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1、第 1 页共 10 页第2页共 10 页2018-2019学年第一学期九年级第一次月考试卷英 语一.选择填空(30 分)1. Germany is_ European country and Korea is_ Asian country.A.a n,a n B.a,aC.a,a nD. an ,a2. I discovered that liste ning to_ is the secret_ Ian guage lear ning.A.somethi ng in tresti ng, toB.i nteresti ng someth ing, toC.somethi ng in tere

2、sted, ofD.i nterested someth ing of3.1did n k now_he will come or not.A .that B .whether C .weather D .where4. Tom decided_ in China.A. travelB. traveli ng C. to travel D. traveled5. Quji ng is one of_in Yunnan,and has attracted many people livng and work ing here.A.the largest city B.the largest ci

3、ties C.the larger cities D.l arger city6. She said she had some trouble_ her homework.A. fin ishB. fin ishi ngC. to fin ishD. fini she7. Mrs Zhang advised us_ the math problem in ano ther way.A.to solveB.solvi ngC.creati ng D.to creat8. Joh n said nothing could stop him_ his dream.A.to achieve B.fro

4、m coming true C.from achieve D.from achieving9. Jenny does not know where_ on Nati onal Day.A. to goB. goingC. goesD. will go10. I spe nd some time_ n ewspaper every day.A. readB. read ingC. to read D. on read11. _you work harder ,you will not pass the exam in atio n .A. Un tilB .IfC. TillD. U nless

5、12. Whe n you meet a new word,you can_ in a dicti on ary.A.look it up B.look it on C.look it overDook it through13. It s Sunday today. What about_the mountains?A. to climb B. climbC. climbi ng D. climbed14. _ bad weather it is!Lets stay at home and watch TV.A.How B.What C.How a D.What a15. We cant w

6、ork out the physics problem. Can you tell us_?A. how to do B. what to do it C. how to do it D. what should to do16.If you practice_English every morning, you will improve it quickly.A. to read B. read ing C. readD. be read ing17What about going out for a pic nic this after noon?Well, it all_ the wea

7、ther.A.bel ongs toB.happe ned to C.depe nds onD.pays atte nti on to18. Can you spare time to come to our Than ksgi ving party?Well, I don t knowA. that I can finish my work by the nB. if can I finish the work by the nC. whether I can finish the work by thenD. that can I finish the work by then19._ -

8、Lets go to the amuseme nt park if it_ tomorrow.-But no body knows if it_tomorrow.A.won rain,rains B.doesnrain,rains C.doesntrain,will rain D.won rain,will rain20 Why not listen to BBC news to improve your listening skills?It _s_ difficult for me _follow.A. too; to B. so; thatC. such; that D. so; too

9、21. Youd better_here_the heavy rai n.A.not to leave;because B.not leave;because C.not leave;because of D. not to leave;because of22. We will have two family parties this autumn. One is at Halloween and_ is at Thanksgiving.A. otherB. the other C. ano therD. the others23. Have you found the poor dog y

10、et?Yes. But he wa_whe n we found him. The bad weather killed him.A. dyingB. died C. deadD. die24. _of the stude nts in his class is fifty-six._ of stude nts are from the coun tryside.A.The nu mber;A nu mberB. The nu mber;The nu mberC. A nu mber;The nu mber D.A nu mber; A nu mber25. After work ing he

11、r way around the world, Annie en ded up_ En glish as a foreig n Ian guage.A. teach B. taughtC. teach ing D. to teach26. The policema n warned us_ football on the street.A.don play B.not to play C.not playD.not playi ng27. We should pay atte nti on to_our en vir onment.A. protectB. protecti ngC. prot

12、ectedD. will protect28. Paul made a nice cage_ the little sick bird till it could fly.A.keepB.keptC. keep ing D. to keep29. Her son_ Coke,but now he_milk.A.used to drink; is used to drinkingB. used to drinking; drinksC. is used to drinking; used to drinkD. is used to drin k;is drinking30. The old ma

13、n didntell us_.A. where does he live B. where he lives C. where did he live D. where he lived第3页共 10 页第 4 页共 10 页完型填空 (15 分)Jack was a hard-work ing stude nt whe n young but he had some big problems. He used to beshy before his classmates. So he had 31 frie nds at school. Bob was a new stude nt in h

14、is class. Allthe stude nts were soon familiar 熟悉的)with him and got on well with him 32 Jack.One day, some boys put some money into Jack s bag and Bob 假装 ertdedaVe33his mon ey. Of course, they found the money in 34bag at last.Jack felt shameful (可耻的) 35 he could not say anything about it. Soon his cl

15、assmates calledhim a thief and 36_ him in the school. His teachers also 37 that and called his pare nts to the school,too. Just the n. Bob stood out and helped Jack make everything 38.From that day, Jack and Bob 39 good frie nds. Bob ofte n took Jack to take part in manyactivities and Jack became ou

16、tgo ing. Bob was weak in En glish and Jack ofte n helped him 40 it.Now Jack became the monitor in his class, and he had more friends. He enjoyed the nice frien dshipand the school life.()31. A. manyB. fewC. severalD.new()32. A. aga in stB. likeC. exceptD.for()33. A. lostB. wastedC. fou ndD.made()34.

17、 A. yourB. theirC. BobsD.Jack s()35. A. butB. ifC.sinceD.uni ess()36. A. agreed withB. laughed atC. dealt withD. got excited about()37. A. allowedB. facedC. developedD. believed()38. A. clearB. easyC. hardD.won derful()39. A. greetedB. metC.becameD. loved()40. A. toB. i nC. byD. with三. 阅读理解 (30 分)AT

18、he London HomeA cen ter for people withAIDSThe London Home gives loveand care, but money is always needed.111/11 ButeRoad, LondonTel: 0171-792 1200Do you want to join our group atour weekly meetings and help tomake our world safer and cleaner?Can you save a few hours a weekto hand out informationbro

19、chures? WORLDWATCHERSNeeds you!Write to: The Information OfficePO BOX 379 GD30 6QAAt Soluti ons we teach peoplehow to help themselves. Inparts of Africa and India wehave helped the poor a lot.Now they have hope for abetter life.Solutio nsFinding soluti ons to help thepoor.Call 0044-173 654 242742. W

20、ith the help of_ , people can learn how to help themselves.A. Solutions B. The London Homes C. Worldwatchers D. The Information Office43. If a pers on with AIDS wants to get help, he can_.A. go to the In formation Office B. call 0040-173 654 2427C. post to PO BOX 379 GD30 6QA D. write to 111/11 Bute

21、 Road, LondonBThe aim(目的) of students who come to school is to study. But to study needs a right way or youwaste either the time or the money. The followings are the ways of studying.The best time for reading is morning, because in the morning the air is fresh and the mind isclear. For that reason w

22、e can get a good result.In studying we must have patienee. If we have not known a text well, we must read it again. Weshould not read the next one till we have learned the first one.When we are studying, we must put our hearts into the book or we can get nothing from thebook while we are read ing.We

23、 must always ask“ whys” . If it is not well understerod it down and ask our teachersorour pare nts or frie nds. In any possible way, we must know it completely and what weve lear nedcan be used well and made better.Though there are many ways for study ing yet the above men ti oned will be quite eno

24、ugh if wecan keep them in heart and do so.44. The stude nts come to school_ .A. to meet his / her classmates B. to do some read ing C. to studyD. to breathe some fresh air45. When we are study ing, we must_.A. have patieneeB. read the book carefully C. ask“whys” often do all the above46. The passage

25、 tells us to read in the morning because_.A. we have a nice voice the n B. our mind is clearC. we can read it aga in in the after noon or eve ningD. we can ask our teachers, pare nts or frie nds questi ons in the morning47. The best title of this passage is_ .A. When to Study B. Where to Study C. Wh

26、at to Study D. How to StudyCYou have heard of Webster Toys. Webster has made good, safe and in teresti ng toys for morethan a hundred years. We sell them, and children play with them in different countries from Australiato Can ada, from Japa n to Italy. Now we are look ing for some one to sell our t

27、oys in theFar East. He must be between the age of thirty and forty. He must have some years of experience of41. Worldwatchers is a cen ter for_ .A. searching information B. watching games C. finding solutions D. helping people with AIDSEast.第4页共 10 页第 4 页共 10 页selli ng toys in world markets. He can

28、speak good En glish and at least one other Ian guage of theFar第5页共 10 页第 6 页共 10 页The person we are looking for will live in India and work there in our office, but he will travel forabout six mon ths in a year in other coun tries and above all, he must know how to sell in our oldmarkets and where t

29、o find new ones. He must know how to make more money than ever before, fohimself and for Webster.Webster wants some on e who can sta nd on his own feet. If you think you are the right pers onwe are look ing for, please write to Mr. Roger Bradshaw at our headquarter 总 部).48. You can most probably rea

30、d this passage_.A. in a book B. in a dict ionaryC. in a n ewspaper D. in a novel49. Webster isA. a kind of good, safe and interesting toys B. a company that makes and sells toys for childrenC. a pers on who lives in In dia and speaks good En glish D. a pers on who makes toys for children50. Webster

31、writes this passage because_.A. they n eed a pers on who can sell more toys for themB. they need a person who comes from the Far EastC. they need a person who can make more toys for themD. they n eed a pers on who knows childre n very well51. The underlined sentencewho can stand on his own feet mean

32、s_ .A. who can sit dow n or lie dow n B. who has no thi ng wrong with his feetC. who can do his bus in ess all by himselfD. who stand all the time when he is workingDLearn to relax. Overwork is the main reason why so many students feel tired and stressed. Cutdown some of the jobs you need to do each

33、 day so that you only do the most important things. Leavetime for activities that are relaxing and fun. This might mean reading a good book, listening to themusic, going for a walk or tak ing a relax ing bath.Get a good ni ght sleep. Gett ing eno ugh sleep will help you keep your body and mind in th

34、ebest form. If you stay up late and n eed to get up early for school the n ext day, you may not be ableto concen trate on the thi ngs you n eed to do.Exercise regularly(有 规律的)and eat well. Don rush through you meals. Eat less junk food orfast food. Eat healthy food in stead.Get to know pleasant peop

35、le. Some people are optimistic , while other are not. Choose optimisticpeople as your friends and spend more time with them and yo be as happy as them.Learn to be calm when you face any problem, find out the best option from those that are in yourmi nd. Knowing that you are able to solve problems is

36、 a good way to build up your self-c on fide nee.Have a happy attitude 态度).Your attitude decides the way you see thi ngs. Is your cup half fullor half empty? Lear n to thi nk more positively(积极地)about the difficulties you meet.52. Whats the main idea of this article?A. Don work or study hard.B. What

37、kind of relax ing activities is the most useful?C. Getti ng eno ugh sleep, exercis ing regularly are very importa nt.D. How to feel relaxed and happy un der the stress of study and work.53. The work optimistic ” in Chinese means_ .A.主动的B.认真的C.乐观的D.健康的54. To be away from worries, which idea is NOT me

38、n ti on ed 提 及)in the article?A. Going to a doctor for help B. Finding time to do the favorite thin gs.C. Getting a good nights sleep. D. Having an active attitude of life.55. According to the writer, you should regard your half empty cup” as_ if you have a happyattitude.A. a cupB. half fullC. empty

39、 D. half empty四.情景交际。(共 10 分)从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话。有两项多余选项。A: Hello, Steve n. What are you doing for your summer vacatio n?B: I llfly to Chengdu to visit my grandparentsthe day after tomorrow.A:56B: Oh no, not at all.A: Flying is quick, isn tit?B: Yes. 57Whats more, itsofte n delayed 延误)and alwayscrowded.

40、A: But it convenient and comfortable.B: I don th ink so. While in the pla ne, you can walk around or ope n the win dows. By the way, theseats are un comfortable. There is not much choiceA:58B: It eve n worse. It takes hours to get out of the airport and into the city.A: Then you prefer travelli ng b

41、y train, don t you?B: Yeah. 59 They are cheaper, safer, and more comfortable. If you miss a train, you can alwayscatch ano ther one later.A: But trains are much slower tha n pla nes.B:60 Besides, today s high-speed rail is also fast and comfortable.A: How s the food there?B: I don t think that speed

42、 is everything!C: What s your pla n?D: Trai ns are much better tha n pla nes.E: What happe ns whe n the pla ne Ian ds?F: Do you like travelli ng by pla ne?G: But you have to wait for hours before the planetakes off.第6页共 10 页第 6 页共 10 页A: I agree with you. Have a good time! B: Thank you very much.of

43、food and there are not eno ugh toilets.第 7 页共 10 页第8页共 10 页第二卷(非选择题)五任务型完型填空。(共 10 分)阅读下面的短文,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使文意通顺,结构正确。(每个单词 限用一次)as be dangerous between other stop just when something differeneeSharks have been around for a very long time. It means they have been on earth for thousand:of years, an

44、d have cha nged little. A shark is a fish, but it has many 61 from a fish. For example, if ashark 62 swimming, it will sink(下沉).There are 63200 and 250 kinds of sharks in differe nt size. The largest can be_64long as 15 meters. Sharks feed on fish, 65 sea ani mals, or smaller sharks. It is said that

45、 one of themost 66 sharks is the Great White Shark. They have attacked(攻击)a number of people off thebeaches of America. Australia, New Zealand and South Africa also have shark attacks. In someplaces there 67 watchtowers on the beach to warn people about sharks in the water. 68 a sharkappears, a bell

46、 rings to tell people to get out of the water. Sharks attack about 100 people a year inAmerica. Perhaps the shark 69 thinks that the pers on is a kind of sea ani mal, or 70 good to eat!六任务型阅读(10 分)Time spe nt in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a good shop, no assista nt will come neato you

47、 and say, Can I help you? ” You neednbuy anything you don want. You may just try to findout where the book you want is and read it. But if you fail, the assistant will lead you there and thenhe will go away.It seems that he is not interested in selling any books at all.There is a story which tells u

48、s about a good shop. A medical stude nt found a very useful book inthe shop. But it was too expe nsive for him to buy. He could nget it from the school library, either.So every after noon, he went there to read a little at a time. One day, however, he could n find thebook from its usual place and wa

49、s leaving when he saw an assistant signing to him. To his ,the assista nt poin ted to the book in the corn er. I put it there so that it could n be soldout,” said the assistant. Then he left, and the student went on with his reading.71. 将文中处画线句子翻译成汉语。72. 将文中处画线句子改写为同义句。(每空限填一词)。But the book was_ exp

50、e nsive_ he couldtiafford it.73. 根据短文内容,在文中处填入一个恰当的词。74. Where was the book that the stude nt was look ing for?75. What do you think of the assistant? _七用所给词的适当形式填空(20 分)76. The more you eat,the_ (fat) you will be.77. Let s get the(pronounce) right when I read English.78. I suggest_ (go )out to eat.

51、79. Whe n the guest en tered the hall,Mr White stood up and greeted him_ (polite)80. She is very_ (please) to see her husba nd.81.1study En glish by_ (ask) the teacher for help.82.1practice speak ing En glish every day to improve my_ (speak) En glish.83.1have to finis_(read) a book and give a report n ext Mon day.84.


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