五年级下册英语教案Unit2 My favourite season Part A Let’s spell_人教_第1页
五年级下册英语教案Unit2 My favourite season Part A Let’s spell_人教_第2页
五年级下册英语教案Unit2 My favourite season Part A Let’s spell_人教_第3页
五年级下册英语教案Unit2 My favourite season Part A Let’s spell_人教_第4页




1、.Unit2 My favourite season Part A Lets spell教学目的与要求1.学习归纳字母组合br和gr的发音规律,并能读出相关例词。2.能听、说、读、写单词:brown,library,brother,umbrella,green,grapes,grandpa和grow.重点掌握字母组合br和gr的发音规那么难点培养学生拼读音标词的才能。教具卡片 ppt教学环节师生活动Preparation准备活动1.Sing the song What's your favourite season?2.复习四会单词,让学生看卡片,快速地拼读出单词。season,spr

2、ing, summer,autumn, winter, best,cold, cool, warm, windy,hot.3.一分钟对话。用所学的句子进展两人对话,在一分钟内看谁说得又快又好又多。如:-Whats the weather like today?-Which season is it now?-Which season do you like best?-Whats your favourite season? Why?教学环节师生活动Presentation新知呈现1.PPT引入涉及br-的文本单词.umbrellaT: Look and guess. Whats this?S

3、: T: Its rainy. Its an umbrella. brotherT: Look!Who are under the umbrella?They are two brothers.brownT: One is in brown and one is in green.libraryT: Where are they going?They are going to the library.【设计意图:创造情景引入单词,自然不突兀。】整体呈现br-的单词,尝试读出单词并找出发音规律。brown, library, brother, umbrellaT: Can you read th

4、em?S: 2.PPT呈现涉及gr-的文本单词T: I like grapes. What colour are they? S: PurpleT: Do you like green grapes?S: Yes/No.T: Grandpa likes green grapes. Because he grows green grapes.PPT呈现所有单词。整体呈现gr-的单词,尝试读出单词并找出发音规律。green, grapes, grandpa, growT: Can you read them?S: 【设计意图:本部分为本节课的重点和难点,让学生通过观察老师给出的单词,找出共同点,自

5、己总结字母组合的发音规律,并找出两组字母组合的关系。】教学环节师生活动Practice稳固练习1.Lets make a chant green, grapes, grandpa, growbrown, library, brother, umbrella给出文本中出现的所有单词,组成一个小chant.2.拼读擂台老师出示一些没学过的单词,让男生和女生进展PK,根据所学的拼读规律或从学过的单词中迁移,读出这些单词,看谁读得又快又正确。如grasp,greet ,grance, brow, breeze, brace.3.Read and group.先让学生试着读一读Read and grou

6、p.部分的单词,然后按br和gr的发音进展归类。4.Choose,write and say.要求学生连一连,写一写,读一读。如:Grandpa grows green grapes.Grandma grows orange apples.Grandpa grows brown potatoes.教学环节师生活动Production输出运用1. Can you find more words?T: Can you find more words?S: 2. Lets find the homegrass gross brass bridgegrace bread breeze grey brandT: I can give you more words. Can you try to read them?S: T: Lets try to find the home of the words.板书设计Unit2 M


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