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1、2019年贵州省贵阳市中考英语真题第1卷,选择题,共划分,关人题听力共五节.滴分3分:1第节 根据时话内容选择相应的图片口读一遍,(共&小题;每小题满分6分)笫 H根据所断句广,选择最佳而答,一波i& (北6小题;肉小也1分.满分6分)7, A, Pm luie.N. A. Ji MiMidiiy.9, A. Sure!Id A. Site'sCairldI t Aplviisc.12. A. 1 can draw. l 瓜,inoni.i. I(x >uiiny4 Ml Iih>.V I :irh< lus 1uii(i liair.4. |i tl

2、elickiHs.J The chess club4'. It icJ-C. It s May Hih (.(hanksC It inusi lx: Girki*sC Ahibul diic 叩uurv C Sorry, Ms, C'hik,C. jacketC. kn>k after her cuusinC 7:55( enter SircclC children s hospital20. A. Four.H ThreeC. Two.21 A lt honng.22 . A. Ue short and thin23 A She h.is ;i tc erB. h*s

3、pretty gotKl.B He's tall and strong.B She has a Monuicluiche.C It sditTlcultC. lie's tail and thin.C She has a tcxhachc.第3根据对谒内容.选择用佳选项完成句已 读两遍(共6小题:俗小题I分,满分6分)3. Jos lailict will gel a on Father s<.lav.A. lieB. cameraJ Amy is going toin < Hii/hcmtravel uith Im心inH isit her cousin5 Hie

4、 show will Marl at .A. 7:05H7:2()6 The bookstore is onA. Queen SiredB(irecn Street7. The Iwo speakers arc talking in a .A. movie theaterBclothes storeS. I lie probable rclatiotiship betnuen the luo speakers isA. husband and wifeB. doctor and patient C. taxi driver and passenger第四节根据对话内客及问题.选择最佳选项.读两

5、遍(共6小题:标小题I分,满分6分)B Silk.C. C3tm24. A. By niakinu cards.B. Uy readinu aloud. C. By writing diaries.第五节根据知.文内容及问题,选择展佳选项正二遍。共6小题:每小题1分,满分6分)25. .A. Canada.26. A He was nenous.27. A At 6:30.2S. A. Lots offish.29 A (hi (lie beach.30 A h uonderlulB. (iermany.B. He was ill.B. At 8:30.B. Pretty flowers.9B

6、. Al the school.B. It's tiring.C Australia.C. He was excitedC. At 9:30.C. Colorful birds.C. On the boat.< I Ts dangerous.第二大题 单项填空(共15小题;将小题I分,满分1S分)从保遨所给的A、B. C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的坡佳选项。31. Learning is lifelong jouniey because every day brings >oine!liing new.A. /B aC. the32. "Dad. my bik

7、e is broken.I use vours?*'"Sure! h's in the backyard/*A. MustB. ShouldC. May33. I he People's Republic of China was founded October 1st, 1949. WcMI celebrate its70th annicrsar> this year.A. inB. onC. at34. Volimiccfiiig the world uanncr. Even small things can make a big ditTcrcnc

8、c.A makeI) makesC. was making35. Wang Ynngming is a great cducalionalisl developed most of his thoughts in Xiuwcn.A whichIL whatC. who36. To live a low-ciiibon lilv« zc iniisl rcinumbcr I he lights when we leave the room.A to (urn ofl'B. lurmng oilC. not to turn utl37. “Ed. do you like Ilie

9、 hosted by Dong Qing?"*Yes. ! watch every week."A. oneIk itC. them38. The UN set Octolvr I6(h as World Food Day to tell people to value food care more about the hunger problcin.A. butB. soC. andM I he MciUin lea Museum, a famous buiklitig in Guizhou* in【he shape of a gi int teapot. A. will

10、 be builtB. should be builtC. uas built“)I ciyonc wants to win in ihc contest Bui 1 thinki> io learn something and have fun.A. the mosl impurtantB. imptrtain( more important5Whe"plmmJ p】;iz八八M)人八小 hI ( h r.i r . . Itreasures.A becomesB became( has become二.There are 24 solar tenns in a year.

11、Grain Rain often siarts in April, the month of the year.A. thirdB. founhC. fifth43 w,Yan Ning is one of 25 foreign 於、ociaic、(M I. ) in the US National .Academy of Sciences/*" excellent 7nM9”A Wh&l anB.WhatC.1 knv44. Johnny made up hr mind to give up stnoknig He is thinking cboulA. h(n he ca

12、n makeitB.how can he make itC.how willhe nuike it45. ( )nr eyesight will become poorer and poorerwe keep playing ithphones.A. thoughB.unlessC.if第三大厩情兔交际(共两节,满分10分)第一节从看栏选项中找出左栏各句的址佳应答(共5小时;每小题1分,满分S分)46. What will the future be like?A. Fifteen dollars.47. How much arc these socks?B. She has big eyes

13、.48. Could I go out fbr dinner loday?C. Thal should be OK.49. The (ircat Wall is reallv fantastic!D.Ycs. she's ven nice.1r50. Is your sister as friendly as you, Ann?E. I do agivc. Ie beet) there.r. 1 here will be world peace.第二9选择方框内坡仕选项完成对话,选项中书一项为多余选项。(共5小题;密小题1 分,满分§分)A. How was ii?B Did

14、 you enjoy it?C. But we couldn't understand it.D. We drank tea and watched an opem.E. I hope to uiKlcrsland more next limeF But (he aciors andwere cxccllcnl.A: Ling and 1 went lo Lao She Teahouse last night.B: 51A: It was great! You know. I wanted to see ihe Beijing Opera, so she took me there.

15、52B: Did you understand the opera?A: No. it was diflkuh to undcrsiand the words. 53B: How long did you stay1A: We planned to watch leu an hcnir, but in the end. we stayed Cot ihree hours.B: 54A: Yes, n was interestingthat's the main thing.55 I heard that the teahouse was named after Lao She.H: V

16、es, he's great writer. He's especially famous Ibr his play Teahouse.笫四大做 完形大空(共IS小虺:每小做I分.满分IS分)阀读卜列短文,从短文后各朋所给的A,由C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最优选J虬AMany young people have (rouble coinnninicating u uh their parents. I here are some 56一 lo help solve (his problem.First, make a list of the things you and

17、 your parents 57 about most. With each of these things* Iry to find an answer acceptable to both you and your parents. It is no good for you to require 58 to go your way. Ybu have lo be rciidy to change 斌 I iltlc if you want llicm to change.Second, talk to your parents when it is convenient fur them

18、. Remember that your parents may have to work long hours and this can make them 59 so be patient with them.I Hird, listen to whai your parents have to say. How can you 6() them to listen lo you if are m»i ready io jsien to ihem ? in addition, your parents xs ere once 6I_ like you, so they un<

19、;icr>iand your ituntion belter than you expect.F inally, if you do not gel a aiislactory rouh.(r noi to get too angry. Talk with your parents :tnd lind out thcii _ 62 ol growing up is learning io live with these kinds ofdts<igrccincni%. and Icaining lo uiulcrstaml another pcrson nay >f look

20、ing al things.A abilitiesB. MlUyCstlOIKC. tasksA disagreeB. worry .C. UilkA everythingB. nothingC. boniethingA excitedR aniir)C. tiredA. orderB. expectC. invite56 57 5X5<) 60 ith a litllc hard work, you can leani to ccMninunicaie beilct with your parentsbl. A. young62. A. reasoiibB bnnc hobbies(

21、coniidentC secretsA boy named Jack wus well known in hi、hometown because he couldn t hear anything He uas boin deaf Ahhough people 63 him a lot. they also treated him much diflcrently lhan other H:oplc. The other childrci) worried Ilies might 64 h in while plasing together. Adults acted like be unab

22、le lo understand 山cm. as if he was a baby1 loueven this ear. people got to undcrsland Jack a hide belkr. On Jack birthday, everyone in town would 6? carjihigs (11 至)that they couldn I hear anything cither. Illis day came to be known as the of Silence. People became aware of how dillkuh life could be

23、 when you can'l hear anything. They also 66 ihm Jack had many skills.On iba( day. no one thoughi of Jack as just a deaf person. People saw a whole 67 side of him. They paid more allciition to what he raid They ucrc a ho surprised by his smartness and ability lo Gnd a solution to nearly any(hal b

24、e faced. They realized that he had alwaysbeen hkc that, and (hat he simply needed to coniinunicatc with others in a dilTerenl way. In the end. he was 4 just like any other little boy.On the Day of Silence, people canK to know Jack's tme 70 Ihcy learned that although most of us are dinerenl from

25、each other-soineiimes in big ways we arc still mostly the same inuur liuarls and minds63. A. missed64. A. lose65. A. wear66. A. promised67. A. new6S. A. choice69 A. hardly70 . A. friendB. likedIk controlB buyB imaginedB wrongB. problemB. partlyR natureC . refusedC. hurtC. bnngC. lejirncdC.crazvC. cI

26、ldlKCC. reallyC. level第五大题阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共1U小胞;每小鸟 2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文.从每题所给的A. B,C三个选项中,选出坡佳选项AMany people love travelling to dillcrcitl countries, but il' you plan lo g。 know lunv to bclnivc in ditTbrcnl silualions around llw wot Id.Most iravcllcis enjoy meeting new people, but sometimes you c

27、an be rude wilhoui saying anything. In Russia, you should never shake hands in a doorway, and if you're (ravelling in Thailand, never UMich people's heads or point your feet al people. When ihc Japanese meet new people, Ihcy like giving business cards bul you should read the card carefully,

28、m just put it in your pcckct.ubioad. you shouldIii moxt counirics in I mope people expect a lot of eye coiHact when you t;ilk I。1I1CIJ1. bui iii main 、i;in countries a lol of ey e coniact seems unincndlv < And in South America people usually quite close io each other uhen the talk, but in countri

29、es hke the I'SA you wed to give people inorc personal space. Also. "、 rude id interrum Japanese people uhilu ihcy arc talking lu you You must wail until they finish Ik fore you tart speaking.In rcstaurnnis in China you can leave a bit of lb(Mi on your plate, n OK io 、uin smoking before othe

30、r people finish eating, which you mu7n、do in the I K When in India, remember to eal with your right Iwnd. Also avoid leaving cnipiy Ixitllcs on ihc dinner lablc in Russiatluii s bad luck.When you re (ravelling in Asia, itSomcoic invites you to his or her home, don t ibrget to take oil your shoes whe

31、n you arriw. And if you visit an Arab HnniK ,s liomc, don't achnirc anthing valuable because your host will tee I he should give i( lo you as a prcscnlWith so much to think about. it-s not suqrising that many people prefer going on holiday intheir own countries or you might just decide to stay a

32、t home!71. Which of the following s(atcinen(s is TRUE?A. We can admire anything valuable in an Arab family's hon e.13. In China, people cannot smoke befeire olher people finish eatingC. In Russia, il*s impolite to shake hands wiih people in ;i doorway.72. What does the underlined word -intermptM

33、 mean in Chinese?A.尔的B.打断C.附和73. kVhat is the correct order of ihc subheadings(小标邃)Oom Paragraph 2 to Paragraph 5?XEating out In ihe home Body language (£)Face-to-face communicationA.®®B. ®®®®C. ®®®®74. What dues the writer want to tell us?A. Pr

34、actice makc> perfectB. Where there is a will, there is a way.C. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.75. What is the best title for the passage?C. Public RulesA. Culture ShockB. Table MannersWhai will the world othe future be like? Ihcre arc plenty of |Koplc who arc happy to give their opinion of wh

35、al we will be doing in 2050. Here arc two predictions about ihc world of lomorrow.When we di cum about ihe f uture, iiKiny like to ihmk of owning ;i personal tlymg car. The advantages arc obvious. This lechnology woul<l allow (otnl freedom otmovement. We could fly at 480 kin per hour, avoiding Ir

36、a Ilk lights und busy roads.1 lowcvcr, some people believe (here will be problems with trallic control. If the carb became populai; (here is likely lo be air inifTic jam. Another big problem is mechanical failure. What will happen if the cars stop working? These arc problems we must expect if flying

37、 cars become a reality.Thruc-<iimcnsi<Hial printing is another new technology with exciting possibilities. 31)pniiicr、 arc 1<> buhl an cbjccl with liquid plastic. I he build I he objccl layer h layer until it is cornplcic. Cm companies al read use 31) pnntcr> u> make htc-size model

38、s of car parts, and medical companies use the technology io make nian-made Inxly parts. As we nunc into the future. V) printing will revolutionize the way we shop, the way ue numutaclurc ami the way ve laat sick people. The disadvantage is that such cquiptucni will be cxlrcmcly expensivu.So in the f

39、uture, uc might be able io tly io uork or punt out new shoes.Although there are some problems to solve before this will be possible, we can certainly drcam of a uorld where technology makes life easier and salcr for million、of people.76. hat is the pii>b<igc mainly aboul?A Environmcinal proicc

40、tioii. B. The world of lomorrou.C. Advantages of technology.7-7. Whai do we learn fn>in (he passage?A. Seine people think iechnolog dcck>pment may bring new problems.H 3D printing can bring great chango 10 our lile and its equipment is cheap.(%.The flying car won t bring air irailk jam even wh

41、en they become popular.78. Vh;n i、the correct slruciure of the pa>s;igc?( Pi - Paragraph I)79. What does the underlined word 'they* refer tu?A. Car companies.B. 3D printers.C. Body parts.XO. We can inter that the writer about the future life with technology.A. doesn,t careB. feels hopcftilC.

42、feels disappointed第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空门处的最住选项.选项中有项为多余选项©How much physical activity do you do in a week? Arc you getting enough exercise? 81 lor example, people who exercise regularly arc less likely (o sutler troin many diseases. Regular exercise reduces the risk of early

43、 death by 30o. It also improves your sleep quality.Today, most adults are much less active ihan in (he past because our jobs are far less physical than the work our grandparents used lo do K2 This lack of regular physical activity means people bum fewer calorics ihan in the past so we need 10 do som

44、ething to consume (zillf;) our energy l-xpcns think aduhs need 10 do 2.5 hours of iiKidcrate exercise per week. X3Exercise can be expensive, bill i( doesn't have (<> be. Team spirts Mich as t<M)lball can be cheap Ixrcausc all il>c players share ihc cosi of ihc field. X4 It can :ilso

45、Iw very socH.H you doifi want to spend any money, ir>, one of (he following activities. Go tor a nm. The only C|uipinenl you need is a pair of ninning slwics. !t you take the bus, trx getting olT one slop early and walking I he exiru dislance. (io to the park. K5 You c:hi pki ditlcrcnt kinds of g

46、ames (here. ! his is a great way to involve family members and friends.In short, there arc many easy ways of keeping Hi. Ifwc all recognize (he value of doing this, wc will live longer and be hciillhicr.A Try getting .1 gioup ol* h ieiuls or family (ogctliet.H. This could be fast walking or cycling

47、on a tlal n)ad.C. Regular adivily bcnelllN your health in numy wuys.D. You should gel more exercise and cal less to keep fit.E. Joining a spoi ls club is a cheap way of gelling exercise.F Many of us spend seven hours or nwrc just sitting on a chair each day.第II卷(非选择题,共50分)第六大跑基础知识与运用,共两节.满分I。分)第 9根据

48、语境.用所给诃的适当形式填空(共S小题:每小题I分,满分S分)X6. Nothing is a waic if uc have a (create) mind.X7. The best Ihings in life (be) free, like smiles, low ai d good memories.58. he (able) won't I cel (hat lonely if ecrxronc can do something to help them.X9. China has made great (achieve) since it opened its doors

49、lo the outside world.9(). (iinvang is developing so(quick) that more and inc«rc graduates choose lo work here.第二节根据语境,选相恰当向而完成下列各句。(共5小题:每小遮1分,迪生5分)gel up in tact is good at take in a symbo of around the world91. Scivniisls arc working together to find a cure for AIDS.Q2. Everyone something* hu

50、t some people arc truly lakntcd.93. Ii cry hard ibi ihc climbers to air as they gel near the top ot Qomolangma.94. The dragon plays an imponant part in Chinese festivals. It is the Chinese nation.95. many countncs hope lo build tnidc relations with ( hiiia Ixxausc of theand Road>第七大题任务型阅读,共两节,满分2

51、0分)第一节阅读短文,根据箕内容完成文后的句子(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)Can you imagine a sea of sand ihree tunes bigger than India? This is ihc Sahara Desert, the largest desert in (he world. It covers 11 counincs in North Africa and is over 9 million squarekilometers.In the Sahara, temperatures arc very difterent during the day

52、 and at night. It is much hotter during the day than at night. During iIk day, iIk hottest link: is between 2 pm and 4 pin when tcmpcraturcb rise to 33 c But it is very coki at night, the coldest time is at 4 am. when temperatures tall to - I C.Because of the extreme temperatures in the desert, it i

53、s a very ditlicult place to survive(半).Marco Rivera, our sun ival expert, has some tips.lake warn) clothes and a blanket. You will need a hat long trousers and a thick sweater to keep you warm at nipht. During the day. cover your body, head aiui liicir Clcihcs protect you from the sun and keep waler

54、 in your body. You will also need a warm blanket al night. It can get cold rapidly. When the temperature drops, it can be a shock and make you feel even colderTry lo drink some water at least once every hour. You need your water to last as long as possible. Drink only what you need. If you cal, you

55、will get thirsty and your water will run out soon. Yuu can eat a littlet but only lo stop you from tecling very hungry. Eat a small amount of food slowly.It's imponanl to slay (Hit of Ihc sun during ihc day. Make <i hole under your car aiul lie tlierc. Tliis will keep you cool and liclp you s

56、leep. |;ind a wann place to slccj: al night. A small place near a tree or a rock will be the wannest. Bui be carctiil bcfiorc you decide where to sleep Dangerous animals like snakes also like to sleep in these places. Look careliilly lor an mals befbre you lie down.96. The Sahara, the world s larges

57、t tkserl. is more than in size.97. In the Sahara, the between the day and the night is pretty big.98. In Paragraph 4, Marco Rivera tells us arc necessary for our survival in the Sahara.99. We should at least once every hour and try to make our water last longer in the Sahara. 100. In the Sahara, we

58、should stay out of the sun during the day and find to sleep at night.今 日间试短文根据K内容完成表格3 (共S小也:每小觇2少,满分10分)cLivsrooin.Hilton、still a compuKorx ( 2% i'J) subjcLt at lower leels and pupils still cIkhisc to shid il <H higher levels. However, there is an ongdine d:scussion alxmt wh cl her whook should continue io leach hisior). Ihis passage will dca! with rhe argumcnis that oppose and Nippon (caching hi、k)ry in schoo


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