【小学 四年级英语】小学生国际音标学习资料 共(8页)_第1页
【小学 四年级英语】小学生国际音标学习资料 共(8页)_第2页
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1、新版国际音标学习 掌握国际音标是学好英语的重要一环。学好国际音标不但有助于学生自己拼读单词,而且能使学生正确地发音和朗读, 提高他们的口语能力。因此学好国际音标是十分必要的。英语音标是记录英语发音的音素符号,英语共有48个音标,其中元音20个(单元音12个,双元音8个),辅音包含清辅音和浊辅音26个(一舌、二半、三鼻、六爆、六破、十摩擦 )。根据国际音标的特点,以下将第十四版国际音标例词及发音规则归纳如下:一、元 音 在英语的元音中,一共有12个单元音和8个单元音, 双元音是由两个元音音标所组成的音素,发音时要注意“前轻后重,前长后短”的特点。(一)单元音(12个)1、/i:/ 例词: me

2、he she see tea key east 发音要诀: 舌抵下齿,嘴唇扁平,做微笑状,发“一”之长音。2、/ I / 例词: it big ship study listen发音要决:舌抵下齿,双唇扁平分开,牙床近于全合,发短促之“一”音。3、/e/ 例词: bed get end let head many friend lesson发音要决:舌近硬颚,舌尖抵下齿,牙床半开半合,做微笑状。4、/Q/ 例词: map cap cat bad and apple发音要决:双唇扁平,舌前微升,舌尖抵住下龈,牙床全开,软腭升起,唇自然开放。5、/:/ 例词: car fast dark star

3、 card hard farm garden的发音:双唇张而不圆,牙床大开,舌后微升,舌尖向后收缩,微离下齿,发“啊”之长音。6、/n/ 例词: on hot cup want mother touch 发音要决:双唇张而不圆,牙床大开,舌后微升,舌尖向后收缩,微离下齿,发短促之“啊”音。7、/:/ 例词: her bird dirt early worker purse发音要决:舌上抬,唇成自然状态,口半开半闭,发“厄”之长音。8、/ / 例词: ago panda teacher doctor around famous发音要决:舌上抬,唇成自然状态,口半开半闭,牙床较张开,发“厄”之短音

4、。9、/u:/ 例词: zoo who ruler food fruit cool shoot发音要决:双唇成圆形,牙床近于半合,舌尖不触下齿,自然而不用力,发“屋”之长音。10、/u / 例词: foot good cook book took full should发音要决:双唇成圆形,牙床近于半合,舌尖不触下齿,自然而不用力,发短促之“屋”音。11、/:/ 例词: horse water short door talk saw autumn 发音要决:双唇界于开闭、圆唇之间,牙床半开至全开,舌尖卷上再过度为卷后。12、/ : / 例词: dog what ball call hall t

5、alk bought发音要决:双唇稍微向外突出成圆形,舌后升起,舌尖抵下齿,发“奥”音。(二)双元音(8个)1、/ ei / 例词: age day they eight great date wait race 发音要决::舌尖抵住下齿,牙床半开半合,双唇扁平,由发“哀”音平稳过渡到发“一”之长音。2、/ ai / 例词: hi my bye fly high buy rice like light发音要决:将口张开略圆,舌后微升,舌尖向后收缩,由发“阿”音平稳过渡到发“一”音。3、/ i / 例词: boy toy oil join soil noise发音要决:双唇外突成圆形,发“奥”音

6、。逐渐过度为双唇扁平分开,发“一”之短音。4、/ u / 例词: no own note bowl boat know shoulder 发音要决:口半开半闭,舌后微升,过渡双唇成圆形,发“欧”之音。5、/ au / 例词: out now town sound house brown 发音要决:将口张开略圆,渐渐合拢,双唇成圆形,由发“阿”音平稳过渡到发“屋”音。6、/ i / 例词: ear deer fear here idea near 发音要决:双唇张开,牙床由窄至半开舌抵下齿逐渐过度为上卷,从“一”音过渡到“厄”音。7、/ / 例词: air hair bear dare ther

7、e their carefully发音要决:双唇张开后略圆,牙床张开相当宽,舌尖卷上渐至卷后。8、/ u / 例词: sure poor tour february发音要决:双唇成圆形,牙床近于半合,舌尖不触下齿,发“屋”之长音,然后从“屋”过渡到“厄”音。二、辅 音(28个) 国际音标里总共有28个辅音音素,辅音里面有清辅音和浊辅音,浊辅音在发音时声带振动,而清辅音在发音时声带不振动。(一) 摩擦音(10个) 摩擦音是发音时,气流开始部分受到阻碍,随后气流从缝隙中泄出,发出声音。 1、 /f/ 例词: fat fast face fine life fire phone father /v/

8、 例词: of love view vine very violin leave 发音要决:下齿轻触上齿,气流从唇齿间的缝隙泻出摩擦成音,/f/ 是清辅音,/v/浊辅音。 2 、/ 例词: both cloth three thing mouth hanks birthday /e/ 例词: that than these bathe mother发音要决:舌尖轻触上齿背,气流从唇齿间的缝隙泻出摩擦成音,/ 是清辅音, /e/ 是浊辅音。3 、/s/ 例词: sun ice sea sell same face snake mouse /z/ 例词: zoo eyes nose knees p

9、rize music发音要决:舌抬起,靠近上齿龈,气流由舌端和齿龈间泻出摩擦成音。/s/ 是清辅音, /z/ 是浊辅音。4 、/ / 例词: she sure wash ship sheep share shake shop fish / / 例词: pleasure usually 发音要决:舌尖和舌端向上齿龈后部抬起,舌身靠近硬颚开成一条狭窄的通道。气流由此泄出口腔,摩擦成音。双唇向前突出,略成圆形。/ / 是清辅音,/ /是浊辅音。5、 / h / 例词: he hen hat hill high hair horse 发音要决:口张开气流不受阻碍,自由溢出口腔,在通过声门时产生轻微摩擦

10、,/h/ 是清辅音。6 、/ r / 例词: run red rain free race write read发音要决: 舌尖向上齿龈后部卷起,舌前部下陷,略成凹型,双唇稍向前突出,气流从口腔泻出,声带振动 ,/r/ 是浊辅音。(二) 爆破音(6个)在发音时,气流开始完全受到阻碍,然后气流有力急促的冲开阻碍发出声音。1 、/p/ 例词: pen pig park pool peach happy speak /b/ 例词: big bye bad bus job bird bark bike 发音要决:双唇紧闭,然后突然张开,气流泄出口腔。/p/ 是清辅音,/b/是浊辅音。2 、/ t /

11、例词: to tea tear seat boat town bottle / d / 例词: do dog date down duck glad made window发音要决:舌尖紧抵上齿龈,形成阻碍,然后舌尖突然离开气流泄出口腔。/t/ 是清辅音, /d/是浊辅音。3 、/k/ 例词: cap key cow car card come kite back cold /g/ 例词: go bag egg pig gap girl gold gave发音要决:舌后部抬起紧贴软颚,形成阻碍,然后舌后部突然离开气流泄出口腔。/k/ 是清辅音,/g/ 是浊辅音。 (三) 破擦音(6个) 破擦辅

12、音是由一个爆破音和一个摩擦音组成。1 、/ t / 例词: watch child China chair cheap lunch / d / 例词: Jane jeep gem joke bridge orange发音要决:舌间和舌端抬起。贴住上齿龈后部形成阻碍,双唇稍向前突出,气流冲破这个阻碍后,通过舌和齿龈间的窄缝摩擦成音。/t?/ 是清辅音。/d?/是浊辅音。2 、 / ts/ 例词: pats cats shirts skates students /dz/ 例词: seeds cards hands roads发音要决:舌尖抵上齿龈形成阻碍,舌尖略下降气流泻出口腔/ts/ 是清辅音

13、。/dz/ 是浊辅音。3 、 /tr/ 例词: train tree trip /dr/ 例词: drive drip dress dream 发音要决:舌尖抵上齿龈后部形成阻碍,舌身取发/r/的姿势,气流冲破阻碍发出短促的t或d之后立即发/r/。/tr/ 是清辅音,/dr/ 是浊辅音。(四)鼻辅音(3个)发三个鼻辅音时气流在不同的位置,程度不同地受阻,最后都通过鼻腔泄出,其中最难的音为/ ? /, 其次应注意/m/在单词末尾时应闭嘴,另外/n/不能与/l/混淆。1 、/m/ 例词: me home came some mouth game many 发音要决:双唇闭合,软鹗下垂气流从鼻腔泻出

14、,/m/是浊辅音。2 、/ n / 例词:son run thin neck noon knife number 发音要决:舌尖紧抵下齿龈形成阻碍,软鹗下垂气流从鼻腔泻出,/n/是浊辅音。3 、/ / 例词:Sing king song thing strong bring发音要决:舌后部抬起,抵住软鹗,气流从鼻腔泻出,/ / 是浊辅音。(五)半元音(2个)1 、/ j / 例词: yes yard year yellow 发音要决:舌前部尽量向硬鹗抬起,双唇平展口微开,气流从口腔泻出,可有轻微摩擦声带振动,一经发出立即向后面的元音滑动,一起发/j/。2 、/ w / 例词: wheat wh

15、eel way wood 发音要决:舌后部向软鹗抬起,双唇收圆并向前突出气流从口腔泻出声带振动,一经发出立即向后面的元音滑动,一起发/w/。(六)舌侧音(1个) 发音有两种,清晰的/l/ 和含糊的/l/,清晰的/l/出现在元音前面,含糊的/l/ 出现在辅音前面或词尾。1 、清晰的/ l / 例词: letter lesson lion lamp 发音要决:舌端紧贴上齿龈,舌前部向硬颚抬起。气流从舌的两端泻出口腔l是浊辅音。2 、含糊的/ l / 例词: ball girl tall bottle 发音要决:舌端紧贴上齿龈后部,舌前部下陷气流从舌的两端泻出口腔l是浊辅音。3、区分鼻音n和舌侧音l

16、 例词: /n/ nine now night know l line law light lown一、英语自我介绍Hi, Good morning/afternoon everyone :My name is .And I am from . It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview. I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today .Now let me i

17、ntroduce myself briefly.I am years old . I graduated from University in . And then I got a higher degree in university in. I have worked for. years since I graduated from the university .And I have been a head teacher for years .Being a teacher is tired but excited. Having taught for so many years,

18、I think I am experienced in teaching field. I have ever got much honor in teaching, but still I think I need a new environment to challenge myself.I am openminded, quickly thoughts and skillful in searching for information on internet . I can operate computer well . In my spare time, I have broad in

19、terests .Such as reading ,surfing the internet ,enjoying music ,writing some articles on my blog and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible .I always believe working hard can bring us more opportunities . To be the best one is a little bit hard. But “Trying All My Best “ always can ch

20、eer me up .To succeed or fail is not the only thing . Its in how we face and invaluate ourselves .This is the chance we take, and this is what we've worked for all our lives . Shining like a shooting star at night, and always smile at life .Weve got to give it all . Someday when we turn back for

21、 what the footprint we have left , time will record the victory in our heart . So “ Try All My Best ” - this is the motto of mine . Ok !So much .Thank you!二、可能问的问题你教了几年书?How long have you been teaching?I have been teaching for.有教小学的经验吗?Did you have any experiences teaching in elementary school/prima

22、ry school?Yes, I did. or No, I didnt.你打算怎么样给小孩上课?How are you going to give lessons to little kids?I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are available like CD player, pictures, word cards, TV, magazines, games acts in my lessons. I am going to use different teaching methods to help ch

23、ildren with different learning styles.能否示范一下?Can you demonstrate one lesson?Sure. If I teach days of the week, I will teach children a song: Sunday, Monday.(用twinkle twinkle little star 的tune)你觉得教小学生跟教中学生有什么不同?What is the difference between teaching elementary school children and the junior high school children?well, when teaching little kids a teacher has to be more patient. He/she has to use lots of songs, gam


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