北师大版高中英语必修二 Unit 5 Revision (共39张PPT)_第1页
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1、Ive seen this_a thousand times,Ive felt this all before,And every time you _,Ive waited there as though you might not call at all.I know this_Im wearing now,Ive seen this with my eyes,And though it feels so great Im still afraid,That youll be leaving _placecallfaceanytimeLesson 1 Performance: Alanis

2、-A True Performer(Language Focus:Grammar-adverbial clauses)Lesson 2 Beijing Opera (Skill Focus: listening for understanding)Lesson 3 Experiment in Folk(Language Focus:Grammar-adverbial clauses)Lesson 4 Lets Dance(Skill Focus: reading-making contextual connections) 快速识记快速识记1. _ (n. ) 奖,奖品奖,奖品 _ 因因而获奖

3、而获奖 (vt. ) 授予授予, 颁颁 (奖奖) _ 授予某人某物授予某人某物2. _ ( adj. ) 极端的极端的, 非常的非常的 _ ( adv. ) 极端地极端地, 非常地非常地awardwin an award for sth.award sth. to sb.=award sb. sth.extremeextremely 3. _ ( vt. & vi. ) 停止停止; 辞职辞职 ( _ , _ 或或 _ , _ ) _ 停止(做)某事停止(做)某事 4. _ ( vt. ) 转换转换, 转化转化 _ 把把变成变成 5. _ ( vt. ) 创造创造, 发明发明; 创作创作

4、_ (n. ) 创造创造 _ ( adj. ) 有创造力的有创造力的, 创创造性的造性的 _( n. ) 创造力创造力 quit quitquitquittedquittedquit (doing) sth.transformtransformintocreatecreationcreativecreativity6. _ (n. )效果效果, 作用作用_ ( adj. ) 有有效果的效果的, 起作用的起作用的; _ 对对有影响有影响 _ 因果因果 _ 开始生效开始生效7. _ ( vt. ) 使失望使失望(let sb.down) _ ( adj. ) 失望的失望的 _ ( adj. ) 令

5、人失望的令人失望的 effecteffectivehave an effect oncause and effectcome into effectdisappointdisappointeddisappointing_ (n. ) 失望失望_ 对对. 感到失望感到失望 _ 使某人失望的是使某人失望的是8. _ ( vt. )表演表演; 做做; 完成完成; 进行进行; 执行执行_ (n. ) 表演表演; 演奏演奏; 表现表现; 执行执行 _ (n. ) 表演者表演者disappointmentbe disappointed with/at sth.to ones disappointmentp

6、erformperformanceperformer _ 做实验做实验/(医生)动手术(医生)动手术9. _ (n. ) 基地基地, 基础基础; ( vt. ) 以以为基为基础础 (依据依据) _ ( adj. ) 基本的基本的, 基础的基础的 _以以为基础为基础10. _ (n. ) 才干才干; 天才天才_ ( adj. ) 有天赋的有天赋的, 天才的天才的 _ 有有天赋天赋 perform an experiment/an operationbasebasicbe based on sth.talenttalentedhave a talent/gift for11. _ (n. ) 能能

7、 (量量) , 力力 (量量) _ ( adj. ) 强大的强大的, 有力的有力的12. _ ( vt. ) 使使 (人人) 印象深刻印象深刻_ (n. ) 印象印象 _ 以以给某人留下印象给某人留下印象 _ 对对有深刻印象有深刻印象 _ 给某人留下深刻的印象给某人留下深刻的印象13. _ ( vt. ) (使使) 结合结合, (使使) 联合联合powerpowerfulimpressimpressionimpress sb.with sth.be impressed withmake/leave a deep impression on bine _ (n. ) 联合联合, 结合结合 _把把

8、和和结合起来结合起来 _与与结合结合/联合联合14. _ ( vt. ) 代表代表_ (adj. ) 有代表性的有代表性的, 典型的典型的; (n. ) 代表代表15. _( vt. ) 重新发现重新发现_ (n. ) 重新发现重新发现16. _ ( vt. ) 允许允许, 许可许可; (n. ) 许可证许可证 _ (n. ) 允许允许, 许可许可 representcombinationcombinewithin combination withrepresentativerediscoverrediscoverypermitpermission17. _ (vi. ) 反应反应 _ (n.

9、 ) 反应反应18. _ ( adj. ) 有责任的有责任的, 应负责任的应负责任的 _ (n. ) 负责负责, 责任责任 _ 对对负责负责 _ 承担承担责任责任reactreactionresponsibleresponsibilitybe responsible fortake responsibility for回归课本回归课本Read Lesson 1 Performance quickly.Make a summary in your own words. Alanis, a Canadian singer and song writer, is a real superstar.

10、Jagged Little Pill, which 1. _(publish) in 1995, made her world famous. Last Thursday night, 2. _ (hundred) of her fans saw her perform in the Corn Exchange in Cambridge, England. Her song “Uninvited” won this years Grammy Award for the best rock song. was publishedhundreds It was 3. _ (extreme) col

11、d that night, but the audience were enthusiastic. During the concert, she 4. _ (play) a few songs from her new album and gave a 5. _ (create) and powerful performance in another song “Utopia”. extremelyplayedcreative In 6. _of the cold weather, 7. _ (impress) by Morissettes brilliant music and singi

12、ng, the people present 8. _excited. At the end of the 9. _ (perform) , she ended the evening 10. _ a new song about the life of a superstar. spiteimpressedwereperformancewith联系学测联系学测语法填空题的考点:语法填空题的考点: 以各种词形变换为重点,如名词复数、动以各种词形变换为重点,如名词复数、动词第三人称单数、动词过去式和过去分词、词第三人称单数、动词过去式和过去分词、动名词、分词等,形式的准确尤为重要。动名词、分词等

13、,形式的准确尤为重要。 考点范围较广泛,覆盖到我们所学过的词考点范围较广泛,覆盖到我们所学过的词法和句法。法和句法。1)词法:2)句法:1.提示词是动词提示词是动词v谓语动词?(时态、语态)v非谓语动词?(现在分词?过去分词?不定式?动名词?)v变成adj.或n.v变否定vHer father spoke at her memorial service 61. _(tell) the crowd that aside from songs recorded in June, she still has some songs 62. have not yet been published. He

14、 declared that the family would take some time 63. (organize) them. tellingwhichto organizevThe memorial service yesterday in Shenzhen 64. _ (attend) by her family, Chinese singer Liu Huan and Na Ying, her coach on the Voice of China.vAlibaba, often 61. (refer) to as American eBay and Amazon, now ha

15、s 100 million visitors every day. was attendedreferredvIt really made me feel 63._ (embarrass), because to be honest, I thought the purse was ugly!vThe Oolong, green and black 69. _(vary) are most notable for their high quality. embarrassedvarieties2. 提示词是形容词提示词是形容词vLimited resources meant it was di

16、fficult to learn English when Ma Yun was much 63. (young) .v 66._ (fortunate), the crowd of people missed the chance of making their fortune and went home with nothing. youngerUnfortunately3.提示词是名词、数词、代词提示词是名词、数词、代词vYao had already become 68. _ (fame) for herself singing theme songs for hit televisi

17、on shows like Legend of Zhen Huan 69. and Feng Xiaogangs film 1942. vThousands of fans and local 65._ (city) gathered to pay tribute to(公开赞扬和感谢) the singers life.famouscitizensvI remember when it was my 63._ (twelve) birthday, my parents bought me a purple purse.vAll in all, every student should beh

18、ave 70. (he) and keep away from violence.twelfthhimself4.没有提示词的没有提示词的v I think 70. hard to buy clothes or other personal things for people. ”vHer wide vocal range (音域)and perfect techniques won the hearts of the judges, and also those of 70. public.vExperts hope the whole society pay more attention

19、61. the mental health of adolescents. itthetovYao was diagnosed with breast cancer 66. _she was 30. vNowadays, school violence is 62. _hot issue. I think this is a phenomenon, 63. _calls for our great concern.vChildren learn violent behavior from adults or from 68. _they see on television or on the

20、Internet. whenawhichwhat(2015河南语法填空) Yangshuo, China It was raining lightly when I 61._(arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn. But I didnt care. A few hours 62. _, Id been at home in Hong Kong, with 63. _(it) choking smog. Here, the air was clean and fresh, even with the rain. 真题再现真题再现Aarrivedbefore/

21、earlierits Id skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River 64._are pictured by artists in so many Chinese 65._(painting). Instead, I d head straight for Yangshuo. For those who fly to Guilin, its only an hour away 66._ car and

22、offers all the scenery of the better-known city. which/thatpaintingsby Yangshuo 67._ (be) really beautiful. A study of travelers 68._(conduct) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world. And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for peo

23、ple in Asia. isconducted Abercrombie & Kent, a travel company in Hong Kong, says it 69._ (regular) arranges quick getaways here for people 70._(live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.regularlylivingB(2014年辽宁语法填空) Jonny: Hey! Im just practicing Tai Chi(太极). Would you like to join me? Peter: I know nothi

24、ng about it. Is it difficult? Jonny: It seems easy, but you need a lot of practice. You just follow me like this. Peter: OK. Dont laugh 61. _ me. I may look funny.at Jonny: Bend your knees slightly and reach out your arms like tree branches, naturally and 62._ (soft). Try to keep your body straight. Move slowly, then


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