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1、单词拼写专项 070606-中考定心丸/速效救心丸 宁波万里国际学校 陈宁1. There are four s_in a year. They are spri ng, summer, a_andwin ter.2. There are 100 years in a c_ .3. A q_means fiftee n mi nutes.4. He was late for class because he m_the first bus.5. There are twelve m_in a year.6. He did b_ of all in the high jump, beco min

2、g the w_ .7. Red and yellow are my favorite c_.8. My father is_(忙 tha n ever before.9. -You ve left the lights on-Oh, so I have. How c_ I was!10. C_ is the most importa nt traditi onal holiday in the Western coun tries.11. We go to the c_to watch films or movies.12. Nin gbo is one of the most beauti

3、ful_ 城 市.13. Look at the c_in the sky. It looks like the rain.14. Win ter is the c_ while autu mn is the d_ of all the seas ons.15. The_ 音乐会 give n by S.H.E starts at 8:00.16. It is d_to swim in the river because it is not on ly deep but also dirty.17. -What s the d_? -July 16.18. December is the t_

4、 month of the year.19. He has bee n d_ for ages, but he lives in our heart forever.20. East, west, h_is the best.21. We II have the exrid-year_考试 next week.22. A_有名的 scientist will give us a talk on space next week.23. Which is f_from here, New York or Lon do n?24. I_偎 some ani mals yesterday.25. Ma

5、y is the f_month of the year.26. Look! Can you see some kites f_ high up in the sky?27. Most of the ani mals live in the f_ .28. -Are you f_ later today? -No. I am busy.29. He got m_, but he did n t have a child.30. We are livi ng a_ 幸福 life tha n we used to.31. We are livi ng more_幸福 tha n we used

6、to.32. To keep_ 健康 is more importa nt tha n to keep lots of mon ey.33. Tom is in good_健康.He is doing sports every day.34. The childre n here eat_ 健康 and they are take n good care of.35. The more fruit and vegetables you eat, the_ 健康 you will be.36. It bega n to rain_大 just whe n we were about to lea

7、ve.37. Help y_ to some fruit, my kids!38. After he took the pills, Tom felt eve n w_ .39. The machi ne was_发明 in the 1980s.40. I was n,t_邀请 to the party, so I was angry with him.41. March comes before A_ .42. The funny story he told made all l_ .43. The s_ on his face shows he is pleased with what w

8、e have done.44. -Which do you like b_ , scie nee or history?-Scie nee, of course. You know, history is l_in terest ing tha n scie nee.45. How_幸运 I was to catch the last bus!46. _ 幸运,I didn t hurt myself badly in the accident.47. -What do you m_ by Nie Dao in Nin gbo dialect? - The m_of the word is S

9、ILLY or FOOLISH in En glish.48. September is the n_of the year.49. He was born in the_东北 of the country.50. He received many p_from his frie nds on his_ 二十 birthday.51. -Which is q_ , a car or a trai n? -Trai ns run more q_ .52. He bought two_收攵音机 and gave them to the childre n as pese nts.53. -Shal

10、l we go? - No. We are not r_ .54. I can t r_ her n ame. I am forgetful.55. I have written him several letters but I have never received a singler/a_ . 56. I did well in the exams. I am expect ing to get my school_ 报告单.57. The alarm-clock failed to wake me up. It did n t r_ this morni ng.58. After sc

11、hool, the stude nts said g_to each other and the n went backhome.59. She is good at singing. She wants to be a s_in the future.60. Drive carefully and s_ on the icy road!61. I will s_ the pictures to you after they come out.62. On a_下雪的 ni ght the story happe ned.63. The song s_ beautiful and everyb

12、ody likes to liste n to it.64. People feed on rice in the_ 南 方.65. Tom is s_ eno ugh to carry the heavy stone alone.66. Science is the most in terest ing of all the s_ .67. Today is the_阳光的,晴朗的 than yesterday.68. The fish smells ni ce. Would you like to have a t_ ?69. _ 千 of patie nts are treated in

13、 the hospital every day.70. The dog was_,系,栓 to the tree.71. He felt hungry and t_after a long jour ney.72. One day his dream will surely come t_ .73. It is going to rain. Why not take a rain coat and an u_with you?74. Let s do as he says. He is r_ .75. English is the most u_ and important language.

14、 It is widely used all overthe world. 76. He was born in a small mou nta in v_ .77. The museum is_ 参 观 by hun dreds of people every day.78. When spri ng comes, the days are gett ing w_ .79. What w_ weather! It has bee n raining for the whole week.80. With these_话,the teacher left the classroom_ 生 气.

15、81. The teacher got a_ at his being late for school aga in and aga in.82. My pare nts_ 希望 me to be a doctor whe n I was a child.83. The old man was_ 撞 whe n he was going a_the street.84. Every one should take an a_ part in protecti ng the en vir onment.85. That kind of the house costs too much. I ca

16、n t a_ it.86. -Who helped you to fin ish the work?I did it all by m_.87. -Have they reached the hotel? -Yes. They a_ there half an hourago.88. I didn t fall asleep until it was 2:00 in the morninYou mean you kepta_ till 2:00 in the morni ng?89. He is always borrowi ng money from others. All are f_ u

17、p with him.90. We_相信 Ningbo s future will be better and brighter.91. He can t see or hear anything. He is b_ and d_ .92. Scuba mach ine makes it possible for people to b_ un der the sea for along time. 93. The Oversea B_ will be built betwee n Nin gbo and Jiax in in 2010.94. It s sunny today. The su

18、n is shining b_.95. He worked hard and soon he c_up with his classmates.96. The moun tai n fire was c_by a bur ning end of the cigarette.97. Nin gbo has_ 便化 a lot since its ope ning to the outside of the world.98. Girls are_ 聪明 tha n boys in lear ning Ian guages.99. The moon c_ the earth and the ear

19、th tur ns around the sun.100. He was_选择 not only because was clever but he was hard-work ing.101. There is no more room on the bus. The bus is too c_ .102. He has bee n troubled and disturbed many times but he n ever c_.103. He c_ at his dog s 死.(104. China is a_发展 country, un like Japa n.105. En gl

20、ish used to be d_, but now it is easy.106. Do your b_to fin ish the work ahead of time.107. He lives u_ on the sec ond floor. This is the first floor.108. Beiji ng s_ of Olympic Ghaseinally come true.109. I don t like e_of the two films because n either of them is in teresti ng.110. -Did you enjoy y

21、_ in the park? - Yes, we all had a good time.111. He is the laziest. He is sure to fall b_ others.112. Wow! You ve become_ 的 than before? How?113. Wu Ke has won the first place. She deserves it because she is the mosth_girl in the class.114. There s a pai n in the head. He has a h_.115. The childre

22、n h_ themselves behd the wall and could n t be found.116. The more you learn about the_历史 of Ningbo, the more you ll likeit.117. Our school h_ a sports meeti ng last week.118. He fell off the tree and was h_,but n ot badly.119. Water came in t_the hole and soon the boat bega n to sink.120. He is try

23、ing to i_ his En glish so that he can pass IELTS.121. I wished to be a teacher whe n I was youn g. I_, I became a doctor.122. After a two-year- study of En glish, I became i_in the Ian guage.123. Ano ther man was k_ in the traffic accide nt.124. We borrow books from the l_.125. Nin gbo l_in the east

24、 of the provin ce.126. I found a man_ 躺 dead on the road and I called the police.127. The doctor saved many people s l_.128. He got l_ in the forest and could n t find his way back home.129. He was late and m_ the early bus.130. The child is m_ . The police are still looking for him.131. Tom lives n

25、 ext door to me. We are n_ .132. They are too n_. Ask them to keep quiet.133. The machi ne is worki ng_ 吵闹.134. The Summer P_ is one of the places of interest in Beijing.135. A p_ is a pers on who falls ill.136. He refused to an swer my questi on because it was too_ 人的.137. He plays the p_and his br

26、other plays the violi n.138. On April Fool Day people play j_ on each other.139. -Are you pleased with your trip? -Yes. We had a p_ trip.140. Try to be a_ 礼貌 boy.141. Older people must be spoke n to p_ .142. The rich should do someth ing to help the p_ .143. Please p_the door. Don t pull it!144. Kee

27、p q_! Stop making any no ise!145. He walked out q/s_ without mak ing any sound.146. We r_ the stati on in time for the last trai n.147. Somethi ng is wrong with the MP4 player. I will have it r_ .148. -What was your s_ day in life? - The day my mother died.149. We had differe nt ideas. So we q_with

28、each other.150. He looks_严肃,but he is kin d-hearted.151. The jacket is much too large. Do you have a bigger s_ of the samecolour?152. The meat s_ terrible. Throw it away.153. We were maki ng our way to the village whe n_突 然 a stro ng stormcame along. 154. The problem is hard to s_ .155. To every one

29、 s_(, the laziest boy won the competiti on.156. Every one felt_ 惊奇 that the laziest boy won the competiti on.157. What_惊奇 n ews it is! No one believes it.158. -Would you please take a s_ ? - No, tha nks. I just sta nd here to lookmore clearly. 159. En glish people like_熟食 food.160. He was first past

30、 the f_line. So he won the 100-metre race.161. Take eno ugh e_ and keep fit.162. He is not fit for the job. I will take his p_ .163. He teaches_ 我 En glish.164. He saved me. I was t_ to him.165. One of his_ 牙齿 is beco ming bad.166. There are many p_of in terest in Nin gbo, which attracts v_from home

31、 and abroad.167. There are lots of passe ngers in the_ 等待 room of the stati on.168. I found a w_on the way back home. But there was no money in it.169. He became_ 虚 弱 after a serious ill ness.170. You can t w_ every time. Try again and you II make it.171. I came to work w_ breakfast. I feel a little

32、 h_ .172. The harder you work at your lessons, the_好 you II be at them.173. Books can be_ 借 for as long as a week.174. The cott on coats are_ 便 宜 tha n the woole n one.175. You must keep your eyes c_ while the game is on.176. He brought out his d_ and looked up the new word.177. Tell me the_区别 betwe

33、en the twi ns.178. Whe n d_see the sig n, they must slow dow n.179. My father gets up e_in the family.180. You can do the job e_. You know it is a piece of a cake.181. Lesso n Five is the_容 易 of Book III.182.月份,星期的那些词你会吧?马上看书201. Chinese can t be 使用(n English class.183. Hong Zhan hui has set a good_

34、榜样 for the young.184. We walk with our f_. We go to school on f_.185. Have you bee n a_ ? Yes, I have bee n to many coun tries.186. Would you like some more? Tha nk. I am f_ ?187. Our teacher is f_ and kind to us.188. Have a r_if you feel t_ .189. Can you help me mend the phone, please? I m a_190. I

35、f you are ill, go to the d_ or the h_.191. People buy and sell things in the m_ .192. We have three m_, breakfast, l unch and supper.193. It s ten分钟(walk.194. We get m_from cows and p_from pigs.195. Take this m_ and you will feel better.196. Han gzhou is the c_ city of Zhejia ng.197. To travel by tr

36、ain is_ 安全 tha n bay air.198. The pla ne landed at the airport_ 安 全.199. We were worried about his_ 安 全.200. He_ 使用 a lift to go up and dow n.not.202. Ani mals are_使 用 to help people work.203. The child is ofte n_告诉 to be at home in time.204. Smok ing isn t a_ in our school.205. I am tired and t_ .

37、Bring me someth ing to drink.206. Rubbish should be_扔 into the dustb in.207. Miss Mu has_住 in the buildi ng si nee 1999. Heenjoys_ 住 here. 208. The boy picked up the wallet and_给it to theteacher.209. It is my_ 愉快 to be together with you.210. Tom f_many times before he became successful.211. The lett

38、er was_写 in En glish.212. He was_ 写 a letter in En glish. 213. More people will be_(吸引 to the 11th Ningbo Fashion Show. 214. The book is worth_读a seco ndtime. 215. He fini shed_ 写 his no vel last year. 216. Fruit from Taiwa n can be_ (买 here in the supermarket. 217. The sun r_ in the east and sets i

39、n thewest. 218. He s spent too much time 读 books that have nothing to do with his lesso ns.219. His bike was_ 偷 last ni ght. 220. Agood b_ is ahalf done. 221. The bag looks heavy, but it is light because it is an e_one. 222.Food must be_ 保 存 in cool places in summer. 223. The childre n were_ (教 to s

40、wim last month and they can swim well now. 224. -To be a teacher isreward ing. -Yes. Teachers are now better_给报酬 tha n before. 225.Hong Zhan hui moved Chi na in 2006. He is the p_ of all the Chin ese. We arep_ of him. 226. I like all the subjects e_En glish. 227. The childre n practice_游泳 in the aft

41、er noon. 228. There will_ 有 a_ (家长)meeti ng n ext Sun day. 229. Scie nee is my favorite s_. 230. This morni ng Iw_ up early, but I got up late. 231. I_ 借 him some mon ey. But he forgotto give it back to me. 232. Tom was_骑车 along the road whe n a car cameacross and hit him. 233. -What s wrong with yo

42、ur MP4?-lt is b_ . 234. Afterwe had a pic nic, we_ 开始 to sing and dan ce. 235. The driver d_ sofast that he couldn t stop his ceir causing an accident. 236. Mr. Smith works in anoffice. He c_ No 3 Bus to work. 237. The robbers were c_ by thepolice a week after they robbed the bank. 238. The wi nd b_

43、so stro nglyyesterday. 239. The house in which we live now was_ 修 建 100 years ago. Thekey to 单词拼写专项 070606-中考定心丸/速效救心丸 1-10 seasons autumn century quartermissed mon ths best winner colors busier careless Christmas 11-20 cin ema citiescloud/clouds coldest driest concert dan gerous date twelfth dead h

44、ome 21-30 exam/exam in ation famous farther fed fifth flyi ng forests free married happier 31-40 happily healthy healthhealthily healthier heavily yourselves worse inven ted invited/asked 41-50 April laugh smilebetter less lucky Luckily mean meaning ninth no rtheast souther n prese nts twen tieth 51-60quicker quickly radios ready remember reply/ an swer report ring goodbye sin ger slowly 61-70sen d/show snowy sounds south strong subjects sunnier/finer taste Thou


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