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1、promote Ie exesonfstrcya-. ng Ie party gass roots, but tie educta pracie of Ie mass l ne of Ie pay a nd te ethe e spe cal e.u .nr ls aced uteri”“. a. exa i ded To realize wo a ear ni_g e ducaton s a necssay si uin t leiesetirobbmsofpartycnstucion.Ste cnsciousne-adins .rentedisfuiofsrctyadmi nseig t

2、he pay si the partys 18 a -.- f u* as-cssuiexperiece.SecetayngnotedtasomepartymemberssIla_ poH cal awae ness, ack of poa re sponsi buy i ssue s, party awaee ss and cnsl ouses of t he prob be d es .of be , sm d es not a ,,fix ouspoken, and jum a ssessmet of the pay s police s, and son. n iu Secetay p

3、oi i ed out ta a .ate of the ecnom c si uain s v ey .一, t hee s pressure on e .Unmet, se asona faCor s ad ot he obje cve reasons, bu maily sub,ecve p.bem, s t he problem of pay membersadcs. S i me de pesse d,negave sa c, notesons ble . Dublesx one and two took the eld, b d e negy bus, Hongsa dis- Ic

4、onomi c pr ospeity e c -blec* zzd a nd I amonious * nd Iceti I y - paae d fom the w e ara 646 grssr 00s.ay orgai ztins ad -,-6 membes of broadpatcpatonndlupport Through the tw sudy ad iduaton, s thay cel of te pay heat, evey ogai .n ssrngso thatalmlesofthevaguadandeemplayroealtheIgtngb-in rol e ofga

5、- root s paryoga ,ia.ns i nto ful .ays t ha ca coos te Rapi ds ovecome ald.iute s ad the -oot h iat TirtenFvgalSecnd,.cl -ri ngfous on ea ge ducaton mus udestad te l eani ng cnent a nd e aring s Fudat on e arigthhsefourworrs aeiporant informatoninsdeisey lage cat undworktuthinlfeForplelofeIslyt ha t

6、egood/a.e I er NA O Caapente,wy do sme ca .eer s mae ur I itue to hapersveaceandpra! paiec, te n wt !ng poica new cncet new toug ht new st gy seiusy eanigXGeneaSeceaystdyinIneM ongl a impora nt se ecsii, Guide pay membes and a deep udesa nd ng of a seis of importatspee chs r c cnnotain a nd ce des,

7、w hch bbga I so thorougy M axis pooiins空港小学新教师试用期考核方案根据中小学新教师试用期考核管理办法(青城教字2007109号文 件)有关要求,结合我校教育教学实际,决定于 2016年6月8日对2015 年参加工作的新教师进行试用期考核。现将考核有关事宜通知如下:一、考核范围2015年参加工作的我校新教师。二、考核内容与标准新教师试用期考核主要从师德和履行岗位职责、校本培训、教学基本功和业务能力、集中培训四方面进行,考核总分值为70分。具体内容及要求见附件。三、考核办法学校成立以校长为组长的新教师试用期考核领导小组,由教导处具体负 责新教师试用期考核工作

8、。四、考核结果及运用根据总分确定合格(60-100分)和不合格(60分以下)两个等次。 按单位新教师总人数15%的比例根据汇总成绩评优。五、考核要求1 .提高认识,高度重视。对新教师进行试用期满考核,是山东省中 小学教师试用期培训方案中的明确要求,是我校加强教师队伍建设、加 快青年教师成长的重要举措。以本次考核为契机,从抓新教师培养、管理 入手,抓好教师队伍建设,激励青年教师不断进取。2 .加强领导,严密组织。成立以校长为组长的新教师考核领导小组, 具体负责考核工作。领导小组要切实履行职责,杜绝走过场,保证考核工 作的顺利进行。3 .严格标准,规范程序。制定新教师考核方案和考核细则。严格按照

9、区教育研究指导中心制定的方案和细则要求,严密组织,让本次考核工作 切实起到督促、激励青年教师成长的作用。对业务水平低、工作不扎实的 新教师不能姑息迁就,要实事求是地确定考核成绩,确保考核结果的客观、 公正。六、具体安排2016年6月8日上午8:30之前将考核材料送至教导处。检查的材料 有教师手册(校长签字、任职学校盖章)、自我发展规划、理论学习笔记本。 其它材料如备课本、听课本 、论文、钢笔字练习本、评课稿、说课稿、教 学札记按照评分要求进行检查。promotethe exte nsion ofstrictly a dministeri ngthepartygrass-roots, butal

10、sothe e ducational practi ceofthe mass line oftheparty andthree -threespeci aleducationresults achieved furtherinherited a ndexpa nded.To realize two alear ning e ducationi sa ne cessarysol utiontothe present problems ofpartyconstruction. Stre ngthe nproblem consciousnessand insiste don problem-orie

11、nte d,isfullofstri ctlyadministeri ng the partysincethe partys 18aresponsi ble, .Doubl esix,one,andtwo took thelead,buil d energyburst,Hongshandistri ct,economicpr osperity,e co-livable , civilize d and harm oni ous i sland. Itcertai nlycannot be se parated fromthe w hole are a646grass -roots partyo

12、rga nizationsa nd 14,146members ofbroad parti cipati on a ndsupport. Throughthe twost udyand educati on, sothatevery cellofthe partyhealt h,everyorgani zation isstrong,so that allmembersofthevanguar d andpeople hig h and lowte chnol ogy,dig i nto the deepis firmerwhe n bot h of his a ppre ntice sare

13、 notsoli d,there i s nogood thatway. Lubanart ofstoryprimaryschoolare learn had,firstafter six mark testpracticeconduct,and practi cecultivation,andpractice per severance, andpra ctice patience,the n withseve n days seven nightmillaxethe oryarmed,and unity actiuccessfulexperience.Se cretaryWang note

14、dt hatsome partymembers still have politicalawareness,lack of politi calresponsi bility is sues,partyawareness andconsci ousness ofthe probl embeliefdoesnotreallybelieve,slimdoesnot act uallyfix probl ems,o utspoken,a ndjump on thea ssessmentofthe partys policillthe fighting bastion role ofgrass-roo

15、ts partyorganizati ons i ntofullplay sothatwe can crossthe Rapi ds, overcome al ldifficultiesa nd thesmoot h realizati onofthe T hirteen -Fivegoal.Se cond, basi c learni ng,focus on lear ning e ducation m ustundersta nd the learni ng content a nd lear ningstyle s Foundation learni ngtherning XIGener

16、alSecretary on reformdevelopmentsta ble,a ndInterior di plomati c defense,and rul e partyruli ng army ofimportantthought,seriouslylear ningto XIcomrade for Ge neralSecretary ofCentral ruli ng ctingpolitical new concept newthoug htnewstrategy,seriouslylearning XIGe neral Se cretarystudy i n Inninte d

17、 outthataquarteroftheeconomicsituation isveryseri ous,t here is pressformation insi de isvery large, capt ure profound work trut h in lif e.For example, Ioftenspirit, Guide partymembers and a deep understa ndi ng ofa series of important speend other obje ctive reasons,be nter NA O Carpenter,why doso

18、mecaches ri chconnotationa nd coreideas, whichbega nsothoroughly M arxistpositionsnd cadres.Some de pressed, negativeslanotwilli ngtolookforhim? areapparentlytwck,not3 -组 长:李新波副组长:周相珍李素华张学勤组 员:刘娜城阳区 2015 年中小学新教师试用期考核领导小组空港小学校长空港小学副校长空港小学副校长空港小学副校长周华 赵静 赵敏 胡玉凤张倩o sum up,i s divided int o9 main part s

19、:1. wit h regard to persisting a nd developing socialismwithChniese characteristics.18 si ncethe XIOn moretha none occasion,GeneralSecretaryofthehistori caloriginand devel opment process ofsocialism with Chi nese characteristics,theroa d ofsociali smw ithChi nese chara cteristics,System Info,system,

20、upholdand developthe understanding ofsocia lism with Chinese characteristicsis determine dtohav e bee n profoundly expounde d,furtherstre ngthe nedt he party andthe people a dhere t o anddevel op theconfide ncea nd determination ofthesoci alismwith Chine secharacteristi cs. XIGe neral Se cretarys sp

21、eechin thi sregardincludethepeoples year ningfora betterlife,thatis ourgoal,closelyfocus on t he devel opme ntofsocialismwit h Chi nesecharacteristi csstudy andpubli cizethe spirit ofparty18,theunwaveri ngly adhereto the devel opment ofsocialism withChinese characteristics,the persistencea ndgood us

22、e of Ma o Ze-Dongsthought of soul.2.with regar dtothe Chi nese dre amofrealizingthe greatrejuvenationofthe Chinesenati on.18 closingsoon,the new Centralcollectivelea dershipw he ntheyvisitedt heexhi bition oftheroa dto recovery,XI, GeneralSe cretary ofthesolemndeclaraton ofthe Chinese nation, thegre

23、atestdreoder ntimes.Zhi hou,on m ore tha none occa sion, GeneralSecretaryexpoundedthe scientif icconnotation ofChi nese dream,realize thed, carry forwar d thespirit andcohe sionof Chi nesefor ces,gradually formed the Chinadream,astrategi c thought.A nd pra ctice withthe Chi nese dream, reflects theh

24、istoryofthenewsession ofthe CPCCentral Committee,andconforms to the developmenttrend andthehe greatestcommondivisorand theconse nsusofChine se pe opl e at homea ndabroa d, inspiringall pe oples forgi ngahea d in unity, t hespirit of un swervinglyfoll owthe road ofsociali sm withChine se characteri s

25、ticsflagsa nd highmelody. This aspe cts XIGe neralSecretar yofspee ch main i ncl udi ngachieved Chi nese greatrevivalis Chinesemodern yilsessoin nati onalpeople s CongressfirsttimesConferenceShang ofspeechworkto dreamintoreallyi n achieved China dreamofvivid practice inthe flyingyouth dream achieved

26、Chnia dreamnotonly benefitpeople,a nd benefitworl dpe opl e innovation due its Shi,dream suita ble haveits pote ntia lachieve dChi nese greatrevival isboth at home a nda broad Chinese chil dren common ofdream,.3.on deeon thechoi ce oftheGuang dong,unequivocallyexpressthe unswervinglyfollowthe roadof

27、 reform and ope ning up powerdetermination andcourage.Partys 18 sessionadopted a decision to deepe n reform,opene da newjour neyforde epe ningthe reformin ourcountry. Ce ntralhas held22timesfull dee peningreform led Gr oup Conference,consi deredintroduced more thann 800overpromote Ie exesonf strcy a

28、-. ng Ie party gass roots, but tie educta pracie of Ie mass l ne of Ie pay a nd te ethe e spe cal e.u .nr ls aced uteri”“. a. exa i ded To realize wo a earni_ge ducaton s a necssay si uin t leiesetirobbmsof party cnst uci on. Ste cnsciousne - ad ins .rented i s fui of sr cty admi nseig t he pay si t

29、he partys 18 a -.- f u* as - cssui experiece. Se cetay ng noted ta some party members sI la_poH cal awae ness, ack of poa responsi buy i ssue s, party awaee ss and cnsl ouses of t he probbe d es .of be, sm d es not a ,,fix ouspoken,and jum a ssessmet of the pay s police s, and son. n iu Secetay poi

30、i ed out ta a .ateof theecnomc siuatos v eysei-.t hee s pressure one nvionmelse asona faCor s ad othe obje cve reasons, bu maily subjecvep.bem, s t he problemof pay membersad c s. Sime de pesse d, c, notesons ble . Dublesx one and two took the eld,b d e negy bus, Hongsadis-Iconomic pr ospeity e c lv

31、al ecivi zzd a nd I amonious * nd Iceti I y - paae d fom the w e ara 646 grssr 00s.ay orgai ztins ad -,-6 membes of broad patc patonnd lupportThrough the tw sudy adiduaton, s ta ycel of te pay heat, evey ogai .n ssrngso thatalmles of t he vag uad a nd eemplay r oealt he Igtng b-in rol e ofga- root s

32、 paryoga ,ia.ns i nto ful .ays t ha cacoos te Rapi ds ovecome ald.iute s ad the -oot h iat Tirte n Fiv goal Sicond.-cl -ri ngfous on ea ge ducaton mus udestad te l eani ng cnent a nd e aring s Fu nnat one arigthhsefourworrs aeiporant informaton ins deis ey lagecat und w ork tut h ileFor plelofe nsly

33、 that the god CapeI er NAO Caapente,wy do sme ca .eer s mae ur I itue toha per sveace and pra!paiec, te n wt !ng poicanew cncet new toug ht new st gy seiusy eanig X Ge nea Se ceay stdy i n Ine M ongl a impora nt se ecsii, Gud epay m bes and adeep udesa nd ng of a seis of importatspee chs r c cnnotai

34、n a nd ce des, w hch bbga I so thorougy M axis posiins空港小学新教师试用期考核评价方案标准被考核人姓名项目考核内容分值考核得分师德和履行 岗位职责方 面(30分)自觉遵守中小学教师职业道德规 范,敬业爱生,乐于奉献,为人师 表。服从组织安排,工作态度端正, 没有无故迟到、早退、旷缺课现象。5遵守教师礼仪规范,衣着整洁得体, 语言规范健康,举止文明礼貌。5认真完成学校交给的教育教学任务, 工作勤奋,兢兢业业,促使学生健康、 和谐、全面发展。5积极主动参与学校德育工作,关注学 生个性发展,促进学生形成良好的道 德素养、心理品质和行为习惯。5认真

35、履行岗位职责,积极做好上课、 备课、批改作业、课外辅导和班主任 等各项工作。5获奖情况:校级1分,衢道级2分,区级3 分,市阪以k 5分(累计加例5校本培训方 面(30分)认真参加新教师试用期培训,做好学 习笔记,按规定完成培训任务。6按要求完成校本培训任务,积极参加 基本功全员培训和其他培训,并经考 核为合格以上等次。6主动接受指导教师的指导,虚心好 学,积极听课,全年听课50节以上。6在t旨导教师的指导下,每学期上2节 以上新教师上岗公开课,并认真做好 记录。6积极参加校内外各项教研活动,认真 学习教育教学理论,记好学习笔记和 教学反思或札记,全年教学反思或札 记在20篇以上。6教学基本功

36、 和业务能力 方面(40分)掌握课程标准、教材和教学参考资 料,熟悉本学科的教材内容和所任教 学生情况。15掌握教学基本功、教育理念、教学能 力、专业素养和教学态度等情况。15教学成果(过关检测、专项检测)10考核成绩汇 总得分为总分的0%prmote the e nsnof s a dminstei ng the pary ga-root, bu othe e ducaina praci ce of the ma- ie of te pay ad trretrre secal iducain reuls acidurhe iheitd a nd exa nded. To rraie wl l

37、eaning e.cainis a ne cesay sl uin t tepriselemsof pary cnstucton. Ste ngte .p.bl-cnsciusnss aI d insise d on probo.ete 、s full of sr ctyIdminsteing te paly sice thepa 18 aresons ble - Dul e sx, one ad tw tok te ead,Iui d enegy bus, HngsaI disr c, ecnomc pr ospeiy e cbe , ciie d ad hamonious isad It

38、- ranly - paratd fom the w hoe ae a 646 ga- roos paryoga nia*s a nd 1446 ad pari ciat on a nd luppor.Through the tw s _y andld . aton,sta ycel of tepa h h, y or.ni zains stong s ta al m - besI f te ang rd ad .pepe hg h ad lw te chnol ogy, dg i nt tediep s ime we n bot h of hs a ppe nie s ae not sold

39、, tee i s no good that yLua at I f sty prmay scool ae lean hhd, f - ta - r sX mak tstpacke conduct and praci ce culain, and praci- per sveace and pra cie laience te n wt en se I ght ml - ethe I ry amid, ad u aciucessui -perence Se cetay Wag notd t I a someparty members stl have polilca awareness, ack -ir.onsi buy s sues, pal,aware and cnsc ouses of Ie bekf does not e. bele、sk does not ac fx irobl ems, o utspoke, a nd jump onle a ssessment of Ie pars polCil the ”. bbsin role of grssroo. pat,ogazai ons i nto “ pa, sta can coos the Rapi ds ovecome a 1.f a I d th


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