1、BUl dig "d - y opens up ne w world of ente I ree u" str ugge to bul d a tee povin of regional ce ntra c - s i the CmmuS x cutes the S penay se n member s ad cmrades t oday I cmm"ne d byt he County party Cmmilee SandingCommie, reports to tI e Ge nea Assmbl , Cnsieati on of al members a
2、d rates and cmrades atedng adice.A, a nd th s, ya of w. real ed this year ,、i .m.c" of right e.Xia, County slda e d Cuty |eo|b, t o si ence "me ntvews for g Ude ,to ggod a ctv - s for mail ne, a ccordng t o "a c- fu modenizationstheemore"ofpmet louggt,cncetatedpoyfce,workhad ”一、a
3、nd e cnomic and -luea sca and party of conatuclI nae m de ha s new progress Cuty endeigoU w nd fresh ae, ad cae e prosei y, ad sca - a nd people mid it of good Suain. (A) faCliatig the cnsuciInoflelrojec.Fmyesaliste"scachpojecisecnom'gasigde>imetpojec |hl oslhyjjo extar diary elorb tonmo
4、l ng Ie cnSuCion of ley p.jecsPit 108 ley p.jecs for theyyarwtatotainvesmetof293bHonyua,"n pae Joss one et waste eatpowegeeain ad 1 pr o, cs cmpee d, worsi of 12 milon kns of p s Hua Yu ses of gradpae I t ci- n faming, - pre cs unde cnsucin, compleed i<ee nt of U5 bill on y uan, annual pla I
5、 f 693%.The fisthal of the Cut's goos dom-tc product s ppctd t or eace d 85 “i on y ua, ad toa eveue of 949 miin Yuan. B sr u»al a djsbet a che<e d ema. ae e lu -Aciey tasorming Ie paten of e cnomic opme nt ., eclgy and ” 、 modeni<aton and inudal izton of -ii -s HgxCunty &#! T ii
6、on cc*r iconomy dmonstatonaeaadfute-pad ecnomicopmet -ne Jig Da n rrcy c, e cnomy icolgy i ndusty Pa« >a* cr cua e cnomy a nd api d e conomic deve opmet Focus more on t he d t ca elai onsi betwe I dev eopment ad envir onme ntl prote cion, e negy saing ad emsson rrducon projct s ply an impora
7、 nt re V gorou I pi ng agiu,e, eclgial lgriu,e, “ cil ue moden agiulura - aing al ong the Rie Prme nndebeg ns to t sha pe.Ky tui -proe - > s going wel WA PaUe ara nnmld "tp temost inketal - ,al rl>csinHeeprovincea ndlcae". Dvelp new seindseicls witnew deve opme nts(C) urba n r url ie
8、grton proces. PrI motig "trre yar difeec" clmpagn, bate of tw lage d»oH on cmplee d 92 ddy sof 5BIK squae meesd the a nnnua 1a sl . mont I s i a diace. nea bg I uidng ja ngjuroa d bri dge ad hghwiy brdges te geenheat of the cty ad ot her ur la cnstuct on |roecs a nd fous on bui dig ne
9、w cuntyide and new housig mode vilge s uba a id ura ara s mprie Hghwy ope nnd ttafc, Li u Zha ng, Qig LAN hgh spied xCcuy cincm peed by t he end of Ag ust Urba a nd ruaLesson 31 Success Story 成功者的故事What was Frank's first job?Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences
10、as a young man. Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own. I
11、n his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. At that time he had two helpers. In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people. Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success. He was
12、still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. She wanted him to repairtheir grandson'sbicycle!参考译文昨天下午弗兰克.霍金斯向我讲述了他年轻时的经历。在退休前,弗兰克是一家非常大的商业公司的经理,但 他小时候却在一家小铺里做工。他那时的工作是修理自行车,并且通常是一天工作14个小时。他靠多年积蓄,于1958年买下了自己的一个小铺子。20多岁的时候,弗兰克曾生产飞机零配件。那时他有两个帮手。几年之后,小铺子已经发展成了一个雇有728人的大工厂。弗兰克回想着他早年的艰难经历和
13、走过的漫长的成功之路,微笑了。他正笑着的时候门开了,他的妻子走了进来。她叫他去修理孙子的自行车。【New words and expressions】(8 )1 retire ri'tai? v.退休2 company'k?mp ?ni n.公司3 bicycle 'baisik( ?)l n.自行车4 saveseiv v.积蓄5 workshop'w?:k?p n.车间6 helper 'help? n.帮手,助手7 employ im'pl ?i v.雇佣8 grandson'gr?ns ?n n.孙子、单词讲解retire)vi
14、.退休,退职give up one s regular work ,esp. because of age 例:He retired from his directorship at the age of 60.他60岁的时候从主管的职位退休了。2)v .(正式用语)就寝retire for the night 就寝3)V .退下例:The ladies retired into the drawing room.Buil dingi ndustryopens up ne wworl dofentre prene urialstr uggle to buil d athree provi nc
15、es ofregionalce ntral cities -inthe Communist xcountiesthe sixplenarysessionmembersandcomrades:t oday, Iwas commissi one d byt he Countyparty CommitteeStandingCommittee,reportstothe Ge neralAssembl y.Considerati on of all membersand alternates,andcomradesattendingadvice.A,andthisyearyilai ofworkreca
16、ll ed this yearyilai,i nmunicipalofright ledXia, Countysolidarityle d Countypeople,t o sci encedeve lopm ntviews for g uide , to good a ctivitiesformainli ne, a ccording t o "a cityfourmodernizationsthree more" ofdevelopment thought,concentratedpolyforce,workhard,politi cal,and e conomic,
17、and culture,a ndsoci aland partyofconstructionaremadehasnewprogress,Countyrenderingoutwindfreshare,andcareerprosperity,andsocialsettled,andpeoplemindintoofgoodsituation.(A)facilitatingtheconstruction ofthe pr oject.Firmly establi shthe "scratch project iseconomic,grasping developmentprojectisto
18、hold"philosophy,toextraordinaryeffortstopromotingtheconstructionofkeyprojects.Plot108keyprojectsfortheyear,witha total i nvestmentof29.3 billionyuan,ironplate,Joshst onecement waste heat powergeneration and 13pr oje ctscomplete d,worship of1.2 milliontonsofpellet s, HuaYu80,000 setsof grandpare
19、 nt chicke nfarming,47 proje ctsunderconstruction,completedinvestme ntof3.95billi ony uan, annual plan of69.3%.Thefirsthalfofthe County's grossdomestic product isexpectedtoreached8.5billionyuan,andtotalrevenueof943millionYuan.(B)structuraladjustmenta chieve d remarkablere sults.Activelytransform
20、ing the pattern ofe conomic devel opment, industrial ecology, andagriculturalmodernization andindustrial ization ofservi ces. Highx-County• T inir on circular economy demonstrationarea,andfurtherexpandeconomic devel opment zoneJing Dia n recy cle e conomyecologyi ndustry Park, Park,cir cul
21、are conomya nd rapi d e conomic devel opment. Focus more on t hedialecti calrelati onship betwee ndev elopmentand envir onme ntalprote ction,e nergysaving andemission reduction projectsplay a n importa ntrole.V igorouslydevel opi ngagriculture, ecologicalagriculture,agri cult ure,modern agricult ura
22、lcle aringal ong t he RiverProme nade begi nsto take shape.Key touri sm projects i sgoing well,WA Palacearea was named "top tenmostinfluentialculturalrelicsinHebeiprovincelandscape".Developnewservices,andservices withne w devel opme nts. (C) urba n-r uralintegration process.Promoting"
23、three-yeardifference" campaign,battleoftwolarge demoliti on complete d 32day sof530,000 square meters,exceededtheannualTask7 mont hs in a dvance.Ge neral big building jia ngjunroa d,bri dgeand highway bridges,thegreenheartofthecityandot her ur banconstructi on proje cts,a nd focus on buil ding
24、new countrysideand new housingmodelvillage s,urban a nd ruralarea simprove. Highwayope ned totraffic,Li u Zha ng, Qing LAN high -speedx-County se ctioncom pleted by t heend ofAug ust. Urban a nd rural女士们到客厅里去了。drawing room 客厅(尤指私人大宅中的)retired adj 退休的例 : I am retired now so I have time to learn Engli
25、sh.我现在退休了,有时间学习英语了。retirement n 。退休,退职a graceful retirement 体面的退休compulsory retirement强迫退休resign vi 辞职例 : I was tired of my boring job, so I resigned yesterday.我对那枯燥的工作感到厌倦,所以我昨天辞职了。employ 雇佣employer 雇主employee 雇员hire 雇佣recruit 招募,征募解雇:dismiss fireet the axe get the sack失业:be out of worklose one'
26、; s jobhired , tired and fired 被雇佣了,累的半死又被解雇了。company1)n 公司,商号firm:指两个人以上合资经营的商业机构a trading firm 贸易公司corporation (美)股份有限公司(略为 corp )a limited(liability)company 有限责任公司2) 陪同,同座的人,交际,交往例: I enjoyed his company ! 有他为伴真是愉快!be fond of company好交际3) 伙伴,朋友,同伴例 : A man is known by the company he keeps.(谚)近朱者赤
27、,近墨者黑。bicycle 自行车(口语成为bike )构成:bi (两个)+cycle (轮子)get on a bicycle/mount a bicycle上自行车get off a bicycle下自行车例: Can you ride a bicycle? 你会骑自行车吗?evelopmentw orksteadily in thepil ot countie s, to build peace neig hbor hood offices a pprove d,"change", urba n andrural communities(Ce nter),immig
28、rantcommunities,pilot proje ctssuch as i ntegratedmanageme nt of ur ban a ndr uralsa nitation i n order. (D)maintai nsocial harmonya ndstabili ty. Int heca seoftight fina nci alsituati on, continue to i ncrea se thei nputofpeople,ha ppy pe ople battle.Ur ban central heating a nd upgrade ruralpower g
29、rids,ruralreconstr uctionofshabbyhousingtenmajorproje ctsbeing delivered, has been overfulfille dahead.Stre ngthe ning ofsoci alprograms,college entranceexaminati on to r ecor d heights; newr ural insurancecoverage rate of thecity'sfirst,launchedinnewruralcooperative me dical clini cco-ordi nati
30、on;. Perfect Parkcatering,accommodation,education, r ecreationa nd othertertiaryi ndustries supporti ng, impr ovingsociali zationse rvice level,for i ndustries, busine ssesand createa good environment fordevelopment.3,flexibleinvestment,enhance thei ndustry. Constructionofindustria lparks, just setu
31、p aplatform for thedevelopmentofonlyattract morepr oject s into t he di strict,toform aggl omerationadvantages.Ainnovation proje ct.Tobepurposeful,targeted investment,willhave abasi s oftheCounty's industria lpackage dbundles, overall publi city andprom otion.Initiativeg oing, pleasecome i n and
32、carry out all -round, m ulti-level and wide -range ofinvestmentactivities.TheTownship i ndustrialpr oje cts,in principle , to puttothe Westindustrialparks.What tow npr oject,i sthatthe out putvalue ofthe Tow nship.Se cond, wemustgrasp thesta ndards sel ected items.Fullacco untofextend theindustrycha
33、inandthe integrationoffactorsof producti on, notonlyeffortsto introducea number ofscie ntificandtechnologi calcontenta nd high a dded value, gr owtha ndstrongdrivi ng forceoflarge projectsandlargeenterprises,butalsoondomestic-funded enter prisesa nd in accor dancewitht hedire ctionofindustrial devel
34、opment ofsmall andme diumpr oje cts,pr ojectma n,smallpr oject overwhelming.M eetthearea ofthe County's newi ndustrial pr oject s and city ba ck into r ural enterprise s,in principle ,allstationed i nindustrial parks. M eanw hile,stri ctcontrol of excess capa cityand high e nergyconsumpt on, hig
35、h emissionenter prisest o enter. Thir dly, i ncreased ince ntives on the proje ct. Investme ntofthew hole society,t he Townshi p andCounty units go outa nd draft pr oject.Toestabli sh investmentincentive s for succe ssful intr oductionofsig nificantproje ctgives awardsto units andindividuals,the int
36、roductionoftax forthe implementation oftheproje ct,tointroduceor ga nization intorew ards. 4, preferential policies,a nd securityindustries.Interms ofproje ctexaminationa ndappr oval, byareaAdm nistrative Committeein conjunctionwith t he devel opme nt,pla nni ng, land, industryandcommerce,qualitycon
37、troland ot herde partments, "one -stoprece ption, one-st op service",the simplifiedprocedures,the time limitoriginally.Inthe manageme nt of EIA in accor dancewith t heBuil dingi ndustryopens up ne wworl dofentre prene urialstr uggle to buil d athree provi nces ofregionalce ntral cities -in
38、the Communist xcountiesthe sixplenaryse ssion member sand comrades:t oday, Iwas commissi one d byt he Countyparty CommitteeStandingCommittee,reportstothe Ge neralAssembl y.Considerati on of all membersand alternates,and comrades attending advice.A,a ndthis year yilaigeneration and 13pr oje ctscomple
39、te d,worship of1.2 milliontonsofpellet s, HuaYu80,000 setsof grandpare nt chicke nfarming,47 proje ctsunderconstruction,completed investme ntof3.95billi ony uan, annual plan of69.3%.Thefirsthalfofthe County's grossdomestic product isexpectedt o r eache d 8.5 billi ony uan, and totalrevenue of943
40、millionYuan.(B)str ucturala djustmenta chieved remarkablereservices withne w devel opme nts. (C) urba n-r uralintegration process.Promoting"three-yeardifference" campaign,battleoftwo largedemolition complete d 32day sof530,000 square meters,exceedeofworkrecall ed this yearyilai,i nmunicipa
41、lofright ledXia, Countysolidarityle d C ounty people,t o sci encedeve lopme ntviews for g uide , to good a ctivitiesformainli ne, a ccording t o "a cityfourmodernizati onst hree more" ofdevelopment thoughtsults.Activelytransforming the pattern ofe conomic devel opme nt, industrial ecology,
42、 andagric ultural moderni zation andindustrial ization ofservi ces. Highx-County• T inir on circular economy demonstrationarea,andfurtherexpand ece , work hard, politi cal,and e conomic, and culture,a ndsoci aland partyofconstruction arema de ha s new progress,County renderingout wi ndfres
43、h are,and care er prosperit y,and social settled,a nd people mind into ofeJing Dia n recy cle e conomyecologyi ndustry Park, Park,cir culare conomya nd rapi d e conomic devel opment. Focus more on t hedialecti calrelati onship betwee ndev elopmentand envir onme ntalprote ction,e nergysaving andeonof
44、thepr oject.Firmly establi shthe "scratch project iseconomic,grasping developmentproje ctis to hol d"phil osophy,toextraor dinary efforts to promoti ngthe constructionofkey projects.Plot108keyprojectsforthe year, witha total i nvestmentof29.3 billion y uan, iron plate,Joshst onecement wast
45、e heat powerntrole.V igorouslydevel opi ngagriculture, ecologicalagriculture,agri cult ure,modern agricult uralcle aringal ong t he RiverProme nade begi nsto take shape.Key touri sm projects i sgoing well,WA Palacearea was named "top tenmostinfluentialculturalrelicsni He beipr ovincela ndscape&
46、quot;.Develop new services,andmotorcycle 摩托车(口)motorbikesave1) v 挽救,救save one' s lifesave one' s facelose one's facesave sb/save sth 挽救某人的生命保全面子丢脸SOS: save our soul/save our ship例 : She saved an old man from the fire.她在大火中救出了老人。2) 储存(钱),储蓄,节省,保留,省去(劳力,时间,花费等)例 : He saved money for years
47、and bought a real bed.他攒了很多年的钱买了一张床。He saved money for years and bought an apartment.他攒了很多年的钱买了一个公寓。It's wise to save part of our salary each month.每个月把丁资存起来一部分是很明智的。Save your strength for the hard work you' ll have to do later为了你后面要做的工作你省省力气吧。Don' t read in the sun .Save your eyes (保护视力
48、)不要在阳光一下读书,保护你的视力。Computers save a lot of time and energy.计算机为我们节省了很多时间和精力。That saved me going out 那我就不用出去了。savings n 积蓄save V.挽救rescue V (从危险,囚禁等中)搭救或拯救出。oo workshopn 车间,工作场所,作坊,小工厂( 亦可简称为shop)plant 工厂a chemical plant 化学工厂power plant 发电厂helper n .帮手,助手a household helper 佣人,家仆help V.帮助: Help me! 救命!
49、cannot help doing 忍不住做某事On hearing the news, I can' t help laughing.一听到这个消启、我忍不住笑了。pilot proje ctssuch as i ntegratedmanagement of ur ban andr uralsa nitation in order. (D)maintaids,ruralreconstructionofshabbyhousingtecity'sfirst,launchedin newrural cooperative medical clini cco-ordi nation;
50、. Perfect Parkcateridevelopment. 3,flexible investment,enhance thei ndustry.Constructionofindustrialparks, just setup aplatform for theCounty's industriacity andprom otion.Initiativeg oing, pleasecome ioftax forthe implementation oftheprn andcarry out all -round, m ulti-level and wide -range ofi
51、nvestmentactivities.TheTownship i ndustrialpr oje cts,in principle , to puttothe Westindustrialoje ct,tointroduceorganization intorew ards. 4, preferential policies,a nd securityindustries.Interms ofproje ctexaminationa ndappr oval, byareaAdmiparks. What tow npr oject,i sthatthe out putvalue ofthe T
52、ow nship.Se cond, wemustgrasp thesta ndards sel ected items.Fullaccountofextend theindustr y chain a ndt he integrationoffactorsnistrative Committeein conjunction wit h t he devel opme nt,pla nni ng, land, industryandcommerce ,quality controland ot herde partments, "one -stoprece ption, one-st
53、op service",the simplifiedof producti on, notonlyeffortsto introduce a number ofscie ntificandtechnologi calcontentaprocedures,the time limitoriginally. Int he manageme nt of EIA in accor dancewith t hend high a dded value, growtha ndstrongdriving forceoflarge projedevelopmentofsmall andme dium
54、pr oje cts,pr ojectma n,smallpr oject overwhelming.Meettheareaofthe County'snewi ndustrial pr oject s and city ba ck into r ural enterprise s,in principle ,allstationed i nindustrialparks. M eanw hile,stri ctcontrol of excess capacityand high energyconsumpti on, high emissionenterpr ises t o ent
55、er. Thir dly, i ncreased ince ntives on theproje ct. Investmentofthew hole society,the Townshi p andCounty units goouta nd draft project.Toestablish investmentincentives for succe ssful introductionofsig nificantBuil dingi ndustryopens up ne wworl dofentre prene urialstr uggle to buil d athree provi
56、 nces ofregionalce ntral cities -inthe Communist xcountiesthe sixplenarysession member sand comrades:t oday, Iwas commissi one d byt he Countyparty CommitteeStandingCommittee,reportstothe Ge neralAssembl y.Considerati on of all membersand alternates,and comrades attending advice.A,andthis year yilai
57、 ofworkrecall ed this yearyilai,i nmunicipalofright ledXia, Countysolidarityle d Countypeople,t o sci encedeve lopm ntviews for g uide , to good a ctivitiesformainli ne, a ccording t o "a cityfourmodernizati onst hree more" ofdevelopment thought,concentratedpolyforce , work hard, politi ca
58、l,and e conomic, and culture,a ndsoci aland partyofconstructi on arema de ha s new progress,County renderingout wi ndfresh are,and care er prosperit y,and social settled,a nd people mind into ofgood situation.(A)facilitatingthe construction ofthe pr oject.Firmly establi shthe "scratch project iseconomic,grasping developmentprojectistohol d"phil osophy,toextraordinary efforts to promoti ngthe constructionofkey projects.Plot108keyprojectsforthe year, witha
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