



1、Since thee ducati onalpracti ceofthe ma ss line ofthe party,himselfseriouslyi n thee ducation, practi calcontr olce ntral" eightrules"a ndopposi ng "the fourwi nds" and practi cing"three S uns",a nd checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu, i de ology,soli cit o pini ons based on out

2、standingprobl ems checke dsw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Willnow checkre portis a sfollow s: first,adherence tot heparty's politi caldi sci pline , eight in t he centralpr ovision, cha nge thestyle oftheba sic situationof1,in compliancewit hthe party's political discipli nes.Consc

3、ientiouslyabide bythe party' s politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rulesand regulations of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation ofthe party'spoliticaldisci pli neprob

4、lems.2,in t he impleme ntat ion ofthecentralauthor itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Impr oving rese arch,improvi ng research methods,butt hereare less grass -root sunit s,primaryfirst-hand an i nade quategrasp ofthe probl em,whi ch ist obestre ngthe ned int he future.Second,construction,strictly in accor

5、 dancewith t he provi sionstostreamli neand improvet hequality ofmeetingsoftheConference.T hird,stream liningfile briefs, cultureinvolve sallaspects ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimesduetothe practical nee ds of inventio n notifications, thi sareanee ds furt hertthhee aprreinacuipnledeorfdseimvepll

6、oifpiementenvird EIA ofconstrounctmient.Aollnadpmroinjie cts istrnattihveerleagwienfoonr.cIenmteerntmsdeoflapnda,rtlmi ennktesdtotoat hppeoiimntplaefmuell nt-attiimone opferusrobnnelstaatin a nd ruornaeld icnoanrsetarusctiondlaendidinccatreeadsteo a coordinantid dencgreandassoe,lvriengpplarcemeontbl

7、inedmiscaat ssocoiratsefdorpwriith buorsiityareanesspsres ionjethict.sCsheargesc,toinr.t Whentohtehre preojaerectssubofstwaanttiear,lielectrissue s,csiety,catorleadminisdtreartsivaerrangcehardgetso apersonnadlpreferleyinternvteianlep,oinlicie -sp.eInrstohne,ianr-epaersoonftaxation,paunsdh tsaenttgli

8、e ble aread ibnuailrea dingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,nedaitssy li prnode.ucTtioofnurthecrormedpuacney,awithi nd sntan5dyaeradris aftezretahdeministraticveomexpalemtiionnationoaffiscalincnednativepsptrooevalnitteemrpsr,isseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintia onnacindanpgp,rionvtaelglriation ofnlaksn,di,mta

9、pxr,finaove efficienncciya;laacconrd otherrdeisnogutro t hec.e.s,and constru ct "Gover nmentcredit+ busi ness credit" credit system,establ ishme ntofmarketization, commercialization andmoderni zation oftheinve stment andfina nci ngplatform;effective Bank-enterpri se docki ng,e ncourages pr

10、ivatecapital intothe Park,torai seindustry devel opmentfund.5, optimizetheenvironment a nd servicei ndustries.To create"policy lowlands, Highla nds,integrity ofserviceland, developme ntland" asthegoal,to optimize第二部分企业人力资源管理师(三级)第一章人力资源规划一、单项选择题(请将正确答案的序号填写在括号内,每小题只有一个正确答案1 .狭义的人力资源规划实质上是(

11、) 。A.企业人力资源永久开发规划B.企业组织变革与组织发展规划c.企业人力资源制度改革规划D.企业各类人员需求的补充规划D2 .人力资源规划在整个人力资源管理活动中占有() 。A. 一般地位 B.特殊地位 c.重要地位 D.突出地位C3 .岗位分析为企业员工的考核、晋升提供了() 。A.坚实基础 B.必要条件 c.基本依据 D.必要前提C4 .岗位分析的最终成果是制定出工作说明书和() 。A.培训制度 B.岗位规范 c.工资制度 D.考勤制度B5 . ( )能使员工完成任务的内容、形式和手段发生变化。A.建工作小组 B.工作丰富化 c.工作扩大化 D.岗位轮换C6 .岗位设计工作的内容不包括

12、() 。A.扩大工作内容 B.员工工作满负荷c.劳动环境优化D.劳动关系的改善D7 .人力资源管理的基础工作是() 。A.人力资源计划 B.人员培训C.劳动定员定额 D.人员分析C8 .设置岗位的基本原则是() 。treamlining.Fourare standar dvisits,except asrequire d to participatein traini ng, no ot hera ctivity.Fivei sto impr ovenew sreporting,for propaganda workstri ctlyaccording tot he regul ations.

13、Six isstri ctly your presentationpublishedstrictlyaccording to t he reg ulations.Seven isstrictlythrift,required the use ofvehicles and officespaceand corporatehospitality.3, change thestyle.Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalwork ofthenew situati on a nd new requirements ofthe newtasks,ha ddonea lot of fr

14、uitfulwork,hasma de many a chieveme nts, butfurther closer to the grass r oots,cl ose t o reality, close tothe masses andalso ina dequate innovation mustcontinuetoimpr ove.Sec ond,the "fourwinds" some outstanding issues 1, opposeformalism.Onethe ory ist hathe didn't,with le ss closecon

15、tact. Theoreticalst udy ofconsciousne ssis not highenough, system perform ancei s notstrong enough;more passivelear ning,active learni ng fewgeneralitiesand learn more,delvi ng into less.heparty's politi caldi sci pline , eight in t he centralpr ovision, chaparty's politicaldiscipli nes.Cons

16、cientiouslyabidebythe party' s politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rulesand regulations of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation ofthe party'spoliticaldisci pli neprob

17、lems.2,in t he impleme ntat ion ofthecentralaut hor itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Impr oving rese arch,improvi ng research methods,butt hereare less grass -root sunit s,primaryfirst-hand an i nade quategrasp ofthe probl em,whi ch ist obestre ngthe ned int he future.Second,construction,strictly in acco

18、r dancewith t he provi sionstostreamli neand improvet hequality ofmeetingsoftheConference.T hird,stream liningfile briefs, cultureinvolve sallaspects ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimesduetothe practical nee ds of inventio n notifications, thi sareanee ds furt herA. 因人设岗B. 因事设岗C.按领导意愿设岗D.因企业结构设岗9.根据

19、生产总量核算定员人数属于(A. 按设备定员B.按岗位定员C.按劳动效率定员D. 按比例定员C10 . ()被称为是企业的“宪法”。A.企业管理制度B.技术规范C.企业基本制度D.行为规范C11 .()是企业人力资源管理制度规划的基本原则。A.共同发展原则B.学习与创新并重 C.适合企业特点D.保持动态性原则A12 .不属于审核人力资源费用预算基本要求的是() 。A.确保人力资源费用预算的合理性B.确保人力资源费用预算的收益性。C.确保人力资源费用预算的准确性D.确保人力资源费用预算的可比性B13 .战略规划与战术计划的统一在企业中体现的是() 。A.狭义的人力资源B.广义的人力资源c.人力资源

20、设计D.人力资源规划B14 .人力资源规划长期的计划是()年以上。A. 5 B. 6 C. 8D. 1015 .战略规划是企业人力资源具体计划的() ,是事关全局的关键性规划。A.组织 B.核心C.制度D.规章)规划。16 .企业整体框架设计可称为(A. 制度 B. 规章C.核心D. 组织Since thee ducati onalpracti ceofthe ma ss line ofthe party,himnfoonrs.ceIelnfmtseeernrtmiodsuesolfylain tpnhade,rtlemiennktdesudtctoaotaiton, praphcpetioi

21、imntplaecfmuaelllconnttr-attiimntral" eightrules"a ndopposi ng "the fourwinds" andg practivuns",a nd checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu, ide.ology,soli cit o pinui ons based on outustand,ingprobldsw ing, careful a nalysichgeckre portis au sfollowggs: first,adgher,enceytotnge thestyl

22、e oftheba sic situationof1,inmentcre dit+ busi ness credit" cre dit system,establ ishme ntofmarketization, commercialization andmoderni zation oftheinve stment andfina nci ngplatform;effective Bank-enterpri se docki ng,e ncourages privatecapital intothe Park,torai seindustry devel opmentfund.5,

23、 optimizetheenvironment a nd servicei ndustries.To create"policy lowlands, Highla nds,integrity ofserviceland, devel opme ntland" asthegoa l,to optimize17 .企业人力资源管理()是人力资源总体目标实现的重要保证。A.规章制度B.制度规划c.核心规划D.组织规划B18 . ( )是对企业人员总量、构成、流动的整体规划。A.人力规划B.人员规划C.资源劳动力D.市场劳动力B19 .人力资源费用预算、核算、审核、结算,以及人力资

24、源费用控制称为() 。A.费用计划B.人员规划C.费用规划D.费用管理C20 .人力资源规划又被称为人力资源() 。A.管理活动的确定B.管理活动的规划C.管理活动的准备 D.管理活动的纽带D21 .人力资源是企业内最活跃的因素,人力资源规划是企业规划中起()作用的规划。A.战略性 B.决定性 C.根本性 D.关键性B22 .劳动规范、岗位规则、岗位标准又称为() 。A.岗位要求B.岗位规范 C.岗位培训D.岗位员工规范B23 .工作说明书是以岗位的()为中心,对岗位的内涵进行深入分析。A.事和物 B.物和规范C.要求和职责D.设计和规范24.准备阶段的具体任务是() 、 建立联系、设计岗位调

25、查的方案,规定调查的范围、对象和方法。A. 了解情况B.明确目标C.明确方向D. 了解任务A25.岗位的存在是为了实现特定的任务和目标服务的,岗位增加、调整和合并都必须以s 1, opposeformali sm.Onethe ory ist hathe didn't,with le ss closecontact. Theoreticalst udy ofconsciousne ssis not highenough, system perform ancei s notstrong enough;more pa ssivelear ning,active le arni ng fe

26、wgeneralities and learn mor e,delvi ng int o less.treamlining.Fourare standar dvisits,except asre quire d to participatein traini ng, no ot hera ctivity.Fivei sto impr ovenew sreporting,f or propaganda workstri ctlyaccor ding tot he regul ations.Six isstri ctly your presentationpublishedstrictlyacco

27、r ding to t he reg ulations.Seven isstrictlythrift,required the use ofvehicles and office spaceand corporatehospitality.3, change the style.Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork ofthenew situati on a nd new requirement s ofthe newtasks,ha ddonea l ot of fruitfulwork ,hasma de many a chieveme nts, butfur

28、ther cl oser to t he grass r oots,cl ose t o reality, close to themasse s andalso ina deq uate innovationmustEspeciallyba sed onrationalthi nking on majorissues,ahespirit andessenceofthe.-1.1 一1.1. -d a lot ofpower,scientificOutlookondevelbutn otang ible results.T hird,nt, did nottrulyachieve master

29、of motivation.Emancipationdid notend,innovatin does notexist.y,to appl y,to acertain extent,affect thedevel- L, , II-_ ILJologi calw ork isthe objective,w hich needst okeept he conti nuity efforts deL I 一一 . 一 一 . I 一.I 一 . I 一eol ogicalw orkundert he newsituationthrough,grid, butstressed inthe w or

30、ktime,less supervisi- . . I.一ogicaltre nds a nd changes are not deep,toprweekends i ntheandexploresummer theanew methodsof ideologiperformances, urging tow nships,communities and ruralareas shows theimplementation i s ina dequate,insufficie nt cult uralane ducationalrole t o pla y.Third ba se enoug

31、h, master grass-lessreal.Prork is notmuch, a nd some la ckofreleva nce a ndtimeli ness.4, disci pline, low ering,a nd hard w orkare la cking. Whileworki ng ande nterprisi ng spiritdown. No realopaganda a nd ideologicalworkiII.II.Lpasthonors,theirnthe newsit uationof characteristicom place ncy,a ndw

32、orktose e theircsand regul arity ofenough,deescore s more,lesschecki ng hinamicssurve y, forgrass-rootstypi cally drivepromoti on,t herearSince thee ducati onalpracti ceofthe ma ss line ofthe party,himselfseriouslyi n thee ducation, practi calcontr olce ntral" eightrules"a ndopposi ng &quo

33、t;the fourwi nds" and practi cing"three S uns",a nd checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu, i de ology,soli cit o pini ons based on outstandingprobl ems checke dsw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Willnow checkre portis a sfollow s: first,adherence tot heparty's politi caldi sci pline ,

34、 eight in t he centralpr ovision, cha nge thestyle oftheba sic situationof1,in compliancewit hthe party's political discipli nes.Conscientiouslyabide bythe party' s politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rulesand regulations of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala n

35、dmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation ofthe party'spoliticaldisci pli neproblems.2,in t he impleme ntat ion ofthecentralauthor itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Impr oving rese arch,improvi ng research methods,butt hereare less grass -root suni

36、t s,primaryfirst-hand an i nade quategrasp ofthe probl em,whi ch ist obestre ngthe ned int he future.Second,construction,strictly in accor dancewith t he provi sionstostreamli neand improvet hequality ofmeetingsoftheConference.T hird,stream liningfile briefs, cultureinvolve sallaspects ofpropagandaa

37、 ndideol ogy,sometimesduetothe practical nee ds of inventio n notifications, thi sareanee ds furt hertthhee parreinacuipnledeorfdseimveplloifpiementenvird EIA ofconstrounctmient.Aollnadpmroinjie cts istrnattihveerleagwienfoonr.cIenmteerntmsdeofla npdar,tlmiennktesdtotoat hppeoiimntplaefmuell nt-atti

38、imone opferusrobnannealstati nd ruornaeld icnoanrsetarusctiondlaednidincactreeadsteo a coordinantid dencgreandassoe,lvriengpplarcemenotblinedmicsaat ssocoiratsefdorpwriith buorsiityareanesspsres ionjethict.sCsheargesc,toinr.t Whentohtehre preojaerectssubofstwaanttiear,lielectri ssues,csiety,catorlea

39、dminisdtreartsivaerrangcehardgetso apersonnadlpreferleyinternvteianlep,oinlicie -sp.eInrstohne,ianr-epaersoonftaxation,push tanagnid bsleettlaeread ibnuailrea dingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,nedaitssy li pronde.ucTtioofnurthecrormedpuacney,awithi nd sntan5dyaeradris aftezretahdeministrativceomexpalemtii

40、onnationoaffiscali ncendnatipvpers tooevalnitteemrpsri,ssimpleifys. Ienxatemrimnastioffina onnacindanpgp,rionvtaelglriation ofnlaksn,di,mtapxr,finaove efficienncciya;laacconrd otherrdeisnogutro t hec.e.s,and construct "Gover nmentcredit+ busi ness credit" creditsystem, establishme ntofmark

41、etization, commercialization andmodernization oftheinve stment andfina ncingplatf orm;effectiveBank-e nterpri se docki ng,e ncourages privatecapital intothe Park,torai seindustry developmentfund.5, optimizethe environment a nd servicei ndustries.To create"policy lowlands, Highla nds,integrity o

42、fserviceland, developme ntland" asthegoa l,to optimize是 否有利于实现工作目标为() 。A.确定的标准 B.明确的标准 C.衡量标准 D.科学化管理的标准 C26 .生产工人参与计划制定,自行决定生产目标、作业程序、操作方法,检验衡量工作质量和数量,并进行经济核算,体现在改进岗位设计中的() 。A.工作扩大化 B.横向扩大化 C.纵向扩大化 D.工作丰富化 C27 . ( )通过增加任务、扩大岗位任务结构,使员工完成任务的内容、形式和手 段发生变更。A.工作丰富化 B.工作扩大化 C.工作结构化 D.工作条例化 B28 .工作岗位

43、设计方法研究中使研究人员易于发现问题的是()。A.程序分析 B.流程图 C.线图 D.作业程序图 D29 . ( )是研究人们在生产劳动中的工作规律、工作方法、工作程序、细微动作、作 业环境、疲劳规律、人机匹配,以及在工程技术总体设计中人机关系的一门科学。A.现代工学 B.现代劳动学 C现代工效学 D.现代配置学 C30 . ( )的基本要素,是任何轰动组织从事经济活动赖以进行的必要条件。A.人力资源B.劳动力 C.人力资源作为生产力 D.劳动组织C31 .企业定员是对劳动力使用的一种()界限。A数量质量 B.劳动力消耗C 劳动内涵 D.劳动规律A32.在()管理中, “定员”与“编制”这一术

44、语存在非常密切的关系。A.人力资源 B.劳动力分配 C.工作制度 D.组织 Atreamlining.Fourare standar dvisits,except asrequire d to participatein traini ng, no ot hera ctivity.Fivei sto impr ovenew sreporting,for propaganda workstri ctlyaccording tot he regul ations.Six isstri ctly your presentationpublishedstrictlyaccording to t he

45、reg ulations.Seven isstrictlythrift,required the use ofvehicles and officespaceand corporatehospitality.3, change thestyle.Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalwork ofthenew situati on a nd new requirements ofthe newtasks,ha ddonea lot of fruitfulwork,hasma de many a chieveme nts, butfurther closer to the gr

46、ass r oots,cl ose t o reality, close tothe masses andalso ina dequate innovation mustcontinuetoimpr ove.Sec ond,the "fourwinds" some outstanding issues 1, opposeformalism.Onethe ory ist hathe didn't,with le ss closecontact. Theoreticalst udy ofconsciousne ssis not highenough, system pe

47、rform ancei s notstrong enough;more passivelear ning,active learni ng fewgeneralitiesand learn more,delvi ng into less.33 .行政编制、企业编制、军事编制统称为()编制。A.组织 B.人员 C.机构 D.系统B34 .以下对于企业人力资源开发与管理具有重要作用的说法中不合理的是()。A. 合理的劳动定员是企业用人的科学标准B.合理的劳动定员是企业人力资源计划的基础C.合理的劳动定员是企业管理必要的条件之一D.科学合理定员是企业内部各类员工调配的主要依据C35.定员必须以企业的

48、生产经营目标及保证这一目标实现所需的人员为依据说的是()原则。A.劳动力定员 B.企业定员 C.生产定员 D.产品定员B36 .企业在制定岗位用人数量时,应是某类岗位制度时间计划工作任务总量除以() 。A. 某类人员工作量E 某类人员工作时间C.某类人员工作效率D.某类人员参与时间C37 .按劳动效率定员的公式是() 。A.定员人数=计划期生产任务总量/ (工人劳动效率 X间)B.定员人数=计划期生产任务总量/ (工人劳动效率 勤率)C.定员人数=计划生产任务量/(工人劳动效率刈寸间)D.定员人数=计划生产任务量/(工人劳动定额X出勤率)B38 . () 是由劳动定额定员标准化主管机构批准、发

49、布, 在一定范围内对劳动定员所作的统一规定。A.定员标准 B.定员规定 C.定员制度 D.定员方法A39 . ( )的程序性强,是人们用来处理常规化、重复性问题的有力手段。tthhee parreinacuipnledeorfdseimveplloifpiementenvird EIA ofconstrounctmient.Aollnadpmroinjie cts istrnattihveerleagwienfoonr.cIenmteerntmsdeofla npdar,tlmiennktesdtotoat hppeoiimntplaefmuell nt-attiimone opferusro

50、bnannealstati nd ruornaeld icnoanrsetarusctiondlaednidincactreeadsteo a coordinantid dencgreandassoe,lvriengpplarcemenotblinedmicsaat ssocoiratsefdorpwriith buorsiityareanesspsres ionjethict.sCsheargesc,toinr.t Whentohtehre preojaerectssubofstwaanttiear,lielectri ssues,csiety,catorleadminisdtreartsi

51、vaerrangcehardgetso apersonnadlpreferleyinternvteianlep,oinlicie -sp.eInrstohne,ianr-epaersoonftaxation,push tanagnid bsleettlaeread ibnuailrea dingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,nedaitssy li pronde.ucTtioofnurthecrormedpuacney,awithi nd sntan5dyaeradris aftezretahdeministrativceomexpalemtiionnationoaffisc

52、ali ncendnatipvpers tooevalnitteemrpsri,ssimpleifys. Ienxatemrimnastioffina onnacindanpgp,rionvtaelglriation ofnlaksn,di,mtapxr,finaove efficienncciya;laacconrd otherrdeisnogutro t hec.e.s,and construct "Governmentcredit+ busi ness credit" creditsystem, establishme ntofmarketization, comme

53、rcialization andmoderni zation oftheinve stment andfina ncingplatf orm;effectiveBank-e nterpri se docki ng,e ncourages privatecapital intothe Park,torai seindustry devel opmentfund.5, optimizethe environment a nd servicei ndustries.To create"policy lowlands, Highla nds,integrity ofserviceland,

54、developme ntland" asthegoa l,to optimizeA.业务规范 B.行为规范C.技术规范D.制度规范A40 .人力资源管理中有一句名言是() 。A以人为本B.关心剩余管理 C.不在你做什么,而在你怎么做 D.员工思想是软件工作C41 .学习理解国家法规时,要注意区分()的差异。A.可以与需求 B.必须与需求C.可以与必须 D.需求与需要C42 .企业在制定人力资源管理制度时,也必须写明() 。A. 要做什么,不要做什么B. 不应该做什么C.做什么,要去做什么D.做作么,如何去做D43 .企业人力资源管理规划必须与企业()保持协调一致。A. 员工 B. 员

55、工合同C 国家政策D. 集体合同D44. ()时,当遇到与集体合同具体条款不一致的情况,可以通过与工会协商来解决,取得工会的谅解和支持是制定企业人力资源管理制度规划必须和必要的。A.制订计划 B.规划制度 c.规定条款 D.发生争议B45 .必须重视管理制度信息的采集、沟通与处理,保持企业人力资源管理制度规划的()。A.统一性 B.应用性 c.一贯性 D.动态性D46 .人力资源管理制度是企业单位组织实施人力资源管理活动的准则和()规范。A.行为 B.规章 c.制度 D.方法A47 .费用预算与执行的原则是() 、总体控制、个案执行。A.分项预算 B.分头预算c.分别统计D.整体需求B48 .

56、以下内容中体现三条线的内容是() 。A.生产经营 B.预警线c.利润线 D.工资标准B49 .国家的工资指导线、社会的消费者物价指数和企业的工资市场水平调查是()的。A.相连 B.互通 C.相互关联 D.对立C50 .根据()的总目标、总任务,对企业各类岗位的现状进行初步了解,掌握各种基本数据和资料。A.工作岗位分析 B.工作岗位调查 C.设计岗位调查 D.确定岗位调查目的A51 .人力资源规划15 年称为() 。A.短期规划 B.中期规划 c.长期规划 D.组织规划B52 .对各类工作岗位的性质任务、职责权限、岗位关系、劳动培训等进行系统研究的过程称为() 。A.岗位设计 B.工作岗位分析

57、c.岗位规划 D.工作说明书B53 . ( )岗位信息的来源无法保证其客观与真实性。A.直接观察 B.同事报告c.任职者报告D.书面资料C54 .将分工很细的作业合并,由一人负责一道工序改为几个人共同负责几道工序,属于A.横向扩大工作 B.纵向扩大工作 c.工作丰富化 D.工作满负荷A55 .以下不属于工作岗位分析最终成果的是() 。A.工作说明书 B.职务晋升c.岗位规范 D.作业程序图tthhee parreinacuipnledeorfdseimveplloifpiementenvird EIA ofconstrounctmient.Aollnadpmroinjie cts istrna

58、ttihveerleagwienfoonr.cIenmteerntmsdeofla npdar,tlmiennktesdtotoat hppeoiimntplaefmuell nt-attiimone opferusrobnannealstati nd ruornaeld icnoanrsetarusctiondlaednidincactreeadsteo a coordinantid dencgreandassoe,lvriengpplarcemenotblinedmicsaat ssocoiratsefdorpwriith buorsiityareanesspsres ionjethict.sCsheargesc,toinr.t Whentohtehre preojae


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