1、牛津译林版初三英语练习题8 上 Unit 1-4 (word 版,有答案)1 / 58上Unit 1 - 4一、词汇1. What the_(游泳者)height? He is so tall.2. He feels even_(无聊的)when playing computer games.3. She_ (碰,撞)the bottles off the shelf just now, and they were broken.4. Our teachers are always very_ (耐心的)to all the students.5. These toys are all my
2、love. I don t know which on _ (选择).6. Hua ng Bo is one of_(幽默的)actors that I like.7. Look! Miss Han_ ( 微笑)at us.Her_(带着笑意的 )eyes make me feel warm.8. The_(杂志)on the desk are about football.9. To be a_ (社会的)worker, we should always help people in need.10. The_ (夕卜国的)student learnt some Chinese before
3、 he came to China.11. -Which subject is your favorite? -I like_ (法语)best.12. The_(物理)problems are not difficult for me. I can work them out easily.13. Thank you very much for_ ( 自愿给予 )us so much help.14. We have our_ (每周的)class meet ing on Tuesday after noon.15. They call_ (秋天)autumn in_(英国的)English
4、.16. The students_(议论)their plans for the weekend at the moment.17. Among the 6 boys, he has_ (最少的)pocket money.18. Bears sleep_(自始至终)the win ter. They seldom hurt people.19. _(最后),they arrived here, out of breath.20. The dress_ (它自己)is not fashi on able, but I like its color.21. On_ (顶部)of the hill
5、, there is a small temple.22. Thank you for inviting me_( 参力口) your birthday party.23. Did you cook the food_ (你们自己)?24. Look! The sun_(照耀)through the window.25. Half- time is a short period for players_( 休息 ).26. It impossible for us_(至 U 达)the office before 2 in the after noon.27. The little cat l
6、ooks so_ ( 无助的),so many of us feed her every day.28. She is the top student in my class. She often answers questions_ (正确地).29. I_ (出席)my son parents meeting yesterday.30. He came first again in the race. He is really a good_ ( 榜样)for us.31. The old worker_ (修理)the bicycle for others for free.牛津译林版初
7、三英语练习题8 上 Unit 1-4 (word 版,有答案)2 / 532. _ (涂)the wall is not easy work. It takes a lot of time.33. Our English teacher always_(建议)us to practice writing more.34. Lucy_ (粘住)a picture of balloons on the cover just now.35. The boy is afraid to speak in front of the whole class. He is_ ( 不活跃的).二、翻译句子36.
8、 凯特既是我的邻居也是我最好的朋友。她任何时候都乐意帮助我。Kate is_.She_ any time.37. 丹尼尔从来不说谎,而且从来不说任何人的坏话。Daniel n ever_ or_ about anyone.38. 贝蒂很大方,她总是和朋友分享她的东西。Betty _ and she always _ her friends.39. 在昨天的唱歌比赛中,他们选择她作为最佳歌手。In yesterdays_ , they_.40. 那个长着一张方脸的男孩是他们班最勤奋的。The boy_is_ in their class.41. 在阅读周期间,我们可以从学校图书馆借更多的书和杂志
9、。_ , we can_ the school library.42. 昨天学校结束比平时早,我们打了2 小时棒球。Yesterday school_ . We_for two hours.43. 学好一门外语似乎变得越来越重要。_ well seems to be_ .44. 当我们进行每门科目月考的时候,我们最好首先快速浏览所有的问题。When we_ each subject, we_all the questi ons at first.45. 我们每天仅有半小时的家庭作业。我们还能选择学习什么科目。We have only_every day and we can_ .46. 一到那
10、里他们就迫不及待地去欣赏那些景点。They_ to enjoy those_ as soon as they got there.47. 他不能相信自己的眼睛,因为金门大桥的模型看起来和他家乡的那座一样棒。He_ because the model Golde n Gate Bridge looked_ the one back home.48. 昨天路上交通太拥挤。_too much_on the way yesterday.49. 那些票现在没用了,但我会留着的。The tickets_ now, but I_ .50. 你应该自己装饰东西而不是付钱让别人做。You should_ you
11、rself_some one to do it.51.昨天妈妈建议我上DIY 的课程。Mum_to_ DIY yesterday.牛津译林版初三英语练习题8 上 Unit 1-4 (word 版,有答案)3 / 552. 当蒂米完成卡片时,每一样东西上都是颜料。When Timmy_, there was_.53. 当你把水果放在空气中一会儿时,水果会迅速变成棕色。The fruit will_ whe n you_for some time.三、完形填空During his college years, Sherman Rogers spent a summer in logging(伐木)
12、camp. Whenthe boss had to leave for 54 days, he put Rogers in charge(掌管).“ What shall I do if the men 55 to follow my orders?” Rogers asked. He thought of Tony, aworker who compla ined all day, gave the other men a 56 time.“ Fire (解雇)them,” the boss said. Then, as if reading Rogersmind, he added, I
13、guess youare going to fire Tony if you get the 57 . Id feel bad about that. I have bee n loggi ng for 40 years. Tonyis one of the best workers I ve ever had. I know he hates everybody and 58 . But he comes in first andleaves last. There has not bee n an59 for eight years on the hillwhere he works.”T
14、he next day, Rogers went to Tony, “ Tony, do you know I m in charge here today?” Tonysaid yes. I was going to fire you the first time we quarreled, 60 I want you to know I m not,” he toldTony, adding 61 the boss had said.When he finished, Tony dropped the things in his hand and tears(眼泪)went down hi
15、s 62 .“Why didn the tell me that eight years 63 ?”That day Tony worked 64tha n ever before and he smiled!Rogers went back to 65 after that summer. Twelve years later he met Tony aga in who was nowboss for one of the largest loggi ng compa nies in the West. Rogers asked him how he came toCalifornia a
16、nd happened to be so 66 .Tony replied, If you didn ttalk to me for the one minute that day, I would kill somebody someday. One minute 67 my whole life. ”Have you got one minute to tha nk some one? One minute to appreciate( 欣赏)her or him? It canmake a 68 for a lifetime. Let s tha nk some one for one
17、min ute.()54. A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little()55. A. decideB. refuseC. wantD. ask()56. A. goodB. relaxi ngC. pleasa ntD. hard()57. A. wayB. suggesti onC. chaneeD. problem()58. A. someth ingB. nothingC. everyth ingD.nobody()59. A. advertiseme ntB. actio nC. ideaD. accide nt()60. A. andB. butC. so
18、D. because()61. A. whatB. whyC. howD. whe n()62. A. headB. hairC. faceD.hands()63. A. afterB. laterC. oldD. ago()64. A. harderB. lessC. lazierD. slower()65. A. collegeB.bankC. hospitalD. hotel()66. A. healthyB. frie ndlyC. successfulD. careful()67. A. waitedB. changedC. leftD. sent()68. A. speechB.
19、mistakeC. decisi onD. differenee四、根据短文内容回答问题(A)One of the happiest times duri ng my on e-year trip as an intern ati on al volun teer was my timewith Pueblo Ingles in November in Spain( 西班牙).Pueblo Ingles is an English Ianguage school withmany sites throughout Spain and Italy. Their programs are aime
20、d at help ing local people improve牛津译林版初三英语练习题8 上 Unit 1-4 (word 版,有答案)4 / 5their En glish. I worked as a volun teer for a on e-week program offered by Pueblo In gles. Theprogram is provided for Spanish bus in ess people. As one of the British volun teers, my job was tohelp the Spanish bus in ess pe
21、ople with their spoke n En glish.At Pueblo Ingles, 24 British volunteers, including me, and 24 Spanish people spent seven daystogether. I had one-on-one meet ings with at least four differe nt Spanish people every day and wespoke En glish. I ate breakfast at 9:00 am, lunch at 2:00 pm and dinner at 9
22、:00 pm with another Britishvolunteer and two Spanish people and we all spoke English. Every day I spoke En glish, lots of English, with the Spanish people. It was so much fun.Started in 2001, the first program offered by Pueblo Ingles was so successful that more programswere offered later. Now there
23、 are such programs in several differe nt places, most in Spain and one inItaly. Pueblo Ingles also has programs in which British teen volunteers speak En glish with Spanishtee ns. I can wait to go back to Spain and do it aga in!69. How long did the writer work as a volunteer for the program?(no more
24、 than 2 words)70. Who did the writer help practice speak ing En glish? (no more tha n 3 words)71. When did the writer have lunch at Pueblo In gles? (no more tha n 3 words)72. What did the writer think of his experie nee at Pueblo In gles? (no more tha n 1 word)73. Are there En glish programs that ar
25、e aimed at help ing Spanish tee ns practice speak ing En glish?(no more tha n 3 words)但)How to dance is the most com mon questi on whe n we thi nk of going to parties. Dance is a wayof expressi on, which uses your body to com muni cate with others well. Dance can make your bodyand mind feel relaxed,
26、 too. If you are not a good dan cer, lear n to dance now.You should lear n to dance from a good teacher, as this is importa nt in teach ing you the way oftaking hold of beats(抓住节扌白)and music. The coord in ati on( 协调)betwee n differe nt parts of thebody along with the music beats forms the main part
27、of dancing.The dancing dress also plays an important role when you are performing. The clothes shouldlook pretty and matches well with the dance and situation. At the same time, make sure that thedancing dress is comfortable.Another important point is the shoes you wear. Shoes offer a tool to dance
28、well and also provideyou with the grace(优雅).The dancing shoes should be comfortable and look nice.The effort duri ng the dance is also very importa nt. Make sure you and your part ner have theenergy to dance through the party. You can also take breaks by dancing slowly to save your en ergy.Dancing i
29、s a kind of art that requires certa in rules. It isn like other forms of art in which the artistis free to create anything he likes.74. Dance can not only make your mind and body_but also help you_ other people.75. The main part of dancing is_ betwee n the parts of body andthe music beats. So it is
30、importa nt for you to lear n how_from a good teacher.76. _also plays an importa nt part while we are dancin g. It should be_and match well with the dance and the situati on.77. Comfortable shoes can offer you_ and the grace. And牛津译林版初三英语练习题8 上 Unit 1-4 (word 版,有答案)5 / 5during the dancing, you and yo
31、ur partner should be_eno ugh to dance through the party.78. In all, the writer tells us_ importa nt points on dancing. We may saythat dancing is_ from other forms of art in some ways.8上Unit 1 - 4参考答案1. swimmer 2. more bored 3. knoeked 4. patient 5. to choose 6. the most humorous7. is smili ng; smili ng 8. magaz ines 9. social 10. foreig n 11. French 12. Physics 13. offeri ng14.weekly 15. fall; British 16. are discussi ng 17. the least 18. through 19. Fi nally 20. itself 21. top 22.to join 23. yourselves 24. is shi ning 25. to rest 26. to reach 27. helpless 28. correctly 29. atte
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