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1、图表作文具体题型图表作文具体题型123首段首段介绍流程图是做什么的介绍流程图是做什么的中间段中间段详细介绍每一步的详细介绍每一步的原料、变化、过程末段末段简单总结简单总结流程图的结构流程图的结构5The diagrams below describe how to recycle organic waste to produce fertilizer(compost) . (070210)6中间段中间段原料7中间段中间段容易遗漏的细节容易遗漏的细节范文范文8As is shown in the flow chart, the process of recycling organic waste

2、 to produce compost is really a complex one.The whole process can be categorized into five stages. First of all, prepare a plastic container which has four holes for ventilating the air. There is a rule when putting waste into the container, food at the bottom within 15 centimeters high, grass at th

3、e middle and newspaper at the top within 15 centimeters high respectively, in order to make an optimum environment for different bacteria reproducing. In the following stage, we can witness nitrogen and water being put into the container. What is worth mentioning is that only hot water is added. Nex

4、t, heat the waste and let the bacteria reproduce fast, with which the organic waste can be decomposed and became garden fertilizer after 6 months. Subsequently, we can carry the compost out and move it to the garden, thus a new recycling can begin.In conclusion, using this way to turn the organic wa

5、ste into garden fertilizer is environmentally friendly. By enlarging the number or volume of the container, we can dispose more waste at the same time.9第一步first of all首先to begin withto start within the first step第一步in the first stage下一步after that接下来at the second step第二步at the next step下一步at the foll

6、owing stage下一步同时at the same time同时meanwhile同时at one time同时最后一步lastly最后at the final stageat the final stepin the end ultimately10The picture below shows the recycling process of wasted glass bottles. (090926;080214;060114) The picture below shows the recycling process of wasted glass bottles. (090926

7、;080214;060114) 12As is displayed in the flow chart, the recycling process of glass is really a complex one.The overall process can be categorized into 3 stages. First, glass products in various forms are gathered in the Collection point, so that they are easily transported by special trucks or vans

8、 to the Cleaning plant, where they get sterilization by high-pressured water. There are three different channels in the Recycling plant, namely Brown, Green and Clear, which represent the colors of glass. After recycled in the furnace , glass products are melted into recycled liquid glass. Mixed wit

9、h new liquid glass, the compound is finally molded into solid glass, which, afterwards , will be sent to various customer supermarkets for selling. Thus, the glass will go to the customers for different purposes.Through a brief introduction of the circle of glass recycling, we come to realize that r

10、ecycling plays a vital role in environmental protection and ecological preservation.三个步骤:回收、加工、再利用13剑8 Test314The diagram below shows the production process of cement and concrete.(05年亚太区)水泥制作:水泥制作:把碎石把碎石( (gravel) )和沙子和沙子( (sand) )放进研磨机放进研磨机( (mill) ),把打碎的粉末放进碾压机,把打碎的粉末放进碾压机( (pressure roll) )内搅拌,放

11、进预热器内搅拌,放进预热器( (preheater) )加热,水泥做成,打包成袋加热,水泥做成,打包成袋。混凝土制作:混凝土制作:把碎石把碎石( (gravel) )、沙子、沙子( (sand) )和水泥和水泥( (cement)按照比例与水混合放到车里搅按照比例与水混合放到车里搅拌就有了混凝土。拌就有了混凝土。15The flow chart below shows the life cycle of salmons .写作要点:首先:春天产卵(eggs),在河中孵化成鱼苗(fries) ,12年生长后后移居到下游(downstream),三文鱼进入海洋长成鲑鱼(smolts),又过了12年

12、后达到成年(maturity),成年三文鱼游回到河中去产卵,秋天死去。16地图地图(60.5%)(60.5%)17首段首段介绍地图是描述什么内容介绍地图是描述什么内容中间段中间段针对第一幅图进行描写,将主要特征针对第一幅图进行描写,将主要特征描写出来描写出来末段末段针对第二幅图进行描写,比较它与第针对第二幅图进行描写,比较它与第一幅图的差别。一幅图的差别。地图的结构地图的结构WRITING TASK 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The map below is of the town of Garlsdon. A new s

13、upermarket (S) is planned for the town. The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words. 19交通不利22The chart illustrates two possible locations of a new supermarke

14、t in Garlsdon.The first location (S1) is at the northwest of Garlsdon, in the housing area. Obviously,building a supermarket there is convenient for people living around. Moreover, it also takes advantage of the developed traffic, since the location is close to the railway and the main road. However

15、 , the location is too distant from Brandon as well as Cranston.In contrast, the suggested location, S2, is right in the town centre, which would be good for local residents. This location has almost equal distance to each of neighboring towns. But as the central area is a no-traffic zone, cars woul

16、d be unable to park and access would be difficult.To sum up, neither site is appropriate for all the towns, but for customers in Cranston, Hindan and Garlsdon, the out-of-town site (S1) would probably offer more advantages.范文: 1.1.与与平行平行 Mountains are parallel to the rivers. 2.2.被被包围包围 The church is

17、 surrounded by trees. 3.3.在在十字路口十字路口 A policeman is at the crossing/intersection. 4.4.在在的左上角的左上角 The bank is in the top left-hand corner of the residential zone. 5.大概在的中间 The playground is roughly in the middle of the residential zone. 7.7.在在的正对面的正对面 The supermarket is directly opposite to the bus s

18、top. 8.8. 在在附近附近 The barbers is in close proximity to/ near by/ by the side of the hospital. 9.9.在在底部底部 Houses are at the bottom of the residential zone.地图地图(60.5%)(60.5%)2526The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.(100529)27The map below shows the dev

19、elopment of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.(100529)1.岸边有个码头,码头北边有个鱼市。In1995, in the southern part of the village, there was a fishing port on the sea and a fish market north to the port.2.在鱼市的对面、路的另外一边有一排商店。Opposite to the market, there was a block of shops sitting on the other sid

20、e of the road. 3.在商店的东边、大路交接处有一家酒店和咖啡馆。East to the shops, a hotel and a cafe were built at the joint of two major roads.28The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present.(100529)4.地图的西北部是一片住宅区。Additionally, the northwest part was basically a residential area.

21、5.东北角上是一大片农田,农田南边是一座森林公园。Moreover, a farmland of great acreage occupied the northeast corner, while a forest park was established south to the farmland.范文精讲范文精讲(历史变迁历史变迁):291.码头消失了,鱼市变成了一排公寓。Currently, the fishing port has disappeared and the fish market has been replaced by a block of apartments. 2

22、.商店变成了一排餐厅。In addition, several restaurants have taken up the place of the shops. 3.酒店旁边建了一个停车场。A car park has been built on the east of the hotel.4.新的道路出现,住宅也增多了。 In the residential area, more houses have been constructed along a newly built road. 5.农场和森林公园变成了一座高尔夫球场和几个网球场。Finally, a sports field f

23、or tennis and golf has occupied the place of the farmland and the forest park. 1.原有事物尺寸上变大/变小: The size of the library has been enlarged/extended/reduced by half 2.原有事物没了: The farms completely disappeared/were removed. 3.原有事物被改为: A is transformed/reconstructed/ converted/changed/turned over to/ into

24、 B A is replaced /substituted by B = A gives way to B31首段首段介绍图中装置是做什么用的介绍图中装置是做什么用的中间段中间段描述装置的基本构造描述装置的基本构造末段末段描述装置的工作原理描述装置的工作原理功能图的结构功能图的结构(单图单图)33段 落内 容开头段开头段介绍图中装置是做什么用的介绍图中装置是做什么用的第二段第二段描写气球的构造描写气球的构造第三段第三段描写气球的工作原理描写气球的工作原理结尾段结尾段简单总结简单总结首段首段介绍图中装置是做什么用的介绍图中装置是做什么用的中间段中间段描述第一套装置的构造和工作原理描述第一套装置的

25、构造和工作原理末段末段描述第二套装置的构造和工作原理描述第二套装置的构造和工作原理功能图的结构功能图的结构(多图多图)35The two diagrams below show the construction structures of the Mont Blanc Road Tunnel and the Aomori Hakodate Tunnel .段 落内 容开头段开头段介绍图中装置是做什么用的介绍图中装置是做什么用的第二段第二段描写描写Mont Blanc Road Tunnel的构造的构造第三段第三段描写描写Aomori Hakodate Tunnel的构造的构造结尾段结尾段比较两个隧道,简单总结比较两个隧道,简单总结36The figures illustrate and compare the engineering features of two world-renowned tunnels, the Mont-Blanc Road Tunnel and the Seikan Railway Tunnel.Mont-Blanc Tunnel,as shown in Figure 1 is a road tunnel connecting France and Italy. locating 1,200 meters beneath the highest


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