打通(电话)2. in one s s 在某 s 人六十多岁的时候- 5 -3. respond to二reply to=make a response t 回答
16、,回应4. appropriateadj. 适当的 , 合适的 , 恰如其分的5. sincereadj. 真诚的 sincerely adv. 真诚地6. look sb. in the eye(s) 直视某人7. pricelessadj. 无价的 , 价值连城的valuable/invaluable/precious 贵重的,昂贵的BCastle Dale is a small town in central Utah. My grandpas farm is a fwe miles to the north.I grew up there. Milking a cow, feeding
17、 the chickens and cutting firewood were daily routines.Grandpa had me carrying a broom to do snow cleaning when it was actually taller than I was.This was the work kids like me learned to do at a young age.I was tall, very tall at a really young age. My unusual height caused people to look, askquest
18、ions, laugh, tease, and sometimes even challenge me to fight. I was teased cruelly as akid. It wasn t fairI,knew, but that was just the way it was. Luckily, I was taught at a very youngage a very important lesson. I am different and that oksayIumnique and I matter. No onecould ever take that away fr
19、om me. I knew this then, and I know this now. That alone helpedme through the frustrations and heartaches of normal life.When I was in junior high school, I realized something else that helped me cope. Mostteasing came from one of two placespeople who were either jealous or ignorant (愚昧). Icouldn t
20、change the way ythweere, but I could change the way I felt. I was not going to feelbad because of their ignorance or jealousy. It wasnwt orth it. Realizing this didn stop them,- 6 -or change the fact that these comments hurt. It did, however, give me a way to understandthese people and deal with the
21、ir treatment in a way that was okay for me.These things still happen today. It will probably happen the rest of my life. I will alwaysbe 7 feet, 6 inches (2. 29 meters) tall. I wouldn cthange that for anything. People will alwayslook because it is not every day that you see someone that tall. I lear
22、ned that at a young ageand I now try to teach my own children that they are unique and they matter. That is themessage I give to you. Regardless of your race, religion, background, or circumstances. . .being different is okay. 【文章大意】本文主要讲述了 “我”从小到大由于身高的特殊性受到了很多嘲笑和 欺辱 , 但是“我”并未因此而感到自卑和沮丧。反而认识到不管一个人的种
23、族、宗 教、背景或者所处的环境如何 , 与众不同也是一种生活态度。5. The author mentioned his hometown to show us _ .A. he is from an ordinary familyB. his grandpa is strict with himC. he loves this lovely small townD. he had to do a lot of labor work【解析】选 A。细节理解题。我”在文章第一句话提到 Castle Dale 是 我”的家乡,然后介绍了 “我”在祖父的农场长大每天做了很多杂事 : 给奶牛挤奶 ,
24、喂鸡、砍柴 火等; 暗示出我来自一个普通的家庭 , 并没有表现出特殊的地方。故答案为 A。6. The author was often teased because _ .A. he grew up in a small townB. he was much taller than othersC. he fought with people easilyD. he didn t want people to watch him【解析】 选 B。 细节理解题。 在第二段 My unusual height caused people to look, ask questions,laugh,
25、 tease, and sometimes even challenge me to fight 提至 U 我”从小由 于身高特别高经- 7 -常受到周围人的嘲笑。故答案为 B。7. What was the author s attitude towards being teased?A. He accepted the fact of being different and let it go.B. He felt angry failing to change others opinions.C. He felt hurt hearing people s negative commen
26、ts.D. He hated people s ignorance and jealousy.【解析】选 A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段 I am different and that s okay I unique andI matter. No one could ever take that away from me. I knew this then, and I know this now. 可以看出 “我”自小虽然与众不同 , 但是从内心接受自己 . 以及最后一 段 Regardless of yourrace, religion, background, or circumsta
27、nces . . . being different is okay. 可知 , “我”走自己的路让别人说去吧 故答案为 A。8. Which of the following may best describe the theme of the passage?A. Everything comes to the man who waits.B. It is the first step that is troublesome.C. Speech is silver, silence is gold.D. Keep your head up.【解析】选 D。推理判断题。从整篇文章内容来看,主
28、要描述 我”从小到大由于 身高的原因而与众不同 , 并受至周围人的取笑。 但是 “我”并未因此而感至自卑和 沮丧, 反而勇敢地接受自己并乐观地积极面对。 Keep your head up. 把头抬起来形象地描述了 我”的心理状态,符合题意。故答案为 D。【知识拓展】词汇积累1. luckily二fortunately adv.幸运地luck n. 幸运,运气 lucky adj. 幸运的2. challengevt. & n. 挑战 take on a challenge 接受挑战challenge sb. to do sth.挑战某人做某事3. matter n.问题;物质;事件
29、v.要紧,重要It doesn t matter whether he will attend the (oantyot.4. cope v.应对,处理 cope with sb. /sth.应对某人/某事5. regardless of 不论, 不管Regardless of age, gen der, race, religi on and occupati on, every one should beequal.不论年龄、性别、种族、宗教以及职业,每个人都应该是平等的。II .阅读填句Critical(批判的)thinking is the art of using reason to
30、 analyze ideas and digdeeper to get to our true pote ntial. It does n t mea n you re thinking harder or Ion ger.1_ Here are some tips and ideas to help you build a foundation for criticalthi nki ng.Question your assumptions. We make a lot of assumptions about almosteverything. It how our brain proce
31、ssescertain pieces of information, and how we get along ineveryday life. You could say they are the foundation of our critical framework. 2 Then thewhole foundation needs to be rebuilt, from the bottom up.Don ttake information on authority until you vdnvestigated it yourself.-8 -10 -In stead of doub
32、le-check ing everythi ng anyone says, we tend to label in formati on as eithercoming from a trustworthy or not trustworthy source. This keeps us from double-cheeki ngevery piece of in formati on that comes our way, sav ing time and energy. But it also keeps usfrom getting to the bottom of things we
33、think of as coming from a trustworthy source, evenwhen they don 3Put yourself i n other people s shoes. Empathy can also help you develop your criticalthinking skills. 4 You may find that a little understanding facilitates a deeper i nsight into otherpeople and their behavior. The deeper your in sig
34、ht into yourself and others, the wiser yourdecisions will be.5 There is no way to lear n better tha n lear ning from your frien ds. If you only want tobe a big fish swimming in the little pond just because your ego(自 负)feels good, keep thispart. If you are won deri ng about how to develop critical s
35、kills, make friends with smart peopleand throw away your ego.A. Actually, it s about thinking better.B. Surround yourself with people smarter than you.C. Be some one that people know that they can count on.D. You should no t judge others un til you fully un dersta nd their situati on.E. But what if
36、they turned out to be wrong, or at least not entirely truthful?F. The reason is that understanding does not always go with the right action.G.So what is publishedin a magazine or online doesn t mean its nec- 11 -【文章大意】本文为说明文。批判性思维是一种运用理性分析思想、深入挖掘以达到真正潜能的艺术。这是更好地思考。文中介绍了一些帮助你建立批判性思维基础的技巧和想法 : 勇于质疑、会移
37、情、为他人着想、与聪明的人相处等。1.【解析】选 A。本段是对批判性思维的定义。批判性思维是一种运用理性分 析思想、深入挖掘以达到真正潜能的艺术。接着进行解释 : 这并不是你思考得更 久或更长。那是什么呢?而是”。分析选项,选项 A(而是关于更好地思考)。 不是而是,正是一种常用的解释,因此 A 项符合题意。2.【解析】 选 E。第二段最后一句 “Then the whole foundation needs to be rebuilt,from the bottom up. 那么”整个基础就需要自下而上重建。由此可推断“如果是错 误的就要重建”。分析选项,E 项(但是如果它们被证明是错误的,
38、或者至少不是完 全真实的呢?)与后面的整个基础就需要重建互为条件。故选E 项。3.【解析】选 G。本段的意思是说除非你亲自调查过,否则不要把权威性的信 息带进来。因为我们无法仔细检查每件事 , 所以权威性的东西并非一定是值得信 赖的, 并非是真的。分析选项可知 , 只在 G 项(所以杂志或网络上发表的内容并 不意味着这是真的。 )的意思与之相符 , 因为杂志上发表的东西相对是有权威性 的。故 G 与本段意思相一致。4.【解析】选 D。本段的中心为:设身处地为别人着想即移情还可以帮助你培 养批判性思维的技能。因为一点点理解就有助于深入了解他们。你理解他人越深, 你做出的决定或判断就越明智。分析选
39、项 , 可知 D 选项中的动词 understand 与本段中的名词 understanding,选项中的 judge 评判与本段中的 decisions 决定, 判断是词义的复现。而其句意:“不理解别人时不要评价别人” ,与本段意思相一 致。因此 D 项符合题意,故选 D。5.【解析】选 B。根据空后内容:跟你身边的聪明的人学习是最好的办法,如果 你想变得更聪明 , 那就不要自负 , 要与聪明的人交朋友 , 总之就是要与聪明的人 在一起。本小题是对- 12 -本段的总结 , 分析选项可知 B 项(和比你更聪明的在一起 )符 合题意。皿.短文改错Yesterday, I got hurt in
40、 a accident in the supermarket besides our school. I was just goingaround the corner while a strong man crashed into me with his shopping cart. It wasimpossible see each other before the accident becausethe corner was very dark and the lightsdidnWt ehvaetn wsomrko.re,the floor wasvery wet because it
41、 was rainy yesterday. So I fall, got knocked out and was serious hurt.Although the supermarket paid for the accident, but I still want to give some advices to thesupermarket. Always get the lights checking at least once a week and make sure the floor isdry all the time, that would help make the supe
42、rmarket a safer place.1.【解析】 第一句 a 改为 an。 考查冠词。 当被修饰的词以元音音素开头时,使 用不定冠词 an修饰。本句中 accident 就是以元音音素开头 , 所以使用不定冠词 an 修饰。句意:昨天在学校旁边的超市里的事故里我受伤了。2. 【解析】第一句 besides 改为 beside.考查介词。介词 besides 除.之外;beside在.旁边;besides 与句意不符。句意:昨天在学校旁边的超市里的事故里我受伤了。3.【解析】第二句 while 改为 when。考查固定句式。句式 be doing sth. when. 正在做某事,这时;句中的 when 是并列连词,意为 在这时用
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