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1、英语语法易错题1语法易错题ZWi1. He had unusual voice and he wanted to work in Disney ' scartoon films for children.A) an B) a C) / D) the【考点】冠词用法;“uf母在单词中的发音。【答案】A2. Linda ' s mother used to be university teacher. She taught maths.A) the B) aC) an D)/【考点】冠词用法;"iff母在单词中的发音。【答案】B3. A comic strip is us

2、ually about interesting story with an unforgettable end.A)/ B) an C) the D) a【考点】冠词用法。【答案】B4. I have just watched a good film about elderly fisherman in Guilin.A) a B)an C) the D) /【考点】冠词用法。【答案】B5. My mother doesn't go to church very often these days.A) a B) an C) the D)/【考点】零冠词【答案】DI.She turned

3、 on the radio and listened to a man giving people some about their problems.A) reason B) advice C) way D) answer【考点】可数名词 /不可 数名词【答案】B2. Two were having lunch in the office at that time.A) woman secretaries B)woman secretaryC)women secretaries Dwomen secretary【考点】 可数名词的复数【答案】C3. We shall have a holid

4、ay after the final exam.A) three weeks B) three-weekC) three week D) three-weeks【考点】复合形容词【答案】B4. Every year Alice spends money on new clothes.A) many B) a large numberofC) quite a few D) huge amounts of【考点】名词的数量表达【答案】DAfti1. For the difficulties ahead, Mr Black talked to patiently one by one.A)they

5、B) them C) their D) themselves【考点】人称代词的宾格【答案】B5. Arthur ' nsemory starts to go wrong becauseof his age. So does.A) I B) mine C) me D) myself【考点】名词性物主代词【答案】 B6. Some people in modern cities have no choice but to keep dogs in smallspaces.A) they B) them C) their D) theirs【考点】形容词性物主代词【答案】C7. If kid

6、s have some pocket money, it' s more convenient for them to buy.A)necessary somethingB) something necessaryC) necessary anythingD) nothing necessary【考点】复合不定代词用法【答案】B8. I need apples and bananasto make fruit salad. Could you buy some forme?A) little B) a little C) a few D) few【考点】不定代词(a) few/(a)

7、little【答案】C9. I was so busy with my school work that I had time to play with my friendsin those days.A) little B) a little C) few D) a few【考点】不定代词(a) few/(a) little【答 案】A10. I don' like this kind of watch. W川 you show me one, sir?A) other B)anotherC) the other D) the others【考点】不定代词(the) other/an

8、other【答案】B11. Some people think keeping pets is good, but don t.A)haenrCot)her B) otthe other D) others【考点】不定代词(the) other/another【答案】D12. There are a lot of trees on sides of Century Avenue in Pudon gA) either B)all C) both D) neither【考点】不定代词 all/both/either/neither【答案】C13. - Would you like to have

9、 some tea or coffee?- . Thank you. I ve just hadenough tea.A) Either B) NeitherC) Some D) Both 【 考 点 】 不 定 代 词 all/both/either/neither【答案】B14. I m afraid all of you have to work out the problem by .A) you B) yours C)yourself D) yourselves【考点】反身彳t词【答案】D 形容词副词1. Shanghai is one of cities in the world,

10、 I think.A) beautiful B)more beautifulC) most beautiful D) the most beautifu【 l 考点】 形容词最高级【答案】D2. Who drives , your father or your mother?A) the most careful B) morecarefulC) the most carefully D) more carefully【考点】副词修饰动词用法,副词比较级【答案】D3. The little girl is wearing a new skirt now. She looks .A) lovel

11、y B)wonderfullyC) happily D) beautifully【考点】系动词 +adj.【答案】A4. Whenever I receive a letter or photos from my best friend, I always feel .A)excitedly B) exciting C) excited D) excite【考点】形容词(-ed/-ing)【答案】C5. After the conversation with the teacher, Jenny s mother looked a little .A)happiness B) happier

12、C) happy D) happily【考点】a little 修饰比较级【答案】B6. The Bund looks much at night when the lights are on.A) pretty B) prettier C)prettiest D) the prettiest【考点】much修饰比较级【答案】B7. Generally speaking, a computer works a human brain.A) more accuratelythanB) more accurate thanC) as accurate asD) so accurately a#点】

13、 副词修饰动词 用法【答案】A8. - will you go to New York for a study trip?- In a month.A) How long B)How oftenC) How soon D) How far【考点】How soon提问 还要多久”【答案】C 介词 1.The World Trade Centre in New York was destroyed by terrorist (恐怖分子)attacks September 11,2001.A) in B) by C) at D) on考点】 具体某一天前用介词on【答案】D2. It was rep

14、orted that a powerful typhoon hit the Philippines November,2013.A) in B) at C) on D) of【考点】月份前用介词 “in1答案】A3. I m looking after Tom today. He s been in my house 9:00 this morning.A)at B) for C) since D) till【考点】since+时间点(现在完成时)【答案】C4. New Year s Eve, we can watch fireworks and enjoy performances.A) O

15、n B)In C) At D) With【考点】节日前用介词on【答案】A5. His interest law led him eventually to become a lawyer.A) in B) on C) to D)with【考点】sb' s interest in sth. (be interested【答案】A6. We enjoyed the wonderful firework display the night of National Day.A) inB) on C) for D) at【考点】具体某一天的晚上,on the night of【答案】B7. I

16、f you are able to get the tickets tomorrow, please tell me phone.A) at B) byC) on D) through【考点】by+方式(by bus/car/bike/phone)【答案】B8. Sally always talks about her homework with her friend the phone.A) of B)in C) at D) on【考点】on the telephone在电话中【答案】D9. When Kate came back home, her mother was busy the

17、housework.A) withB) for C) by D) about【考点】介词短语be busy with sth.【答案】A health.A) with B) for C) on D) to【考点】介词短语do harm to【答案】D10. Its essential for citizens to know that theIOZfe(can do harmpeople数词 1. The High Speed Rail Trains between Shanghai and Beijing can run overkilometers an hour.A) three hun

18、dred B) hundred ofC) three hundreds D) three hundreds of【考点】基数词用法/准确的数字表达【答案】A2. people had to stay at the station becausethe train services were stoppedsuddenly.A) Hundred B) HundredsC) Hundred of D) Hundreds of【考点】 数百”的表达【答案】D3. It is said that of the students like to help their parents with the h

19、ousework.A)three-fifths B) third-fifthsC) thirds-fifth D) three-fifth 【考点】分数的表达【答案】A 情态动词1. I m afraid the work be finished this week if there isn h oftheir help.A) can B) can ' t C) must D)【mustn 可能性几乎为 0,用 can't【答 案】 B2. It is a rule that visitors touch the paintings at the exhibition.A) n

20、eednB) mustn t C) may not D) wouldn【考点】tmustn'表 禁止"【答案】B3. My teacher said to me with a smile, “ Well,you to worry about yourlessons. " A) needn ' t B) don ' t need C) not need ID) needneedn' t/don ' t needto+V.表不必"【答案】B4. Sam be in the classroom. I saw him in the

21、library just now.A) mustncan'C) shouldn t D) needn#总】情态动词表猜测。可能性几乎为0,用can't【答案】B5.You lose your way if you walk alone in the mountains at night.A) may B)need C) should D) have to【考点】may表 也许/可能"【答案】A 动词时态与语态1. Both his parents look sad. Maybe they what shappened to him.A) will know B) kn

22、ow C) have known D) are knowing【考点】 现在完成时用法,过去的动作对现在的影响。【答案】C2. We several meetings to discuss the plan of volunteers in the communitysince last week.A) are having B) have had C) had D) have考点】现在完成时用法,过去的动作持续到现在。【答案】B3. -Where is your sales manager, Jessica?-S-he s not here. She to Beijing toattend

23、a meeting. She left this morning.A) had gone B) had beenC) has gone D) have been【考点】have(has) gone to去了某地还未回【答案】 A4. David knows much about the city because he there three times.A) will go B)went C) has gone D) has been考点】have(has) been to去过某地已回【答案】 D5. In recent years, Chinese traditional culture m

24、ore and more fashionable.A)has become B) becameC) have become D) had become【考点】 现在完成时用法, 过去的动作持续到现在。时间状语“in recent year表示的是从过去到现在的一段时间。6. Kitty to Beijing and she won t come back until next Monday.A) has been B)had goneC) went D) has gone【考点】have(has) gone to去了某地还未回7. Before the bridge , the local p

25、eople had to reach the other side by ferry.A) isbuilt B) will be builtC) was built D) has been built【考点】一般过去时被动语态【答案】 C8. John off his bike and hurt himself while he .A) fell, were riding B)had fallen, was ridingC) fell, was riding D) had fallen, rode【考点】while+ 时间状语从句【答案】C9. Our next school sports m

26、eeting in two months time.A) will hold B) hasheldC) is held D) will be held【考点】“in段时间”表将来;被动语态【答案】D 非谓语动词1. You dbetter your shoes before you come into a friend shome.A) to take off B) take offC) taking off D) took off 【考点】had better do sth. 最好做某事【答案】B2. The farmers stop in the fields and have a res

27、t when the sun sets everyday.A) to work B) worked C) working D) work【考点】stop doing 停止正在做的事【答案】C1. I'd rather half an hour to work than drive a car. Driving less can reduce airpollution.A) ride B) riding C) to ride D) to riding 【考点】 would rather do th. 宁愿做某事【答案】A4. The most important thing for a

28、good detective to do is the innocent.A) toprotect B) protectsC) protected D) protect【考点】动词不定式做表语【答案】 A5. The serious haze (雾霾 ) makes a lot of people a sore throat.A) have B)having C) to have D) had【考点】make sb. do sth.使某人做某事【答案】 A6. The modern fashion in education is to let the child everything!A) d

29、ecide B)decides C) to decide D) deciding【考点】let sb. do sth.让某人做某事【答案】 A7. My mother didn etxpect such a lovely present from me!A) receive B)receivedC) to receive D) receiving【考点】expect to do sth.期待做某事【答案】C8. The bank clerk admitted everything about the plan of the robbery at last.A)know B) knowing C

30、) to know D) Knew【考点】admit doing sth.承认做某事【答案 B9. The organization is considering some money to victims of the naturaldisaster.A) donate B) donatingC) to donate D) to donatin&考点】consider doing sth.考虑做某事【答案】B10. If you don t mind for several more minutes, I ll tell you the whole story.Astay B) st

31、aying C) will stay D) to stay【考点】mind doing sth.介意做某事【答案】B11. When the detective interviewed the man, he denied the expensiveearrings.A) to steal B) stealing C) steals D) steal【考点】deny doing sth.否认做某事 【答案】B12. My little cousin enjoys picture books before he goes to bed.A) to read B)read C) reads D)

32、reading【考点】enjoy doing sth.喜爱做某事【答案】D 连词与从句1. You won mt ake progress you try your best.A) when B)unless C) because D) as soon as#点】连词 unless用法【答案】B2. He lost his key, he had to wait for his wife s return in the cold.A) and B) oC) for D) so【考点】连词so用法【答案】D3. I have been to Italy several times, I know

33、 a lot about it.A) If B) Although C)As D) Unless【考点】连词 although用法【答案】B4. You dbetter book the tickets as early as possible, they will be sold outsoon.A) and B) but C) so D) or【考点】“。此处意为 否则”【答案】D5. The battle continued for several hours darkness came on.A) as soon as B)though C) since D) until【考点】连词

34、until 用法【答案】D6. My best friend and I haven t seen each other she went to the USA 10 yearsago.A) when B) if C) although D) since【考点】连词 since (意为 自以来”以句),从句用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时【答案】D7. the young girl her parents take regular exercise in order to keepfit.A) Not - but B) Either orC) Neither nor D) Not only【考点

35、butdso并列连词not onlybut also,谓语动词 就近原则”【答案】D8. The headmaster asked his assistant .A) why Chris didn at ttend themeetingB) why doesn Ct hris attend the meetingC) why didn Ct hris attend the meetingD) why Chris doesn ' t attend the meetrngl 宾语从句语序与时态。语序为 “陈述句语序”,时态与主句谓语动词保持一致【答案】A9. - What did your

36、 daughter say in her letter?- She told me that she Cambridge University already with her friends.A) had visited B) have visitedC) was visiting D) visited 【考点】宾语从句时态【答案】A 感叹句 1. exciting news it is! Our government is doing something to stopthe haze (f).A) What B) What an C) How D) How an【考点】 What+adj

37、.+不可数名 词 +主语 +谓语【答案】A2. helpful advice Qu Yuan gave to the king at that time!A) What a B) What anC) What D) How【考点】What+adj.+不可数名词+主语+谓语【答案】C3. nice flowers! Where did you get them?A) How B) What C) What a D)What an【考点】What+adj.+可数名词复数+ (省略主语+谓语)!【答案】B4. fun it is to swim in summer!A) What a B) What

38、 an C) What D) How【考点】 what+不可数名词+主语+谓语!【答案】C 反义疑问句1. My boss had an importing meeting this morning, ?A)hadn' t he B) hasn ' t heC) doesn ' t he D)didn 反义She旬;had 在此处有 实际意义,不是助动词。【答案】D2. Kitty has never been late for school, ?A) does she B) doesn t sheC) hasnshe D) has she考点】反义疑问句;had在此处

39、无实际意义,是助动词。【答案】D3. Be careful with your passport and money when you are in a foreign country, ?A) will you B) can youC) aren ' t you D) don点】JiyoMfi旬(Let ' s除外),反义疑问句用“will you【'答案】A语言功能 1. -Would you mind my opening the window?-.A) NevermindB) I ' m afraid it ' s too windyC) Yes

40、, please go aheadD) Sure. I' m going to closoon【考点】功能意念,允许”【答案】B2. -Would you like to go camping with us this weekend?-. But I ' m busy with my homework.A) No, thanks B) Thank youC) I ' d like to D) That ' s 者 good idea 功能意念,邀请”【答案】C3. - Would you like me to book two tickets for you

41、this afternoon?- . That ' svery kind of you.A)Yes, please. B) It' s a pleasure.C) Yes, I ' d like to. D) Never mil【考点】功能意念,提供”【答案】A4. - Sorry, I ' m late. There was something wrong with my -bike. .A)You ' re so careless. B) Don ' t be late.C) That ' s right. D) ThO#点】功s绘l

42、Mght.道 歉”【答案】D5. - Our monitor Wang Lei has just won the first prize in the English Speech Contest.-.A) Good idea. B) Congratulations©) That' s right. D除ll right.点】功能意念,祝贺"【答案】B主谓一致 1. Fifty percent of my monthly pocket money spent onentertainment.A) am B) is C) are D) be【考点】金钱做主语,看作一个

43、整体。【答案】B2.of the surface of the earth covered with water.A) Seventtens areB) Seventh-tens.isC) Seventenths is D) Sevetenths.are【考点】【答案】C练习 .1 - Would you like me to borrow the comic strips from the library for you?A) Not at all.B) That's very kind of you.C) I'm afraid not.D) That's all f

44、ight.2. - Could you please help me with the box?A) That's right. B) Thank you.C) No problem.D) You'rewelcome.3. - Tomorrow is Mum's birthday. Shall we buy her a present?A) Good idea. B) You're welcome. C) Not at all. D) Never mind.4. A: What a nice meal! It's really kind of you t

45、o invite us.B:. I'm glad you liked it.A) Not at allB) Sounds good C) Well doneD) Nevermind 5-Sorry I ' m late, but my car broke down, and there were no taxis.A. All rightB. That ' s all rightC. You ' d better notD. Don ' t say that.6-1 ' m afraid the work is too difficult for

46、 me.A. Try it again.B. I ' m sorry to hear that.C. That ' s all rightD. Don ' t give it up. You can do it.7 - I am so nervous. I am afraid I might forget what to say!-A) Stop daydreaming! B) Keep calm! C) You are so funny! D) What a good idea!8 - You look busy. Anything I can do to help?

47、 一A.No, I don' like it. B) Never mind. C) No, thanks. I ' nOK.D) You' rewelcome.9You' vdone such a great job in the English speech contest, Sarah-A) I agree with you.B) Thanks a lot.C) Pleasedon' say so.D) It ' hard to say.10 Would you like me to get a cup of coffee for you?-.A) Yes, please.B) No, I wouldn ' tC) Yes,I ' Uke to.D) No, I don' think so.11 .A: Would you like me to help you with the heavy box? B:A)


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