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1、Customer Service ProcessFirst impressions 第一印象1. Greeting the customer 招呼顾客 saying it with a brighter smile and polite 微笑,有礼貌a. Hello,/ Hi - 您好b. How are you? / How do you do?- 您怎么样?c. Good day, good morning , good after noon , good eve ning - 早上好,中午好,晚上好d. It' s great (good) to see you. / Glad

2、to meet you. - 很高兴见到您e. It' s great (good) to see you again .- 很高兴再次见至U您f. Welcome to our restaura nt/ shop/store .- 欢迎光临我们饭店 / 专卖店g. Hope you enjoy your meal. - 希望您用餐愉快2. Helping the customer - 协助顾客 recommend items of its one of our popular items 推荐流行饰品 pay attention to customer's need关注顾客需

3、求a. Can (May) I help you? -我能为您服务吗b. What can I do for you? -我能为您做些什么c. Is there anything I can do for you? -我能为您做些什么d. Can I get you anything else?- 我能为您做些什么e. I ' m always at your service.- 我总是为您服务f. Would you like to try our famous food?- 您愿意试试我们的餐点吗?3. Cashier work出纳员的工作a. How to count.-怎么数数

4、b. Receiving and verifying cash or credit / charge card payments.-收银,找零,信用卡付账,现金付账c. Correctly giv ing cha nge and issu ing receipts.-正确收银,开发票d. Assisting in attending to customers on a“first come first serve ” basis. -“先来先服务”e. Up-keep ing of clea nli ness at the cash ing point / area.-收银台的清洁卫生i.To

5、tal amount is - 总数是ii.The amount is- 总数是iii.That would be- 总数是iv.Here 's your change.- 这是找零v.Thank you.-谢谢vi.Please come again .-欢迎再次光临基本数字one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirt

6、y, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred, thousand,million, billionMoney counting - 钱的计算1 cent-1 分5 cent-5 分10 cent-1 毛50 cent-5 毛1 dollar-1新币5 dollar- 5 新币Eg. SGD122.80 one hun dred and twenty two dollars and eighty cents onlySGD7.28- seven dollars and twenty eight cents only4.

7、Saying goodbye -告另U make sure the customer is satisfied. Thank your customer for coming in to your (business) shop.确保顾客满意,谢谢顾客光临a. Goodbye.-再见b. See you again .-再见c. Goodbye and thank you for coming.- 再见,欢迎光临d. Goodbye and hope to see you again . - 再见,欢迎光临e. Have a nice day. / Have a good time.- 祝您玩

8、得愉快f. It was a pleasure seeing you .- 很高兴见到您5. Directions -方向 make sure give the clear directions to customer.确保给顾客正确指向e.g. Where is the toilet? - 厕所在哪里?a. Tur n left. -向左转b. Turn right.-向右转c. Go straight .-直走d. In front of.- 前面e. Opposite of .-相反f. Beside of.-旁边g. Behind of.-后面h. Between. - 在中间ICro

9、ss the road. - 过马路JPass along. -过去K Pass by.-过去L Pass through. 穿过In quiry询价请问,多少钱?这个卖多少钱? 这个要多少钱? 这值多少钱? 这个你卖多少钱? 这个卖多少钱?顾客询价常用语1. How much, please?2. What does it sell for?3. How much does it cost?4. What ' s it worth ?5. How much do you sell it?a suit made of this material cost6. How much do y

10、ou want / ask for it?7. How much would用这种料子做的一套衣服要多少钱?售货员报价常用语1. The price depends on2. It ' s priced at 120 dollars.the quality of leather.3. They are very good for the price.4. The size5. It comes to $200.6. They are sold by the set.7. They are five yuan each.售货员讲价用语1. It 's real bargain .

11、2. The price is moderate enough.3. We don 't give discounts .4. It 's our standard price.5. It 's the preferential price.6. It ' s the preferential price.makes no difference in price.价格根据皮的质量而定。 这个定价 120 美元。 论价格,这些是很不错的。统一价格。一共 200 美元。他们按套出售。每个 5 元。这是真正的便宜货。价格够便宜了。我们不打折。这是我们的标准价。 这是优

12、惠价。 这是平价。7. It ' s market / selling price.8. That ' s almost cost price.9. No discount.10. Why not buy it, with the 50% discount.11. That 's the best we can do.12. I 'll meet you half way.13. It ' s worth the price.顾客还价常用语1. Can you cut the price a bit2. Can you come down a bit?3

13、. This is nice, but I suppose it4. That is shocking!5. That is too dear / expensive.6. It ' s more than the usual price.7. The price is notreasonable.8. Can you sell it for 3 yuan?9. I can give you no more than 20 yuan.这是市场 / 零售价。 这几乎是成本价。不打折。 打五折啊,为什么还不买呢? 我们不能再让了。我让一半。值这个价。s quite expensive.你可

14、以便宜点吗?能便宜点吗? 东西不错,但是我觉得贵了。贵的惊人!太贵了。这比一般价格贵!这价格不公道。3 元你卖吗?我最多只能给 20 元。10. He offered me 20 percent discount, but I refused. 他给我打八折,可我拒绝了。售货员谈论尺寸常用语1. What size (would you like/ want)?2. What size do you take/ want/ wear?3. What ' s your size?4. May I ask what the size is?5. What size shoes do you

15、 wear?6. I'm afraid we don ' t have anything in your size.7. Here is a pair in your size.顾客谈论尺寸常用语1. I want a medium-size one.2. I ' m looking for a size 39 T-shirt.3. Have you got a bigger size? / Have you got a size large? 大一点的尺寸你们有码?4. It ' s my size.5. This is the right size.你要多大

16、尺寸?你要什么尺寸? 请问你要多大尺寸? 请问你要多大尺寸? 你穿多大尺寸的鞋子? 恐怕我们没有适合你的尺码。 这双是你穿的尺码。我要中号的。我想要一件 39 码的 T 恤。这是我的尺寸。这尺寸还好!顾客要求调货退款1.How can I wear it whose buttonsflied away during the past three days刚买了 3 天,纽扣就掉的全部都找不到,你说这衣服我怎能穿?1. It's little longer. Can youchange one for me?这件有点长,你能帮我换一件吗?2. Do you want to wash yo

17、ur hands of it ? It ' s you who sold it to me.你想逃避责任吗,要知道,是你卖给我的。3. Ok, let me see you boss. 好吧,让我见你们老板。4. I beg your pardon, but I really prefer the grey one to this perfect white one.I 'll pay extra money if change it for me. 请原谅,我其实更喜欢这个灰白色的,而不是这个纯白色的。 如果你给我换的话, 意额外付款。我愿谈论质量1. What do you

18、 think ofits quality?2. Which kind is the mostdurable ?3. Our wears are alwaysdependable.4. It ' s of good quality.5. The quality is excellent.6. It ' s of the highest quality.7. It ' s very durable.8. It ' s guaranteed for three years.你认为这个质量怎么样?哪种最耐用 ?我们的商品是信得过的。这是优质品。这质量很好。这个是高质量的

19、。这很耐用。 这商品保用 3 年。 这个耐穿且不走样。售货员询问颜色常用语1. What color do you like?2. What color?3. Which color do youprefer4. What 's your favorite color5. How about the color?6. Is this your favorite color?7. Do you want to see any more color?8. Which color do you prefer, pink or light green? 你想要哪一种颜色?粉红还是浅绿?9. D

20、o you think it' s a bit too dark?10. I ' m sorry, but navy blue is the darkest we have 对不起,海军蓝是我们现有的最深的颜色了。11. The color is quite in fashion the year. 顾客挑颜色常用语1. Please show me the blue one.2. I want somethingin light color.3. I prefer a different color.4. I 'd like somethingplain and qu

21、iet .5. It ' s a bit too garish .6. That color suits my complexion.7. Yellow becomes me .8. Doesn ' t it fade ?9. Will the color in this material fade?你喜欢什么颜色?你要什么颜色?你喜欢什么颜色? 你最喜欢什么颜色? 这颜色怎么样? 这是你最喜欢的颜色吗? 你还想看看其他颜色吗?你认为颜色太暗了一些吗? in stock .这是今年的流行色。请把那件蓝的给我看看。 我要浅色的。 我喜欢另一种颜色。 我要朴素,淡雅的。这个有点花哨

22、。那颜色适合我。 黄色很称我。这个不会褪色吧? 这料子不会褪色吧?9. It wears well and keeps its shape.售货员谈论式样用语1. Do you like this design ?2. How do you like thispattern / style3. What do you think of the style?4. What kind would you like to see?5. What style of coat would you like to buy?6. What style do you prefer ?你喜欢这种图案么? 你觉得

23、这个花样、式样怎么样? 你觉得这个式样怎么样? 你想看什么式样的? 你想要什么式样的外套? 你喜欢什么式样的?顾客谈论式样用语1. Is this the only design you have?2. Do you have the same design in red?3. Do you have any shirts that will fit me?4. Is the style in fashion now?你们只有这种图案吗?同样图案的你们有红色的吗?有我能穿的衬衫么? 这种式样现在流行么?评头论足1. Sleeveless dress looks really classy on

24、 you! 你穿上这件无袖连衣裙显的好高贵2. You baby doll looks straight out of the pages of Fashion . 你的娃娃套装就像直接从时尚杂志里穿出来的一样。3. This tank top is made for you . 这件背心超适合你。4. You look amazing on that long sleeve blouse! 你穿上这件长袖女士衬衫看起来棒极了!5.That color doesn' t flatter many people, except you.很多人都不合适那种颜色,可你不同。6. Anything looks good on you. 你真是衣服架子,穿什么都好看。7. You look so dazzling with that yellow sweatshirt and c


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