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1、实用文档人教版高二英语选修六单词与短语检测Unit 1 Art一.单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1. The word “ honesty " is an a noun.2. Which do you like better, his paintings or s?3. There are many art g in New York.4. They are put on an e of French paintings next week.5. An a country is always ready to start a war6. His a is to be a succ

2、essful writer.7. You look r(可笑的)in those tight jeans.8. The prisoners a to escape, but failed.9. The keys are in the p of the boss.10. The professor made a speech.(可能弓 I起争议的 )11. It is t of him to help his friends when they are in need.12. People began to concentrate less on religious themes and a a

3、 more humanistic attitudeto life.13. The expert p that there will be an earthquake in that area in the near future.14. He made a r drawing of a horse.( 他画了一匹栩栩如生的马 )15. I ' m afraid I have never been much of a(学者).1 .也,同,和;同一样 2 .瞄准意欲,企图做某事带有的目的3 . 集中4使某人信服一5 .大量6 .活着的本人一7 .代替,取代 _ 一8 .脱离,摆脱,放弃9

4、 .(主语)宁愿做某事宁愿某人做某事(现在或将来)二.短语翻译宁愿某人做某事(过去)10 .结果由于的原因 _11 .拥有为某人所拥有 12 .考虑做某事13 .很值得一(表被动)14 .企图做某事15 . 一方面 另一方面一 16 .许多,大量17 .不但而且18 . 每两年1. 2.3.三.根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。focus on, appeal to, in the flesh, break away from, scores of, be allergic to, in possession of , consequently, convince of, on the

5、 other hand1.I can ' t eat shellfish because I to them.2. They are urgent problems at present.3. The thief managed to the policeman.4. We couldn ' t him his mistake.5. The art works displayed will those who love Impressionist paintings.6. You can ' t be the house until all the papers hav

6、e been signed.7. I got up late and I was late for my plane for Beijing.8. I have CDs at home. Would you like to come and enjoy some.9. The film star looks thinner than in the photograph.10. On one hand I valued his friendship, but disliked his self-pride and selfishness.四.英汉互译。1 .艺术受人们生活方式和信仰的影响。Art

7、 is by the way of life and of the people.2 .他劝我应该学法律。He me that I should study law.3 . If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint suchrealisticpictures.4 . Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the impressioni

8、sts who lived and worked in Paris.5 . Its art collection covers more than 5,000 years of civilization from many parts of the world, including America, Europe, China, Egypt, Africa and South America.6 .(一句多译)这个地方值得参观。(worth; worthy; worthwhile)Unit 2 Poems一.单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1. I don ' t understan

9、d, so please give me a(n)( 具体的)example.2. The government needs a more( 灵活的)approach to education.3. It is a pity that he doesn ' t have enough money to( 赞助)the project.4. Li Shizhen ' s Bencaogangmu has been t into many languages.5. We e our opinions about the event at the meeting yesterday.

10、6. Her face become red with( 生气),and she couldn ' t say anything.7. The deep( 悲伤)she felt was obvious in the expression of her face.8. A voice came from( 黑暗),but she couldn ' t see anyone.9. My friends were wearing two or three sweaters for extra(温暖).10. If you are easy to get lost, you '

11、; d better take a( 指南针)with you.11. No word can c my thanks to you at the moment.12. We have learned a new sentence p in this unit.13. Eric ' s statement is( 矛盾的)to what he said before.14. An(合适)method must be found to deal with such situation.15. It was a long journey, but we(eventual) arrived

12、at the small village before dark.2 .短语翻译1 .有意义,说得通 2 .表达情感3 .熬夜4 .放轻松,别紧张别着急慢慢来5 .用完,耗尽(及物) 用完(不及物)6 .组成 /编造 /化妆 /弥补 /和解3 .根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。take one ' s eye off, make up of, make sense be popular with, by chance, go over, tak由组成6 .很受欢迎7 . A翻译成B 8 .碰巧9 .继续/别挂断(电话)10 .有可能.11 .试验试穿12 .泄漏/发出(声音)

13、in particular, stay up, inspire, run out of, it easy1 .We should often what we have learned, or we will forget it later.2 .As a matter of fact, not all the theories3 . The whole meal was good and the wine was excellent.1.1 t ' s bad for your health if you often too late.5 .The little boy didn &#

14、39; t the toy.6 .Until now, we still haven ' t know what kind of thing it.7 .That beautiful song the teenagers.8 . His noble example the rest of us to work harder.9 .Perhaps everyone can make a serious mistake10.If we continue to destroy and waste the natural resources like this, we will it soon

15、er orlater11., it isn ' t so bad as you expected.四.英汉互译.1 . There are various reasons why people write poetry. Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression. Others try to convey certain emotions.2 .这些童谣能使孩子们快乐,因为它们节奏感强,又押韵,而且重复多遍。They small

16、 children because they have and rhythm and have a lot ofrepetition.3 .如果杰克踢进了那个球的话,我们就赢了。(对过去白虚拟)Unit 3 A healthy life一.单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1. Mr. Black( 滥用)his position as Mayor to give jobs to his friends.2. My children have become hopelessly a to television.3. She found it necessary to a her child t

17、o getting up early.4. He was a of his body so he decided to go on a diet and do more exercise.5. With exams only a week away, I am under a lot ofs.6. M health is as important as physical health.7. Alfred felt very( 尴尬的)at being the center of attention.8. Daniel has been( 禁止)from driving for six mont

18、hs.9. Dick has a(n)( 偏见)against fat people.10. The door opened( 自动地)as we approached.11. Some(青少年人 )have got into the habit of taking drugs.12. In spite of the heavy rain, she m to get there on time.13. At a formal party I usually feel very( 局促不安的 )and out of place.14. My advice might help you stop

19、smoking and(力口强)your decision.15. If you feel disappointed and d, you might like to talk to a doctor of a chemist.二.短语翻译1 .由于;归功于2 .对有瘾3 .对做出决定4 .习惯于某事/做某事5 .想要(做)6 . in spite of 7 .支持;代表8 .陷入;染上习惯9 .为感到惭愧/羞愧三.根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。羞于做某事10 .对一有影响11 .停止做某事12 .处在危险之中 冒险13 .设法彳好/设法办到某事 14 .到目前为止(与现在完成时连

20、用)15 .确定;查明;弄明白 16 .阻止某人做某事addicted to due to ashamed of decide on be accustomed to feel likemanage to atrisk remind benefit from in spite of leave out get close to a great deal deal with1.His father has become drugs.2.I' m sorry for the important point in your speech3.His grandfather has life i

21、n the mountains from his childhood.1.1 benefited from my teacher ' s advice5 .How do you to carry such a heavy box?6 .These pictures me of my school days.1.1 have buying a bike for my brother ' s birthday.8. You will be, if you go on board in such bad weather.9. It ' s so hot today. I go

22、ing swimming.10. His success is entirely his hard work.11. She can ' t see very well wearing her glasses.四.句子翻译。1 .她名扬四海应归功于他的支持。Her worldwide fame is his support.2 .她觉得有必要让孩子养成早起的好习惯。She found it necessary to her child getting up early.3 . I didn ' t know it could do terrible damage to your

23、 heart and lungs or that it was more difficultforsmokingcouplestobecomepregnant.4 . It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick.5 .每当你想吸烟时,你就提醒你自己你是不吸烟的人了。6 .戒烟不容易,但几百万人都成功的戒掉了烟,所以你也能。7 .尽管他很努力,但他仍失败了。Unit 4 Global warming1 .单词拼写1. A(广泛传播的)flu epidemic affect

24、ed eighteen western states.2. There has been serious( 分歧)between the two political over the question.3. He couldn ' t stand terrible English( 气候).4. The population had 减少)from about 8,300,000 in 1845 to less than 6,600,000in1851.5. The(平均数)of 3, 6and 9 is 6.6. The government needs to clearly(说明)

25、its policy on food safety.7. The food was enough in q, but not very good in quality,8. Though he is less than one year old, he is strong enough to walk s.9. Your blood pressure ' s well within the normal( 范围)10. In c of a terrible earthquake the whole city was destroyed.11. There is a growing( 趋

26、势)for people to work at home instead of in offices.12. Under no( 情况)will China use the nuclear weapons.II.短语翻译1.global warming由于的缘故2.a supply of /supplies of10.逐渐建立3.依罪11.保持4.人类活动12. 有影响;后关系5.自然现象对 没有影响;不重要6.被困在13.忍受7.a quantityof/quantitiesof +14. 只要n.15. 等等8.导致.16.很快地看一眼.原因是.17. 大体上9.118. 与相比19. 发

27、生(不及物)偶遇;穿过回来降下;减低进来;到达出来;出版上来;被提出讨论发芽三.词组活用追上;赶上结果达到苏醒20. 受热21. 下降了 下降到一22. 温室效应 put up with, on the whole, make a difference, come about, subscribe to, quantities of, go up, be opposed to, result in, run out, even if, keep on, build up1.I fail this time, I will try again.2. If you the newspaper, i

28、t ' ll be delivered to your door.3. Large sand were washed down the hillside by the rain.4. The temperature is; will the snow melt?5. A quarrel usually through a misunderstanding.6. Stress and tiredness often lack of concentration.7. Sugar is, so I must buy some.8. At first Jeremy our suggestion

29、, but we managed to change his mind.9. In order to finish the project on time, the workers working after dark.10. T aking exercise will your strength.11. If she could the condition there, we could take her.12. You have made a few mistakes, but you have done well.13. Your support will certainly in ou

30、r cause.四.英汉互译。1. That probably doesn ' t sound very much to you or to me but it is a rapid increase compared tomostnaturalchanges.2. There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer but there is fierce debate over whether itis human activity that has caused this global warming or whether it

31、is just a natural phenomenon.3. 如果没有这种“温室效应”,地球的温度将比现在的温度还要低33摄氏度左右。(degrees Celsius)4. Some people think future global warming would cause the sea level to rise by several meters; others predict severe storms, droughts, famines, the spread of diseases, and the destruction of species.It is the burni

32、ng of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.6 .众人拾柴火焰高。7 .你的贡献很有价值。Unit 5I.单词拼写1. When the train began to move slowly, Helen excitedly w at her friends on the platform.2. I ' ve seen the stream of lava from a v.3. I can ' t 砰价)his ability without see

33、ing his work.4. I got into a 惊慌)when I found the door was locked.5. The studied the German market to find the( 可能性)there for investment.6. The car drew up a the policeman who signaled to the driver to stop.7. The company decided to a Mr. Clark as manager.8.9. I ' m ato get home to open my presen

34、ts.(actual), on second thoughts, I don't think I want to go out tonight.10. The government has an interest in importing scientific(equip).11. Most researchers believe that, in theory, mobile phones are(absolute) safe.12. These films are(suit) for adults only because they are violent.13. There is

35、 growing public(anxious) over levels of air pollution in our city.14. The course aims to develop the children' s(appreciate) of poetry.15. The first(射击)missed my head by just a few inches.16. Maggie was hit on the head by a stone and knocked(conscious).II.短语翻译1. 一次火山爆发13.在远处2.活火山14.陷入恐慌3.把和进行比较1

36、5.前往.把比作16.对,怀着热情4.冒险_17.对感到惊讶处于危险之中_ 一18.使某人大吃一惊冒危险突袭5.保护免遭19.努力做某事6.警告某人有危险20.茂密的森林7.把搬离21.自然保护区8.全部焚毁22.由到不等9.A次看见23.多种多样10.睡得很熟_24.生小孩11.止要做某事就在这时25.匆匆看一遍12.亮如白昼.词组活用be home to, have a gift for, glance through, make one 1. It is said that James Watt steam engine.give birth to,compare with, take

37、a risk,s way, burn to the ground,'s observation of steam from a kettlethe idea of the2. India elephants and tigers.3. David making everyone feel at ease.4. most woman, she was indeed very fortunate.5. He the list and chose one immediately.6. You are in trusting him.7. As soon as he saw us, Henry

38、through the crowd to greet us.last night.The8. Steven has no place to live in because his house四.英汉互译1. Having collected and evaluated the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast it will flow .2. 我刚要再睡,突然我的卧室亮如白昼。3. Having studied volca

39、noes now for more than twenty years , I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their potential to cause great damage .height of the land varies from 700 metres above sea level to over 2,000 metres and is home to a great diversity of plants and animals .5.我们不能保证我们所有的航班永远都不误点。(guarantee)V.每空填一词,使该

40、句与所给句子的意思相同。1. Because I had experienced a few earthquakes before, I wasn ' t frightened. a few earthquakes before, I wasn ' t frightened.2. As I had never seen a volcano erupting before, I was very excited.a volcano erupting before, I was very excited.3. As I came out of my house, I saw my

41、father planting trees in the garden.my house, I saw my father planting trees in the garden.人教版高二选修六单词与短语检测(答案)Uint 1一.单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.abstrcat 2.sculptures 3.galleriesd.exhibition 5.aggressive 6.aim7.ridiculous 8.attempted9.possession10.controversial ll.typical 12.adopt13.predict二.短语翻译1. as well

42、as 也,同,和;同一样2. aim at sth. 瞄准aim to do sth. /aim at doing sth. 意欲,企图做某事with the aim of带有3. focus on=concentrate on4. convince sb. of5. a great deal6. in the flesh=in person7. take the place of sb. = replace的目的集中使某人信服大量活着的本人 代替,取代take one s place 位8. break away from9. would rather do sth wouldrather

43、sb. did或将来)wouldrather sb. had代替,取代;入座;就脱离,摆脱,放弃(主语)宁愿做某事sth.宁愿某人做某事(现在done sth.宁愿某人做某事(过去)10. as a consequence = as a result 结果三.根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。14.realistic 15.schoolaras a consequence of =as a result of由于一的原因11. in possession of拥有一in the possession of sb=in one ' s possession为某人所拥有take/

44、have possession of拥有(占有)12. consider doing考虑做某事consider sb./sth. to be/asconsider that-clause认为,看待consider it adj./n. + to do sth.13. be well worth doing值得(表被动)14. attempt to do sth.企图做某事15. on one hand on the other hand16. scores of许多,大量17. not only but also不但而且18. every two years 每两年every second y

45、ear/every other year1.am allergic to 2.focusing on 3.break away from 4.convince of 5.appeal to 6.in possession of 7.consequently 8.scores of 9.in the flesh 10. on the other hand四.英汉互译。1. influenced beliefs 2.convinced 6. This place is worth visiting/a visit. This place is worthy of being visited/a v

46、isit. This place is worthy to be visited.It is worthwhile visiting this place/ tovisit this place.Unit 21 .单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1.concrete 2.flexible 3.sponsord.translated 5exchanged 6.anger 7.sorrow 8.darkness 9.warmt h pass ll.convey 12.pattern 13.contradictory14.appropriate 15.Eventually2 .短语翻译1. mak

47、e sense有意义,说得通(Sb.) make sense of sth 理解2. convey one's emotions表达情感3. stay/sit up 熬夜be made up of = consist of 由组成7. be popular with = be well received by 很受欢迎4. take it easy 放轻松,别紧张take one's time5. (Sb.) run out of(Sth.) run out6. make up 组成别着急,慢慢来sth.用完,耗尽(及物)用完(不及物)/编造/化X女/弥补/和解三.根据句意选择

48、合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空1.go over 2.make sense 3.in particularof 7.is popular with 8.inspired 9.by chance9. by chance / accident 碰巧10. hold on 继续/别挂断(电话)11. (Sb. / Sth.) be likely to do sth.有可能.12. try out 试验 try on 试穿13. let out 泄漏/发出(声音)4.stay up 5.take his eye off 6.is made up10.run out of 11.T ake it easy

49、四.英汉互译 2. delight; strong; rhyme3. We would have won if Jack had scored that goal.Unit 3一单词拼写1.abuse 2.addicted 3.accustom 4.ashamed 5.stress 6.Mental7.embarrassted8.banned 9.prejudice10.automatically 11.adolescents二.短语翻译1. due to 由于;归功于2. be/become addicted to 对有瘾3. decide on 对做出决定12.managed 13. aw

50、kward 14. strengthen 15. desperate9 . be ashamed of/that. 为感到惭愧/羞愧be ashamed to do sth. 羞于做某事10 .have effect on4. be/become/grow accustomed to sth./doing sth.习惯于某事/做某事5. feel like (doing) 想要(做)6. in spite of 不管;不顾7. stand for 支持; 代表8. get (sb.) into (sth.) 陷入;染上坏习惯;进入 get into the way/habit of doing

51、 sth.学成做某事的方法/养成做某事的习惯三.根据句意选择合适的词或词组的恰当形式填空。1 .addicted to 2.leaving out 3.been to 6.remind 7.decided on 8.at risk 四。句子翻译。11 .quit (doing) sth.停止做某事12 .at risk 处在危险之中take risks(a risk) 冒险13 .manage to do sth.设法彳好/设法办到某事14 .so far到目前为止(与现在完成时连用)15 .make sure 确定;查明;弄明白16 .prevent sb. (from) doing sth

52、. 阻止某人做某 事accustomed to 4.a great deal 5.manage9.feel like 10.due to 11. in spite of1. due to 2.accustom to 5. Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a nonsmoker. 6. It is not easy to stop smoking , but millions have managed to quit and so can you. 7. In spite of

53、his efforts he failed.Unit 4 Global warmingI.单词拼写1.widespread 2.disagreement 3.climate adily 9.range 10.consequence 11. tendency II. 1. global warming全球气候变暖2. a supply of /supplies of 大量的3. depend on 依靠4. decrease 5.average 6.state 7.quantity 8.ste12. circumstances4. human activity人类活动5. a natural p

54、henomenon 自然现象6. be trapped in.被困在8. translate A into B 把 A 翻译成 B7. a quantity of/quantities of + n.大量的8. result in 导致. result from 原因是.9. as a result = in consequence 因止匕as a result of =in consequence of 由于的缘故10. build up逐渐建立11. keep on保持12. make a difference有影响;有关系make no difference 对没有影响;不重要13. p

55、ut up with 忍受14. as/so long as 只要15. and so on等等16. glance at很快地看一眼.17. on the whole 大体上三.词组活用1. Even if 2. subscribe to 3. quantities of running out18. compare to./compare .with 与相比19. come about发生(不及物)come across 偶遇;穿过come back 回来come down 降下;减彳氐come in 进来;到达come out 出来;出版come up 上来 被提出讨论;发芽come up with 追上;赶上come to结果达到苏醒20. heat up 受热21. decrease by 下降了decrease (from)to(从)下降至U22. greenhouse effect温室效应4. going up 5. comes about 6. result in 7.12. on the whole 13.make a8. was opposed to 9. kept on 10. build up 11.put up with difference四英汉互译1 .这对你我来说很可能是无所


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