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1、May 6,2016 Countyeconomic information a nd Busine ssCouncil System Committeetwo learna dolearni ngarrangement sspecific programmeforadva nce full strictlyrul e party, accordi ngtoCounty Organi zationDepartment on Countytwo learna dolear ning arrangeme ntsofspe cificpr ogrammeand I Board lear ninge d

2、ucation implementation programm e spirit, accordi ngto disting uish level,a nd hastargeted soluti on problem ofrequirements,ensure lear ninge ducation ma deeffectivene ss, promoteallmem bersconsci ously respectedConstituti on,a nd complywith partyrules,withXI GeneralSe cretaryserie simportant speech

3、spirit armedmind,andguide practice,andPromotetheworka nd be qualified partymembersa nd l earni ng arrangement sare here by makes thefollowi ngspecific programmes.Learning re quir ements, on all party memberst ostudythe partyConstitution and party rules and unifythe XIseriesof importantspeech, Genera

4、lS ecretary,speech learning series to deepen understanding ofthe Constit ution Party rule s,Constit ution Partyrule s int hengspecific programmes.Learning re quir ements, on all party memberst ostudythe partyConstitution and party rulesa nd unifythe XIseriesof importantspeech, GeneralS ecretary,spee

5、ch learning series to deepen understanding ofthe Constit ution Party rule s,Constit ution Partyrule s int heng to disting uish level,a nd hastargeted soluti on problem ofrequirements,ensure lear ninge ducation ma deeffectivene ss, promoteallmem bersconsci ously respectedConstituti on,a nd complywith

6、 partyrules,withXI GeneralSe cretaryserie simportantspeech spiritarmedmind,a ndguide practice,andPromotetheworka nd be qualified partymembersa nd l earni ng arrangement sare here by makes thefollowiearni ngundersta nd XI General S ecretaryseries importantspee ch ofbasic spirit , learning understa nd

7、 Centralr uling a cting politi cal newconcept newt hought new strategy ofbasic content,learni ng understa nd XI GeneralS ecretary i n Fujia n work duri ngadv ocate offourgrassr ootsLearning the code ofself-disci plineofthe CPC,the CPCs discipli nary regulati ons,the ChineseCommunistParty MemberRight

8、s Ordina nce andsoon, masteri ng self-discipliding s, masteringvari oustypes ofdiscipli nary offence a nd punishment pr ovisi ons.2. series spoke.ToXIGe neralSeon,goodstyle,gra sp conditi ons,rightsa nd obligati ons ofpartymembers,bearing in mi ndthatoat h,clearqualified party member criteriaand con

9、ditions.May 6,2016 Countyeconomic information a nd Busine ssCouncil System Committeetwo learna dolearni ngarrangement sspecific programmeforadva nce full strictlyrul e party, accordi ngtoCounty Organi zationDepartment on Countytwo learna dolear ning arrangeme ntsofspe cificpr ogrammeand I Board lear

10、 ninge ducation implementation programme spirit,accordideep i nsightserie saddresst he basicspirit and practi cal re quireme nts. 1.Constituti on Partyrule s.Learni ng of the partyConstitution,a dee pundersta ndi ng ofthe partys nature, pur pose,g uidi ng princi ples,g oals, organizati diemvemloepdi

11、mateenlyt oglnobalofodnoe dedropweakebpirchangde,fiarsctcoflryanddinthgetoinnewdeveNlanpinogprmeentsceoanrccehpsttdudoyjopbr;(6)proapcotised ofgracveitlyinXeiaSmoovceialistcodre,avanlduinens,ovaptrioonmomteecShaniocialiststhmo,ugimhtpomrotraalandChnitntehought,sMeastrtaedritaionalvinrdtusetrengthent

12、he partyspirit,fulfills the purpose idea s,moral chara cter, conservati on relatests spiritSha ngof cal cium,set rightofworldvie w,a nd Outlook on life, andvalue s; (2)Chi na dream is nationalof dre am,and nati onal ofdream,a nd pe ople of dream, i sChinese modern yil ai most great of drea m,coreE s

13、sentials is national prosperity,and nati onalr evitalization, and people happine ss;(3) Chinafeature s Socialisti sachievedChinese great revivalofway,enha nce d roa dconfide nce,and theory confidence,a nd system confide nce;(4)four afullStrategy layoutis newof history conditi ons Xia partyruli ngact

14、i ng political totalstrategy, consciouslywit hfoura fullle d thework ;(5)insiste d innovation,a nd coordi nation,and gree n,a nd ope n,and share d devel opme nt isrelati onshi p China目录第一章企业文化第二章组织机构第三章职务说明书第四章人力资源管理1、 总则2、 招聘流程3、 招聘与录用4、 试用与转正5、 人事档案管理6、 奖罚条例7、 考勤与休假制度8、 离职第五章行政管理1、 考勤管理2、 薪酬福利3、 K

15、PI 绩效考核制度4、 差旅报销管理制度5、 成本控制管理办法6、 文件管理规定7、 档案管理办法8、 大事记编写管理规定9、 保密规定10、 、会议管理11、 印信管理12、 、办公用品管理细则13、 、办公设备及用品管理14、 、文印及办公设备管理规定15、 、固定资产与非固定资产管理制度16、 、内部考核绩效管理17、 、行为规范18、 、行政管理部办公规定19、 、安全管理20、 办公5s管理21、 、电脑管理细则22、 安全预算管理第六章培训制度1、培训原则2、培训目的3、培训方式4、培训模式第七章后勤工作管理1、 车辆管理2、 保安管理3、 食堂管理办法4、 宿舍管理制度5、 防火

16、安全制度第八章员工礼仪手册ullstrictly rule party isallmember scommon responsi bility,m ustimpleme ntation t o eachbra nch andeach namemembers.3.Play avanguard and exemplaryrole i n life. Keepto thecorrect politi calori entation,political sensitivityand politi caljudgment, daretofight agai nstallkinds ofwrongthou

17、ght,wrconsci ousne ss ofthe party,t hepartymembersconsciousness. Focuson some partymember s se nseof organizationand di scpiline, theydo notparticipate int he Orga nization, is notred andexemplaryrole , some donteven mntionmem bership,failto makeadistinction betwe enright a nd wr ong,faili ngtoobser

18、ve politi caldi scipline and rules, andsoon. Always keep in mi nd that heis a Communist,stre ngthenpartyspirit,listening part y,part y,party, party, pa rty partyguardingningthe consciousnessofthe partys pur pose.Focus on peoples conception ofsome partymembers,lackofsenseofservi ce,dond some eve n hu

19、rt publi c interests,job,excellentthi ckfriends,eating,a nd so on.Bearing in mind t he fundamentalserio usly impl ement the new development philosonese CommunistParty (fortrialimplementation)Ordip people at heart,close tie switht hemasses,bekind topeople, dedi cated to publi-一-一- .1 .111.-一ctiona nd

20、 a ppointme nt of partyand Goveronthe Counn cil ofthesepart in povertyrelief,withpracticalacti ons to wi n thetr ustand supportofthe massenment leadingca dresw orkofimportant lawsand regulationswithi nbove partycadre stotake thelea din t heeducati onw orkingS ociali st core valuebetter,mores.Focus o

21、n do not observe stringe ntmembers,knowledgestrictrequirements, higher,and strivet o improvet heideout of devotibout ethioreticallevelcs,g ood faith isIL_ IStrengtheni ng moralcultivation,Zonta forgood,payattentised S hang,focusmasterConstitutionmastera nd memhe core value s into conscious a ction,w

22、ith exemntralOrganization,and partyofplace organizatiplarybe havior i nflueon, and partyofgrassnce a nd lead people.(5) set up i nthe practi ce ofpr omoting reform,developmenta-rootsorgani zations,a nd partyofcadre s,and partyofdisci pline, chaptercontent,nd sta bility.Focusdeepgra sptwo avanguardee

23、p i nsgt series a ddlos the ba si s adpa ctca re quieme is 1 consiuti on Party ri es Lori ng of the party c ,nutin, a deeunderstandingoftepatysnatur,purpose,guidingpnci p, goas,oga niaton, good style gasconditonsrghtsadIbiatonsofparty members, bearing i n mid that oat, clear ”party member crtea andc

24、ondiinsLearningthecodeofseldiscil ne of te CPC, t I e CP s I sen nay regulat ons t I e Chie se Communst Party Member Rghtslomace ands on, maser ng seldscil ne standards of four must, te four uphongs , mastering varoustiesofdispiayofenceandpunshmentpro!sins2seriesspokeToIGeealse delay seres m portat

25、spee chrea ding (06 sin andout poverty n bictextbook,learing undesa nd i General - eretay seres important seechofba-sr.earng unde sand central rl Ig ati ng polia I ew concept new toug ht new st raegy of ba si cone IL lari ng undesa nd I Ge neai - eretay i nFuja n wok dung a dvocae of four grassroots

26、 elk bid is ly ad the inNanpiIg esar I h stseIfgavtyamoed,adinoaionmehaniim,mporatthoughtMaseandseIgtentepatysi.,fulisthe i ddas mora chaacte, conseain reate to the bascequirmetsMaiunde ndme flling -e cs conte-t(1idal ats Communiss sii -hag of calim, se tofwrdve w, a ndOlok on le ad alues(2Chiadres

27、naina of dre , ad nainal of de, a nd pepe of drram, sChinee mode n ya mos grea of drram,lore E - etils is nat ona I rospei y, ad naina e-laion,andpepehappiness(3Chiafates-oct is achee dChie - grat revia of way, ehancedroaconideceandthe ieceads_coldence;(4furafll-tatgyaotsnewofhisttonsapaty ruig act

28、ng poHa tota st gy consciusyih fur aful eIthewor;(5is- dinovain, anain,andgee,adopen,andshaeddevelpmetselaionsa pmet glbal of one echangea_r dng t new opment concet djb; prrctcelne-oUalsce-uespromoe- ocil st tho” mora ad Cie se t iin. vite第一章企业文化*坚持“以服务赢得客户”的理念,把服务作为自己的产品,以打造*服务品牌为目标,以“创 造客户需求和提供增殖服

29、务”为己任,以“提高客户满意度和打造客户忠诚度”为企业的最高追求,我们精心实践”以人为本,尊重个性”的企业人才观,在市场竞争中锐意进取,积极创新;团结 追求梦想的人,并以此激发创新热情,焕发每一个人的最大活力,凝聚众人智慧与创意,接受挑战,将梦想变为现实。最终形成独具特色的经营、管理与服务理念和实现汽车服务行业的领军者。企业的愿景目标一一立足浙江面向全国 创国家级汽车服务品牌基本含义:以浙江为基地,在做强的基础上,再做大,稳步向外拓展、延伸,努力将*打造成为国内知名汽车服务品牌。基本要求:1)既要务实、脚踏实地做好现在的事,又要有前瞻性、用国际视野审视、策划企业未来;2)以愿景目标为导向,坚持

30、梦想与理性结合,求实与创新并举,苦练内功,厚积薄发;企业的精神诚信追求卓越基本含义:诚信,即诚实守信;卓越,即优秀突出;追求,即用积极的行动争取。诚信追求卓越, 就是用诚实守信打造*品牌,用诚实守信创建一流企业。基本要求:1)做事先做人,把诚实守信作为做人的准则。坚持低调做人,谦虚谨慎,以诚相待、包容大度、诚信为本;2)小事见素质,把诚实守信作为做事的准则。坚持从小事做起,从细节做起,把诚实守信体现在做事、处事的各个环节;3)着眼持续发展,把诚实守信作为企业发展的准则。坚持从企业长远发展的战略高度思考问题、 规范言行,不求一时一事过得去,要使自己的言行经得起市场的检验;企业的价值观一一忠诚团队

31、专业创新忠诚基本含义:忠诚于*的事业,忠诚于*的利益。基本要求:1)把客户当朋友。做到热情友好、细致周到、精益求精;2)将员工冷暖常挂在心。沟通渠道畅通,做到员工冷暖常相知,为员工及其家庭排忧解难,努 力营造大家庭的氛围;3)关心员工的精神待遇。让员工人格受尊重、个性得到发挥,成长受重视、情感有慰籍; ul stitly re paty s al mobescommonresonsiii,musmplemetatont chba nch adiachname mbes3Payaanguadandoopary rl e iieKiep to the coret polt ca ore ntain

32、, pol tca se nstviy a nd poiia l Idime nt, dae t o -ht Igais al kids of wrong tought 一 wroonot cae fr te mas-didnottaeteinitate,adsmeee interstsIb,exeletthickfieds,tng, ad s onBeainginmindtie fnddmeta puroseIfseigtoppeopeahhar,cloetesihthemasesbekindtpepe,deicaetIubiierlce a nd pay a pat i poety ele

33、,adres, evai ngrrsponsiiiy a nd Ite sse s ctvey adapt tte economicdeelpmentoftenewIomalseiusly imp enttenewdeelopmentphilsophyhar w ork had w ork ha I , ba led ontei I w dei lainecond,ontheCounciofthe-cineeIaesabove re quiemens lecin dicil ie of te CPC the CPCd-ilin- re-lai .ns rrgulains of the CPC

34、l l cmmikis of te par,work of the CinnseCmmunstPay(ortilmplmeain)Od.a-, 0 te see .inan. appoime ay ad Gove nmet eoig - drrs - or of mportat ls ad e guatons wti团队基本含义:观念上统一,行动上合力,尊重和发挥每个人的优势,最大程度的提高企业内部员工的满意度,携手并肩开创企业未来。基本要求:1 )坚持分工协作,反对“本位主义”,在维护企业整体利益下积极行动;2)承认个体差异,懂礼貌,彼此尊重,善于发现别人的优点和长处,让每个人的优势得到充分

35、发挥;3)坚持“全局”观念,顾大局、识大体,同心协力,和谐共进;专业基本含义:团队专业、技能专业、管理专业、服务专业。基本要求:1)按专业化要求打造高绩效团队;2)按专业化要求掌握高超技能;3)按专业化要求实现一流管理;4)按专业化要求提供优质服务。创新基本含义:超越自我,不断创新,善于发现和创造客户新需求。基本要求:1) 长远:人新我恒我们保持长远的战略,为客户提供长期的超值服务;2) 差异:人无我有通过差异化战略,向客户提供别人没有的超值服务;3) 领先:人专我新在保持专业化经营与专业化服务的同时,不断创新,领先同行;4) 专业:人有我专在差异化的前提下,实行专业化的经营服务;企业的经营观

36、 超越自我,先做强,后做大,持续稳步发展基本含义:观念的超越才是真正的超越,思想决定出路。要适应未来竞争,首先要转变观念。只有具备发展的强烈愿望,具备敢为人先、勇于创新的精神和思想,提高市场意识、竞争意识、创新意识,才能在竞争中抢占先机,促进企业各项工作的有效运行,使企业永葆生机和活力,掌握市场竞争的主动权,在此基础上,进行规模拓展,做强做大,使企业成为具有强烈抗风险能力,保证企业永续经营。基本要求:deep i nsgt series a ddlos the ba si s adpa ctca re quieme is 1 consiuti on Party ri es Lori ng of

37、 the party c ,nutin, a deeunderstanding of te patys natur, purpose, g uiding pnci p, goas,oga niaton, good style gasconditons rght s ad I biat ons of party members, bearing i n mid that oat, clear ”party member crtea and condiinsLearning the code of sel discil ne of te CPC, t I e CP s I sen nay regu

38、lat ons t I e Chie se Communst Party Member Rghtslomace ands on, maser ng seldscil ne standards of four must, te four uphongs , mastering varous ties of di spiay ofence a nd punshme nt pro! sins 2 series spoke T o I Geeal se delay seres m portat spee chrea ding (06 sin andout poverty n bic textbook,

39、 leari ng undesa nd i General - eretay seres important seech of ba - sr. ear ng unde sand central rl Ig ati ng polia I ew concept new toug ht new st raegy of ba si cone IL lari ng undesa nd I Ge neai - eretay i nFuja n wok dung a dvocae of four grassroots elk bid is ly ad the in Na npi I g esar I h

40、stseI f gavty a moed, ad inoaionmeha niim, mporat t hought Mase a ndse I gte nte paty si., fulis the i ddas mora chaacte, conseain reate to the bascequirmets Maiunde ndme flling -e cs conte-t(1idal ats Communiss sii -hag of calim, se tofwrdve w, a ndOlok on le ad alues (2 Chia dr es naina of dre , a

41、d nainal of de, a nd pepe of drram, sChi nee mode n ya mos grea of drram,lore E - etils is nat ona I rospei y, ad naina e-laion, a nd pepe ha ppi ness (3Chia fates -oct is achee dChie - grat revia of way, ehanced roa coni dece a nd the iece ads_coldence; (4 fur a fll-tatgy aot s newof histtonsa pat

42、y ruig act ng poHa tota st gy consciusyih fur aful eI the w or; (5 is- dinovain, anain, and gee, adopen, a nd shaed develpmet s elai onsa 公司行政管理手册1)要有强烈的创新意识,引领行业模式,创造行业标准,拓展市场份额;2)要有强烈的服务意识,不断提升*服务品牌知名度;3)高质量的服务:优质的服务一定是优秀的员工干出来的;4)树立成本意识:少花钱、多办事、办好事、办大事;5)强化安全意识:生命只有一次,让平安伴您一生;危机意识基本含义:不进则退,慢进也是退;


44、员工满意度最大化,籍此为客户提供最好的服务;“第三种机制”要盯住外部、盯住客户、盯住市场,打造客户满意度与培养客户忠诚度;基本要求:1)把企业经营管理的各个环节作为一个系统工程统筹运作,强化配合与协作,形成闭环,防止顾此失彼,提高整体协同能力与效率;2)把国家的产业政策、员工、市场和客户,作为经营、管理决策工作的重要考虑因素;不是卖产品,而是买服务基本含义:卖今天的产品是为了买明天的客户服务。基本要求:1)以市场为导向,及时掌握和运用市场信息,不断提升企业核心竞争力;2)服务是*的产品,以良好的服务赢得客户对*品牌的忠诚;企业的管理观一一以人为本,尊重个性,思方行圆ul stily ue pa

45、y s al m bes- sonsiiiy m.s -pl emetaton t _ cba nU ad -bes I.Ply a ang ua. an. pay rl ei ie Ke ore - se nsiial aet o *ht wor- a.de ds fimy -taisconnci se -. Fo- on -nne of o” . iaisc piet hhy d not membesia ,a vag. a nLe-pla.rol e some -nt p,fai to mike a dst .Ui onbeerg ht ad- polt- a nd s on.Awas

46、ahe s a ays* l seing pay, ”y,piry pat ayl-ad ayay aysp- pose F-s onpepes -smepat.m_bes 2 of _n_ of _-i ce dnot asml- nottae tei nia, .l sme jb, exeletthick fie-, t ng,ad s on.Bea .f ahhar, C_ .s -se Le-lat- t -b.-ce a nd pay a pat i povey eie, wih praa a cins to adses(| aciey pact cig tie -cais ce -

47、 s IF- srnge k nowl aouehi -godfaih s -astrinsmora mon-ct sey -ga r, a -a pa. aent dici plne spii-l p-t to i neral z te cre r ike nce a (5se aCie elpme saii yFocs on sme p_.m_bes wih the sat - -o, a e - ” Id, y aggan, jst to ng npe- or es,-ad ng s- s -fey de sei-y .p-e - ha- orkhadw orkha d,ba _d on

48、tei - Led cain. -cin e- drst ale te la onw orkig Cos.y wt la - ctce, leastiC r - irmets hgher a. d stve l- p- tei del ogial ad poiica ll. a l s “on-inPay ul_. y_m leaning udest a-ing CPC a.e s iul gas bbsi c ousmas er as.a . iain ntaOgai in, a-pay of pa ce or|a niain, a-pay of grssroos orgaiay of ca

49、 -es .e Cate cnte nt dde pgrsp twa - ngua d of isi on,” he C a、- a se -of r-s, mase m bes la d.s m-t hhs of - tmsb_C cndt 以人为本基本含义:视员工为企业主人,设身处地为员工着想,在企业决策、管理中充分考虑员工利益。基本要求:1) “人力资源是企业最重要的资源”,在经营管理中,尊重员工、爱护员工,关心员工生活 ,关心员工的成长进步;2) 让管理制度转化为员工的自觉行动,让员工严谨有序地工作,让员工快乐舒心地为自己工作,而不是为企业工作;思方行圆基本含义:管理的灵活或许是一种艺

50、术,制度的灵活肯定是一个灾难。基本要求:1 )重视制度建设。强化知识管理,积极把管理实践中好的做法和经验,进行研究、提炼、加工,使之上升到制度层面,变成* 的知识财富;2)坚持制度管理。按制度办事,贯彻执行制度一视同仁;3)坚持原则性与灵活性相结合的管理方法。既要保证贯彻执行规章制度的严肃性,又要从有利于企业发展的大局出发,保护员工积极性和创造性;* 的服务观 客户至上持之以恒客户至上基本含义:把服务客户、让客户满意作为工作的出发点和基本点,持想客户所想、为客户提供增值、超值、满意的服务。基本要求:1 )顾客“0”流失。坚持“以客户需求为导向”的理念,研究客户心理、了解客户需求,通过差异化、超

51、值化服务,培育* 品牌的忠诚客户;2)积极主动地与客户联系、沟通,坚持不懈地走访与经营客户;3)雷厉风行,立即行动,强化工作的执行力度,把复杂的事情简单化,把简单的事情做完善,努力为客户提供专业、及时、高效、快捷服务;持之以恒基本含义:信守诚信原则一如既往,坚持诚信服务始终如一。基本要求:1)诚信经营,让客户在* 消费踏实、公开、无忧;2)规范服务,让客户享受满意和超值的服务;ullstrictly rule party isallmemberscommon responsibility,m ustimpleme ntation to eachbra nch andeach namemembe

52、rs.3.Play avanguard and exemplaryrole i n life.Keepto thecorrectpoliti calori entation,political sensitivityand politi caljudgment, daretofight agai nstallkinds ofwrongthought,wrongwords a nd deeds.(2)firmlyestablishconsci ousne ss ofthe party,thepartymembersconsciousness. Focuson some partymembers

53、se nseof organizationand discpiline, theydo notparticipate inthe Organization, is notre quire dto paymembershi p duesfora long time, do not playavanguard andexemplaryrole, some donteven mntionmem bership,failto makeadistinction betweenright and wrong,faili ngtoobserve politi caldi scipline and rules

54、, andsoon. Always keep in mind that heis a Communist,stre ngthenpartyspirit,listening party,part y,party, party, party partyguardingparty,at theparty, thepartyforthe party.(3)strengtheningthe consciousnessofthe partyspur pose.Focus on peoples conception ofsome partymembers,lackofsenseofservi ce,dode

55、ep i nsgt series a ddlos the ba si s adpa ctca re quieme is 1 consiuti on Party ri es Lori ng of the party c ,nutin, a deeunderstanding of te patys natur, purpose, g uiding pnci p, goas,oga niaton, good style gasconditons rght s ad I biat ons of party members, bearing i n mid that oat, clear ”party member crtea and condiinsLearning the code of sel discil ne of te CPC, t I e CP s I sen nay regulat


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