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1、2021届江苏省扬州市高三上学期英语适应性练习试题答案听力1-20 . AABBC CBABA CBCCAAABCA阅读理解21-23 ADC 24-27 BBAC 28-31 BADC 32-35 DCBD七选五36-40 BAFEG完形填空41-45 BCDCA 46-50 DABCA 51-55 DBCAD语法填空56. aged57. beneficial58. A59. Currently60. to help 61.for62. anxiety63. has been supported64. who65. preparing写作一:A possible version:Stude

2、nts watching Chang'e 5 samples handed-over All the students in our school watched the live broadcast of Chang'e 5 samples being handed over for research on the morning of 19th December 2020, Saturday. Scientists are reported to carry out the storage, analysis and research of the country'

3、s first samples from the moon.Every boy and every girl is inspired and encouraged, feeling proud of our great country. They are determined to work heart and soul from now on and contribute to our motherland in the future. (80 words)写作二Sample:Para 1: As I stepped inside, I was struck by how quiet and

4、 how pink it was. There in front of me quietly stood seventeen nine-year-old players decorated head to toe in pink, and breast cancer symbols were painted on their helmets. They looked like fighters, brave and faithful, who were ready for a serious battle. Then my son Brady came over to me, saying,

5、“We are so grateful that you have shown us through your fight what it really means to be a Tiger. Tonight, we are going to win the game just for you.” Inspired by what Brady said, all the players cheered, “Its time Tigers!” (92 words)Para 2: I sensed their determination. They stepped into the field

6、confidently. During the whole game, each and every boy performed so wonderfully, skating swiftly and passing balls skillfully. They had never been so cooperative. Even when they fell behind by several points, they didnt lose heart. Instead, they kept fighting together. I suppose they knew I was ther

7、e for them all the time! And I should also tell them how grateful I was that they were there for me. Of course, the Tiger won the game that night. And I won mine, too. (91 words)听力材料及参考答案Text 1W: Hello, this is Susan Howard. May I speak to my son, please?M: Im sorry, hes still out on his duty delive

8、ring letters. Shall I take a message?Text 2M: Good morning. What seems to be the problem? W: Good morning. I feel terrible. Ive got a cold and I have a pain here on my neck. Im not sleeping well either.Text 3W: I hardly ever buy albums. I just download music for free.M: But thats illegal, isnt it?W:

9、 Well, technically, yes, but nearly everyone does it. What harm does it do?M: What about the musicians who dont get paid for their work? Have you thought about them?Text 4W: How many people are they interviewing?M: They interviewed sixteen the first time, and now four of us were chosen to go back fo

10、r the second interview.W: I hope it goes well. I hope you can get the job. Good luck.Text 5M: The guests are leaving for New York tonight. But there will be no bus then. We need someone to get them to the airport on time.W: Id be happy to, but my car is under repair now.M: In that case, we have to c

11、all a taxi.Text 6W: Sunshine Hotel, may I help you?M: Yes. Im phoning up because I have booked a room for my friend who wont be able to come now and so Ill have to cancel it.W: What is the name, please?M: It was a double room booked in the name of Robinson from January 14th, for a week.W: Ah, yes, I

12、ve got it. And now you want to change the booking, do you?M: I wish I could, but it now appears that he wont be able to come at all.W: Well, Sir, Ill cancel it then. Text 7W: Excuse me. How much do you want for this bowl?M: Dont move it. Its easy to break. Thats one piece of outstanding glass in per

13、fect shape. Its worth 150 dollars.W: Oh, I couldnt possibly pay that much.M: Hold on, lady. I said it was worth 150 dollars but I can give it to you for only 120 dollars.W: Ill give you 60 dollars.M: Come on, lady. Youve got to be kidding. I paid more than that for it myself. Take it for 90 dollars.

14、 I cant go any lower than that.W: Well, maybe I could give you 80 dollars.M: OK. Let me wrap it up for you. Text 8M: Where are you going for Christmas this year?W: This year Dennis and I are thinking about going on an extreme mountain-climb to the worlds second highest mountain. Its located in Pakis

15、tan.M: Wow, extreme mountain-climbing? That can be very dangerous if you dont know what you are doing. You know that sometimes the temperatures can be up to 50 degrees below freezing with winds up to 60 miles per hour.W: Well, Ive been looking at some information about mountain-climbing in my extrem

16、e sports magazines; I think its something that we would both like to try.M: Certainly learning as much as you can will help you to have a safe and fun trip. When I was young I used to go on long hiking expeditions because I was a professional photographer. I would just make sure that you bring someo

17、ne with you who knows the mountain very well.W: We are planning on bringing a guide with us. We also have a professional trainer that has helped us train this year. Text 9W: Oh, where are we going?M: I want to show you something.W: I know, but what is it?M: A farm. Its just down this road. Its a sma

18、ll place, but at least it would be our own.W: A farm? How can we afford to buy a farm?M: It isnt large, only one acre. We wouldnt have to pay very much right now.W: Is there a house on the farm?M: A small one, two bedrooms, but it needs to be fixed up a little. I can do the job myself.W: OK. Is ther

19、e enough space for a kitchen garden?M: There is about half an acre behind the house. Thats plenty of space. We can probably grow a lot of our own food.W: What are you thinking about growing?M: Well, it really isnt big enough for corn. I thought we might try to raise a crop of potatoes.W: Do we have

20、enough money to get all of these?M: I think weve saved enough. We can also ask John about the money he borrowed from us.Text 10I really enjoy going to the movies with my friends on most weekends. I usually check the movie listings in the newspaper or online to see what is playing. I also check the m

21、ovie reviews because I dont want to see a bad movie. I like to arrive early at the movie theater so I dont have to stand in line too long to buy tickets. Sometimes, the movie we want to see is sold out, so we might buy a ticket for a later showing. At the theater, I sometimes buy popcorn and a drink

22、. The prices are sometimes high, but I like chewing something during a movie. I usually like to sit in an aisle seat somewhere in the middle of the theater. I think you can see the movie better instead of straining your neck if you are unfortunate enough to sit in the front rows. One thing I dont li

23、ke is when other people talk during the movie, put their feet up on the back of my seat, or bring crying babies to the theater. Everyone should be able to enjoy the movie.答案详解:A21. A。根据All the buttons are positioned on the front panel so its very easy to learn可知。22. D。monitor对应原文中的keep watch on。23.

24、C。本文明显是一则商业广告,不是公益广告(PSA),不是短篇故事(short story),也不是新闻报道(news report)。B24. B。根据第一段Our home was quite stylish before she came along可知,在Ella出生前,他们的家很时尚典雅。25. B。根据下文the moment she says “Dada”可以推测James的心情,孩子会喊爸爸是锦上添花。26. A。Ella is yet to meet another baby,Ella还是婴儿,另一个可能是她的弟弟或者妹妹,“expecting a new baby”指怀孕。2

25、7. C。本文主要讲解了期待多年的孩子出生给James与Ola带来的喜悦,溢于言表。C28. B。根据第二段段意可知。29. A。根据第三段 Because sound travels faster in warmer water, differences in speed can reveal changing temperatures可知。30. D。根据最后两段的段意可知,Wu和Simons都对新方法进行了检验。31. C。根据全文意思可以得知。D32. D。此题考查文章段首功能,即激发读者对文章话题的兴趣。33. C。根据第四段. a live band was on the set

26、to provide sound for the film, rather than employing the pre-recorded music.可知,其他选项根据三、四两段描述,明显错误。34. B。根据第五段Computer technology is also applied to achieve some visual effects可知。35. D。从本段中可以总结出此意,其他选项意思明显不符。七选五36. D 解析:从后句Be prepared for a surprising and fascinating answer to these questions:得知此句需要一

27、个问句。而且与文章最后一段呼应。故选D。37. E 解析:从前句Be prepared for a surprising and fascinating answer to these questions:得知这个答案是意想不到的;从后段的解释中得知睡眠问题并未得到解决。故选E。38. C 解析:后两句分析哺乳动物睡眠状态与体型和饮食的关系。故选C。39. A 解析:此句充当了承上启下的功能,解释了前句的原因,概括了后句的内容。故选A。40. G 解析:前句说明人们应该根据自身需要选择睡眠时间。故选G。完形填空41. B 解析:从后句得知同学们高中毕业后各自有不同的打算。故选B。separat

28、e形容词,各自的,分别的。42. C 解析:排除法,ABD都没有可能,故选C,有些人在考虑结婚。43. D 解析:从后面情节得知前一天晚上他们去捉弄了校长,第二天有些犯困。故选D。yawn动词,打哈欠。44. C 解析:他和几个朋友准备在毕业前最后一次再捉弄一下校长。故选C。last形容词,最后的。45. A 解析:几个人偷偷溜进校长家。故选A。slip over to ones home偷偷溜进某人的家。46. D 解析:校长在台上并没有说明有什么异常的,也看不出任何异常的迹象,故选D。47. A 解析:从此句可以看出作者还是有些紧张的。故选A。nervously副词,紧张地。48. B 解析: 毕业证书的封套。49. C 解析:我迫不及待地要打开装毕业证书的盒子,确认自己已经成功毕业。 故选C。 confirming: making sure that something is


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