



1、山东省莱芜市汪洋中学 2021-2021 学年上学期期中考试六年级英语试题120 分 120 分钟第一卷 共 65 分、听力选择 20 分 一 录音中有五个句子 , 每个句子听一遍 , 然后从每题A、B C中选出适合每个句子的答语。5分1. A. Yes, he is.B. Yes, I am.C. No, she isn 't.2. A. Yes, it is.B. No, she isn ' t.C. Yes, he is.3. A. He 's L in Hai.B. Yes, it is.C. No, he isn't.4. A. Nice to mee

2、t you.B. Yes, it is.C. No, he isn 't.5. A. It 's a photo.B. Yes, it is.C. He 's Bob. 二 录音中有五组对话及五个问题, 每组对话和问题听一遍 , 然后从每题 A、B、C 中选出能答复每个问题的正确答案。 5 分 6. A. It ' s a pencil.B. It' s a ruler.C. It ' s a pencil case.7. A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isn' t.C. Yes, I am.8. A. It's

3、 5786423.B. It 's 5783426.C. It's 5786426.9. A. It ' s a key.B. Yes, it is. C. K-E-Y.10. A. Helen.B. Green.C. Smith. 三 录音中有两段对话, 听两遍后 , 选择最正确答案。 5 分 听第一段对话 , 答复第11、12 小题。11. What 's Tony 's family name?A. Smith.B. Green.C. Hand.12. What 's Tony ' s telephone number?A. 523

4、-4598.B. 352-4895. C. 532-4598.听第二段对话,答复第1315小题。13. What 's this in English?A. It ' s a map.B. It ' s a jacket.C. It' s a baseball.14. What color is the jacket?A. It ' s white.B. It ' s green. C. It' s red.15. Is this Mary 's jacket?A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isn ' t

5、. C. Yes, I am.NameDaleHele nFrankAliceEricObject物品pencil case17.ruler19.keyColor16.black18.white20.四录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后,根据所听内容选择下面的表格。5分C. yellowB. gree n16.A. red17.A. penB. rulerC. jacket18.A. gree nB.blueC. black19.A. penB. rulerC. jacket20.A. whiteB. black C. gree n二、单项填空每题1.5分21. Is itmap? No, it

6、isn't. Itorange.A. a; aB. an; anC. a;anD. an; a22. How are you, Alla n?A. Hello!B. I ' m fine, thanks.C. How are you, Tom?D. Good morni ng!23.Thesemy friends and thismy brother.A. is; areB.are; is C. is; isD. are; are24. This is my frie nd.n ame is Bob.A. HisB. HerC. SheD. He25. What' sn

7、 ame?n ame is Eric.A. you; My B. your; My C. your; I D. you; I26. My n ame is Mary Brow n. Mary is my n ame.A. lastB. familyC. firstD. middle27. n ame is Gi na. is in Chi na.A. She; HerB. Her; She C. He; HisD. His; He28. are in the first picture?My sister and I.A. WhoB. What C. How D. What ' s29

8、.It ' s 010 -6563789.A. What' s this B. How do you spell itC. What' s your phone number D. What color is it30. What are these?are.A. They; photoB. It; photosC. These; photosD. They; photos31. Your pen is ni ce.一A. NoB. It ' snot goodC. Tha nk youD. It's OK32. Is he Dale?His n ame

9、 is Bob.A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn ' t.C. Yes, she is.D.No, she isn ' t.33. Spell it, please. .A. Thank youB. C-A-K-EC.It's blue. D. Im fine34. It 's red and gree n.A. What' s this?B. What' s that?C. What color is it?D. What is it?35. Hello! I ' m Jim.-Hi, Jim! I'm

10、Mary.A. Nice to meet youB. Thank youC. Fine, tha nk youD. Bye三、阅读理解每题1.5分AHello, every on e. I' m Ci ndy Smith. This is my friend. His n ame is Eric Brow n. His pho nenumber is two four five eight seven six four. And this is my friend, too. Her first name is Grace. Her last n ame is Black. Five

11、six eight nine four three one is her phone nu mber.判断对误:对的填T,错的填F()36. Grace Black is my frie nd.()37. Eric ' s last name is Jones.()38.Grace' s last name is Black.()39. 5689431 is Eric ' s phone number.()40. Grace ' s phone number is two four five eight seven six four.It ' s给我He

12、llo! My name is Frank Smith. This is my kite.It is black. Oh, that' s a bike .green. But 但是it ' s not my bike . It ' s her bike . It ' s Alice ' s. Please call me 打at 368-4921.41. is my family n ame.A. FrankB. SmithC. Frank SmithD. Smith Frank42. My kite's color isA. blueB. r

13、edC. yellowD. black43. Theis gree n.A. bike B. ruler C. teleph one D. jacket44. It ' s bike.A. Frank B. Franks C. Alice ' s D. Alice45. My teleph one nu mber is A. 149-3468B. 368-4921 C. 492-3681D. 368-2194My n ame is Jack. I have a big family. My wife a son and a daughter. Tomis our son. Li

14、nda School. My father ' s name is Jeff. My mother46. Jeff is Jack ' s.C妻子is Alice. She is a teacher. We haveis our daughter. They are students in No.2's name is Grace.MiddleA. brother B. fatherC. son D. Gran dfather47. Alice is Linda ' sA. mother B. sister C. cous inD.brother48. Tom

15、' s sister is.A. Alice B. Grace C. Li nda D. Jack49.are stude nts.A. Tom and LindaB. Tom and GraceC. Jack and AliceD. Tom and Jack50.is a teacher.A. Jack ' s motherB. Jack's daughterC. Tom ' s motherD.Jack's father第二卷共55分四、根据句意和提示完成句子。(10分51. It isn ' t a(电脑)。52. Those are my

16、( 兄弟)。53. My jacket is w. It' s my favorite color.54. Five and three is e.55. Here are two pof my family.56. My name is Lucy. I ' m my mother ' s d57. -How do you sit?K-E-Y.58. These girls(be) my sisters.59. This is(she) pen.60.(He) are my pare nts.五.由答句写出以下问句。10分61.?-It's black.62.?

17、-It's a jacket.63.?一They ' re my parents.64.?一My n ame' s Ala n Brow n.65.?Yes, I am. I ' m Lucy.六、综合填空(10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容和已给出的首字母,在空白处填入适当的单词。Hello, every one! N 66 to meet you. M 67 n ame is Yang Xing. Xing is my相同的m 75f 68 name and Ya ng is my l 69n ame. My p 70 n 71 is 281-8889.1 ha

18、ve a good f72 . H 73 name is Alan Gree n. Now he is in C 74 . We are in the same(school.七、任务型阅读(10分)This is my family photo. My grandfather ' s name is Henry Hand. My grandmother ' s nameis Helen Hand. My father ' s name is Frank Hand. My mother is Mary Hand. Frank and Mary are my parents. (4) My name is Emma. (5) I' m an English girl. I love my family.根据短文内容答复以下问题。77. How many people are there有多少人in the photo?76. What ' s Emma s last name?78. Who is Mary?79. 把4处句子改写成同义句。80. 将短文中5处画线句子译成汉语八、书面表达15分假设你是Gina Brown,12岁, 是243556.请根据以上内容及一张你的全家福做一下自我介绍。全家福内容可适当发挥要求:1.内容齐全。2.


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