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1、全国英语等级考试四级(PETS4)历年真题(一)材料题(江南博哥)根据以下材料,回答21-40题Pragmatism is a philosophical movement that has had a major impact on American culture from the late 19th century to the present.Pragmatism calls 21 ideas and theories to be tested in practice, by 22 whether acting upon the idea or theory produces desi

2、rable or undesirable results.The ideas of the pragmatists were considered 23 when they first appeared.to some critics, pragmatisms 24 to affirm any absolute standards carded negative implications for society, 25 , pragmatists do not believe that a single absolute idea of goodness or justice exists,b

3、ut 26 that these concepts are changeable and depend on the 27 in which they are being discussed.The 28 of these absolutes, critics feared, could result in a (n) 29 in moral standards.The pragmatists denial of absolutes, 30 , challenged the foundations of religion,government, and schools of thought.

4、31, pragmatism influenced developments in psychology,sociology, and many other schools and movements, 32 political groups have also drawn 33 the assumptions of pragmatism, from the progressive movements of the early 20th century to later experiments in social reform.Pragmatism is best 34 in its hist

5、orical and cultural context.lt arose during the late 19th century, a period of rapid scientific advancement 35 by the theories of British biologist CharlesDarwin, whose theories 36 to many thinkers that humanity and society are in a 37 state of progress.During this same period, a decline in 38 relig

6、ious beliefs and values accompanied the industrialization and material progress of the time.In 39 , it became necessary to rethink 40 ideas about values, religion, science, community, and individuality.21 单选题A. forB. inC. outD. off正确答案:A参考解析:41 单选题Enbrel as recommended by FDA advisory committeeA. co

7、uld be a substitute for methotrexate in the near future.B. might bring hope to rheumatoid arthritis patients.C. should be administered to all rheumatoid arthritis patients alike.D. would distinguish itself for its cancerkilling effect.正确答案:B参考解析:B精析该题为细节题。根据第一段A Food and Drug Administration.can grea

8、tly help rheumatoid arthritis patients/可知,食品药品 管理局的一个咨询委员会称,一种新的疗法可以极大地帮助治疗风湿 性关节炎。浏览后文可知,第一段提到的新药物是恩利,而B项可 能给风湿性关节炎患者带来希望,与文中表述一致,故选B。42 单选题Which of the following is responsible for the inflammation of the joints?A. A special molecule on cells surface.B. A free-floating receptor.C. A tumorkilling p

9、rotein.Inactive TNF.正确答案:c参考解析:C精析该题为细节题。由第四段第二句“A major wrongdoer in this process is a protein calledtumor killing factor1。or TNF.可知,在免疫系统攻击健康 关节的过程当中,主犯是一种叫做肿瘤杀死因子”的蛋白质,它与 一种特殊的分子相互作用,因此,造成关节发炎的物质是肿瘤坏死 因子,一种杀死肿瘤的蛋白质,故选Co43 单选题We learn from Paragraph 6 thatA. Enbrel treatment in large doses could r

10、educe the patients怎ymptoms,B. arthritis patients presented symptoms after Enbrel tleatment.C. arthritis patients with treatment of a placebo were rid of symptoms.D. only 5%on the placebo got symptoms such as swelling and joint pain. 正确答案:A 参考解析:A精析该题为细节题。由第六段第四句”By the end, 40% of patients on the la

11、rger Enbrel dose saw symptoms , such as swelling and joint pain , cut in half.可知,40%接受较大剂量恩利注射的患者症状,例如肿胀或者关节疼痛,减轻了一半。选项B称关节炎患者在接受恩利治疗之后表现出了症状,选项C称 关节炎患者在注射安慰剂之后症状消失,选项D称只有5 %接受安慰 剂注射的患者表现出诸如肿胀和关节疼痛的症状,都与原文意思不符, 故选A。44 单选题The wide use of the new drug Enbrel reties much onA. justification of the new t

12、reatment.B. a new monitoring system.C. mass production of the drug.D. longterm safety studies.正确答案:D参考解析:D精析该题为推理题。由第七段Because some TNF.so the FDA panel urged long-term safety studies/1 可知,因为 一些肿瘤坏死因子对正常的免疫反应是必需的,使用恩利的患者至少 在理论上会遭受感染或者甚至癌症的风险,因此,食品药品管理局专 门小组敦促进行长期的安全性研究。由最后一段Butcher says their safety

13、 should be closely monitored once they, re widely available可知,一旦它们被广泛使用,它们的安 全性应得到严密监测。由此可推断,恩利的广泛应用取决于长期的安 全性研究,故选Do45 单选题Which of the following might be an appropriate tire for the text?A. TNF and Immune SystemB. Enbrel versus MethotrexateC. Arthritis Drug on Path to ApprovalD. Study on Rheumatoid

14、 Arthritis 正确答案:c参考解析:C精析该题为主旨题。全文介绍一种治疗风湿性关节炎的新药恩利 的药理作用以及可能造成的风险,并说明由于新药的风险,食品药品 管理局对于审批十分谨慎,敦促进行长期的安全性研究。选项C 关 节炎药物的审批之路涵盖了文章的主要内容,为正确选项。选项A 肿瘤坏死因子和免疫系统、选项B 恩利与甲氨蝶吟”和选项D 风湿性关节炎研究都是文章涉及的部分内容,不足以全面概括文 章,故选C。材料题根据以下材料,回答46-50题How far away you are from retirement plays a large part in how you should

15、invest your retirement money.According to Leslie Wright of Westminster Portfolio Services Ltd., there are three stages to a long-term regular savings plan for retirement: capitalization, consolidation and conservation.In the first stage, people should be most concerned with building up their retirem

16、ent savings investment.According to Wright, these investors can take as aggressive an outlook as their nerves can stand/1 because at this point there is little capital to risk.The second step, consolidation,makes up the bulk of your savings plan; balance the aggressive investments with some tamer on

17、es,to better protect your existing possessions.The final change, from consolidation to conservation,when your investments should aim to preserve the capital you have, should take place one to three years before you retire.The exact timing of all these should take current market conditions into accou

18、nt, although Wright warns against risky betting on future growth.nGreed must not be allowed to blind prudence/1 he says.Whatever vehicles you choose for your retirement share-holding, be sure to take advantage of dollar-cost averaging.By investing a fixed amount at regular intervals, you1 II be able

19、 to avoid the risk of poorly timed investments by averaging out the peaks and valleys of the market.Plus, regular contributions will let you avoid the temptation to drop out when the market falls, and to buy too much when prices are high.Those who are well along the road to retirement may have cause

20、 for concern these days.The plunging stock and property markets have shrunk savings, for retirement and otherwise; and some people have not planned for their retirement at all.You won11 be that rash, of course, but what if you11 re already in mid-career and don11 have a retirement plan in place? If

21、you don11 make some serious cuts in your spending and save heavily now, youll have to sacrifice in youc golden rears.Of course, it1 s better still to get off on the right foot by starting your planning early.HNo one should have to compromise his living standards when he retires/1 says Wright.HRetire

22、ment is a time to really enjoy life .We have all worked so hard. And one of the things you should he working hard on right, now is planning for those days of enjoyment.46 单选题In the first stage of saving for retirement, people can take an aggressive investment strategy becauseA. they have a long-term

23、 regular savings plan in view.B. they can well stand losses that might occur.C. there is nO risk in long-term investment.D. chances Can balance possible risks.正确答案:c参考解析:C精析该题为细节题。由第一段第四句”According toWright, these investors Calltake as aggressive all outlook as their nerves can stand , because at th

24、is point there is little capital to risk.可矢口 /环特建 议投资者可以采取他们心理能够承受的激进的态度,因为在这一 阶段,几乎没有资金风险,也就是说,长期投资不存在风险,故选Co47 单选题to avoid the risk of poorly timed investments , one shouldA. adopt dollarcost averaging strategy.B. set a limit to his investment at regular intervals.C. suppress the temptation to dro

25、p out untimely.D. stop buying shares when the prices are too high.正确答案:B参考解析:B精析该题为细节题。由第二段第12句Whatever vehicles you choose.be sure to take advantage o f dollarcost averaging.you11 be able to avoid the risk of poorly timed investments by av eraging out the peaks and valleys of the market/可矢口,成本平 均策略

26、通过每隔固定的时间间隔投资固定的数量,能够在市场的高峰 和低谷中达到平衡,避免时机不佳的投资,故选B。48 单选题What does the phrase z/in your golden yearsz, (Line 3 , Paragraph 4)mean?A. Youth.B. Middle age.C. Midcareer.D. OId age.正确答案:D参考解析:D精析该题为推理题。全文提倡人们在职业生涯时期为退休时期做 好储蓄和投资计划,由最后一句And one of the things you should be working hard Oil right now is pl

27、anning for those days of enjoyment./,可知,现在应该 为退休阶段享受生活的时光做好准备,因此,如果现在不做准备,就 无异于牺牲了享受生活的时期,即晚年,故选Do49 单选题The author might agree to the argument thatA. one will have to change his spending habits when growing old.B. its far better to end up with too much money than not enough.C. its advisable to open

28、a savings account instead of buying stock shares.D. people should spend less on living after their retirement.正确答案:B参考解析:B 精析该题为观点态度题。全文强调尽早为退休时期做出投资计划 的重要性,并提出投资建议,表明作者重视储蓄、投资,重视退休时 期的资金保障,选项B表达的意思是拥有大量金钱远比钱不够花要好, 与文章主旨一致,故选Bo50 单选题Which of the following might be an appropriate rifle for the text?A

29、. Savings StrategyB. Enjoy Your Later YearsC. PIan for RetirementD. Risky Stock Market正确答案:B参考解析:B精析该题为主旨题。文章介绍了为退休时期做出投资计划的策略, 并强调尽早制定计划,以保障退休时期有享受生活的资金保障。选项 B最大程度地概括了全文意思,选项A 储蓄策略、选项C ”退休 计划和选项D 充满风险的股市都过于片面,故选Bo 材料题根据以下材料,回答51-55题In the 400s BC, the Sophists, a group of wandering teachers, began

30、to teach in Athens.The Sophists claimed that they could teach any subject or skill to anyone who wished to learn it.They specialized in teaching grammar, logic, and rhetoric, subjects that eventually formed the core of the liberal arts.The Sophists were more interested in preparing their students to

31、 argue persuasively and win arguments than in teaching principles of truth and morality.Unlike the Sophists, the Greek philosopher Socrates sought to discover and teach universal principles of truth, beauty, and goodness.Socrates, who died in 399 BC, claimed that true knowledge existed within everyo

32、ne and needed to be brought to consciousness.His educational method, called the Socratic method, consisted of asking probing questions th.at forced his students to think deeply about the meaning of life, truth, and justice.In 387 BC Plato, who had studied under Socrates, established a school in Athe

33、ns called the Academy.Plato believed in an unchanging world of perfect ideas or universal concepts.He asserted that since true knowledge is the same in every place at every time, education, like truth, should be unchanging.Plato described his educational ideal in The Republic, one of the most notabl

34、e works of Western philosophy.Plato1 s Republic describes a model society, or republic, ruled by highly intelligent philosopher-kings.Warriors make up the republic1 s second class of people.The lowest class, the workers, provide food and other products for all the people of the republic.In Plato1 s

35、ideal educational system, each class would receive a different kind of instruction to prepare for their various roles in society.In 335 BC Plato1 s student, Aristotle, founded his own school in Athens called the Lyceum.Believing that human beings are essentially rational, Aristotle thought people co

36、uld discover natural laws that governed the universe and then follow these laws in their lives.He also concluded that educated people who used reason to make decisions would lead a life of moderation in which they avoided dangerous extremes.In the 4th century BC Greek orator Isocrates developed a me

37、thod of education designed to prepare students to be competent orators who could serve as government officials.Isocrates s students studied rhetoric, politics, ethics, and history.They examined model orations and practiced public speaking.Isocrates1 s methods of education directly influenced such Ro

38、man educational theorists as Cicero and Quintilian.51 单选题Which of the following is true of the Sophists?A. Their roaching mmed out to be persuasive.B. Their schools were located mostly in Athens.C. They undermined the morality of the society of their time.D. They exerted considerable influence over

39、later generations. 正确答案:D参考解析:D精析该题为细节题。根据第一段第三句They specialized in teaching grammar Jogic ,and rhetoric , subjects that eventually formed the core the of liberal arts.可 知,诡辩家教授的课程后来形成了文科课程的核心,选项D 他们对 后世产生了可观的影响,与原文意思相符,为正确选项。选项A 称他们的教学方式是劝导性的,后面提到诡辩家们对于帮助学生 准备有力的辩论,并赢得辩论更感兴趣,而不是教授真理和道德原则, A选项与原文意思相

40、悖;选项B称他们的学校大多位于雅典,原 文只是说他们开始是在雅典教学,并未提到他们的学校大多位于雅典; 选项C称他们破坏了当时社会的道德,原文并未提到这一点, 故选D。52 单选题Plato held that a perfect society should be one marked , among other things , byA. equality and freedom.B. democracy and liberality.C. intellect and hierarchy, .evolution and flexibility.正确答案:c 参考解析:C精析该题为推理题。由

41、第三段第58句”Plat。 s Republic describes a model society , or republic , ruled by highly intelligent philosopher kings.each class would receive a different kind of in-structio n to prepare for their various roles in society/ 可知,柏拉图的 理想国描述了一个由极具智慧的哲学王统治的理想社会,这个社 会等级分明,每个阶层都会接受其独特的教育,以便为了他们各自的 社会角色做好准备,由此可以

42、推断,柏拉图所认为的理想社会应以智 力差异和等级制度为显著特点,故选C。53 单选题Which of the following would have been one of Platoz s dislikes?A. Challenge to class divisions.B. Maintenance of political order.C. Obedience to the rulers.Acceptance to their social roles.正确答案:A 参考解析:A精析该题为推理题。由第三段第58句”Plat。 s Republic describes a model so

43、ciety , Or republic ,mled by highly intelligent philosopherokings.each class would receive a different kind of in-stmction to prepare for their various roles in society/可知,柏拉图倡导 一个由智者领导的、等级分明的社会,每个阶层都遵从统治者领导, 接受独特的教育,扮演各自的社会角色,因此可推断,对阶级分化的 挑战应该是柏拉图不赞成的。选项B 维持政治秩序,选项C ”服 从统治者和选项D 接受各自社会角色都是柏拉图所提倡的观点,

44、 与题干设问相反,故选A。54 单选题The followers of Isocrates might have shown little interest inA. morality.B. historical events.C. principles of a government.D. comedies.正确答案:D参考解析:D精析该题为推理题。由第五段第二句Isocrates,s students studied rhetoric , politics , ethics , and history. 可 知,伊索克拉底的学生学习修辞法、政治、道德和历史,由此可推断, 他的学生们对喜剧的

45、兴趣不大,故选D。55 单选题Who might share a similar teaching focus to the Sophists?A. Aristotle.B. Isocrates.C. PIato.D. Socrates.正确答案:B参考解析:B 精析该题为推理题。由第一段第三句“They specialized in teaching grammar, logic ,and rhetoric , subjects that eventually formed the core of the liberal arts.可 知,诡辩家们专业教授语法、逻辑和修辞学,这些课程后来形成

46、了文 科课程的核心。由第五段第二句Isocratess students studied rhetoric , politics , ethics , and history. 可 知,伊索克拉底的学生学习修辞法、政治、道德和历史,伊苏科拉迪 与诡辩家教授的内容有相似之处,故选B。材料题根据以下材料,回答56-57题Overshadowed by rows over Nigeria and Lockerbie, the Commonwealth s attempts to refocus on trade and investment the main theme of the Edinbur

47、gh heads of government meeting attracted little attention and even less praise.Hopes were high that the summit1 s economic statement would be of similar weight to the Harare Declaration, issued in 1991 to map out a political agenda for the excolonial club after the end of its preoccupation with the

48、struggle against separateness.But the publication of the statement did little to divert attention from rows over the trial of two Lockerbie bomb suspects and over the decision by the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMag) not to impose new sanctions against Nigeria.CMag chose to ignore calls f

49、or Nigerias expulsion and the imposition of an oil embargo.They concluded that the situation would be reassessed if General Sani Abacha failed to honor his promise to hold fully democratic elections next October.The Prime Minister, tony Blair, was delighted with the six-page document, entitled Promo

50、ting Shared Prosperity.1 signals the end of ideology and reflects basic principles of economic and social justice,1,1 Downing Street said.Hlt would have been unthinkable only a short time ago. But the declaration produced few surprises and many boring repetitions of statements based on affirmation o

51、f free market principles in the global economy.It was never going to be easy to bridge gaps between the Commonwealth1 s 54 members,which include both wealthy countries, such as Britain, and some of the world1 s poorest, such as Bangladesh.So Edinburgh stayed on safe ground, establishing four key pri

52、nciples: 1) The world economy should be geared towards promoting universal growth and prosperity for all; 2 ) There must be effective participation by all countries in economic decision-making; 3) The removal of obstacles that prevent developing countries from playing a full part in shaping the glob

53、al economy;4)A精析call for 提倡;call in 召来;call out 大叫;call off 取消,放 弃。由前后文对实用主义的解释可知,此句表达的意思是实用主义的1=1基本内涵,也就是实用主义这一思潮所倡导的观点和理念,故选A。22 单选题A. discussingB. predictingC. assessing .questioning 正确答案:C 参考解析:C精析discuss 讨论;predict 预测;assess 评估;question 提问, 质疑。由前半句话可知,实用主义倡导在实践中检验观念和理论,由 此可推知,要想检验观念和理论,就必须通过评估依

54、据某些观点和理 论是否能够产生理想或不理想的结果,方能检验观念和理论的正确性, 故选C。23 单选题A. reasonableB. credibleC. revolutionary.attractive正确答案:c参考解析:C精析reasonable 合理的;credible 可靠的;revolutionary 革命 性的;attractive具有吸引力的。由后文提到的批评者的观点可知, 人们对于实用主义的理念提出了质疑。并且由后文The pragmatists1 denial.challenged the foundations of religion , government, and s

55、chools of thought.可知,实用主义对于传统观念提出了挑 战,由此可推知,它是一股具有革命性的思潮,故选C。24 单选题A. effortInternational regimes affecting economic relations among nations should provide benefits for all.Caribbean members insisted on a reference to their troubles over banana exports threatened by a new World Trade Organization ru

56、ling, and won recognition of their Hlegitimate interests and the need for help to diversify their economies.Practical measures included a decision to establish a Commonwealth Trade and InvestmentAccess Facility to help developing countries take advantage of globalization.One additional source of rev

57、enue was opened up with the creation of a new fund for development in South Asian member countries.The Worldwide Fund for Nature said the Commonwealth had not matched its rhetoric about the dangers of globalisation by failing to promise higher-quality investment,protection for the environment and la

58、bour rights.56 单选题The word/zrows7 (Line I ,Paragraph l)most probably refers toA. groups of people.B. noisy arguments.C. subsequent events.D. tragic happenings.正确答案:B参考解析:B精析该题为推理题。由第二段第23句But the publication of the statement did little to divert atte ntion from rows over the trial of two Lockerbie bomb suspect s


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