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1、教学课题:Module 5 My School DayUnit 3 Language in use项目设计内容备注课时第3课时课型Rcvisi on and applica tion教具Tape recorder,OHP, handouts学标 教目知识与能力To summarize and consolidateThe Present simple with I, you , wc , they and the prepositions of time at, in , on.the negative fbrin of present simple don't.过程与方法本单元是复习

2、课,采用主题教学法,通过一个接一个读 单词的方式给学生热身,让他们在游戏的氛围中回忆单 词,通过又说又写,个体与集体活动来归纳总结。强化 本模块的所学重点并完成语言学习任务。态度与情感通过体验与学习,感受校园生活,热爱学校生活。重点1.能够运用实义动词的一般现在时的肯定结构和否定结构。2.能够掌握和运用时间的表达方式。难点能够运用实义动词的一般现在时和时间的表达方式来描述自己一天的校园 生活。学段法 和手方Formal and interactive practice§«教师活动学生活动说明或 设计意图Step 1 Warmi ng up1. Ask the student

3、s to read the words of Unit 5,one by one.If someone can't read out,please read the word five times.2. Ask the students to do Activity5.Complctc the sentences with the words from (he box in your book alone.3. Call back the answers from the1. Read the words one by one to remember the meaning of th

4、em.2. Do Activity 5.Complete the sentences with the words from the box in your book alone.3. check the answers with the wholeclass .the answers are :1. break 2. subject 3. because 4. interesting 5. homework1.学生起立一 个接着一 个地读模 块单词,读 不出的不 能坐下,等 结束时再 读这个单 词5次。这 样增加趣 味性,并能whole class, check (he answers.查出

5、学生 个体在阅 读单词时 是否有不 会的,便于 查漏补缺。2.趁热打铁, 让学生在 复习完读 音的前提 下,马上进 入写的环 节,让他们 对单词有 一个全面 的了解,。 调动学生 的听力,视 力和手共 同来识记 单词,达到 巩固的目 的。Step 2 Revie w the gram marThe present simple在英语中,“行为动词的一般现在 时'该如何表达呢?请看下列句 子I do my homework in (he evening. 表达经常性或习惯性的动作,要 用一般现在时I know him very well.表示现在的状态,也可以用一般 现在时第一人称和第二

6、人称的一般现在 时其谓语动词没有形式的变化, 否定形式一般是在谓语动词前加 don't。I have lunch at school.I don't have lunch at school.We go to the park on Sunday.We doift go to the park on SundayLearn the important points by heart and write down the notes.帮助学生系统 详细地理解与 掌握本模块的 语法行为动词 的一般现在时 的肯定和否定 的结构及用 法.Step 3 The time expres s

7、ions1.时间的表达方式。1)直接表示时间法:就是按照儿 点儿分的顺序来表示时间。(这个 最简单)例如:8: 00 ighto'clock 5:20five twenty2)添加介词表示法:如果分数小于或等于30,就用past来表示, 结构是“分钟+past+该点钟“;如果 分钟大于30,就用to来表示,结 构是''分钟+10+下一点钟例如: 12: 05five past twelve9:50ten to ten8:40twenty to nine如果分钟是15, 一般用aquarter来代替fifteen;如果分钟 是30, 一般用half来代替thirty<

8、;, 例如:9: 15a quarter past nine11: 30half past eleven2: 45a quarter to three帮助学生能够 系统详细地理 解与掌握时间 的不同表达方 式。Step4 Revie w the phrase s and do activiti es2& 3PresentationJack's school davK 'O 定)1< ia»««icted1 .Show the picture one by one to review the phrases.2.Summary the

9、phrases of "do, have,go” and do activity 2Find friend%.1,dinner2.WT bocnework3.to vbool4. break5.in E Dgli$h ItMca 6t。slr<f>7.to bed9.toMt笑 . C*>-O3.Ask the students to Complete the passage with the expressions from the box with a partner.4. Call back the answers from the whole class,

10、check the answers.1 .Watch the pictures and remember the phrases by heart.2.Summary the phrases of "do, have,go, and do activity 23. Completethe passage with theexpressions from (he box with a partner.4. Check the answers with the teacher.Keys :1. get up 2. have breakfast 3. go to school 4. sta

11、rt work 5. have a break 6. have lunch7. do homework设计动作和时 间的图画来复 习木模块的语 法实义动词的 一般现在时的 肯定和否定结 构,及动词词 组,同时以找 朋友的形式帮 他们归纳了 do,have,go 的 词组,让学生 一步一步领会"learning to learn ”的用意, 为以后的学校 奠定基础。通过复习到写 的环节,完成 短文,从单纯 的词组到转移 到了文章语境 中,使学的内 容进一步得到 应用。Step 5 The use of “in,at, on" And do Activit y41. Revie

12、w the using of at, inand on.2. Ask the students to make sentences with “at,in, on"3. Ask the students to fill in the blank individually , then check with a partner.1. Review the using of at, in and on2. Make sentences with “at,in, on”3. Fill in the blank individually , (hen check with a partner

13、 .4. Check the answers.Keys :1. in 2. on 3. at 4. on 5. in 6. at总结系统地复 习时间介词的 用法,举例说 明介词的用法 后让学生用介 词造句,接着 用介词填空, 这样感受介词 的使用,不易1 己 O4. Call back (he answers from the whole class , check the answers .Step6 Arou nd the world1. Ask the students to look at thepicture and discuss what they can see.2. Read

14、 through the informationwith the whole class, and talk something about them.3. Ask the students to translate thepassage,underline the phrases wc arc familiar with.1 .Look at the picture and discuss what we can see.2.Translate the passage,underline the phrases we are familiar with.3.Read through the

15、information with the whole class, and talk something about them.锻炼学生的语 言转换能力, 开拓他们的视 野,同时告诉 他们阅读是获 取知识、拓展 知识的最佳途 径。Step 7 Post task activit y1. Ask the students to talk about their own school day with the phrases they learned.2. Work in pairs. Talk about your ideal school day.3. Complete the table w

16、ith information about your ideal school day.1 .Talk about their own school day with the phrases they learned.2.Work in pairs. Talk about your ideal school day.3. Complete the tabic with information about your ideal school day.1 .通过说,创 设情境,为下 一步讨论“理 想的在校一 日"做铺垫。2.接着两两结 对,谈论他们 理想中的在校 天,再根据 表格信息写一

17、 篇理想的在校 一天的短文。 这样把学过的 句型,短语和 生活实践联系 起来,使他们 在活动中对所 学的目标语言 达到熟练掌握 的程度。Step 8 Summing up &honi ework1. Words and phrases :go to school,go to bed,go to sleep,do your homework,have breakfast,.2. Sentences patterns :We have Chinese at eight o'clock.Wc don't have maths.Do you like maths?Ycs,l do.3. Homework:Write a composition about your ide


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