



1、SubjectEn glishGrade 3teacherTimeProjectModule6 What do you do on Sun days?Teach ingmaterialThe third grade 2 of New sta ndard En glish (Start ing point of grade three).Thisun it revolves around“Sun day after noon,Sam playfootball on road to meet the Dami ngs cous in Dalin (he is a taxi driver),two

2、peoplewalk ing while talki ng about their activities inSun day. .The tense is the basis of whole un it.Teach ing aims1. Kno wledge objects: (1)words: do , Sun day, swim ming, goswim mingeat, in , sleep , watch , watch TV(2)Se ntence patter n: What do you do on Sun days/i n the morning/in theafter no

3、on?I.2. Ability objects: Be able to use the sentence to life.3.Moral objects:To helpstude ntsto establisha strongself-c on fide nee;To cultivate stude nts ability to think in En glish;Ability to com muni cate in En glish.Teach ingkey anddifficultyTeach ingfocus:Lear ningword: do,Sun day,swim ming,go

4、swimmi ng ,eat ,i n , sleep ,watch ,watch TV;Teaching difficulties:Be able to use What do you do on Sundays/inthemorning/intheafter noon?I . to life.Teach ingmethod(1). Methods of en courageme nt;(2). Visual teach ing method;(3). Game competiti on method;Teach ingpreparatio nTextbook、chalk、teachi ng

5、 cards一、Warm up1、GreetingsT: Class begi ns .Sta nd up. Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning,teacher.Teach ing stepT: Sit down, please. My names Yang Shan .You can callme Miss Yang.2、Do and sayplay football,play basketball, play table tennis, do morning exercises, go swimming go skipping, r

6、iding a bike (PPT展示以上图 片,师生共同做动作。)3、show the word cardswimmi ng go swimmi ngfootballplay footballbike ride abike重点教读动词。)二、leadinT:I ride a bike on Mon days Do you ride a bike on Mon days?若学生回答Yes, I do.继续问下一个学生。直到出现No, Ido nt.T: What do you do on Mondays?板书,点读,请学生试着跟读。请学生回答问题。T: What does the dog do

7、 on Mon days?引出活动一,Liste n.回答问题,利用单词卡片学习eat。Liste n and repeat.出示单词卡片Sun day点读,学习SundaysT:What do you do on Sundays?覆盖Mon days引导学生回答。I_.T:We have no classes on Sunday.We can go outside and do exercise. It is goodfor our health.三、Presentation1、PPT展示Sam和Dali n交谈的图片,认识Dal in后,T:They do some sportson Su

8、n days too.Lets listenpoint find“What do you do?”请学生说找出的句子后点读。(感知in the morning ,in the after noon)2、再次听,回答问题。If you are SamWhat do you do on Sun days?引导学生回答。If you are Dal in. What do you do in the morning?What do you do in the after noon?利用单词卡片学习sleep和watch TV4、Listenand repeat(注意模仿语音语调)分角色朗读。四、Practice1、Sing the son gsome2、学以致用跟跟看。PPT展示练习内容,请学生回答后点读。再次模仿五、HomeworkSaturdaySundayNamein the morn ingin the afte rnoonin the morn ingin the afte rnoonBlackboarddes


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