1、读写“金课”教学设计:理念与实践杨Table 1 Environment constraints and effects (Nation & Macaliseter, 2010. P.16-17)1General constraintsParticular constraintsEffects on curriculum designThe learnersHow old are they?Are the learners interested in all kinds of topics?Can the learners do all kinds oflearning activit
2、ies?Take account of learners interestsUse appropriate activitiesWhat do they know?Do they share a (first) language?Can their L1 be used to help learning?What previous learning have theydone?Use teacher-centered activities Use some translationUse L1 pre-reading activities Use reading inputDo they nee
3、d English for special purpose?Will they use English for a wide range of purposes?Do they expect to learn certain things from the course?Do they have expectations aboutwhat the course will be like?Set general purpose goals Include expected material Allow learners to negotiate the nature of the course
4、Do they have preferred ways of learning?Are they interested in learning English?Do they have to learn English?Can they attend class regularly?Use highly motivating activities Include relevant topicsRecycle activitiesUse a spiral curriculumThe teachersAre they trained?Can they prepare some of their o
5、wn material?Can they handle group work,individualized learning?Provide ready-made activities Use group work activitiesAre they confident in their use of English?Can they provide good ms? Can they produce their own spoken or written material?Can they correct spoken orwritten work?Provide a complete s
6、et of course materialUse activities that do not require feedbackDo they have time for preparation and marking?Can the course include homework?Can the course include workwhich has to be marked?Provide homework activities Provide answer keysThe situationIs there a suitable classroom?Can the arrangemen
7、t of the desks be changed for group work?Is the blackboard big enough andUse group work activities Use material that does notrequire the students to have aTable 2Questions for focusing on needs (Nation & Macaliseter, 2010, p.26)Questions that guide conceptualizing content (Graves, 2000, p. 38)1.
8、What do I want my students to learn in this course, given who they are, their needs, and the purpose of the course?What are my options as to what they can learn?What are the resources and constraints of my course that can help me narrow my options?22.3.GoalsQuestionsTypes of information in the answe
9、rsLanguageWhat will the course be used for?How proficient does the user have to be? What communicative activities will the learner take part in?Where will the language be used?Sounds VocabularyGrammatical structures FunctionsSet phrases and set sentencesTasksIdeasWhat content matter will the learner
10、 be working with?Topics ThemesTextsSkillsHow will the learner use the language? Under what conditions will the language be used?Who will the learners use the language with?Listening Speaking Reading WritingDegree of accuracyDegree of fluencyTextWhat will the language be used to do? What language use
11、s is the learner already familiar with?Genres and discourse types Sociolinguistic skillseasily seen?course bookIs there enough time?Can the learners reach the goals in the available time?Is the course intensive?Can the learners give all their time to the course?Set staged goalsProvide plenty of mate
12、rial Set limited goalsAre their enough resources?Can material be photocopied? Can each learner have a copy of the course book?Is their plenty of supplementary material?Are tape recorders etc available?Provide individualized material Use teacher-focused material Match the content to available supplem
13、entary materialDevelop audio andtaped materialProvide contact with a large amount of English in class Put time into preparing the course4.5.6.What are the relationships among the options I have selected? How can I organize these options into a working plan or syllabus?What is the driving force or or
14、ganizing principles that will pull my syllabus together?Task 1 Needs analysis for a reading and writing courseYou have been asked to design an English reading and writing course for your students. As a part of the fact-finding stage you have decided to carry out a needs analysis (complete Table 3).1
15、)Decide what kind of information you are looking for and classify it into necessities, lacks or wants.Decide where you will look to find the information.List three ways that you will use to gather the information for the writing course (questionnaires etc.).For each of these three ways prepare some
16、sample items or describe the procedure youwill use.2)3)4)You have now done your needs analysis and have decided how to gather the information you need.1.2.3.List your findings here.List three important principles about how you think writing should be learned.Write teral goal of your course.Table3Typ
17、e of informationSource of the informationHow the information willgatheredbeTable 4Twenty principles of language teaching (from Nation & Macaliseter, 2010, p.39)3Content and sequencing1. Frequency: A language course should provide the best possible coverage of language in use through the inclusio
18、n of items that occur frequently in the language, so that learners get the best return for their learning effort.2. Strategies and autonomy: A language course should train learners in how to learn a language and how to monitor and be aware of their learning, so that they can become effective and ind
19、ependent language learners.3. Paced retrieval: Learners should have increasingly spaced, repeated opportunities to retrieve and give attention to wanted items in a variety of contexts.4. Language system: The language focus of a course needs to be on teralizable features of the language.5. Keep movin
20、g forward: A language course should progressively cover useful language items, skills and strategies.6. Teachability: The teaching of language items should take account of the most favorableTable 5Activities and conditions for the four strands (Nation & Macaliseter, 2010, p.94)4StrandConditionsA
21、ctivitiesMeaning-focused inputA focus on the messageOnly a small amount of unfamiliar language featuresA large quantity of inputListening to stories Extensive readingListening while readingCommunicative activitiesMeaning-focusedA focus on the messageShort talkssequencing of these items and should ta
22、ke account of when the learners are most ready to learn them.7. Learning burden: The course should help learners make the most effective use of previous knowledge.8. Interference: The items in a language course should be sequenced so that items which are learned together have a positive effect on ea
23、ch other for learning and so that interferenceeffects are avoided.Format and Presentation1. Motivation: As much as possible, the learners should be interested and excited about learning the language and they should come to value this learning.2. Four strands: A course should include a roughly even b
24、alance of meaning-focused input, language-focused learning, meaning-focused output and fluency activities.3. Comprehensible input: There should be substantial quantities of interesting comprehensible receptive activity in both listening and reading.4. Fluency: A language course should provide activi
25、ties aimed at increasing the fluency with which learners can use the language they already know, both receptively and productively.5. Output: The learners should be pushed to produce the language in both speaking and writing over a range of discourse types.6. Deliberate learning: The course should i
26、nclude language-focused learning on the sound system, spelling, vocabulary, grammar and discourse areas.7. Time on task: As much time as possible should be spent using and focusing on the second language.8. Depth of processing: Learners should process the items to be learned as deeply and as thought
27、fully as possible.9. Integrative motivation: A course should be presented so that the learners have the most favorable attitudes to the language, to users of the language, to the teachers skill in teaching the language, and to their chance of success in learning the language.10. Learning style: Ther
28、e should be opportu for learners to work with the learning material inways that most suit their individual learning style.Monitoring and Assessment1. Ongoing needs and environment analysis: The selection, ordering, presentation, and assessment of the material in a language course should be based on
29、a continuing careful consideration of the learners and their needs, the teaching conditions, and the time and resources available.2. Feedback: Learners should receive helpful feedback which will allow them to improve the quality of their language use.Table 6Teaching evaluation checklist (Nation &
30、; Macaliseter, 2010, p.132) the teacher get the learners involved and excited about learning? Is most of the lesson conducted in English?Do the learners need to use English in the lesson?Is each learner getting a large amount of meaningful contact with English? Do the learners ha
31、ve to think deeply about the work they do?Is the teacher monitoring the learners understanding and providing useful feedback for them? Are the learners aware of the goals of the lesson?Is the teacher providing enough repetition to help the learners remember?教师语言学习观:学还是通过语言学习?(Learn language or learn
32、 through language?)Whats relationship between language, content, culture and thinking?Ø 语言是思维的媒介5传统观语言功能观语言学习是学习句法、词汇。语言学习是学习在特点环境下如何恰当第使用语言(语言的意义和功能)。阅读是为了使用语法阅读是特定环境下的活动: 学习和运用和专业知识语法学习化过程: learning language, learning through language, learning about languageoutputOnly a small amount of unfam
33、iliar language featuresA large quantity of outputCommunicative activitiesWriting stories and assignments Letter writingLanguage-focused learningA deliberate focus on language featuresPronunciation practice Spelling practiceLearning vocabulary from word cardsIntensive reading Grammar studySubstitutio
34、n tables and drills DictationFeedback and correctionFluency developmentFocus on the messageNo unfamiliar language features Pressure to go fasterA large quantity of practiceListening to stories Linked skills activities Easy extensive reading Repeated reading Speed readingTen-minute writingØØ
35、;ØØØ语言是内容的载体Do you teach language?Do you teach content through language? Do you teach language through content?Do you teach culture through language or content?学术语言水平(Academic language proficiency)Ø BICS (Basic Interal Communicative Skills)Ø CALP (Cognitive Academic Language
36、 Proficiency)Range of contextual support and degree of cognitive involvement in language tasks and activities(Cummins, 2001, p. 67)CognitivelyUndemandingACContextEmbeddedContextReducedBDCognitivelyDemanding什么是写作?Ø写作不是学习的终结,而是学习内容和的。(Writing is not an end in and ofitself but rather a means of le
37、arning about content and/or culture. )Ø语言是我们构建思想的工具而不仅仅是表达思想的。写作也是一种交流的方式,其所用的语言用于学习新概念和表达思想。Language is a tool for building and shaping our thoughts rather than simply a means for conveying them, writing is also a way of communication, where language is used to learn new concepts and express i
38、deas.提高写作的最好方法之一就是提高阅读,反之亦然;写作课就是阅读课,阅读课就是写作课。 one of the best ways to improve writing is to improve reading, and vice versa; and in the writing classroom, a lesson about writing is a lesson about reading, and vice versa. (Hirvela, 2004, p. 11-12).阅读与写作是交互活动。阅读活动的结果可以成为写作活动的输入内容,写作活动ØØ可以让学
39、生去寻求的阅读。Reading and writing are reciprocal activities; theoutcome of a reading activity can serve as input for writing, and writing can lead astudent to further reading resources. (Grabe & Kaplan, 1996, p. 297)研究表明写作能力强的人通常阅读能力也强。写作能力强的人通常阅读广泛,而阅读能力强的人通常写作文笔也更加成熟。To summarize briefly, the correl
40、ational studies show almost consistently that better writers tend to be better readers (of their own writing as well as of other reading material), that better writers tend to read more than poorer writers, and better readers tend to produce more syntactically maturewriting than poorer readers. (Sto
41、tsky, 1983, p. 636)ØØ阅读要求积极参与。没有读者的参与,的字词毫无意义。只有读者才能给这些字词带来生命。读者理解字词的能力、句子和段落如何组合一起的能力、过去的阅读和生活的经验、当下的情绪一起影响读者的阅读理解,使每个读者的阅读活动都有其独到之处。 Reading demands active participation. Without the alert engagement6of a reader, words on a page have no meaning. Only you can bring them to life. Yourabili
42、ty to interpret words, your knowledge of how sentences and paragraphs are put together, your past experiences with reading and with life, your current mood- all these work together to make your reading of an essay, a poem, or even a recipe different from those of other readers. (Veit & Gould, 20
43、07, p.40)读者需要什么能力? What competences do readers need?n语法能力:词Grammatical competence: morphology, syntax, vocabulary, mechanics汇学、句法、词汇、标点符号、大小写nSociolinguistic competence: knowing what is expected socially and culturally by native语言学能力: 能够根据场合、恰当运用语speakers of the target language言nDiscourse competence
44、: the ability to use cohesive devices such as pronouns,conjunctions, and transitional phrases to link meaning across sentences, as well as the ability to recognize how coherence is used to maintain the messages u篇章能力:使用衔接词(如代词、连词、衔接词组)连接句子的能力及识别衔接词如何使文本内容保持连贯性的能力阅读教学ØØØØØ
45、16;A Activate prior knowledge 激活背景知识C Cultivate vocabulary 培养词汇知识T Teach for comprehension 教授理解 I Increase reading rate 提高阅读速度V Verify reading strategies 验证阅读策略E Evaluate progress 评估进步Transition words7To add information and reasons² Also² Besides² Equally² Further² Furthermo
46、re² In addition² Moreover² TooTo show cause and effect² Accordingly² As a consequence² As a result² Consequently² Then² Therefore² ThusTo explain, give reasons² Actually² Admittedly² Certainly² For example² In fact²²
47、; ReallyTo summarize² In all² In a word² In brief² Briefly² In short² In summaryTwo dilemmasØ Learn to read vs read to learnØ Integrating language skills for reading development8² Of course² That isTo compare² By comparison² Likewise²
48、SimilarlyTo contrast² However² Instead² In spite of that² Anyhow² Nevertheless² On the contrary² On the other hand² Otherwise² StillTo show order² First, second,² Finally² LastTo show chronological order² Subsequently² Later²
49、 Next² After that² Afterwards² Then² Now² Nowadays² Concurrently² Simultaneously² First² Formerly² Earlier² Previously² Before thatLevel of questioningDescription1. KnowledgeRequire learners to recall or reorganize information2. Comprehensi
50、onRequire learners to arrange or reorganize informationmentally in writing3. ApplicationRequire learners to apply previously learned information tosolve a problem4. AnalysisRequire learners to break concepts into component partsor to identify causes or motives5. SynthesisRequire learners to make pre
51、dictions, solve problems for which there are no specific answers, or use original and creative thinking.6. EvaluationRequire learners to judge the merits of a piece of work and back the judgment with appropriate and logical facts.ü Reading and writingü Reading and listening/speakingMing: R
52、ead to Write, Write to ReadA sample task based on a narrative mparagraph (from Ferris & Hedgcock, 2005, p. 144)Purpose: to give students guided practice with basic descriptive writing techniques and conventionsTarget proficiency levels: beginning to intermediateMaterials:- mtext drawn from publi
53、shed materials or an appropriate student-generated sample- corresponding photo, drawing, or sketch (optional)Directions to students: Please read the following paragraph, which was written by an ESL studentabout a teacher who was nominated for a commuservice award. In the paragraph, the writerdescrib
54、es her teacher and explains why she respects and admires her; she sums up by noting howher teacher has influenced her life. In this assignment, you will compose and revise a similarparagraph about ayou know, respect and admire.A teacher who earned my respect and admirationOne of the people I most re
55、spect and admire is Eliana Todorov. I met Eliana soon after I arrived in the United States and began my junior year of high school. Eliana was my English teacher. Because of her background as an immigrant and her teaching style, she impressed me very much. First, even though I could understand very
56、little English and speak only a few words at first, Eliana was always patient and encouraging. For example, she promised me and the other students that she would help us speak, read and write English well as long as we worked hard in class and at home. She fulfilled her promise by speaking slowly an
57、d clearly, by repeating things when we couldnt understand her, by giving us plenty of practice, and by inspiring us to learn. Second, inour English classes, she led lively and interesting discussions about the stories we read. Often, thestudents did talking, while she sd and listened carefully. Usually, we didnt even realize wewere learning so much because we were so interested in the stories and what they meant. Third, Eliana never corrected our mistakes in class; instead, she held private conferences with us to let us know about our progress and how we could improve our speaking and writ
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