



1、精品文档Un it6 topic2 secti onA Secti on B一 .根据首字母完成句子.1. Mr. Gree n lives just n ext to me. He is my n_ .2. At the e_of the road, there is a bookstore3. There is a bank on the street c_.4. They ofte n eat lunch in a r_ n ear their area.5. They want to buy someth ing, so they are look ing around in a s_

2、 .二选择适当的介词填空。1. Tom sits_ (on /at) the playgro und.2. There is a bridge 休箱)_(in front of/in the front of) the living room.3. My house is_ (on/ next to) Jim s house.4. There is a tall buildi ng_(behi nd/un der) the restaura nt.5. The girl is sitti ng_ (on/in) the tree.6. I will go shopp ing_ (an d/wi

3、th) my sister this after noon.7. He has a glass of milk and some bread_ (to/for) breakfast in the morni ng.8. There is a garage 车库)_(n ear/to) the house.9. I put my sports shoes_(un der/beh ind) the desk.10. _(At/I n) the end of the street, you can see the ci nema_ (on/in) the right.三单项选择()1. I m af

4、raid your radio is_ .Oh, I m really sorry about that.A.very quietly B.too quietly C.too loud D.very loudly()2. Where are you going? I m going to the_to keep money.A.bank B.supermarket C.museum D.cinema()3._ I can t find my bag.A.What s matteB?What s that? C.What s the wrong? D.What s the matter? 四完形

5、填空Li Lei is a student. He 1_ in an apartment. He thinks the apartment 2 comfortable(舒适的).Jane s house i3 from her school. So she lives in the dormitory. She canlive 4 her classmates and friends. The Greens have a big farm. They live in a5_ . They think it s quiet and . Mrs. Wang lives in a townhouse

6、. She lives withher 7. She thinks it s conv 方便的 1().kind of house do you live in? Whatdo you thi nk 9 it? Please email me 10 w on gho ng126. com. Thank you!()1.A .l ives B.comes C.studies D.walks()2.A.are B.is C.am D.be()3.A.go B.behind C.near D.far()4.A.at B.on C.with D.in()5.A.apartme nt B.farmhou

7、se C.tow nhouse D.dormitory( )6.A.beautiful B.quiet C.clean D.careful()7.A.father B.family C.mother D.brother精品文档()8.A.why B.whe n C.what D.where()9.A.in B.off C. on D.of()10.A.at B.to C.onSection C Section D一.选择题。()1. There_ some water in the cup.A. is B.amC. are D. be()2. How many people_ in your

8、family.A. do you have B. are there C. you hadD.there are()3. There_ an apple and ten bananas in the basket. You can take any of them.A. is B. are C. hasD. have()4. How many teachers_there in your school.A. is B. are C. have D. has()5.There_anything new in todays newspaper.A. isnt B. arent C. has nt

9、D. have nt()6. -_? -There are five.A.How many boxes on the table B. What are thoseC.Whats thisD. How many boxes are there on the table.二用介词填空。1. My bedroom is_ the sixth floor.2. There are many shops close_ my school.3. Our En glish teacher lives_ Zhon gsha n Road.4. The posr office is_ the street c

10、orner.5. My teachers are very ki nd_me6 You can see the library_the end of the road.7. Kan gka ng lives far_his school.8. There are no shops_ the right.9. The post office is_the restaura nt and the barber shop.10. They buy a new house_ a garde n beside it.11. There are many people_(live) here三.句型转换。1. There are some teachers in the teachers改否定句 n)om.(There_ _te


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