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1、C. havi ng a healthy weightD. weari ng comfortable clothes2019 中考英语短文语法选择 +首字母阅读新选(2)附答案一、阅读理解。A(2019 中考保健与健康类选练)Almost every day, we discuss the topic of health , especially for kids. But what is health?“ Health”means eat ing well, gett ing eno ugh exercise, and havi ng a healthy weight. Letng s re

2、ad the foll(rules. They can help you stay healthy.(1) Eat a variety of food, especially fruit and vegetables. We all know that eating fruit andvegetables can help us stay healthy, but many of us only eat our favorite food. Remember that wecan only get the nutrition( 营养)we need by eating different ki

3、nds of food, espe cially fruit and vegetables.(2) Drink water and milk most ofte n. Everyone knows that water is importa nt. Besides that, kidsneed plenty of calcium(钙)to grow strong bones, and milk is rich in it. Every day, you shoulddrink at least three cups of milk, when you are 9 years old or ol

4、der. You should also try to haveless sugary drinks, like soda and coca. They include a lot of sugar. Sugar only includes calories( 热量),not important nutrition.(3) Listen to your body. When you are eating, notice how your body feels. When your stomachfeels comfortably full, stop eating. Eating too mu

5、ch makes you feel uncomfortable. If you do it tooofte n, it can make un healthy and fat.(4) Limit screen time. Wh at s screen time? It s the amount of time you spend watching TV,movies and playing computer games. The more time you spend on these sitting-down activities,the less time you spend playin

6、g sports, like basketball, and doing other activities like riding andswimming. Try to spend no more than 2 hours a day on screen time.1. The un derli ned phrase“ a variety of ” means_.A. ple nty of B. all ki nds of C. the rest of D. a lot of2. In this passage,“ health ” inclucfescawirag tEX CEPT_.A.

7、 eati ng wellB. doing more exercise3. Scree n time is the time that you spe nd_A. playi ng computer gamesB. watch ing moviesC. watchi ng TVD. All of the above4. What s the main idea of the passage?A. How to eat healthy food.B. Eat ing and play ing are both importa nt.C. Suggesti ons for stay ing hea

8、lthy.D. Health is very importa nt.参考答案IB2D 3D 4CChin ese Restaura ntWe specialize in banquets and parties. Authentic(正宗) Chin ese food. Special l un chtime dishes. LICENSED and BYO(bri ng your own) SUNDAY DIM SUM(点心)LUNCHSituated in Smithfield Shopp ing cen tre.Tel: 361 9042Place: 589 WalkleyRoad, S

9、mithfieldThe Seafood InnLice nsed CafeWe offer lunch and dinner in a relaxed atmosphere(气 氛)with in door or outdoor seati ng. We have an in teresti ng winelist and freshly prepared foods.Time: Tuesday to Friday12: 00 3: 00 pmHamburger JoesDine in or take away 7 days a week.Frie ndly, polite waitress

10、 service.Pleasa nt, i nformal and air- con ditioned Time: Mon. Noo n 10pmTues. Noon 11pmWed.Sat. Noo n Mid ni ghtSun. Noo n 9pmPlace: 14 Jetty Road, Gle nelgTel: 295 7783Peppis Italia n Restaura ntPasta just like Mama used to makeItalia n orAustralia n wines or BYO6: 30 11: 30 pmTel: 306 2481Place:4

11、82 Spring Street, CarltonTime: Open 7 days for lunch anddinn erCar park ing availableTel: 224 1086Place: 28 oCo nn ell ST CITVPeppis Italia n Restaura ntPasta just like Mama used to make Italia n orAustralia n wines or BYOPizza PalacePizza Beer WineFully Lice nsedFull take- away serviceSpecial child

12、re ns menuEverard Park, Gle nelg City()1.lf youd like to order some dim sum, you should dial_A. 361 9042B. 306 2481C.2241086D. 295 7783()2. Pizza Palace is the best place for childre n to eat because_ .A. the waitress service is frien dly and politeB. there is a special childre ns menuC. there are i

13、n door or outdoor seatsD. its close to Smithfield Shopp ing centre()3. How many hours a day is the Seafood Inn ope n from Tuesday to Friday?A. 3.C. 8.D. 12.()4. The address of Hamburger Joes is_.A. 589 Walkley Road, SmithfieldB. 14 Jetty Road, Gle nelgC. 28 oCo nn ell ST CITVD. 482 Spri ng Street, C

14、arlton()5. The followi ng stateme nts are true EXCEPT.“_”A. Peppis Italia n Restaura nt allows you to bring your own drinksB. You cant buy breakfast at Hamburger JoesC. You can enjoy authentic Chinese food in the Seafood InnD. You can dine in or take away from Pizza Palace参考答案 15A B CB D2019 中考科普环保类

15、选练)Satellites are an important part of our ordinary lives. For example, the information for weather forecasts issent by satellite. Some satellites have cameras which take photographs of the Earth to show how cloudsare moving .Satellites are also used to connect our international phone calls.Computer

16、 connections of the World Wide Web and Internet also use satellites. Many of our TVprograms come to US through satellites. Airplane pilots also sometimes use a satellite to help them findtheir exact location.We use satellites to send television pictures from one part of the world to another. They ar

17、e usually 35,880 kilometers above the equator. Sometimes we can see a satellite in the sky and it seems to stay in thesame place. This is because it is moving around the world at 11 , 000 kilometers an hour exactly thesame speed that the earth rotates. A satellite must orbit the Earth with its anten

18、nae facing the earth.Sometimes, it moves away from its orbit , So there are little rockets on it which are used to put the satelliteback in the right position .This usually happens about every five or six days.Space is not empty! Every week, more and more satellites are sent into space to orbit the

19、Earth. Asatellite usually works for about 10-12 years. Satellites which are broken are sometimes repaired byastronauts or sometimes brought back to Earth to be repaired. Often ,very old or broken satellites are leftin space to orbit the Earth for a very long time. This is very serious because some s

20、atellites use nuclearpower and they can crash into each other.1.Which of the following is NOT done by satellites according to the passage?A. Sending information for weather forecast.B. Taking photographs of the Earth.C. Sending TV pictures.D. Providing food for airplane pilots.2.What s the speed the

21、 earth rotates at?A.35,880 kilometers per hour.B.335,880 kilometers per hour.C.11,000 kilometers per hour.D.110,000 kilometers per hour3.Why does the satellite move around the world at the same speed as the Earth rotates?A. In order to take photographs.B. In order to stay in a certain position in th

22、e orbit.C. In order to move away from its orbit. D. In order to send television pictures.4.What does the underlined word“ This ” in the 3rdparagraph refer to?A. A satellite.B.A little rocket.C. A satellite seems to stay in the same place in the sky.D. The satellite puts the rockets in the right posi

23、tion.5.Which is true of satellites?A. A satellite usually works for about 10-12 years.B .Every time a satellite gets broken , it is brought back to the Earth to be repaired.C. A broken satellite is never left in space.D. They often crash into each other. 参考答案 BDDBA二、语法选择。阅读下面短文,从 115 各题所给的 A、 B、C、D

24、四个选项中,选出填入空白处的最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Long long ago there was a poor farmer _1_ Fred. Fred and his wife, Doris lived _2_together in _3_ small old house. One winter night, the Luck Fairy _4_ them.“Fred, you re _5_ good farmer. I d like _6_ you a wish, ”said the Luck Fairy.Fred and Doris smiled at _7_. Then

25、 Fred said, “Thank you, Luck Fairy. We re very healthy andhappy.”“Were old, _8_ we can still work _9_ the field every day. ”said Doris.“You work very _10_, but you make a little money. Would you like some gold coins? ” “Oh,no, my dear Luck Fairy. We re poor. But we have enough to eat. ”replied Fred.

26、“You can use the gold coins _11_ some clothes. The winter _12_very cold. ”said theLuck Fairy.“_13_ we dont have many clothes, we ve got enough.”said Doris.“You re quite different _14_ other people, ”“I wish you happiness and luck forever. ”Thenthe Luck Fairy _15_and never came back.() 1. A. callB. c

27、alledC. callingD. to call() 2 A. happyB. happilyC. sadD. sadly() 3. A. itsB. hisC. theirD. themselves() 4. A. visitB. visitsC. visitedD. was visited() 5. A. aB. anC. theD. /()6. A. to giveB. givesC. givi ngD. gave()7. A. the otherB. ano therC. othersD. each other()8. A. soB. andC. becauseD. but()9.

28、A. inB. atC. forD. from()10. A. hardestB. harderC. hardD. hardly()11. A. buyB.boughtC. buyingD. to buy()12. A. isB. wasC. areD. were()13. A. ThoughB. IfC. AsD. Si nee()14. A. ofB. forC. fromD. into()15 A. disappearedB. disappearC. disappeari ngD. disappears参考答案1 5 BBCCA610 ADDAC1115 DAACA三、短文首字母填空。短

29、文填空;请认真阅读下面短文,并根据各题所给首字母的提示,写出一个合适的英语单词完整、正确的形式,使短文通顺。(2019 中考选练)I m sure you all know how important recycling is. Recycling is when you collect old things and turnthem into new things. It sounds like magic. B 1 in fact it s very scientific.How it all works? The first thing is to collect items that can be recycled. Soda cans are made out ofmetal. Some bottles of juice are made out of g 2. Magaz ines and n ewspapers are made outof paper. Bags are made out of plastic. Many o 3 old things can


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