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1、天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的勤奋金戈铁骑Unit 4 Making the news 课时作业Learning about languagei阅读理解A课标话题人与社会科技发展与息技术创新体裁说明文词数187难度alOHD(2019 河南中 原名校统考)Robot Turtles is a board game designed to teach kids ages 38 about computer programming. Itbegan as a project on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter, where its founders ra

2、ised over $600,000 when they were only attempting to raise $25,000. The original version(版本)was sold out, butare being taken now atThinkFun, a top board game company, will be releasing a new version. Pre- ordersthinkfun . com robotturtles . comThe game works like any other board games. It has a boar

3、d, playing cards andgame pieces. The programming concepts are integrated( 统一)in such a slight way that kids may not even realise how much they ' re learning.The game is easy to explain to young kids. The game pieces and cards are alsobright and easy to handle.Your students won' t be writing

4、codes or building web sites after playing a fewgamesof Robot Turtles, but they will understand some of the basic concepts involved.Robot Turtles would be an easy way for kids in kindergarten, first or secondgrade to dip a toe into the waters of computer programming.语篇导读本文主要介绍了 一款教儿童电脑编程的游戏。1. Where

5、will you order in advance a new version of the game?A. In the library .B. In the store.C. On the Internet .D. On TV shopping.解析 C细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句可知,可以在网上预订这款游戏的新版本, 故选C项。2. What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?A. What Robot Turtles is.B. How Robot Turtles works.C. How hard Robot Turtles i

6、s to use.D. How to use Robot Turtles in the classroom.解析 B主旨大意题。根据第二段可知,这一段主要介绍了这款游戏是怎样操作的,故选B项。3. How is the game to kids?A. Easy.B. Cheap.C. Difficult.D. Expensive.解析 A 细节理解题。根据第三段、第四段和第五段中的Robot Turtles would be aneasy way for kids in kindergarten 可知,这款游戏对孩子们来说是很容易的,故选 A项。B课标话题人与社会科技发展与信息技术创新体裁;说

7、明文词数268难度(2019 山东胜利一中质检 )Researchers at the University of Chicago have trained an artificial intelligence(AI) system to write fake(伪造的)reviews on Yelp, awebsite showing customers ' reviews on shopping or something else, and it ' s pretty hard to tell them apart from a human review.Their stud

8、y, which will be presented at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security in October, aimed to stress how easily these systems can write reviews like humans and how damaging they can become if they ' re not mentioned properly.Since many small businesses rely on online reviews to h

9、elp grow and support their reputation, a future where someone - like a competitor or angry customer- couldcrazily fill their page with bad reviews written by a machine is pretty worrying.And, according to the research team, the threat goes far beyond a bunch of fake reviews on Yelp. "In general

10、, the threat is bigger Ben Y. Zhao, one of the authors of the study, said. "I think the threat toward society is large and it really misleads users and shakes our belief in what is real and what is not. I think that' s goingto be even more unimaginable. ”To test how believable these reviews

11、 came across, the researchers invited 40 volunteers and had AI generate( 生成)five fake reviews for 40 actual restaurants. The volunteers were asked how useful they thought the reviews were and whether or not they thought they were fake. The AI reviews ranked as “ effectively indistinguishable "

12、from real reviews, according to the study. Further, the fake reviews were given a 3.15 a usefulness " rating, compared to a 3.28 rating for human 天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的勤奋reviews.语篇导读芝加哥大学的研究者们研发了一种可以在网上写虚假评论的AI 系统。本文介绍了这种系统的由来、可能存在的危害等。4 Why do researchers use AI system to write fake reviews on Yel

13、p?A To press their study at the ACM Conference.B To replace humans reviews with AI reviews.C To make sure that they are not harmful to our life.D To make a study on AI system s review writing.解析 D 推理判断题。根据第二段可知,该项研究的目的是要看这些系统如何轻易地像人一样写评论以及这种评论会带来多大的破坏性,由此可推断,研究者们的目的是为了对AI 系统的评论书写情况进行研究,故选D 项。5 Accor

14、ding to the text, what do we know about the AI reviews?A They can be found everywhere.B They are hardly helpful to our life.C They can be vital to small businesses.D They bring us a lot of convenience.解析 C 推理判断题。根据第三段可知,许多小企业依靠网上的评论来提高声誉,从而促进其发展,所以 AI系统写的评论对小企业来说很重要,故选C项。6 What does the last paragra

15、ph tell us?A AI reviews were effectively distinguishable.B AI system was really a help in review writing.C Restaurants should care for customers reviews.D AI reviews were almost as believable as humans .解析 D 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句可知,AI 系统写的虚假评论被认为和真正的评论区别很小,前者的识别率是3.15,后者的是3.28 ,由此可推知,AI 系统写的评论几乎和人写的评论一样可

16、信,故选D 项。7 What s the author s purpose of writing the text?A To emphasize the importance of AI studying.8 To predict what the world will be like tomorrow.C To warn people of the threat AI will possibly make.D To tell the differences between AI reviews and humans .解析 C 写作意图题。文中介绍了AI 系统所写的评论可以以假乱真,第四段则

17、讲述了这种虚假评论的危害,由此可推断出,本文的目的是提醒人们AI 可能造成的威胁,故选C项。n完形填空课标话题人与自我优秀品行体裁记叙文词数282难度.hDO(2019 大连双基检测 )LoAnna and Kris ' kids were playing outside on a sunny Saturday. Suddenly LoAnna heard a huge sound. She _1_ outside to see wide mud, sand, and rocks _2_ down the hill. She phoned Kris _3_ and Kris sped

18、back home. But traffic had come to a _4_ . Kris had to run.Suddenly, he heard a woman screaming for help. As he _5_ the sound through mud, he only saw an arm reaching up, holding a boy. Kris kept her talking while _6_ the wood, metal trapping the mother and child. Finally, he was able to _7_ the_bab

19、y. By this time, other citizens had 8 it to the site. With others taking the _9_ in rescuing the woman, Kris continued his way home.Soon, he heard a(n) _10_ moan( 呻吟)from the ruins again. The man buried was about twice Kris ' weight and, _11 , he_ ' d have to wait for more help. Hearing a he

20、licopter above, Kris climbed up on the roof, and led a rescuer to the trapped man. _12一 the rest of the helicopter crew arrived, Kris left to find his 13.Hours later, Kris reached home. His truck was _14_ , and so were LoAnna and the others. He 15 cars and houses nearby to find other 16-and then wal

21、ked backto the rescue team. Not long after he arrived, his truck came into _17_ . LoAnna _ pulled over and ran to him. He hugged her tightly and spoke _18_ ,_ "Let' s gohome.”Over the next several weeks, 43 bodies were _19_ . Just nine survivors were luckily pulled from the mud, all of them

22、 on that day. Kris was _20_ by the Red _Cross for his heroic deeds.1.A. rushedB.wanderedC.jumpedD.broke2.A.trackingB.pushingC.thunderingD.pressing3.A.immediatelyB.accidentallyC.cautiouslyD.deliberately4.A.headB.stopC.conclusionD.point5.A.recordedB.appreciatedC.analyzedD.followed6A.setting asideBtaki

23、ng offCpulling awayDgiving out7A.feedBfreeCcomfortDtreat8A.managedBworkedCpreservedDmade9A.leadBadvantageCopportunityDrisk10A.frighteningBawkwardCannoyingDpainful11A.howeverBthereforeCmoreoverDanyway12A.OnceBUnlessCAlthoughDIf13A.partnersBshelterCfamilyDbelongings14A.abandonedBloadedCgoneDdirty15A.r

24、eplacedBcheckedCmovedDrepaired16A.neighborsBrescuersCvolunteersDsurvivors17A.effectBsightCexistenceDplay18A.in peaceBon purposeCby chanceDwith relief19A.receivedBdeliveredCrecoveredDcured20A.recognizedBemployedCpromotedDgreeted语篇导读本文主要讲述了Kris 在发生泥石流时英勇救人的事迹。LoAnna 突然听到thunder1 解析 A 根据空前两句可知,LoAnna和K

25、ris的孩子在外面玩耍, 一声巨响,她当然会冲到(rush)外面去查看发生了什么事,故选A项。2 解析 C 她看到大片泥土、沙子和石块轰隆隆地快速从山坡上滚了下来。金戈铁骑天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的勤奋轰隆隆地快速移动,符合语境。track 跟踪; push 推动( 人或物 ) ,移动 ( 身体部位) ;press(向)拥挤,推操着移动,故选C项。3 解析 A 根据语境可知,此处指的是LoAnna 立即 (immediately) 给 Kris 打了电话,Kris 加速往家赶。accidentally 意外地, 偶然地;cautiously 谨慎地;deliberately 故意地,

26、故选A项。4 解析 B 因为发生了泥石流,所以交通受阻,Kris 不得不跑着回家。come to a stop停止,符合语境。come to a head 事情达到紧要关头,需要当机立断;come to a conclusion得出结论;come to a point 变尖,逐渐变细,故选B 项。5 解析D 根据语境可知,Kris 听到一个女士在求救,那么他应是跟随(follow) 声音来确定这位女士的位置。record 记录;appreciate 欣赏;analyze 分析,故选 D项。6 解析C Kris 一边把困住这位女士和孩子的树枝、金属拉开,一边让这位女士继续说话。pull away 拉掉,拉开,符合语境。 set aside 把搁置一旁;take off 取下,带走;give out分发,用完,故选 C项。7 解析 B 终于, Kris 使这个孩子获得了自由。free 释放,使自由,使解脱,符合语境,故选B 项。8 解析 D 这时,其他的居民赶到了事发地点。make it( 尤指在困难情况下)准时到达,及时赶到,符合语境。manage努力完成;work使运转;preserve保护,故选 D


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