



1、Wewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrol system,and steady improvement in a bility tomanage and control,optimizebusi ness processes,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, responsibilitie s in place ;to furtherstrengthen inter nal controls,play acontrolpostindepe ndentoversig htrole ofevaluat

2、ion com plyingwit h third -party responsi bility; to actively make useof internalaudit toolsdetect potentialma nagement,streamli ne,sta ndar dize relatedtra nsactions,strengthening operations inaccorda nce wit h law.Deepening the information ma nagementtoe nsurefullcommuni cation "zeroresistanc

3、e".o constantly perfect ERP ,andBFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM,information system basedconstr uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation system, achi eved informati on resources shared; to expand Portal systemapplicationofbreadtha nd depth,play informationsystem on enterprise ofAssistant role;to perfectd

4、ai ly run maintenance operati onofrecords,promote problemreasonsanalysi sand systemhandover;to strengtheni ng BFS+,a nd ERP,and SCM, technol ogyapplication oftraining, improveemployees applicati on information systemofcapa cityand level. Humanisticcare toensure "zero."Tostrengthening Human

5、ities care ,continues tofostercompanywind clear,and g as are, andheartShunofcult ure atmospherestrengtheni ng lovehelpe d trappe d, caredifficult employee s; carrie doutstyle activities, ric h empl oyees life;stre ngthe ninghealth and la bour prote ction, organization careerhealth medical, controlca

6、re er against; continuesto impl ementation psy chologicalwarni ng prevention system,training employee shealt hofcharacter,a nd stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude,created friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure that thebusiness of"zero risk"

7、;. To strengthened busine ss plansma nagement,will business busi ness planscoverto alllevel,ensuret he businessca ncontrol i ncontrol;to close concern financial,and coalelectric li nkage, andenergy-saving scheduling , national policy trends,strengtheni ngtrack, activeshoul d;to impleme ntation State

8、-ow ned assets met hod,furtherspe cification busine ss fina ncial ma nagement;t o perfectrisktube control system,achieved riskrecogniti on,a ndmeasure, a nd assessme nt,and report,an d controlfee dback ofclosed ri ng management, improve riskpreventi on ca pacity.o furtherstandar dizetradi ng,and str

9、ivetoachieve "accordingto law,sta ndardizeand fair." Innovation ofperformancema nagement,toensure that potentialemployees "zero fly".T o strengt hen performance management, process control,enha nceemployee evaluation and level sofeffectivecommunication toim proveperformance ma na

10、gement.ofurtherquantifyand refineempl oyee standards.Work,fullplayparty, a nd bra nch,and membersin "five type Enterprise" constructioni n theofcore role,and fightingfortressrole andpioneermodelrole; to continues to strengthening"fourgood" lea dershi p constr ucti on沧州纵横实业有限公司新区工

11、程150t 转炉炼钢连铸工程水处理系统板框压滤机供货技术协议买方:中钢设备公司卖方:景津 集 团ork,full play yout hempl oyeesi n companydevel opmenti nthe offorcerole;t o improvei ndepe nde nt Commission against corrpublicityandeducation,improve the overalllegalsystem.We muststrengthe nsafetymanagemeona sone oft he traffic safety management mech

12、anism.clearly hearXX power generation compaWewillcontinue toimprovethecompa ny's internalcontrol system,and steady improvement in ability tomanag e and control, optimizebusi ness processes,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, re sponsibilitie s in place ;to further strengthe n inter nal control s,playa c

13、ontrolpostindepe ndentoversig htrole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsibility; to actively make useof internala udit tools detect potentialma nagement,streamli ne,sta ndar dize relatedtra nsactions,strengthening operations inaccorda nce with law.Deepening the information ma nagementt

14、oe nsurefullcommunication "zeroresistance".o constantly perfect ERP,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM,i nformation system basedconstr uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation sy stem, achi eved informati on resources shared; to expand Portal systemapplicationofbreadthand depth,play informationsys

15、tem on ent erprise ofAssistant role;to perfectdai ly run mainte nance operati onofrecords,promote problemreasonsanalysi sand systemhandover;to strengtheni ng BFS+,a nd ERP,and SCM, te chnol ogyapplication oftraining, improve employees applicati on i nformation system ofcapa cityand level. Humanisti

16、ccare to ensure "zero."Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities care ,continues tofostercompanywind clear,and g as are, andheartShunofcult ure atmospherestrengtheni ng lovehelpe d trappe d, caredifficult employee s; carrie doutstyle activities, richempl oyees life;stre ngthe ninghealth a nd la bour pr

17、ote ction, organi zation careerhealth medical, controlcareer ag ainst; continuesto impl ementation psy chologicalwarni ng preve ntion system,training employee shealt hofcharacter,a nd stable of mood and enterpri singofattitude,created friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe n riskman

18、agement,ensure that thebusiness of"zero risk". To strengthened busine ss pl ansma nagement, will busine ss busi ness planscoverto alllevel,ensure the businessca ncontrol i ncontrol;t o close concern financial,and coalelectric li nkage, andenergy-saving scheduling, national policy trends,st

19、rengtheni ngtrack, active should;to impleme ntation State-owned assets met hod,furtherspe cification busine ss fina ncial management;t o perfectriskt ube control system,achieved riskrecogniti on,a ndmeasure, a nd assessme nt,and report,and controlfee dba ck ofclosed ri ng management , improve risk p

20、reventi on ca pacity.o furtherstandar dizetradi ng,and strivetoachieve "accordingto la w,sta ndardizeand fair." Innovation ofperformancema nagement,toensure that potentialemployees "zero fly".T o strengt hen performance management, process control,enha nceemploye e evaluati on an

21、d level sofeffectivecommunication toim proveperformance ma nagement.ofurtherquantifyand refineemployee standards.Work,fullplayparty, a nd branch,and members in "five type Enterprise" constructionin the ofcore rol e,and fightingfortressrole andpi oneermodelr ole; to continues to stre ngthen

22、ing"fourgood" lea dershi p constr ucti on水处理系统板框压滤机供货技术协议买方:中钢设备公司(以下简称买方)卖方:景津集团(以下简称卖方)设计院:中冶京诚工程技术有限公司(以下简称设计院)用户:沧州纵横实业有限公司(以下简称用户)上述四方就沧州纵横实业有限公司(河北,黄骅港)新区150t 转炉炼钢连铸工程水处理系统三台板框压滤机的供货事宜达成如下协议:1 总则1.1 本技术协议仅用于沧州纵横实业有限公司新区150t 转炉炼钢连铸工程一期配套板框压滤机的设计、制造、试验、质量保证和验收等要求。1.2 本技术协议所提及的技术条款和供货范围

23、都是最低限度要求,并未对一切技术细节作出规定,也未充分地引述有关标准和规范的条文,但卖方应保证用其最成熟的技术和经验提供符合有关国家标准、规范和本技术规格书要求的功能齐全的优质产品。1.3 在签订合同之后,需方有权提出因规范、标准和规程发生变化而产生的一些补充要求。1.4 本技术规范书所使用的标准若与供方所执行的标准发生矛盾时,按较高标准执行。1.5 卖方应对其所供设备的技术性能、质量和设备的完整性负责,在设备安装调试过程中,如果由于卖方原因出现的设备缺陷和不完整,卖方应负责进行解决,费用由卖方自理。2 设备特点及技术参数2.1 设备特点1) “景津”牌压滤机机架:机架由机座、压紧板、止推板、

24、主梁组成。Wewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrol system,and steady improvement in a bility tomanag e and control, optimizebusi ness processes,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, re sponsibilitie s in place ;to further strengthe n inter nal control s,play acontr olpostindepe nde ntoversig htr

25、ole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third-party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internala udit tools detect potentialma nagement,streamli ne,sta ndar dize relatedtra nsactions,strengt hening operations inaccorda nce wit h law.Dee pening the i nformation ma nagementtoe nsurefullcommunication &

26、quot;zero resistance".o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM,i nformation system basedconstr uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation sy stem, achi eved informati on resour ces shared; to expand Portal systemapplicationofbrea dtha nd depth,play informationsystem on ent erprise ofA

27、ssistant rol e;to perfectdai ly run mainte na nce operati onofrec ords, prom ote problemreasonsanalysi sand systemhandover;to strengtheni ng BFS+,a nd ERP,and SCM, te chnol ogyapplication oftraining, improve employee s applicati on i nformation system ofcapa cityand level. Humanisti ccare to ensure

28、"zero."Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities care ,continues tofostercompanywind cl ear, a nd g as are, andheartShunofcult ure atmosphere ; strengtheni ng lovehelpe d trappe d, caredifficult em ployee s; carrie doutstyle activitie s, richempl oyees life;stre ngtheninghealth a nd la bour prote ction

29、, organi zation career health medical, controlcare er against; continuesto impl ementation psy chologicalwarni ng prev ntion system,training employee shealt hofcharacter,a nd stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude,create d friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe n riskmanageme

30、nt,ensure that thebusiness of"zero risk". To strengthened busine ss pl ansma nagement, will busine ss busi ness planscoverto alllevel,ensurethe businessca ncontrol i ncontrol;t o close concer n financial,and coalele ctric li nkage, andenergy-savi ng scheduling , national policy tre nds,str

31、engtheni ngtrack, active shoul d;to impleme ntation State-ow ned assets met hod,furtherspe cification busine ss fina ncial ma nagement;t o perfectriskt ube control syst em,achieve d riskrecogniti on,a nd measure,a nd assessme nt,and report,and controlfeedba ck ofclosed ri ng management , improve ris

32、k preventi on ca pacity.o furtherstandar dizetradi ng,and strivetoachieve "accordingto la w,sta ndardizeand fair." Innovation ofperformancema nagement,toe nsure that potentialemployees "zero fly".T o strengt hen performance management, process control,e nha nceemploye e evaluati

33、on and level sofeffectivecommunication toim proveperforma nce ma nagement. ofurtherquantifyand refineempl oyee standards.Work,fullplayparty, a nd bra nch,and members in "five type Enterpri se" constructioni n the ofcore rol e,and fightingfortressrole andpi oneermodelr ole; to continues to

34、stre ngthening"fourgood" lea dershi p constr ucti on “景津” 牌压滤机机架在设计上吸取了德、美、 日、 法等国的先进技术,其中压滤机机座、压紧板、止推板,材质选用Q345中板,用二氧化碳保护焊焊接成形, 经回火定型处理后,用高速气流抛丸机喷砂处理,不仅把表面的锈及氧化层除掉,并在其表面打出细小麻窝,使油漆附着力更强,不易脱落。具有耐腐蚀、硬度高、抗拉强度大、抗冲击性好等优点,经超压试验,安全系数达2.2倍,可确保使用安全、稳定。-主梁材质为Q345的桥梁钢,用埋弧焊焊接成形。经高速气流抛丸机喷沙处理, 不仅把表面的锈及氧

35、化层除掉,并在其表面打出细小麻窝,使油漆附着力更强, 不易脱落。具有耐腐蚀、抗拉强度大、抗冲击性好等优点,经超压试验,安全系数达2.2 倍,可确保使用安全、稳定,可满足高压滤板的使用要求,并彻底解决了压滤机主梁变形的问题。2)液压系统: 卖方液压系统采用开式结构,整个过程都在无尘恒温车间装配完成。一套液压系统,集成块式设计,顺序完成油缸的自动压紧、自动保压、自动补压、自动松开、前进后退到位自停等基本动作,提高了整个液压系统的安全性、可靠性,同时便于维修与保养。 自动保压系统液压元器件及主控制阀件采用德国力士乐产品,保证了压滤机的各项性能指标,从而使压滤机操作方便、运行灵活、安全可靠,保证在五年

36、内无故障运行,无渗漏现象。-液压油缸采用27SiMn无缝钢管,经粗链、精链、滚压而成。全部精度达到 IT8 级 。 活塞杆材质为45 号钢经磨削加工,并进行调质处理后外镀0.06 硬铬,具有硬度高、耐磨性能好、抗腐蚀、使用寿命长等优点。 密封圈采用欧美最先进的四氟铜材质加工而成,可正常运行五年不更换,保证了油缸的密封性和使用灵活性。3) 自动拉板系统: 拉板系统采用卖方与意大利迪美公司联合研制开发的最新技术生产,该技术在压滤机自动拉系统中是世界上最先进的。使用该拉板系统可优化原有的液压系统, 减少了原液压系统的复杂换向及动力转换,从而减少液压系统的故障率,laylevels cadres in

37、 enterprisedevel opmentin the ofbackboneba ckbonerole;t o fullstre ngthe ning membersyouth work,full play yout hempl oyeesi n company devel opmentinthe offorcerole;t o improveindepe ndent Commission against corruptionw orklevel, strengtheni ng onenter prise businesskeylink ofeffectivenessmonitored.

38、,And maintain stabilit y.Tofurtherstrengthenpublicitya ndeducation,improv e the overalllegalsystem. We must strengthe nsafety manageme nt,esta blishand improvet he e ducation,supervision, andevaluationa so neoft he traffic safety management mechanism.oconscienti ously sum upt heOlympic security cont

39、rol s,pr omoting i ntegrated managementtoa higherlevel, highersta ndards,a higher levelofdevelopment.Employee s,todayi s lunarcalendaron De cember 24,t heox Bell is about to ri ng,atthi stime ofyear,we clearlyfeelthe pulse ofthe XX pow er generati on compa nytoflourish, to moreclearly hearXXpower ge

40、neration compa niesmatureand symmetry breathing. Recall ing pa stone a not heracr ossarailing, weare enthusiasti cand fullofconfide nce.Future development opportunities,w e moreexcitingfightmore spirited.Employees, let us togetheracr oss 2013full ofchalle ngesa ndopportunities,tocreatea green, low-c

41、ost operation,fullof humanecare ofa world-class powerge neration com panyand workhard! Theoccasion ofthe SpringFestival,mysincerewi shthatyou a nd thefamiliesofthestaffin thenewyear,good health,happy, happy!Wel -L-thcs-eac-sysesaive-I- ag a -urss.sucss.l.tofurt -e gt -t l-c-st-deesglelato.-; - ilkse

42、erlu-tol.eeiagestealetaaee aatstre.eget-d.ie e -g -gemetou l cL-eersldt-e- ea s a-. - a Msrc l eg r-foa-s tec ev- - esese - - xaPrtlsem.w- e-ept-tste、ae-c.-ateaa-tee-ryrye ae-eggBFe mga-g-vele.laa-syec-ael Hu a -cetu e-egte g Hu -e a c-e-se c a -,.aaeaueasesegtegll-a-a-c-ya-usl-scee-etgt -.l.ataeea-

43、 -l c c eg-s -ee -clg-cagev - se a g emy al -aaetle-g-"eca-el-ae-H-e - etg-kageesetttsese-kstegs-ssageelu-ss-ea-leu-u>ec ccsee-a-l kge eeg s-gscelga-l1-.seg-eg- ak-v s-eaeas-u-esc-t-s-s- agee-c-k u c - sea-vcg-ea-easesae - a-klegagee-v-kca-yu-esa.-e-aga-v- a-v - _-gl st a-e aa-cgeeu- e-eyeel

44、stege-mac gecs-el- ael ee-c ca-e-c ag-e-a-ae-e saa.Wkl l-tyce"Ee-secsuc-o-cefg-g-eslaele-c-e-g l - c提高了设备的运行的可靠性。-拉板电机采用天津金华生产的低能耗小功率变频调速电机,节能环保。通过减速电机提高传动扭矩。变频电机的调速范围广,可在 10HZ-150H以问任 意调节。-变频电机驱动器为西门子公司产品。 该产品功能强大、在运行过程中可 自动检测电机的电流及运行速度,变频电机带动取板器取板时变频器自动检测变 频电机的过载信号,该过载信号自动控制变频电机改变旋转方向,完成自动拉板过

45、程。变频电机的运行转矩可根据滤板的运行阻力而自行设定。-开板器结构小巧灵活,无虚抓,无脱勾现象。拉板器及滑道均加有防护 装置,上下链盒密闭,更保证了拉板系统的清洁性和灵活性。4)电器控制系统:控制系统设计为机一电一液一体化程控电控柜PLC?序控制器采用德国西门子公司产品(可正常运行30万次无 故障);预留DCSS程集散接口。功能包括:自动压紧和松开、自动保压、自动补压、自动拉板、暂停等全过 程控制,可程序自动控制也可手动操作。5)滤板厢式滤板:-每块滤板的进料孔在中心位置,滤板下侧的两角各有一个滤液排水孔, 滤液排放为明流。滤板的安装和拆卸简便安全。滤板不固定在压滤机上,可拆卸。 滤板材质为进

46、口 TPE弹性体无碱玻纤聚丙烯,使滤板即有橡胶滤板的弹性,又具 有增强聚丙烯滤板的韧性、钢性,经 CNC1 口工中心加工,滤板的平面度达到25叩 以下.使滤板压紧时密封性能好,进料时无漏液现象。-卖方所生产滤板具结构尺寸不仅符合我国JB/T4333.3-2005标准,也符合德国DIN7129标准,完全与欧美产品通用;-与按我国行业标准生产的滤板相比:过滤速度提高20%;密度、强度提高一倍,抗疲劳度、抗老化程度高五倍。-滤板最高进料压力为1.6MP3耐高温高压、防腐密封好、过滤周期短、 冲洗效果好、滤饼含湿率低。聚丙烯高压隔膜滤板:卖方是国内第一家生产聚丙烯高压隔膜滤板的生产商及销售商、服务商。

47、在2002年己获到实用新型专利证书,专利号:ZL。隔膜滤板的制造分为隔膜滤板的主体与膜片,膜片的制造非常重要,关系到隔膜板的使用寿命,采用的原材 料为聚丙烯与合成橡胶共混的新型材料及新的配料方式,即热塑性弹性体 TPE-GT98是卖方制造隔膜滤板的新型专用材料(美国和北欧公司生产的膜片专 用料),根据卖方目前先进的制造工艺和试验方法,技术参数为抗拉强度56Mpa伸长率 800%简支梁缺口冲击值己达到69.6KJ/ m2,悬臂梁缺口冲击值 (25C)98.3KJ/ m2,悬臂梁缺口冲击值(-20 C) 13.2KJ/褶不断,耐温度可达到 120 C,弯曲强度46.2 Mpa(国家标准26MPa)

48、羊见检测报告,屈服挠度 6万次无 痕迹、弯曲90c不白化,实践证明,这是目前国际上制造隔模片强度最好的优 质材料。制造隔膜主体及厢式配板的原材料为 RA130-HFS己方的专用新材料,经试验 结果为其抗拉强度为52 Mpa(国家标准26MPa)简支梁缺口冲击值为63.3KJ/ m2 (国家标准为6.85KJ/ m2,德国标准为9KJ/nf),使用温度120c不变形,这些数 据证明隔膜滤板主体与厢式配板的质量要求完全与膜片屈服挠度相匹配,整体质量上达到了设计的标准。6)储泥斗部分:液压单独控制,一斗二仓二门结构。可储存一定量的滤渣,便于运输。泥斗 为碳钢结构,仓外涂防腐油漆。7)接水槽:在滤板两

49、侧,用于接收压榨过程中的液体。2.2技术参数名称:厢式明流自动隔膜压滤机压滤机型号:XMZG200/1250-UB数量:3台单台性能参数:-eves -d in -n-rpri- ack ofuISe o* ful pay you hop” r oe to mprove i nd against - onw o. 一. p-e bu-es 1>, ik >f o- attas-H y Tfurthe -eighenpublblya nd euc.on, veal ega syso. We mus "eghen-ey maagent,_.bkh and he. .,., e

50、vauat saey managgmetmehanSm.o cnscei ou. . upt he -. - * - maagemegel "、her .tan-.* a higher 1 1 of .Emply s to i s lunar e.a on D Bes abouta -ceary -the pus powergeeai on - cearyher X power ge neaion -rd smmety breahig. Re-I ig pa oos a al ng - ae e nt-asi c ad ul of-nfde nceFuue w- dig"

51、Emploee,le - tge her a- . - 20 13 fulof- nggs a.pporunies t-eae a gren, low-s opeain, ul ofhlmanecae ofa wrd-as powe ge neain -m payand wk had! Teo-as Fesva,my sn-eewi stha w.a,god hh, hapy happyWewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrol system,and steady improvement in a bility tom

52、anag e and control, optimizebusi ness processes,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, re sponsibilitie s in place ;to further strengthe n inter nal control s,play a contr olpostindepe ndentoversig htrole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internala udit tools d

53、etect potentialma nagement,streamli ne,sta ndar dize relatedtra nsactions,strengt hening operations inaccorda nce wit h law.Dee pening the i nformation ma nagementtoe nsurefullcommuni cation "zeroresistance".o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM,i nformation system base

54、dconstr uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation sy stem, achi eved informati on resour ces shared; to expand Portal systemapplicationofbreadtha nd depth,play informationsystem on ent erprise ofAssistant rol e;to perfectdai ly run mainte nance operati onofrecords,prom ote problemreasonsanalysi sand syste

55、mhandover;to strengtheni ng BFS+,a nd ERP,and SCM, te chnol ogyapplication oftraining, improve employee s applicati on i nformation system ofcapa cityand level. Humanisti ccare to ensure "zero."Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities care ,continues tofostercompanywind clear,a nd g as are, andheartSh

56、unofcult ure atmospherestrengtheni ng lovehelpe d trappe d, caredifficult em ployee s; carrie doutstyle activitie s, richempl oyees life;stre ngthe ninghealth a nd la bour prote ction, organi zation career health medical, controlcare er ag ainst; continuesto impl ementation psy chologicalwarni ng pr

57、eve ntion system,training employee shealt hofcharacter,a nd stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude,create d friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure that thebusiness of"zero risk". To strengthened busine ss pl ansma nagement, will busine ss busi ness planscoverto alllevel,ensure the businessca ncontrol i ncontrol;t o close concer n financial,and coalele ctric li nkage, andenergy-savi ng scheduling , national policy tre nds,strengthen


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