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1、中考英语名词专项练习题一、初中英语名词选择题1. Eric hasbaseball and four baseball.A. one; bat B. two; bats C. two; bat D. one; bats【答案】D2. mothers are teachers in our school. Students like them a lot.A. Jim and SallyB. Jim and Sally'sC. Jim's and Sally's【答案】C3. Themeeting begins at 2 in the afternoon. After t

2、hat, parentstwo of our lessons.A. parents; listen B. parents' listen C. parents' watch D. parents; look 【答案】C4. In thosethere are many brave.A. story; hero B. storys; heros C. stories; heroes D. stories; heros 【答案】C5. Mrs Smith eatsmeat, so she isfat now.A. too much, too muchB. much too, too

3、 much C. toomuch, much too D. much too, much too【答案】C6. At weekends,teachers like going to.A. woman; shoe shopsB. women; vegetables shopsC. woman; sport shopsD. women; clothes shops【答案】D7. Imy sister yesterday.How manydo you usually send every month?A. e-mail; emailsB. e-mailed; e-mail C. e-mailed;

4、e-mails【答案】C8. Miss Li is one ofin our school.A. the more popular teacherB. the popular teacherC. the most popular teachers【答案】C9. The key isn't. It belongs to.A. her; Tom'sB. hers; TomC. her; Tom【答案】B10. After years of war, the people in Syria are thirsty for.A. relaxB. quietC. peaceD. safe

5、【答案】C11. It'sbedroom. It's clean and tidy.A. Alice's and Gina's B. Alice and Gina's C. Alice's and Gina【答案】B12. Look! Herethree picturesmy friends.How beautiful they are!A. is; ofB. are; ofC. is; inD. are; to【答案】B13. Look! This is a room and it isroom.A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy

6、 and Lily's C. Lucy's and Lily's D. Lucy's and Lily 【答案】B14. Vegetables are. They are good for our.A. health; healthy B. health; health C. healthy; healthy D. healthy; health 【答案】D15. April and May,Victor likes to take photosthe flowers in thegarden.A. In; atB. In; ofC. On; atD. On;

7、of【答案】B16. What do you want?JustA. two kilo of apple【答案】CB. two kilos of appleC. two kilos of apples17. The little girl over there isB. Tom'scousin.A. Tom【答案】BC. the Tom18. Kobe Bean Bryantmore than 9 months ago. That's to say he has beenfor over 9 months. Hismade all his fans very sad.A. de

8、ad; died; deathB. died; dead; deathC. died; died; deadD. died; dying; dead【答案】B19. You won firstin the math competition. Congratulations!Thank you.A. price【答案】BB. prizeC. raceD. grade20. This is a very big room.Yes, it isA. Jim and Tomroom.B. Jim and Tom'sC. Jim's and Tom's【答案】B21. Cola

9、isA. healthy; health health【答案】C,and it's not good for your unhealthy; healthy health; healthB.D.C. unhealthy;dancing in the street yesterday.A. Germen, EnglishmanB. Germans, EnglishmansC. Germen, Englishmans22. I saw someandD. Germans,Englishmen【答案】D23. Therea pair ofon the bed.A. are, jeans【答案

10、】BB. s, jeansC. is, jeanD. are, jean24. Thank you forA. help【答案】CB. helpingC.your help25. Are these yourA. radioB. model plane C. hatD.tapes【答案】D26. There are manyteachers in this primary school.A. womanB. woman sC. women D. women s【答案】C27.A. Tom and Jim'sroom is very big.B. Tom's and Jim

11、9;s C. Tom and JimD.Tom's and Jim【答案】A28. Look! Someare in the pencil box. They are Jack's.A. eraserB. computerC. erasersD.computers【答案】C29. What's the number of doctors in this hospital?189.I only know that the number ofdoctors in this hospitalA. men; are B. man; isC. man; are D. men; i

12、s【答案】D30. It is a goodfor youexercise every day to keep healthy.A. choose; to take B. choice; to take C. chose; taking D. chosen; taking 【答案】B31. Thisof shoes looks very nice. I will take them.【答案】A32. likes salad.A. Jane brotherB. Jane brother's C. Jane's brother's D. Jane's brother

13、【答案】D33. After dinner, I always eat fiveA. hamburgersB. strawberriesC. salad【答案】B34. I would like som ea nd.A. hamburger; waterB. hamburgers; waterC. hamburgers; watersD. hamburger, waters【答案】B35. Would you like some?Yes, a little please.A. apple【答案】DB. bananasC. booksD. milk36. is the birthday of o

14、ur motherland (祖国).A. October 1stB. August 1 stC. January 1stD. September 1st【答案】A37. Next week, families and friends in western countries will get together to have abig dinner and celebrate harvest on, just like our Mid-Autumn Day.A. Christmas【答案】BB. Thanksgiving DayC. New Year38. The volleyball mu

15、st belong to. He likes playing it after school.A. Bob B. mine C. sheD. Carla' s【答案】A39. The girl is Lucy and the boy is Tom.are my.A. Those; friend B. These; friends C. They; friend D. They; friends【答案】D40. Look at the big and clean room. It' s.A. Lucy, s and Lily* s B. Lucy and Lily' s

16、C. Lucy, s and Lily【答案】B41. It' s said that the twodoctors have just come back from Wuhan.Yeah, I know them. They are both already in their.A. woman; sixty B. women; sixtieth C. women; sixties D. woman; sixties【答案】C42. I saw someanddancing in the street the day beforeyesterday.A. Germen; English

17、men B. Germans; Englishmans C. Germans; EnglishmenD. Germen; Englishmans【答案】C43. Thewoman is afraid of.A. death; dying B. dead; die C. dying; death D. died; dying【答案】C44. What would you like for lunch?I'd like someand.A. tomatos; mutton B. rice; chickens C. dumpling; eggs D. potatoes; beef 【答案】D

18、45. The baby elephant'sis about 100 kilos, but an adult elephant mayabout 5,000 kilos.A. weight; weigh B. weight; weight C. weigh; weigh D. weigh; weight 【答案】A46. The policelooking for the little boy.【答案】D47. You're best at English. What's theto learn it well?I think reading a lot is the most important.A. abilityB. secretC. taskD. guide【答案】B48. This is myhouse. I&#


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