1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上5.1. Freeze-drying Operation操作用户操作设备进行冻干程序操作Logging in control system is needed before operating the equipment. In the control system, freeze-drying process can be done through 2 methods. 操作用户若需要对设备进行操作需要先登入控制系统。在控制系统中对于冻干可通过2种方式来完成l Automatic Control自动控制l Manual Control手动控制5.1.1 Operat
2、or runs automatic control to do freeze-drying operation操作用户运行自动控制进行冻干流程操作In automatic control, switch all the control components to automatic control status at first and then set the recipe parameters. After that, “START AUTO.” will appear. User clicks the “START AUTO.” button to start automatic pro
3、gram. 在自动控制中需要先切换把所有的控制部件切换到自动控制状态,然后设置配方参数,当设置好配方参数后“开始自动”按钮会显示,用户点击“开始自动”按钮启动自动程序。Control components open and close automatically according to automatic program. At the meanwhile, status of “AUTO” on the right upper corner will become green and the interface switch button “FREEZE_DRYING” on the le
4、ft lower corner will also has small green frame. 自动程序运行后控制部件按程序自动运行开启和关闭,同时在界面右上角的”自动状态会显示绿色、左下角的“冻干”界面切换按钮也会有绿的小方框显示。The operation status of automatic program can be displayed by clicking the “Program” button on right lower part and switching to program operational status. 自动程序的运行状况可点击界面右下部分的“程序”按钮
5、切换到程序运行状态显示。5.1.2 Control Components Switch to Automatic Control Status控制部件切换到自动控制状态Click any control components on the interface and digital signature of components control will pop up. After entering the user name and password, component control picture will appear. Click “ALL THE COMPONENTS CHANG
6、E TO AUTO MODE” button and all the components control turn to automatic model. Users can find out status switch from the status icon beside components picture on the interface.点击界面的任何控制部件会弹出部件控制的电子签名,输入操作用户和密码后显示部件的控制画面,点击”全部切换为自动”按钮后所有的控制部件切换为自动模式,用户可从界面部件画面旁的状态图标可看出状态的切换。5.1.3 Recipe Parameters Se
7、tting设置配方参数Before running the automatic programs, recipe parameters should be set and downloaded to the PLC in order to run the program according to designed process. If above operation will not be done, “START AUTO.” button will not display and automatic program will not start. 在运行自动程序前需要设定配方参数并且下载
8、到可编程控制器里(PLC)以让程序按设好的工艺进行运行,若不进行上述操作则“自动”按钮不会显示,自动程序也将无法启动。1. . Operation Buttons操作按钮No.Button Name 按钮名称Button Instructions按钮说明1View查看View the recipe配方的查看2Modify修改Modify the recipe配方的修改3New新建Build new recipe, new recipe name should be entered before building. 配方的新建,在新建配方前需要输入新配方名4Save保存Save the reci
9、pe. Relevant recipes should be saved in the computer after modification for freeze-drying operation at next time. 配方的保存,在修改配方后需要对相应的配方进行保存操作,保存到电脑系统中以供下次冻干操作使用5Download下载Recipe downloading. Download the recipe to PLC in order to provide parameters for automatic program running of freeze-drying.配方的下载
10、,使配方数据下载到可编程控制器里供冻干自动程序运行提供参数。6Print打印Printing the recipe through printer output配方的打印,通过打印机输出7Delete删除Delete the recipe. This operation is not advised even unreasonable recipe exists. 配方的删除,此操作不建议使用,即使有不合理的配方也不建议删除操作2. Parameters Instruction参数说明Control process of freeze-drying is divided into 4 part
11、s including Freezing Control (Program Section 16), Condenser Freezing (Program Section7, 8), Primary Drying (Program Section 919), and Drying Analysis (Program Section 2023). The 9th step section in Primary Drying is pre-vacuumizing phase and in this phase warming-up control will not be done. The te
12、mperature to be set should be consistent with the temperature setting value in the 6th step section. Each step section can include temperature setting, vacuum setting, and vacuum control choice and pressure-up control choice according to control requirements. 冷冻干燥控制流程分为4部分包括预冷(程序段16段)、后箱冷却(程序段7、8段)、
13、第一次升华干燥(程序段919段)、解析干燥 (程序段2023段),升华干燥中的第9步段是预抽真空的阶段,此阶段不进行升温控制,设置的温度需要和第6步段的温度设定值一致,每个步段按控制需求可包括温度设置、真空设置、真空控制选择和压力升控制选择。Freezing Control part does not include vacuum setting, vacuum control choice and pressure-up control choice. The 7th step section in Condenser Freezing part is condenser temperatu
14、re setting and the 8th step section is maintaining time after condenser temperature is reached(at least set 20min). 预冷部分不包含真空设置、真空控制选择和压力升控制选择。后箱冷却部分第7步段是后箱温度设置,第8步段是达到后箱温度后维持的时间(至少设置20分钟)。The 9th step section in Primary Drying is pre-vacuumizing phase and in this phase warming-up control will not b
15、e done. The temperature to be set should be consistent with the temperature setting value in the 6th step section. If choose pressure-up control button in the 19th step section, the pressure-up control will starts after the 19th step section and this control includes 2 parameter test time and pressu
16、re-up setting value.升华干燥中的第9步段是预抽真空的阶段,此阶段不进行升温控制,设置的温度需要和第6步段的温度设定值一致,若在第19步段行若选择压力升控制选择按钮,则在19步段结束后进行压力升控制,压力升控制包括2个参数:测试时间和压力升设定值。As the same with Primary Drying, if choose pressure-up control in the 23th step section in Drying Analysis part, the control will starts after the 23th step section an
17、d that control includes 2 parameter test time and pressure-up setting value. 解析干燥部分和升华干燥一样若在第23步段行若选择压力升控制选择按钮,则在23步段结束后进行压力升控制,压力升控制包括2个参数: 测试时间和压力升设定值。5.1.4 Automatic Program Start 自动程序启动After setting the recipe parameters, “START AUTO.” button will appears. User clicks the “START AUTO.” button to
18、 start automatic program.当设置好配方参数后“开始自动”按钮会显示,用户点击“开始自动”按钮启动自动程序。5.1.5 Process Status Inquiry、Parameter Modification and Forced Component ControlControl Parameter控制参数Recipe Parameter配方参数过程状态的查询、参数修改和部件强制控制Operation Parameter运行参数Running status during automatic program operation can be displayed by cl
19、icking the “Program” button at right lower part of interface and switching to program running status as the above picture. 自动程序运行时的运行状况可点击界面右下部分的“程序”按钮切换到程序运行状态显示,如上图。Interface parameter mainly consists of recipe parameter, control parameter and operation parameter. 界面参数主要分3部分组成,配方参数、控制参数和运行参数。5.1.6
20、 Recipe Parameter配方参数Recipe Parameter is the main technical parameter of freeze-drying operation. If only want to modify the technical data of current batch during operation, user can do some settings at this interface. Except the data of first step section cannot be modified after automatic program
21、 starting, other data can all be modified during the operation. Please see the chapter of setting recipe parameters for detail information. 配方参数是冷冻干燥运行的主要工艺参数,在运行过程中若只希望修改本批次运行的工艺数据可在此界面进行设置。除第1步段的数据在自动程序运行后不能修改,其他的数据在运行 过程中均可修改。详细说明请见设置配方参数章节。5.1.7 Control Paramete控制参数Control Parameter is accessory
22、 parameter of automatic program operation besides the technical recipe parameter. Its instruction is as follow: 控制参数是除工艺配方参数以外自动程序运行的辅助参数,说明如下表。NO. Parameter Items参数项Instruction说明1TEMP.CONTROL DEVIATION温度控制上偏差Upper deviation of parameter precision control of temperature setting温度设置参数精度控制上偏差2TEMP.CON
23、TTOL DEVIATION(L) 温度控制下偏差Lower deviation of parameter precision control of temperature setting温度设置参数精度控制下偏差3VAC CONT DEVIATION真空控制上偏差Upper deviation of parameter precision control of vacuum setting真空设置参数精度控制上偏差4VAC CONT DEVIATION(L) 真空控制下偏差Lower deviation of parameter precision control of vacuum set
24、ting真空设置参数精度控制下偏差5VAC ALARM VALUE真空报警设定值Vacuum alarm parameter. If chamber vacuum higher than this setting value during Primary Drying operation, the heating control will be closed and cooling will be done to the chamber. When vacuum in the chamber is lower than the setting vacuum value, heating con
25、trol will restarts.真空报警参数,升华干燥阶段运行后若前箱真空高于此设定值则加热控制关闭,同时对前箱进行制冷,当箱内真空低于配方设定真空值则恢复加热控制6PID_CYCLEPID周期设定值PID Control Circulation Cycle PID控制循环周期7PID_ACCURACY PID精度设定值PID Control Accuracy PID控制精度8PID_PROPORTIONPID比例设定值PID Control Proportion Parameters PID控制比列参数9PID_INTEGRALPID积分设定值PID Control Integral
26、Parameters PID控制积分参数10PID_DIFFERENTIALPID微分参数设定值PID Control Differential Parameters PID控制微分参数Operation Parameter 运行参数Operation Parameter is status display during automatic program operating period. Detail display is as follow: 运行参数是自动程序运行过程中的状态显示,具体显示如下图。No. Parameter Item参数项Instruction说明1RUNNING ST
27、EP运行步段号Number of running step section运行的步段号2RUNNING SECTION步段说明Instruction of running step section运行步段的说明3TEMP.SELECT温度设定值Temperature setting value of running step section运行步段的温度设定值4TEMP.OIL INLET导热油进口温度Temperature running value of running step section运行步段的温度运行值5VAC.SELECT真空度设定值Vacuum setting value
28、of running step section运行步段的真空设定值6VAC.CHAMBER箱内真空度Vacuum running value of running step section运行步段的真空运行值7TIME SELECT步段时间设定值Tim setting value of running step section运行步段的时间设定值8TIME RUNNING SELECT步段时间运行值Tim running value of running step section运行步段的时间运行值5.1.8 Automatic Program Stop自动程序停止Automatic prog
29、ram stops in sequence, and indicating light of electricity cabinet will turn green for indication. User clicks “STOP AUTO.” button to stop automatic program.自动程序按顺序运行结束,电气柜的指示灯会亮绿灯指示,用户点击“停止自动”按钮停止自动程序。5.1.9 User runs manual control to do freeze-drying operation操作用户运行手动控制进行冻干流程操作Users can manually c
30、ontrol components in the system during manual control (automatic control does not run). For the same component, there are 3 kinds of buttons for operation control. 在手动过程中(自动控制没有运行)用户可对系统中的部件进行手动控制。对同一个部件有3种按钮进行操作控制。Manual: this operation can forcedly start the control components; 手动:操作可强制开启控制部件Autom
31、atic: this operation can make control components join in automatic logical control during automatic operation; 自动:在自动运行过程中使控制部件参与自动逻辑控制Stop: this operation can stop the open control components. 停止:操作可停止开启的控制部件Automatic Control Will be displayed beside control component after operation部件自动控制操作结束在控制部件
32、旁显示 Manual Control Will be displayed beside the control component after operation部件手动控制操作结束在控制部件旁显示 All components turn to automatic control Will be displayed beside all control components after operation部件全部切换自动控制操作结束在所有控制部件旁显示Stop Control Will be displayed beside control component after operation部
33、件停止控制操作结束在控制部件旁显示 Note:In manual control , open vacuum pump more than 20min before opening the small butterfly valve. 注:在手动控制下,开启小蝶阀前先要开启真空泵20分钟以上。Except the manual component control, other functional controls are needed to meet the normal technical requirements of automatic program. They are as fol
34、low: 除手动部件控制外若要保证自动程序的正常工艺需求,还需要其他的功能控制的参与,见下表No.Control Item控制项Instruction说明1TEMP CONTROL温度控制Circulation pump starts, HEATING CONTROL can be run if the vacuum is normal. 循环泵开启,真空正常则可进行加热控制If OIL INLET TEMP HEATING TEMP.() before temperature control starts, heating control will starts. 温度控制启动前若导热油进口
35、温度加热设定温度()则进行加热控制。PID temperature control and deviation alarming treatment are done to the heater. If the temperature is too high - OIL INLET TEMP HEATING TEMP. ()+ TEMP. Cold doping valve will open.加热器进行PID温度控制并且进行偏差报警处理,温度升的太高,导热油进口温度 加热设定温度()+偏差温度则掺冷阀打开。CONTROL DEVIATION, cold doping valve will o
36、pen and chamber temperature goes down. When OIL INLET TEMP HEATING TEMP. (), cold doping valve will close. 控制偏差则掺冷阀打开,此时前箱隔板温度降低,当导热油进口温度 加热设定温度(),掺冷阀关闭。If OIL INLET TEMP HEATING TEMP.() before temperature control starts, cooling control will be done and heater and cold doping valve will not attend
37、the control.温度控制启动前若导热油进口温度 HEATING TEMP.()+ TEMP.CONTROL DEVIATION, plate cooling valve opens and condensation valve closes, temperature of chamber isolating plate goes down. 导热油进口温度加热设定温度()+温度控制偏差,则板冷阀打开冷凝阀关闭,此时前箱隔板温度降低。When OIL INLET TEMP HEATING TEMP.(), condensation valve opens and plate coolin
38、g valve closes. 当导热油进口温度 加热设定温度() 则冷凝阀打开板冷阀关闭。2VAC.CONTROL真空控制The same as temperature deviation control, when CHAMBER VACUUM VACUUM CONTROL SELECT (Pa ) +VAC CONT DEVIATION (L), the aerification valve will close.和温度的偏差控制一样,冷冻干燥运行过程中箱内真空值 真空控制设定值(Pa)+真空偏差值,则掺气阀关闭。3VAC.ALARM真空报警CHAMBER VACUUM VAC.ALAR
39、M CONTROL, heating control closes and alarming starts. CHAMBER VACUUM报警真空设定值,则加热控制关闭,同时报警提示,箱内真空度 疏散控制设定值(Pa),则报警解除。5TAMPONADE CONTROL压塞控制After freeze-drying program, TAMPONADE CONTROL can be started. Tamponade control of hydraulic pressure decline will start automatically. When SHELF PRES SWITCH si
40、gnal is judged, hydraulic pressure control stops and TAMPONADE CONTROL ends.在冻干程序结束后可进行压塞控制,液压自动启动下降进行压塞,当判断压塞控制信号后液压控制停止压塞结束Setting Parameters of Manual Operation for Cooling Control冷冻控制手动运行设定参数NO.Control Items控制项Instruction说明1HEATING TEMP.():加热温度设定值Setting Value of Temperature Control温度控制设定值2HEATI
41、NG TIME(Min)加热时间设定值Temperature Control Time温度控制时间3EVACUATION CONTROL(Pa)真空控制设定值Setting Value of Vacuum Alarm真空控制设定值4ALARM CONTROL真空报警设定值Vacuum alarming parameter. When chamber vacuum is higher than this setting value during Primary Drying process, heating control close and alarm starts. 真空报警参数,升华阶段运
42、行后若前箱真空高于此设定值则加热控制关闭,同时报警提示5TEMP.CONTROL DEVIATION温度控制上偏差Upper deviation of parameter precision control of temperature setting温度设置参数精度控制上偏差6TEMP.CONTTOL DEVIATION(L) 温度控制下偏差Lower deviation of parameter precision control of temperature setting温度设置参数精度控制下偏差7VAC CONT DEVIATION真空控制上偏差Upper deviation of
43、parameter precision control of vacuum setting真空设置参数精度控制上偏差8VAC CONT DEVIATION(L)真空控制下偏差Lower deviation of parameter precision control of vacuum setting真空设置参数精度控制下偏差User operates equipment to do deicing program操作用户操作设备进行化霜程序操作Operating users should login the control system firstly if to operate the equipment. Deicing can be completed by 1 method in control system.操作用户若需要对设备进行操作需要先登入控制系统。在控制系统中对于化霜可通过1种方式来完成l Manual Control手动控制5.3.1 User runs manual contro
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